Idea: psychopaths are the real evil. They thrive in corporations/ politics as they are ruthless & charismatic- a lethal cocktail that gets them to the top. They then promote "institutional psychopathy" & other psychopaths thrive. My question- how to stop them?

153  2014-02-04 by Fuckyousantorum

Edit: the comment section reminds me why I love this sub.

HOW TO IDENTIFY A PSYCHOPATH: From psychology today

The current approach to defining sociopathy and the related concepts is to use a list of criteria. Anyone fitting enough of these criteria counts as a psychopath or sociopath.


The PCL describes psychopaths as being callous and showing a lack of empathy, traits which the PPI describes as “coldheartedness.” The criteria for dissocial personality disorder include a “callous unconcern for the feelings of others.”

Shallow emotions

Psychopaths, and to a degree, sociopaths, show a lack of emotion, especially the social emotions, such as shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Cleckley said that the psychopaths he came into contact with showed a “general poverty in major affective reactions,” and a “lack of remorse or shame.” The PCL describes psychopaths as “emotionally shallow” and showing a lack of guilt. Psychopaths are notorious for their lack of fear. When normal people are put into an experimental situation where they anticipate that something painful will happen, such as a mild electric shock, or a mildly aversive pressure applied to a limb, a brain network activates. Normal people will also show a clear skin conductance response produced by sweat gland activity. In psychopathic subjects, however, this brain network showed no activity and no skin conductance responses were emitted (Birbaumer et al., 2012).


According to Cleckley psychopaths show unreliability, while the PCL mentions “irresponsibility” and the PPI describes psychopaths as showing “blame externalization,” i.e. they blame others for events that are actually their fault. They may admit blame when forced into a corner, but these admissions are not accompanied by a sense of shame or remorse, and they have no power to change the sociopath’s future behavior.

Insincere speech

Ranging from what the PCL describes as “glibness” and “superficial charm” to Cleckley’s “untruthfulness” and “insincerity,” to outright “pathological lying,” there is a trend toward devaluing speech among psychopaths by inflating and distorting it toward selfish ends. The criteria for APD include “conning others for personal profit or pleasure.” One concerned father of a young sociopathic woman said, “I can't understand the girl, no matter how hard I try. “It's not that she seems bad or exactly that she means to do wrong. She can lie with the straightest face, and after she's found in the most outlandish lies she still seems perfectly easy in her own mind” (Cleckley, 1941, p. 47). This casual use of words may be attributable to what some researchers call a shallow sense of word meaning. Psychopaths do not show a differential brain response to emotional terms over neutral terms that normal people do (Williamson et al., 1991). They also have trouble understanding metaphors and abstract words.


The PCL describes sociopaths as possessing a “grandiose sense of self worth.” Cleckley speaks frequently of the boastfulness of his patients. Hare (1993) describes an imprisoned sociopath who believed he was a world class swimmer.

Narrowing of attention

According to Newman and his colleagues the core deficit in psychopathy is a failure of what they call response modulation (Hiatt and Newman, 2006). When normal people engage in a task we are able to alter our activity, or modulate our responses, depending on relevant peripheral information that appears after the task has begun. Psychopaths are specifically deficient in this ability, and according to Newman, this explains the impulsivity of psychopaths, a trait which shows up in several of the lists of criteria, as well as their problems with passive avoidance and with processing emotions.

Top-down attention tends to be under voluntary control, whereas bottom-up attention happens involuntarily. But bottom-up attention can temporarily capture top-down attention, as when movement in the periphery of our visual field attracts our attention. Psychopaths have trouble using top-down attention to accomodate information that activates bottom-up attention during a task. In normal people, this process tends to happen automatically. When the hunter is scanning for deer, a rabbit hopping into the periphery of his visual field automatically attracts his attention. Top-down attentional processes monitor the field of attention for conflicts and resolve them. The standard task for assessing this is called the Stroop task, in which the subject must state which color words are printed in. The problem is that the words themselves are conflicting color words, such as “red” printed in blue ink, so the subjects must suppress a strong inclination to read the words. There are now several studies indicating that psychopaths actually perform better than normal people on these tasks perhaps because they are not distracted by the discrepant color (Hiatt et al., 2004; Newman et al., 1997).


Cleckley spoke of his psychopaths showing a “pathologic egocentricity [and incapacity for love],” which is affirmed in the PPI by its inclusion of egocentricity among its criteria. The PCL also mentions a “parasitic lifestyle.”

Inability to plan for the future

Cleckley said that his psychopaths showed a “failure to follow any life plan.” According to the PCL, psychopaths have a “lack of realistic long-term goals,” while the PPI describes them as showing a “carefree nonplanness.”


The criteria for dissocial personality include, a “very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.” The criteria for antisocial personality disorder include, "irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.”

Philosophers can play a valuable role here in discerning the consequences of all of these findings for our attempts to build an ethical society. Several questions need addressing. What does the possibility that psychopathy is genetic say about human nature? What steps can we take to “correct” psychopaths and which of these is the most ethical? If it is true that psychopaths have damaged or abnormal brains, can we hold them responsible for what they do? Are there degrees of psychopathy, so that normal people may possess psychopathic traits?


Relevant books:

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Paul Babiak

Working with Monsters by John Clarke

Excellent documentary- I am Fishhead

Thanks u/pastaart I Am Fishhead - Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths? (2011)



I could not agree more. I think this is endemic in our society . Psychopathic traits are rewarded in the workplace and wider society and even those who aren't psychopaths see the benefits of mimicking their behaviour and the drawbacks of making emotional (normal) decisions.

I've even begun to see psychopathic traits applauded and encouraged in tv sitcoms.

There is a business case for some parts of the private sector to tackle psychopathy as it is damaging for some corporates; equally, it's highly beneficial to others.


Thank you, I just went to order it but it's not on amazon, is it definitely called pathocracy please?

