Wow...the Shills are out in full force trying to dick around with any post asking sane questions about the superbowl...upvoting each other's comments and everything. Do they realize how much they are overplaying their cards and making themselves embarrassingly obvious with all of this?

152  2014-02-03 by [deleted]

Just take a good look at the comment sections of just about any r/Conspiracy post this morning, especialy anything relating to the superbowl. I mean, are they trying to get people to realize what they're doing? It just seems so obvious to me.


Hopefully there are those who are beginning to notice the blatant manipulation/derailment going on in these and other threads.

This happened with the Bill Cooper 9/11 thread as well:

Scroll down a bit and see the "list of shills." Compare that to the top commenter in the 9/11 thread being hijacked right now. The top commenter is in that list because back then, he had no activity whatsoever for that month, except for that thread. Again, this time around he has no activity this month aside from this hijacked thread and happens to have been upvoted all the way to the top.

If you scroll to the bottom of this thread, you'll notice an account impersonating /u/iam_sancho2. The 2 was changed to a 3.

Yep - it's blatant to the point where I have trouble understanding how anyone reading the thread could fail to notice the manipulation.

It's so obvious with certain, specific topics - 9/11 being one of the biggest ones.

I also noticed that impersonator earlier. My hope is that there are others besides you and I who are starting to notice these things as well.

They're not targeting the regulars. Not intentionally, anyway. They're firing chaff to confuse and repropagandize people who might be new, that show up because of what they saw during the Superb Owl.

Superb Owl

I've seen that phrase a lot today and it's a new one for me. Is it just a play on occult symbolism or is there actually something more to the idea?

It's a joke from The Colbert Report....

It's been around long before that.


I didn't think about the Moloch connection, but I saw it posted somewhere yesterday. My thought is that it's a great way to avoid those searching for s U p E r B o W l as a keyword very heavily right now, if you know what I mean.

HAHAHAHA Oh shit, I'm sad I missed that. Thanks for the heads up!

I do what I can!

It's totally a play on occult symbolism, and totally not a Stephen Colbert skit making fun of the NFL.

How is calling it the "Superb Owl" making fun of the NFL? What's the joke?


Evidently in addition to /u/MrBulger's comment regarding /r/superbowl above.

If you scroll to the bottom of this thread, you'll notice an account impersonating /u/iam_sancho2[3] . The 2 was changed to a 3.

He must be important because I pointed out his posting history with factual numbers, and he had my post deleted almost instantaneously.


He's been kicking ass here. I don't upvote willy-nilly and his numbers are extremely high with me.

I was talking about iam_sancho3, the imposter.

I thought you meant he was important as he had an imposter. You're suggesting the imposter is important and has the ability to instantaneously delete posts? I figured the imposter is just a troll.

I just exposed his posting history and he bristled immediately. He said he reported me to the mods and 5 min later my post was unceremoniously deleted.

My question is why obvious trolls have that much sway. That he is banned isnt much comfort, I want answers.

That's a good question. I didn't see the incident or his posting history, not that my doing so would've shed any light on your question but I would have been interested to check it out.

That user has been banned :)

Nice example from someone down below ,downplaying of facts and manipulation /derailment going on , very blatantly. Sometimes im not sure if these are payed shills or really stupid close-minded people. Everything this wigglesworth guy is saying has long been refuted by experts and testimonies recorded all over, a few seen and heard in here

not sure if these are payed shills or really stupid close-minded people.

At a certain point it doesn't even matter, both groups use the same tactics - dumb it down, start arguments, change the subject, change the argument, attack the source rather than the info, etc. They do all of the same things either way and the effect is the same. I think people are starting to catch on.

The frequent labeling as "shills" in this subreddit, of those who simply express skeptical views, has utterly devalued the term to the point where it has now become meaningless. It's yelled far too often, simply to avoid discussion of facts.