This turns up and could be the one they're talking about:


Thank you, very helpful. I appreciate it. I downloaded it for my kindle but it is also available free as a PDF here. I believe it's legitimate, if not I'll delete it as it's only $5 on kindle:

Its easy. Understand that (big) government is the problem as it institutionalizes the problem.

But I don't fully agree with you, there are many well meaning people. The problem is the idea of government. They go in with their well meaning idea or proposal and what that does it creates a one size fits all situation, where many people don't fit in and they are forced by the well meaning idiot into something. That is restricting freedom, that is limiting liberty, that is centralized control, etc...

So the main issue is government. If the idea of government is abolished that it is good, it is beneficial to society, it is to help the poor, to get the rich(which is a terrible idea anyways, it just gives excuse to go after everyone), to save the earth, etc... So this whole notion makes people give "government"(fictional entity run by mostly criminals, control freaks and morons) all their power. Thus whether its a well meaning but misguided moron or a psychopathic control freak it doesn't matter, as they are now in control of your life.

Well what about the corporations? Wouldn't they hire armies without government or with only a very small government and enslave us all? - Absolutely not.

A. Its not financially viable. Like basic 8 hour property security is about 100k per year, basic bodyguard security is about 1 million per year, the average contractor is paid an average of 100k dollars per year. So hiring a standing army is extremely expensive. Like hiring 10.000 soldiers would probably cost around 1 billion. No company, even the biggest 10 companies in the world can afford such a cost.

B. Why would they? The big corporations are making money by creating products and services you buy, why would they want to enslave you and basically put themselves out of money and out of power?

C. Can't they form a government and enslave us? - They already have, its called government, we are already enslaved to it and most believe in it and like it.

So, your A B C's are they couldn't, they don't want to and they have already? C kinda cancels B, and A accounts for current market prices. Without a government to keep them in line, corporations become cartels. So, tell me about how nice of the cartels have armies? I love a good fairy tale.

C doesn't negate A and B, because you are enslaved to government, the corporations themselves have NO power, the only way they get power is through government.

This is what most people don't get. Like they already have the government which protects them, so you are already enslaved to that government which you believe in and support, so if you take their power (government) you will be free. Then A and B are in effect, but this is as long as the people understand where corporation and other "evil" people get their power from, which is through government.

And again half or more of the actual problems are due to well meaning, but misguided fools who use that power to create a one size fits all solution, which just creates more problems.

It seems like you don't dispute my summaries, but rather my conclusion. If we agree that B is "why would they want to" and C is "They already have" (your words) than the fact that they have defeats the objection why would they want to? If they did not want to, they would not have done. That leaves us with the veracity of C and A. The government can afford to employ an army because they extract taxes from the population. If you dismantled the government, the financial incentive to form a new one through the threat of force seems self evident. Once you have the power to extract the value directly from the working population, the taxes more than finance the standing armies. The model we have now works to the profit of the large corporations and were it reordered and left in some benign state of nature, those deprived of former wealth and status would seek to reshuffle the deck once more with whatever tools remained to them. What anarchists and fringe libertarians fail to recognize is that government arose from a state of nature as a proposition of necessity (follow me or we will all die) or of force (follow me or I will kill you). It is the proposition, albeit unproven, of the enlightenment that government might be made to serve the interests of the many, or better yet the whole, rather than the few. Removing government entirely because it isn't working the way you'd like does nothing to solve the power vacuum it creates or address the original conditions under which it arose as a social construct.

opppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.


How do we stop them? That's easy. Stop voting. Ignore them. The real psychopaths are those with actual power (politicians, police, judges, bureaucrats) and they are also the most greedy. They care only about maintaining their pathetic grip on whatever power they have.

You could argue that CEO's are psychotic but they really only have the power to buy votes, laws, and politicians.

If you want this cycle to end, start advocating for the end of the state itself. Stop giving these people power and you end the problem.

I wouldn't list the police as people with real power. They're just pawns IMO.

Police are allowed to behave in ways that would land a normal person in jail.

Do you deny that is very attractive to a psychopath?

The only way to defeat psychopaths is to elevate the human mind, heart, and relations across the board.

This inherently means we cannot incarcerate or kill them off, because they are part of the human condition.

People are starting to ask the right questions, but they're still coming up with answers that propagate the cycle.

The only problem with this is that psychopaths and sociopaths don't play fair. They are physically incapable of feeling empathic emotions. Encouraging love and peace is excellent for you and me but that's like shouting at a deaf person- it won't work. These people are highly manipulative and calculating with the sole purpose of enjoying see your efforts fail.

So education is the key. Making people aware of these types of people and working to educate on how to best avoid their manipulations.

I've read books about them but I'm no expert at all. But, depressingly, all the books end with the same bit of advice- the only safe relationship with a psychopath/sociopath is no relationship at all. This is why they are so scary as a group.

That marginalization is from a purely clinical standpoint. We cannot simply cull them from society, or we are no better than the genocidal maniacs they ultimately become when given unfettered power.

I suppose. What if it was only a small culling?

The karmic reprisal remains the same.

This does not exclude individual persons taking on their due karmic balance for actions against the whole. But a species wide witch hunt will have incredibly negative blowback.

Damn it.

Read my above comment, I don't think you are 100% right. There are a lot of well meaning, but misguided morons with their terrible ideas that are as much of the problem if not more. Read my above comment though, I don't want to just copy-paste.

The only problem with this is that psychopaths and sociopaths don't play fair. They are physically incapable of feeling empathic emotions.

They do play fair. They do play rationally. They are not as blinded by emotions as others. Much as a more civilised human is less blinded by instinct and more guided by reason than a feral human. It is important to learn how emotions cloud a persons judgement. Playing on a persons emotions is an easy way to manipulate them. Those who follow their hearts can be led astray easily. They thrive wherever easily manipulated people are to be found. There is no point in blaming them for looking out for themselves, or doing what works. Change the rules of the game, not the players in the broken game.