Quite insightfull.

nope. only people with a track record or obvious agenda earn a shill, but then you dont stop to ask us what we mean by shill

Regardless of meaning, it's the blanket labeling e.g. "the shills are out in full force" which is the problem - absolutely no apparent effort being made to distinguish wheat from chaff. You may only apply it to those "with a track record or obvious agenda" [though a track record of skepticism does not make one a shill] - and, if so, credit for that - but I've been around /r/conspiracy long enough to know it's definitely not generally applied in that way.

there will be more real shills on duty to ensure the noobs, who probably make up the majority of the extra 500people we have on the sub right now, do not get coherent answers to the questions they have.

and to anyone here looking for answers on 911 i would say:

come back in a few days and ask your questions or start your journey by watching a documentary called

'911 - Press for Truth' on Youtube

I've noticed the flood of downvotes, but I wouldn't call the people shills. I think most of them are actually regular citizens who take a hostile stance to conspiracy questions.

It's really bewildering to think that "9/11 conspiracies" are so divisive when any patriotic American should demand a thorough investigation of all angles that day. The term "9/11 conspiracy" doesn't refer to any specific plan. It just implies that we haven't been shown the full investigation.

How anyone can disagree with that shows their own level of cognitive biases.

My biggest issue is just how hostile people can be to anyone who insists the government hides things from us.

The implications of 9/11 being conducted by factions or forces within our own government are monstrous and incomprehensible to joe citizen, even in the face of hard evidence.

They grab us all when we're 5 years old and tell us that we're the best country on earth. We cure the sick and protect the weak... the land of the free...

Not everyone can just shrug off a lifetime of indoctrination. Nobody wants to be the bad guy.


Sure there are. Just look at /u/serfnomics. He's got upwards of 20 different sock puppet accounts, all to help upvote his own submissions.

Hey, you rang? How come my 20+ accounts can't keep my karma in the positives? Why would I do that if it doesn't work?

Also, prove it. What are my other account names?

What are my other account names?

Well, you were "ignoretheshill" until you accidentally sent me a screenshot of your profile and forgot to hide your name.

That account got deleted shortly after that little fuckup.

Before that, you were NineteenEightyTwo, but you deleted that account after you were banned from /r/conspiracy for being a belligerent jackass.

And now you are serfnomics. I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Hm, right, ok. I sent you those. Why would I do that? And who is this NineteenEightyTwo? This user doesn't even exist. You're delusional, kiddo.

delusional and paranoid, i'm afraid.

no surprise when you're /u/SutekhRising and /u/DefiantShill and /u/Myconspiracyname at the same time

He needs help. He really believes arabs with boxcutters with orders from an elderly guy on dialysis did 9/11.

going 500+ miles per hour near sea level way above VMO, no flight data recorders found, we must be delusional, serfnomics.

Right right... I can flunk flight school, grab a commercial plane, do a maneuver even the pros deny and bam, right into the Pentagon. Just amazing.

luckily /u/SutekhRising and /u/DefiantShill and /u/Myconspiracyname designed a brand new conspiracy theory to explain, they imagine a year would be ample time to train such an exact scenario. no proof given mind you, they're still in training maybe ;-)

but whom do we offer help ?

/u/SutekhRising and /u/DefiantShill and /u/Myconspiracyname all at the same time ?

They're all welcome, it's his split personalities. Often a result of some type of childhood trauma. Maybe his parents didn't love him enough and now Big Brother filled in.

could be brain damage sustained from employment at a tv station, where /u/SutekhRising and /u/DefiantShill and /u/Myconspiracyname all seem to be working.

you know, the radiation at such places is intense.

/u/DefiantShill made the front page at /r/conspiratardness

Took them long enough.

ah thank you, i never visit such places, but this time i made an exception.

It's a meta-meta sub, I quite enjoy it even if it's been kind of slow lately.


Here's something cool about our friend: You can say whatever you want and not be judged, all you have to do it say repeatedly "is just a theory" and you get a free pass to criticize others while escaping scrutiny yourself!

oh he used to be much worse, he's a rather tame conspiracydelusionist now.

btw: he's awfully good at interrupting my twoofer youtube viewing schedule, now let me see, was i watching that chemtrail-during-9/11 documentary just now ? oh no, i was doing research on the reptilian eyeflashes by Alex Jones in another youtube video, before i wanted to watch that thing about the russian-homophobic-NWO that started before i started watching this thing about zionism, right-y-ho, back to my favourite groupthink channels !

And Im sure all 35 members that visit that sub filled with seven whole articles is all a quiver at the posting.

So much for "no personal spats" eh?

You only see 7? Are you banned? lol

Please show me a post older than 1 month.

Why? What's your point? You made the front page! Wear that proudly.

I rest my case.

You had a case? Color me surprised! You can't rest what you never had.

Keep trying.

No proof then. I didn't think so.

Sorry, I'm trying to follow rule #10.

You broke that the moment you accused me without proof. So, care to actually prove anything?

I have proven that you are a fraud. That's all that matters.

Since you're the only one with this delusion, I feel sorry for you.


except that you haven't.

Oh, I forgot /u/Substrata7. That's another one of your sock puppets too.

I'm sure you have proof of that as well? The other "proof" you had I just debunked. Still, we're nowhere close to 20+. Keep trying, I can wait.

ha, you wish !

no, you are /u/SutekhRising and /u/DefiantShill and /u/Myconspiracyname

It's really bewildering to think that "9/11 conspiracies" are so divisive when any patriotic American should demand a thorough investigation of all angles that day.

Sadly I think most people have been successfully "re-educated" with the idea that jingoism is what is meant when referring to patriotism.

I've noticed this as well. Thank you for speaking up.

I always say that it happens around big incidents. I expected it, so wasn't shocked by it at all.

1191 "free thinkers" here right now. Even after "sandy hook" or the "boston bombing" i think I've only seen 6 or 7 hundred at one time.

The top 10-20 comments are always the jokers and the "fake" up votes.

Exactly, they leave the BS comments alone and downvote anything of substance.

Butthurt drama queen is butthurt?

Your thread was worthless drama.

And another BS comment. You're on a roll champ!

Seriously though. I'm sorry you got butthurt over something as silly as that. You wanted to start a pillow war, I shut you down. Let it go.

And the BS continues.

Shut who down? Are you this immature? Since you began with "seriously though", I believe so.

Better question: Do you think they care?

They see everyone here as a bunch of loud mouth loonies that no one will ever listen to. Which is why it's so important to shout us down and pollute our tiny little subreddit, dig?

This is the game, learn to play it. And never, ever shut up.

I feel its important during times like these to point out that the number of upvotes and downvotes that you see is not the actual number.

The numbers are intentionally skewed.

That post you made with "65 upvotes and 60 downvotes" is probably +6 -1. Not +65 -60. You haven't been vote brigaded...thats just how the website works.

Why did you think that was important to point out, and why at "times like these"?

Times where people whine about "shills" and "vote-brigades" when they get 1 downvote.

You whined about me whining about "shills" and "vote-brigades" and you got one downvote...does that make you better or worse than me?

I am not whining about the downvote? Because...I don't care about the downvote...

This website is mostly Americans. Football is big in America. I have never sat down by myself to watch a game, but I have certainly watched a Superbowl or two with friends and coworkers. But sure yeah, I'm sure shills wanted to upvote everything and point out the truther microphone guy and the lack of attacks predicted by this sub. /s

orrrrrrrr people just like to watch the super bowl


I'm sure insulting people who disagree with your arguments/facts is the best way to debate something.


So someone doesn't agree with you, you call them an idiot? How is that not insulting. If you are trying to enlighten people to your point of view you have to be approachable not aggressive.


Also, it's thermite. If you're going to be a dick about it, at least spell correctly.


Wow. Reading your incoherent responses and childish behavior is killing me. You are the type of person us conspiracists are compared to.