These people are highly manipulative and calculating with the sole purpose of enjoying see your efforts fail.

You attribute hate to a group of people. A group of people who you earlier stated are incapable of displaying emotions well, or who are incapable of having emotions. Your arguments do not compute. Your arguments appear to be a poor justification for barely concealed contempt, fear and hatred.

They don't play fair. That's fundamentally wrong . They are also arrogant and stupidly believe people can't see them for what they are. Many are stopped but they all need to be stopped.

They don't play fair

Funny. You'll never meet someone who plays by the rules as much as I do. I DO play fair. Now what's the difference between you and I? Rules are using you and I am using the rules.

They are also arrogant and stupidly believe people can't see them for what they are.

I don't BELIEVE it... I KNOW it. If I don't want someone to know that I am a psychopath, he/she will never know. I can cry anytime or laugh out loud. Even if I had no emotions. I'm acting and I am damn good at it.

Many are stopped but they all need to be stopped.

Now that's stupid. Why not arresting someone who's suffering from depression because they make their friends sad? I didn't wake up one day and thought "Hey! I think that today's the day! I'm becoming a psychopath". Not at all. I slowly changed to become one and I wasn't aware of my "condition" for a long time.

For the arrogant part, I agree. I sure am arrogant. But I am almost always the best... I would see you as being inferior to me and you would feel it. Just by looking at you and having a conversation, you could feel oppressed. As if I was always making you feel inferior as me. OR you would see me as an ideal. Someone who has seen everything and got through a lot of things. It depends on your personnality and your perception.

But never would I accept to get arrested for "being a psychopath". A lot of my actions could get me arrested, but not the condition itself.

Only comment I have is that more people realise you are a psychopath than you know. Indeed, you'd be the last person to find out. Having emotions is far more complex and contradictory than almost all psychopaths realise. Having been around one for several years on a daily basis, their psychopathy is blatantly obvious because the pattern of their emotional displays is slightly off and occasionally, if an event surprises them or they are required to respond immediately, their real nature is often revealed. All this is watched and understood by normal people without letting the psychopath know they see the psychopath's odd behaviour.

As soon as the psychopath goes out of a room, if he leaves behind him a group of people who have known him for years, I guarantee a conversation will almost immediately begin about how odd his behaviour was. I know this because I've taken part in several conversations like that myself.

I don't even hide my psychopathy. Why do you speak like every single psychopaths in the world hide their true personnality? You've known ONE psychopath. Even if we have the same condition, we aren't perfect copies of each others. We differ on a lot of points. Unless you are a psychopath yourself, you can't truly understand who we are or how we think. Even if you study psychopathy all your life.

Fairness is hard to define.

They play by the rules. Just like everybody else does.

You are complaining about Big, tall, muscular men doing well in basketball. You are proposing that they should be prevented from playing basketball because they have an advantage over little girls.

In general they are not wealthy, successful or a threat to anyone. In general they are poorly socialised people who have been pushed to the edges of society by prejudicial pricks who tend to go on witch hunts at the drop of a hat or the swing of emotional whim.

I'm unsure how you can generalize psychopaths as unsuccessful or maladapted. If anything, those I've known with psychopathic traits are better at playing by the rules, lack of emotional misgivings allows this advantage.

But rules are only an approximation of morals, and such individuals disrupt the moral order of a community by manipulating others to their advantage. The psychopath in your example might prefer defeating the weaker and less skilled, while those with more empathy would recognize a moral problem with unfair competition.

In general those who have been diagnosed as having a psychological disorder are stigmatised. The stigma reduces social standing and earning potential. Those who manage to avoid stigma may do very well for themselves and have certain advantages. Psychopaths in general aren't wealthy.

They play by the rules. Just like everybody else does.

They made the rules that we're forced to play by.

In general they are not wealthy, successful or a threat to anyone.

Fair enough. I'd counter by saying that, in general, the "elite" are made up almost exclusively of psycho/sociopaths.

Huxley discusses this very issue in Island, his solution is to give them something constructive to do, in a pretty controlled environment, which will give them a sense of self-worth, while also protecting wider society for some of their more extreme predilections.

For example, psychopaths can excel at science, construction, academia, or many useful things. It just takes a lot of structure for them to work safely.

People are starting to ask the right questions, but they're still coming up with answers that propagate the cycle.

Expand please.

Don't waste your time.

As a student of history, learning about psychopathy/sociopathy was a very important moment as it explains in human terms so much of our historical course and the psychology behind events in the past. Suddenly Stalin's Russia made so much more sense, for example. I took courses on this time period as part of my history degree and at no time was the psychology of Stalin ever mentioned. We're sat there around a table talking about the Holodomor and the Purges in such concrete terms, as if they were obvious consequences, yet never broached the question of how so many ordinary people can be party to such atrocities, and carry them out, or why Stalin was so fucked up and paranoid. Once I understood what a psychopath was, all of the pieces clicked into place, and then you can instantly begin to develop a framework of understanding. It's then weird to see, once you have learned this, how few people know what the concept really means, and how fundamental it has been in the course of human history.

Say, if you take most forms of western society to be a sort of pyramid, in that they were hierarchical, authoritarian, and ruled mostly by an ever present elite, then you can understand that if the top of the pyramid is a psychopath, then every layer underneath is now affected by psychopathic justifications, motives, and behaviour, and new psychopathic norms are created. Now look at Hitler's Germany, and the question of how so many ordinary Germans, fundamentally good, emotional human beings, could go along with such a mad hateful and dangerous leader. The psychopathic pyramid at least in some part instantly helps to understand how this could happen, and how this isn't just something that happened in the past, but is still happening now and will happen in the future. It is a constant feature of human history. I'd say even that the biggest proportion of formal codified history, which especially in pre-Enlightenment is inherently elitist as only they had the means and knowledge to record and create documentation, is essentially a history of psychopathy. Everything we learn about kings and rulers and wars, its all psychopaths at the top, acting in pure egoist self interest, that ends up killing millions of people. These events aren't the logical conclusion of the will of an entire populus, or a nation, but just the machinations of a select few who do not possess the empathatic traits that the rest of us use to define our humanity. But yeah, Ghengis Khan was totally awesome, ripping it up and having a great time, what a cool guy.