So why do you bother to post? You aren't going to convince anyone who isn't already convinced - and you're going to drive away people who are on the fence.

Question for you - surely you're accomplishing exactly what one of these "shills" we keep hearing about, by driving away people who are just curious or wondering?


Shawshank...Another vaporized plane. black box as well!

Assuming you mean Shanksville? Both of the boxes from flight 93 were recovered. Planes don't just have one box either, there is a data recorder (FDR) and a voice recorder (CVR). They played parts of the CVR from flight 93 in court for the Zacarias Moussaoui trial which happened in 2006 (a lot of evidence was saved for this trial, including the Citgo and Doubletree videos from the pentagon crash), and supposedly for the victims families as well.

I'm not saying this against or for the conspriacy, but if you're going to talk about the official story, you should at least have your events of what they porport correct, otherwise it makes you look uneducated on the very subject you are pretending to know so much about.

This is what part was played in court:


Again wasn't saying you had to believe it. Just that the official narrative did say they found it. You seemed to imply they said it wasn't found in your post. Judging by your reaction this is the first time you had heard this.

I find it interesting that you think it's both fake AND shortened to hide the real truth. If it's fake how is it hiding the truth by not playing it all? That makes zero logical sense.


heard the twin towers ones where never found

Officially, they were never found, but there's some people who worked on the cleanup who said they helped FBI recover 3 of the 4. Why they would cover those two up, and not the other for from Shanksvilles and the Pentagon seems odd though.

"black boxes", from Flights 11 and 175 were not recovered from the remains of the WTC attack; however, two men, Michael Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi, who worked extensively in the wreckage of the World Trade Center, said in the book Behind-The-Scenes: Ground Zero[178] that they helped federal agents find three of the four "black boxes" from the jetliners.

Did they find the pentagon ones?




I was just saying it's Shanksville, not Shawshank. Honestly though, I just don't even care anymore. At this point, so much damage has been done in the name of 9/11, it's practically irrelevant as to who is responsible.


If you could see how narrow-minded and self-righteous you are coming across, you'd pity yourself as much as I do. I'm not saying you're wrong about what you think about 9/11, but using that one subject as a lens through which you view your fellow man is no less shallow than a hardcore athiest arbitrarily shitting on a Christian, because they are so certain of something that they will never be able to irrefutably prove. Being a condescending prick isn't going to give you any credibility.


It's because they make you feel inferior isn't it?

You have to be officially BRAIN DEAD and BRAIN DAMAGED to believe it happened the way they say it happened.....

Damn, with the thousands of engineers that agree with the official story it makes me concerned with how many brain-dead civil engineers we have working in our private sector :(


Lol okay bro. I'm a shill for disagreeing, I get that's how you tin foil hatters like to respond to discussions, but it really is childish and gets quite old.

God this has annoyed me so long. It's 12- almost 13 years

FTFY :-)

Almost 14 years people have had to research it a little and find two firing brain cells.....if you haven't yet....your the idiot!

And yet, after this same 14 years, not ONE person that was part of this grand conspiracy has come forward.

Things that make you go hmmm.....

Actually a lot of whistle blowers have come forward, spend a little time researching.

People that are part of the conspiracy won't come forward.

It was so compartmentalized that the right hand never knew what the left hand was doing, it was all by design.

Actually a lot of whistle blowers have come forward, spend a little time researching.

Really?! Who has come forward who claims to actually be part of "the conspiracy to pull off 9/11"??

People that are part of the conspiracy won't come forward.

It was so compartmentalized that the right hand never knew what the left hand was doing, it was all be design.

Our government can't even pay the fucking bills yet they can pull this off, and keep everyone who might have been working on this in the dark, and NOT ONE, NOT FUCKING ONE has come forward. How does that happen?

This is all very convenient for your "theory", but isn't it just a little TOO convenient, don't you think. That a whole team of people, whomever they were, wired up WTC to blow, while no body noticed, and then not a one of them has spoken out since. Really?!?

The "too incompetent" theory is bunk. MKULTRA, Iran-Contra, etc.

The "someone would talk" argument is also bunk. Whistleblowers did come forward. Not that this would make a difference since major conspiracies have survived for decades [see above].


Dude...are you shitting me? Iran Contra was a secret for A YEAR, at which point it was exposed, investigated and paraded around in the media for MONTHS!

How is this a point in your favor?

The drug trafficking aspect was a much bigger deal than the arms sales in my opinion and is probably still going on.

No, I am not "shitting you." The too incompetent theory is bogus. If you really want to be that stubborn, then just focus on one thing at a time here. We can get through this together. How long was MKULTRA a secret for? How much of it is still secret?

We can move on to other conspiracies after this one.

Based on your writing style alone, you either are p0ssum...or might as well be...

I was unaware I had a writing style, but rest assured this is my only account.

MKULTRA was a huge clusterfuck. They didn't attain their goals, the whole thing got splashed all over the media, everyone knows about it now.

Absolutely, I think MKULTRA is a very good measure of the incompetence of the government...

How long was it kept secret and about what percentage of the documents have been published?

More examples of how MKultra was a huge failure. /s

A declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 [1] describes the creation of multiple personality in 19-year old girls. "These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state ... by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes."

A CIA document dated 10 Feb 1954 [4] describes an experiment on the creation of unsuspecting assassins: "Miss [deleted] was then instructed (having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [deleted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep) and failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [deleted]. She was instructed that she would not hesitate to "kill." Miss [deleted] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded) gun at [deleted]. After proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [deleted] expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened." BB 36, 37

An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote stimulation of his brain electrode: "Electrical stimulation of the superior temporal convolution induced confusion about his sexual identity. These effects were specific, reliable, and statistically significant. For example, the patient said, 'I was thinking whether I was a boy or a girl,' and 'I'd like to be a girl.'" After one of the stimulations the patient suddenly began to discuss his desire to marry the male interviewer. Temporal-lobe stimulation produced in another patient open manifestations and declarations of pleasure, accompanied by giggles and joking with the therapist. In two adult female patients stimulation of the same region was followed by discussion of marriage and expression of a wish to marry the therapist. [64] BB 88, 89

Dr. Delgado later found he could get all the same results he achieved using brain electrodes (stimoceivers) without using any implants at all- only shaped and pulsed EM waves.

They didn't attain their goals

Government mind control experiments have been proven successful.

"I can hypnotize a man -- without his knowledge or consent -- into committing treason against the United States."

"During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones. Under the watchful eye of Marine intelligence I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a 'normal' working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on the plot) and became a card-carrying party member. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp."

everyone knows about it now.

Much of the populace doesn't know about it. The Church Committee exposing what they did, still didn't bring about the cessation of government mind control experiments. It appeased people to the extent that they would think it's out in the open and the CIA must be sorry and ceased.

14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKUltra was abandoned a "cover story."

As recently as 2006, government documents have surfaced that discuss approval authorities for non-consensual human experimentation involving mind control and severe and unusual physical and psychological intrusions.

The Church Committee also investigated Operation Mockingbird- the severe infiltration of American media by the CIA. Like Mkultra, their investigation of the matter didn't equal its cessation. Carl Bernstein, of Woodward and Bernstein fame (the journalists who broke Watergate) did a thorough investigation of this matter not long ago and came to the conclusion that the CIA still views the media as very much "up for grabs."

THE CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up

Just because some information surfaced about a CIA plot doesn't mean that the CIA has abandoned said plot. The amount of information we have on MkUltra precludes us from judging the "success" of the endeavors, but we know that many Americans were tortured by the CIA in projects that may very well have never ceased.

The actions of the first head of the APA in these matters left some kids unable to recognize their parents and others permanently comatose.

LOL except the diffence with those? SOMEONE CAME FORWARD!