There are a few goddamn brilliant answers in this sub and yours is one of them. Thank you.

You're very welcome, thank you very much. This is an incredibly fascinating topic and I wish that more people would become aware of it.

A psychopath is no longer even recognized as having a problem. In the USA a psychopath is a hero figure, someone you are told to respect. Look at all the movies you produce where the hero risks everything and everyone elses life in the pursuit of catching the 'evil' criminal. They'll drive the wrong way down a road killing countless innocent civilians, shoot their weapons or encourage the criminal to fire his weapon in built up areas. These are actions of a psychopath.

Look at the hip hop culture, and the culture of the 'gangsta', 50cent's 'get rich or die tryin' - that's a psychopath album title right there. The whole scene is dominated by the glorification of psychopathic tendencies. It doesn't matter that the rapper himself is a lovely person who wouldn't harm a fly, the lyrics are almost all glorifying their own self importance. Eminem's are full of it - psychopaths talk about one thing, and one thing only ME ME ME ME ME ME I I I I ME ME ME MYSELF MYSELF ME ME ME ME - just look at Eminem's lyrics and that's pretty much all there is. If you listen to it then unconsciously it puts you in his shoes, you become the me the lyrics are talking about.

The TV is full of shows like House, Sherlock, Breaking Bad etc where quite obvious psychopaths are the stars of these shows and they will almost always be atheistic (a psychopath realises that nothing outside of themselves could possibly exist), cold, no empathy to anyone - you are being drip fed the notion that to be a psychopath is good. Because a psychopath is more logical, emotionally stronger, they will stop at nothing to get revenge if you cross them, they are ruthless in business and in the bedroom. A psychopathic personality is much better in bed, he doesn't 'make love' he's a fucking machine and making a woman scream in orgasmic delight is his aim. Anyone who isn't a psychopath is a loser, a wimp, a pathetic believer that good will always prevail - despite being shown that it doesn't.

Sadly, we have created a society where ONLY psychopaths can succeed.

Thank you! You said it so much better than I did. I think you are spot on. More people have to to start to recognise this and we have to attempt to push back on it. It's ruining so many things and the traits of psychopaths are being mimicked and rewarded by normal people

Even if you were able to round them all up and go all French Revolution on them, they would just be replaced with more of the same type people. Psychopaths running the show is just part of human societies.

Its scary. They should not be allowed to work. There seems no way to neutralise them because, for them, normal humans are like playthings to be toyed with and disposed of.

Problem is that they appear the perfect employee and are promoted but they actually devastate an organisation, it's people and wider society.

Maybe human resources depts need to start testing for psychopaths or sociopaths as there is a test that will identify them, as this excellent documentary shows. Put someone in a CAT scan and show them a range of emotional images, if their brain does not show a response, they are a psychopath or a sociopath: Psychopath Night 720p Channel 4


This is depressingly true.

IF you put human resources in charge of testing for psychopaths, guess where the psychopaths will end up working as Human Resource Managers? :)

Psychopathic people will always exist. They are just part of the spectrum of human behavior. The problem is they tend to be intelligent, manipulative and ambitious so positions of power appeal to them more than they appeal to you or I.

Yes I agree that's a risk but I think that's the nub of our whole world problem at the moment. Psychopaths identify like minded psychopaths and they work together. That's what leads to the unholy alliances between politics, government and military around the globe. They naturally gravitate to one another and their ability to do massive damage then multiplies as they compete and conspire against one another.

They won't always exist. Evolution is pushing them off the cliff.

Also, they're not particularly intelligent... they just know how to play the game and parrot popular theories.

They won't always exist. Evolution is pushing them off the cliff.

Oh really? Tell me of which negative selective pressure is weeding them out.

Intelligence. Psychopaths usually have to move on from their circle of "friends" after 2-5 years as people connect the dots and see the sociopathy. Psychopaths are more transparent than they realise. Many are truly terrible at hiding their true self 24/7.

Ever thought that "normal" humans that are like playthings to them may be the true problem?

No. If you've worked or lived with one up close you know that they are evil. They manipulate and cAuse chaos.

I've refrained from using a political example as it is so divisive and the issue is endemic in all political parties, but think of Obama. Millions voted in change but he's delivered very little. That's an example of the mass population working positively for change and then institutional psychopathy (in gov, business and media) stopping it. I know that's an over simplification but I think it is true and, while not the whole reason, it does play a role .

I have spent time working at a mental health facility (Subcontractor, IT support, not related to patient care or diagnosis). Not directly involved, but I did get an opportunity to observe patients and staff.

The "psychopaths" you describe are "movie" psycopaths, designed to personify evil. The real thing is nothing like what you described.

Are you claiming that Obama is a psychopath?

Does not living up to expectations lead to a diagnosis of psycopathy in your book?

Sounds like you merely call people who are successful and whom you don't like psychopaths.

I work with a clinically diagnosed sociopath so I have a little experience. I'm not saying Obama is a psychopath I'm saying we have institutional psychopathy where normal people are encouraged and incentivised to exhibit elements of sociopathic behaviour.

It takes a while though @ less than 10% of the population; you can have a decent society in the meantime.

Maybe the best we can expect as a species is for every so often the non psychopaths have to clean house (kill the psychopaths) and start over. Long periods of peace interrupted by short periods of intense violence might just be the best we can do.

Spoken like a true psychopath.