Who knows, it may not have even been the US government, long video but lots of good info, especially the dual nationals in high positions in the government.

wired up WTC to blow,

I never said anything about a whole team of people wiring up the towers to blow.

Why are you so hostile?

The government as a whole was not behind 9/11.

I believe certain people within the government played a part in it.

Still you are saying that someone, went into WTC 7 and wired a 47 building to explode without a soul noticing. Right, that IS what you are saying?

I never once said that.

Maybe you have me mistaken with the other guy. I don't understand why you're so hell bent on this though.

Cause I think it's fucking stupid.

Can we give this man a round of applause? He's clearly a third shift worker trying to make it up to second shift.

Google Barry Jennings

Google Philip Marshall

And what are these supposed to tell me. I googled both of them. Phillip Marshall has nothing to do with anything except possibly some "black ops hit". He knows nothing about 9/11 or anything associated with it.

Barry Jennings isn't much better. Uncorroborated information that doesn't really say anything. There were dead people in WTC 7 before the second plane hit? Yet, he was on the 23rd floor and got down to the eighth floor, when someone save him. He heard explosions.

What the fuck is this supposed to tell me, without a shred of evidence, eye-witness testimony from one guy and NOTHING from the other expect a lot conspiracies. He wasn't even fucking there, are you are holding him up as proof? Really?!?

What a waste of time that was.

He knows nothing about 9/11 or anything associated with it.

That's a load of bollocks. Philip Marshall spent years researching 911. He was a professional pilot rated in Boeing 727,737,747,757 and 767s. He wrote a few books, The Big Bamboozle being one, and gave interviews, one of which is here and is well worth a listen:

One of his main theories is that high level Saudi Arabians were involved, and Senators Graham and Kerry agree with him.

Philip Marshall knew a hell of a lot about 911 and it's obvious to anyone that looks into it. And it's almost exactly one year since his and his kids death. RIP Phil and thanks for the effort.

Philip Marshall knew a hell of a lot about 911 and it's obvious to anyone that looks into it.

Phillip Marshall SAID a hell of a lot, I don't know about knowing a lot. His bias is obvious...

You could always listen to an interview or read a few reviews of his books on Amazon.

His bias is obvious...

Yours isn't?


No, I find a lot of links to Infowars. Why don't you give me a good example to go out and research rather than some nebulous well, google dogshit, and Im sure find pictures. Who, give me one.


That's what I thought, thanks for laughs.


That's a very astute self-realization I didn't think I would see from you. Well done sir, well done.


I'm sorry - what do you expect?

Q. Can I get some more information? Maybe some photos? A. No! You're an idiot!

How do you expect to do anything other than alienate people?

Funny how you conveniently didn't include the start of the thread.

I was originally explaining to you what a chimney effect was, and explained that this is not what happened to WTC 1 & 2, but did occur in WTC7.

You then proceeded to post some of the standard conspiracy theorist conjecture that's already been refuted several times (fire not hot enough to melt steel, building fell at free fall speeds, etc.) and when I pointed out that your information was incorrect, and supplied the evidence to support exactly WHY your information was incorrect, you proclaimed that you didn't want to be bothered reading the information:

"I'm going to be honest with you, I skipped through almost all of what you wrote because I'm tired of the debunkers tactics of shoving a shit ton of text that says nothing worth a damn


See, where I come from, when someone makes a claim to something, they back that claim up with evidence to support it. That "shit ton of text" you chose to ignore contained information that supported my point.

Then you attempted to post some nonsense as to what "squibs" were:

Will you eventually concede that squibs can only occur in demolitions?

And when I called you on THIS, you suddenly decided you couldn't defend your position any further and switched tactics to the old ad hominem attack as an attempt to retreat from the discussion.

Sorry, but if you are going to post bullshit, you should expect people to call you on it. This doesn't make me a paid accomplice of the government, it makes me a rational-thinking human. I'd suggest that you give it a try some time, but you may have to read a few things and I know how challenging that can be for you. ;-)

Sorry, I have a hard time speaking with some that lies through all of his teeth and has his mind completely set on denying everything,, everything, even if it's a fact.

You consider theory to be more relevant than fact and you keep twisting everything around it even as of now.

There's just no way to win against a Bill O'Reilly.

You called me "Bill O'Reilly" too - I think you have an unhealthy fixation on that man.

I do, Bill O'Reilly, I have everything that you want me to have! Should we explain how tides work now? Pleaaase

he's also known as /u/SutekhRising

its ok, they know the mods wont do shit as long as they claim "freespeech" and "devils advocate" etc

Investigate it for what. We have investigated it for over 12 years. We know the truth. An official investigation will just be more lies and coverup.

What were you responding to? I wasn't calling for a new investigation of anything...

It's titles like this that keep me coming back to this place.

I've been there and back and I don't think 9/11 was a domestic conspiracy.

I still think it was a Saudi op.

the shill is strong in this one...

much screen shoots, such justice!

prove it.

"Dear God, Id like to file a bug report"

"RPC server unavailable"

The comments section never sways my opinion.

I think the Mafia has taken over the banks and government! Just look how they take people out and dismiss it like its nothing other then a suicide!


Yeah they were pretty bad. Persona management 101

The 'shadowy figures' need shills to pump out BS to keep up their morale. It's very stressful running a worldwide conspiracy. Especially one that's crumbling to pieces.

Just curios. I don't agree with the 911 conspiracy so does that make me a shill?

No. 'above all else we respect everyone's opinions'

Commenting to comfirm...that's actually is how things work around here...even if he was trying to be 'sarcastic'...

Did anyone find it odd that the Super bowl was in New York, and that even though they gave been trolled by sub zero weather and terrible driving conditions (for the better part of January) the game looked like it was in perfect weather? And only 8 hours later did the heinous weather resume.

Links? Theories? Geoengineering? I like the way you think. Hadn't considered it, but then again, I didn't watch the game, so I probably didn't think about the weather.

Look at this guy ...

To stubborn to look at the evidence, or another shill


Yeah exactly ! He tries to small-talk every argument or just dismisses it outright with explanations that defy logic , physics , common sense.. Doesn't add anything to his claims , and in the end just results to bashing the person putting forth information for debate.

Typical shill or totally uninformed bullshitter trying to have an opinion on things he hasn't studied or reviewed.

Uh, so what?

What are you talking about? The front page is mostly Super Bowl stuff, no? And most of the "new" queue is as well.


No, it's just to prevent stalking. With all the talk nowadays of keeping personal information off of reddit, I figured I should have a way to post here without major worry of personal harassment.

and yet still here, plying his trade, day after day, all day and the mods do jack shit....................

I forgot there was a rule in the sidebar that said "no disagreement or you'll get banned."

Gotta crush that dissent, right?

in the real world, hecklers get ejected from the venue, or worse

I'm honored :) makes me feel a lot more important than I am!

Your complicity in the agenda is more important than you are. I'm sure you know that.


I actually read through every comment you made in this post just to see if you really are this predictable...I was right. ; )

Wow, what an incredible waste of time! You really have nothing better to do?

Please, no one respond to this comment. If you must, take a good look at their comment history and it will be no surprise to you why they are here on this particular post. They are exactly what I'm talking about.


I see what you're saying, and it's entirely reasonable, but I have to disagree. I think that, if what I am saying is the Truth, then I do stand to make a net gain. Not right away, but in the long run. But even if I'm wrong, at least speaking the truth is a theraputic exercise for me.

Holy shit, you're completely right. Myconspiracyname is especially someone who does this frequently.

I've not decided if he is a shill or not, but definitely keeping my eyes open.


Just be aware of what you are being compelled to think and subject your ideas to scrutiny.

I have no problem with that at all. In fact, I invite discussion, even though I sometimes know they have an "occupational bias", to use a different term.

They don't create too much of a problem besides the blatant ridicule and downvotes on posts. It's a problem, but not critical. Especially if more honest people comment and browse "new" to suffocate their efforts.