I sincerely hope you were attempting irony.

You reminded me of the quote from Oliver Cromwell who used his control over the military to depose the King and sack all members of parliament in 1650 as they were corrupt and ignoring the poor. He said:

"I told the Members to their faces—that they were no Parliament—that they had fat long enough—I bid them begone—that they should make way for honester men—".

Cromwell then refused to be made King and instead became "Lord Protector" for only 10 years to oversee the installation of democracy and limited royal powers in Great Britain. His legacy continues to this day.

We need another Cromwell.

Cromwell was a moralising puritan, don't fancy another one myself.

Puritan v sociopaths, I too hope that's not our only choice.

Psychopaths are as old as Cain, and they are believed to exist in all cultures, although they are more prevalent in individualistic societies in the West. The Yupik Eskimos use the term kunlangeta to describe a man who repeatedly lies, cheats, steals, and takes sexual advantage of women, according to a 1976 study by Jane M. Murphy, an anthropologist then at Harvard University. She asked an Eskimo what the group would typically do with a kunlangeta, and he replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.”

Fascinating. We need to find the 21st century equivalent of pushing them off the ice. At the moment, we're promoting them to tribe chief.

I honestly think Psilocybin mushrooms would be a good medicine for people like this.

LSD was tried in Canada in the 60's/70's, initial results looked good, but recidivism was 80%, against an average for psychopaths of 80%. It looks like it just made them better psychopaths; giving them a deeper understanding of emotions and how to abuse them.

I think a guided Ibogaine journey would have more long term results!

If you want to stop them, you must look at smothering the psychopath in all of us. Ego is the root, greed the manifestation, materialism a mass consumption the result. All we have to do is stop shopping.

There's gotta be a way to have an ego (individualism) and be empathetic at the same time. It's not as contradictory as they make it sound in the blogosphere.

OK well there is a difference between shopping every sunday at the mall because you feel like it and shopping out of necessity as in going out to buy food so you don't starve to death.

There is no tax on food.

Depends on the state. The only way you can avoid paying taxes completely is if you live in the woods.

By an amazing coincidence I happen to be designing a YouTube series about this very question and answer.


It'll be a series uploaded in installments. I expect that I'll be totally unsatisfied with the series. However, it's a part of a larger discussion ripe for manifestation. Since no one else is doing it I'm just taking the bull by the horns. You know - why wait for someone else to do something you can do?

So, don't be too disappointed by a completely amateur product!

I'm going to upload it tomorrow. It's all audio and I'm going to edit in a couple images just to give a visual reference to what I'm discussing. I think it'll be very self-explanatory. It won't make sense until number four or five, I think. It's a program for dealing with ObamaCare - the side effect is that it defunds the tribute system [Federal Income Tax]. Not for the light of heart, honestly.

Wow, please update us when you do . I'm thinking of writing an anonymous article on it. I currently have a newspaper column in my country but could never write about this openly.

Wow, please update us when you do . I'd be happy to help with anything . It's a topic I'm passionate about.

I'm thinking of writing an anonymous article on it. I currently have a newspaper column in my country but could never write about this openly.

This was linked by u/PastaArt:

I Am Fishhead - Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths? (2011)

I say write anonymously.

I've been on the psychopathy subject for about three years and only just this year am I able to partially articulate my position to others. It's not an easy subject to discuss. That said, if you're not discussing it then that's a possible discussion not happening. You may very well have something highly worthy of contribution and contemplation. In which I would encourage you to generally discuss your ideas. Since this is a relatively new subject for Americans (having looked into it, this is a subject that's painfully devoid of analysis when related to geo-politics) I think you're in a great position to simple speak.

Find a rock and speak. People will listen.

The angle I'm using is non-compliance with ObamaCare. I've decided on non-compliance as my answer to ObamaCare very specifically because of my study into psychopathy. If you have an angle or a lens through which you can discuss psychopathy easily I say go for it.

The more eyes we have on the subject the better.


Make the world Anti-Fragile. Reduce the size of institutions, i.e. governments, corporations (shop local), police, etc. so that any given psychopath that gets to the "top" is standing on top of a mole hill rather than Everest. This reduces down side potential harm, keeps damage on a linear scale, and "insures" society against catastrophic failure (Stalin, Hitler, etc.). Small is beautiful.

I love this idea. Psychopaths often need to move on after 2 years at the top as often they are bored but also a lot of people have managed to see them for what they are and either act against them or they leave.

Psychopathy or a better term, anti social personality disorder. It's funny, people in prison with ASPD are called psychopaths, while non-criminals are labeled with ASPD.

I don't know of an ethical solution to this. I don't like the idea of calling them out and shaming them, or grabbing our pitchforks and getting rid of them. I mean they are in a free country and can behave however they want, as long as they don't break any laws.

What I think this country needs is almost like another "hippie" movement. Where people learn how to let go, think for themselves, accept people without judgement. Social rules are an illusion. You can do whatever you want. People are too stiff and a lot of people structure everything they do to benefit themselves. They don't say what they actually want to say, they say what they're "supposed". They watch too much TV, they behave like who they saw on TV. Advertising works too well. If you ask people honestly what do they want, a lot of the responses are unsure lacking confidence.

It might just because I live in a city with a large artist population, but I feel like the neo-hippy movement is coming soon. People are realizing just how connected and one we really are thanks to the internet coupled with a surge of interest in eastern spirituality. There also seems to be a significant wave of psychedelic use recently.

Anecdotal evidence, but a lot of what I've experienced recently leads me to believe that there is going to be a big paradigm shift soon.

What I think this country needs is almost like another "hippie" movement.

Didn't go very well with Charlie Manson... Hahaha

Psychopaths and sociopaths are where the most damaging greed comes form. They don't actually know how to give a fuck about the destruction and damage.

In the last centuries we have made several harmful mindsets socially taboo.