I've not decided if he is a shill or not

you heard it here first guys, Hachetman4NWO is the one that decides who is a shill and who isnt. his opinion is the end all be all of who is and isnt a shill.

You're Goddamn right.

Those disputes don't have to be valid or organic or just either.

In fact, they are almost categorically emotional paeans to the poster's ego, i.e. insults.

People that post an opinion you don't share aren't shills; this is a forum for debate and discussion. Just because you don't like what someone has written, doesn't mean others agree with you.

Posts like this serve little value, other than for the person posting them to make their feelings known. Why don't you go into these threads that you feel are being infiltrated and add information to the discussion? That would be your best course of action.

Look person...I've been a participating member here for awhile now. I know how a lot of this works. I've been the victim of it, and I see it happen to others all the time.

It's not about posting opinions I don't agree with. I go out of my way to welcome open, good natured, and lively debate wherever I can find it. What I'm bringing to light is an entire group of people who make it their business to obfuscate the comment sections to the point of making this impossible.

EDIT: Oh wow...speak of the devil...would you look at your comment history...

He's impersonating another contributor here. This is really weird.

Did we get him to delete his account? :)

Take it up with the administrators if you think they are brigading your sub. There is nothing more to discuss.

With you, there's certainly nothing more to discuss.

Why are you being snarky? Why have you edited your comment to link to my post history? I've shared my opinion, and told you that if you think you're truly under attack, then report it to the admins. What more can be done? You're not taking the high road by acting this way; you're attacking me, for no reason other than I provided a response.

What the hell? Are you the other "IamSancho?" You don't sound anything like him and I find it really strange that you would make an account impersonating someone here.


You're not adding anything to this discussion; I have reported your comment to the mods, and I'm hitting the ignore function on RES.

Excellent. Time to create a new account, yes?

MODS: My information was culled from a publicly available tool, and does not divulge any personal information whatsoever.

Your comment was deleted by a mod, and I'll be reporting you to the admins if you continue to follow me around.

Commenting in one thread is not following you around.

And I thought you had me on ignore?

Classic mdev:

Hypothesis gets holes poked in it.

Resorts to attacks.

This happened with the Bill Cooper 9/11 thread as well:

Scroll down a bit and see the "list of shills." Compare that to the top commenter in the 9/11 thread being hijacked right now. The top commenter is in that list because back then, he had no activity whatsoever for that month, except for that thread. Again, this time around he has no activity this month aside from this hijacked thread and happens to have been upvoted all the way to the top.

If you scroll to the bottom of this thread, you'll notice an account impersonating /u/iam_sancho2. The 2 was changed to a 3.

Gotta crush that dissent, right?

And what are these supposed to tell me. I googled both of them. Phillip Marshall has nothing to do with anything except possibly some "black ops hit". He knows nothing about 9/11 or anything associated with it.

Barry Jennings isn't much better. Uncorroborated information that doesn't really say anything. There were dead people in WTC 7 before the second plane hit? Yet, he was on the 23rd floor and got down to the eighth floor, when someone save him. He heard explosions.

What the fuck is this supposed to tell me, without a shred of evidence, eye-witness testimony from one guy and NOTHING from the other expect a lot conspiracies. He wasn't even fucking there, are you are holding him up as proof? Really?!?

What a waste of time that was.

I was just saying it's Shanksville, not Shawshank. Honestly though, I just don't even care anymore. At this point, so much damage has been done in the name of 9/11, it's practically irrelevant as to who is responsible.

I forgot there was a rule in the sidebar that said "no disagreement or you'll get banned."

Nice example from someone down below ,downplaying of facts and manipulation /derailment going on , very blatantly. Sometimes im not sure if these are payed shills or really stupid close-minded people. Everything this wigglesworth guy is saying has long been refuted by experts and testimonies recorded all over, a few seen and heard in here

What were you responding to? I wasn't calling for a new investigation of anything...