Each one of them was thought to just be part of human nature, unchangeable.

First we got rid of the idea that hunting witches was a good thing. Haven't heard of too many witches being burned lately.

Not long ago it wasn't uncommon for a man of thirty or older to have a 13 year old bride.

That became the most rigid of taboo's.

In the 1950's we thought racism was an immutable part of the human condition, It wasn't.

By the late 60's there was a completely differing view among enough of us to make the racists hide their beliefs. Societies view just changed, that's all.

After the turn of the century just passed we have began to make homophobia another taboo that no one can admit to, not even the most powerful.

Not even the Pope or Obama or Ben Bernanke can admit to being any of these things. Might I mention the name Woody Allen?

No one can publicly be seen as a witch hunter, a child molester, a racist, anti Semitic or homophobic

They weren't part of human nature after all, They were just bad habits that could be changed by mere social pressure.

We just need this one more taboo.

One against being seen as overly greedy.

No money needs to be gathered. No organization needs to be organized.

No campaign is necessary.

It only takes a moment and nearly no effort at all for each individual who has been negatively affected all of their lives by the extreme greed of the few to decide that it is unacceptable to be destructively greedy.

We just need to decide that greed needs to be reduced the way those other abominations were.

If you cannot be seen publicly as overtly greedy then you have to hide your greed better and that will reduce it's effects.

You wouldn't even be able to imagine the improvement in our civilization that this small change would bring.

Or alternatively, you can wait for a deadly and destructive revolution in the streets.

Take your choice

Every inter human problem, robbery, rape, banking fraud, ecological devastation, Every problem, is caused by someone's greed for either power, money or attention,

Lowering greed raises humanity.

It should be done immediately.

I think you mean "Sociopath", but I don't think there is much of a difference.

The Corporate Sociopath:


Psychopath vs Sociopath:

I think you're right. Both are a real problem.

Go on Linkedin, look at everyone who graduated from an ivy league/target school and look where they work. hedge funds, private equity, wall street investment banks, top accounting firms, management consulting firms,these people are the future criminal CEO's of tomorrow.

when the average perosn thinks of a criminal, they think of some lower middle class white dude whos a drunk and robs a store or some black guy who is a street thug. while these people do cause damage to those around them, they are small time players compared to what management consultants and banks do to the economy.

When a consulting firm goes into a big corporation and starts slashing jobs, they're doing alot more damage than some black kid who was dealing marijuana. You'll never see these people persecuted though because they're your neighbours. They went to the top schools, deans list, national honor society,etc.

Absolutely. Psychopaths are power hungry showmen . So the good people often lose in the promotion race. Good people do exist on these businesses. We need a way to get them to the top with a corporate culture. ( it legislative environment) to support them.

the good ones rarely make it to the top. jamie dimon, Llyod Blankfein..all crooks

I've been fascinated by the story of Cain and Abel for awhile now. Cain had kids/grandkids and so on (I hadn't realized this). Some of them became sort of legend for like...inventing chemistry and mass distributing "weapons of war".

One interpretation of the Cain (he was a farmer, his life being agriculture) and Abel (he was a shepard, his life being herd-based) story is that Cain killing Abel symbolized the transition of our Initial Relatives from a nomadic lifestyle to an agricultural one.

The juicy bit is the further interpretation that Cain was Homo Sapien and Abel was Neanderthal...and that instead of a peaceful (but very slow and long) integration between the two lifestyles in symbiosis, something the Cain/Homo Sapiens chose to do was behaviorally unlike anything that had come before: intentional murder with intent to eradicate. Just straight war.

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions, said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Once the Cain Answer became a reality via novel thought, the destructive seed was planted. Truly a curse.

Or is it?

That attack mentality is the very spark of Imagination. 4 dimensional problem solving. Why we love Daniel Day-Lewis and hate a community of Jordan Belforts.

My point being, psychopaths just have way way more Cain in them.

I love this analysis. Thank you. I think it's very thoughtful and accurate. I would say that clinically psychopaths have a condition. They are born unable to feel or express genuine empathic emotions. They can't stop being psychopaths more than I can stop being white. They can however be medicated and monitored and society can stop rewarding their behaviour.

thanks! and i agree...lack of empathy seems to be a big kicker, allowing for some real innovation (as one wouldn't be instinctively bound from perusing any sort of notion in pursuit of solving a problem, regardless of it's...smell) but oftentimes liberally stepping on the faces of our fellow bros in the process.

i would love to see Mental Health become a real thing in society. it's getting better (i read somewhere that the genre of child rearing and parenting books didn't even exist until the 70's)...I'd love a world where we grow up learning about recognizing both good and bad mental states, promoting the former/guiding the latter toward care.

How to stop them?

More peace, love & understanding. Just kidding.

Actually, that is the way.

High-level psychopaths only are effective in an evironment of competition, greed or mistrust, because then they can use people against each other.

In a world of "peace, love and understanding" they have no power.

Lol. I know right. How can that be the only thing you do against a psychopath? I think we need legislation. At the moment our society positively champions psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour. That has to stop.

Interestingly, corporations are legally persons and qualify as psychopaths by the criteria you've given.

Spot on. That's terrifying. Private equity firms that specialise in mergers and acquisitions are a strong example of these. They often ruin hundreds of thousands of people's lives through mass sacking etc. while some of that is necessary, it is used too easily

And thus you arrive at Nietzsche's conclusion.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

I've been thinking about this issue in this way. In any animal species there is a natural desire to reproduce and to protect their offspring. By enabling planetary destruction, psychopaths who lead our government and corporations have become a threat to our species, one which if not dealt with will likely cause the annihilation of our planet. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of the other animals to cure the imbalance. How we go about doing this needs to be discussed. I do agree with the point regarding karma.

By enabling planetary destruction

Silly self centred human. Humans will not destroy the earth, they will not eradicate life. Life has survived far worse. They will make earth uninhabitable for humans.


Psh, amongst the roaches, rats, and weeds eventually a tree will grow. And from it a forest. And the rats will grow wings and the roaches will start talking. And there will be a new world, with super roaches, for this world had passeth away.

I completely agree with this. It has become endemic. When you see a society promoting psychopathic traits in their media and when a non-psychopath is the exception in politics, we know it has gone too far. I would even say the war in Iraq was promulgated by psychopaths.

And how are psychopaths are created?

They are born but our culture encourages normal people to act like one.

The solid research suggests it's an under-active / non-active amygdala, an area of the brain which is responsible for fear / empathy. It is something which some people are born with, it is not something which is created.

Bad brains that fester, often under abusive conditions. They're just broken brains... lacking something essential that is required to be human.

lacking something essential that is required to be human

They are human. They have the same rights as any other human.

Depends on what you mean. Most sociopaths have committed a lot of crimes, ranging from sexual harassment to racketeering or even worse. Many end up in prison, but the rest are just waiting to be caught. So there's definitely some limits on what rights they have in society, just as there are limits on prisoners.

Are they human? Not in any meaningful sense of the word. They lack some of the most fundamental human traits. Some of them figure out that we will trade away our money in order to keep enjoying our humanity. And so the sociopaths accumulate money, but never know what it means to be truly human. And humanity can't be bought.

Most sociopaths have committed a lot of crimes, ranging from sexual harassment to racketeering or even worse.

Stop using sociopathy as a dehumanising label. Stop making patently false claims.

Are they human?

Of course they are. Same chromosome count, virtually indistinguishable physiology, somewhat different take on what constitutes aproporiate social behaviour. You cannot prove that ANYONE other than yourself has emotions or consciousness, that is something which must be taken on faith to some extent. Unless you want to institute some kind of Voight-kampf test. In which case I'd prefer to through my lot in with cold, rational, calculating people, rather than "caring", emotionally guided, easily swayed, fanatical psychotic apes capable of the greatest acts of cruelty.

And so the sociopaths accumulate money, but never know what it means to be truly human. And humanity can't be bought.

You sure this isn't a thinly veiled polemic against the wealthy? An attempt to paint them as somehow deficient? As somehow inhuman?

Stop using a reductionist definition of "human." The full concept of humanity goes beyond chromosomes. There's a reason why we use the word "inhuman" to describe the people who conceive, commit, and defend atrocities against humans.

Fact is, sociopaths lack certain brain functions that are critical to the enjoyment of human existence. (Not to mention psychopaths.) It's not a simple matter of a learning disability, or a "benign" personality disorder. Take all the amazement, wonder, etc., of human existence and replace it with rage.

I'm not saying that mental disorders are normally like that. Many people are capable of co-existing, feeling, sensing, joy. Even people with severe chromosomal disorders are. But sociopaths take that emptiness and rage and turn it into violence against others. The violence may be physical, but more likely economic, managerial, political.

So someone who fails to experience the most profound aspects of human existence, who turns that failure into rage, and (most importantly) some form of violence against the rest of us? Yeah, those are the people we lock up... because they lack humanity.

They are very similar to regular people though. It's very hard to tell who's a calculating asshole and who's actually a psychopath. There is no way around them other than stripping the system and creating a new one that has the right checks and balances..

Relevant username?

I love how your post contributes to the discussion.

It was just a joke; simmer down bud.

Oh I thought jokes were supposed to be funny.

You sure are antsy about this. It's kind of like you can't experience humor or something.....

I can experience humor. That's the thing I don't think your comment was humor. It was just another common reddit quirk that had zero originality with zero humor to match. You have to have a more subtle context if you want that kind of humor to actually be worth something.

It is all a matter of opinion. Since you enjoy more subtle jokes, did you enjoy the second one?

It's not opinion you just weren't funny. I get what you were trying to do, you think I've never heard that before? I knew some dumbass was going to say that after I commented on this post it turns out that person was you.

Wow, getting real petty with the replies. I knew some member of /r/circlejerk and /r/conspiratard would provide me with some amusement tonight. Turns out, it was you. So, a big thanks for taking your time to stop reporting copyright infringement on youtube and allowing me to waste some time before bed.

P.S. Just so you know, there are great things on the internet like free dictionaries. These allow you to look up the meaning to words such as "opinion" and "condescending". See ya' tomorrow, friend. ;)

I guess the subreddits I visit matter. Glad to see you are taking the time to shift the focus away from yourself being an unfunny inbred retard.

In that case it is your opinion that I am condescending, which doesn't matter at all to me.

Yes I agree but we could broaden criteria for promotion to include traits they do not possess or struggle to fake.

More extreme solution might be a CAT scan and test which can easily identify them,

True, one day these will be inexpensive and will most likely be mandatory so our NSA profiles can be more complete.

I am not sure this is a conspiracy, it seems quite obvious (and easily demonstrated) that the ideal person to lead a company in a culture of capitalism, is one who is able to prevent their emotions getting in the way of driving forward a business at all costs.

When creating capital is paramount, psychopaths rather than compassionate reformers, are what you get.

I think the obviousness of it is a sign of how integrated it has become in our society. We need to not accept it anymore. It can be changed.

And rational decision making is not the sole specialism of psychopaths. Lots of normal people can do it too. We need to ensure they get to the top and not psychopaths.

I agree it is easy to be complacent and entranced by the pervading culture. Any one who expresses any interest in power should not be allowed to be put in charge of anything more than an eccles cake.

I posit that society needs psycho/sociopaths. They make the decisions that everyone else either wont or cant.

I think there is a better way. There are people who are not sociopaths or psychopaths who are able to make tough decisions without monumental damage wrought by many sociopaths and psychopaths.

Alright, then how about people that share certain characteristics and traits with socio/psychopaths. I'm also referring to the non criminal types.

That was a good idea back in caveman times, but we have actually gained more knowledge since then and do not need the likes of 'Vlad the Impaler' any longer in a civilised society.

We do, because "civilized society" has to do hard decisions one way or another, we are not magically protected from uncertainty and the weight of responsibility.

See the work of surgeons, for instance, and the high proportion of psycopaths in that profession.

Peace, love, and tranquility. Cooler heads always prevail.

I call bullshit on the "feelings of others" bit. Institutional psychopathy is ruining lives for real, and all these experts can do is complain about butthurt feelz? Whom are they in bed with?

It's more complex than labeling people as evil, which is quite a subjective and unscientific term.

Until you've experienced one up close and seen what they can do when they feel like it, I wouldn't be too quick to rule that out. I don't use the word lightly. But I admit not all psychopaths are evil but a lot are capable of it and a lot of other damaging behaviour.

What are called "pro-social psychopaths" do exist though. They have all the psychopathic traits but don't have a drive to use them destructively.

The fact remains that sociopaths won't call themselves "evil". Of course their traits are what society considers "evil", but the same capitalist system which we hold for granted actually provides them an "evolutionary edge" in comparison to collectivistic mindset (altruism). And of course we can debate genes vs nurture or determinism vs free-will.

Also there are cases for the necessity of such traits, and as such can be profitable for society ("good").

This trait also apparently self-regulates, as a society filled with such individuals would be in perpetually civil war out-rooting this genotype.

IMO, it does seem to be slowly evolving out of the gene pool. I think sociopaths sense that, and it adds to their underlying anxious craziness. They're like some evolutionary throwback transported to our time and unable to understand what the humans are doing or why they are so happy.

Thank you. This looks brilliant.

Stop them? Like trying to stop them from reaching important positions of power in society? Then create a society where individual ideals and achievement do not come before others but instead are focused to always benefits everyone as a whole. They will have no desire to work or cooperate with such a functioning unified society. The psychopath would want to feel power over someone, but never have the chance. I think this could be communism or future technological utopia.

Yes to raising awareness of them in society and the damage the wrought. Yes to moving society from a pro-psychopath position to at least a neutral one. But psychopathic traits aren't a unique talent. Non psychopaths have these talents without as many drawbacks. This would be as good start.

You'll never stop us. That's the best part of being a psychopath, we don't care. We will do whatever it takes to achieve a goal where normal people have feelings that get in the way.

That's what you think.

Do you want a hug?

Maybe. You single?

Would a psychopath mind one way or another? ;)

Depends on if the potential boyfriend could win if there were a fight.

Arf. Sensible. The lady is pretty feisty...

Fellow psycopath here. Yes, we are the alpha wolves and we have occupied the top of every single civilization that has ever existed, get over it. (And not only that. Every profession that demands balls of steel will have a high proportion of psycopaths. Surgeons, for instance.) Indeed, we are a product of evolution, Nature made us to take care of the hard decisions because the sheeps wouldn't.

On the other hand, all the wailing of the whiners and losers is very entertaining. I laughed my ass off reading this thread!

Enjoy it while you can. Compulsory CAT scans for employment to detect for psychopathy already exist and could quickly become law if the case against psychopathy and sociopathy is made strong enough. It will happen, it's only a question of when.

You forget that the same tests could be used to hire psycopaths on purpose for many positions. About "laws", lets say that megacorporations don't have a stellar record on following them, and neither does the government has a stellar record on enforcing them when the perpetrators are rich enough. Laws are basically carot-and-stick memetic devices to control the mass of sheeple.

I am surprised to see such naïve thoughts among the redditors from r/conspiracy, here was one of the few places where I felt that people were not completely brainwashed...

Throw a few sociopaths in there, let the psychopaths do their work on them.

Once the sociopaths have had "enough" they'll "take care" of the psychopaths

See; Ponerology

what if i display all of those but aren't really a psychopath? is it because i don't know i am? i mean, i even took up MMA to fight cause i like hurting people .. but i don't think i'm crazy?

You can do a CAT scan if you really want to be sure as they monitor your brain for the lack of a response to a range of visual emotional stimulus.

Alternatively, you could see a psychologist and they can help identify what the issue could be. It could be something completely different.

There are also pro-social sociopaths that have all these characteristics but don't have the drive to use them destructively.

A sociopath doesn't feel true emotion and thinks only of themselves. A psychologist once gave an example that if a sociopath saw a car accident victim just after the accident, they would not feel shocked by what they saw or be compelled to help. They wouldn't have a genuine emotion but they may know how society expects them to respond.

Yes - there's a documentary called The Coporation that does exactly this: takes all of the characteristics of a psychopath and then applies it to the corporation.

But please, don't blanket all individuals that work for corporations, especially their leaders, or all politicians as psychopaths. Are some? Maybe, sure, I'll give you that. But just because some or even all criteria are met above doesn't make them psychotic necessarily. Remember, even most non-profits are financially structured very similarly to for-profit institutions, are all of their leaders psychotic as well? There are plenty of individuals out there doing a lot more to make the planet a better place working for corporations or writing laws than there are here in this sub bitching for fake internet points. And a lot more would be done if we all picked a cause and went out and tried to further its progress.

Lastly, I suggest you listen to the Flaming Lips - Yeah Yeah Yeah Song sometime (yeah, seriously) and give it some thought.

hey psychopaths are not bad people. they are just people. they get to the head of companies because we shaped the laws of companies so that they would be the best in the position.

if we changed our laws/regulations so that companies would determine success by how much humanity they provide to the world, then empathetic personalities would be successful in the same way. it wouldnt make them bad, it just makes them suited for the job.

I don't agree, sociopaths and psychopaths make decisions that can be hugely negative on society and their workforce. Because they are so prevalent, their approach is more in demand as it is often more cost effective in the short-term using classical economic analysis. Their behaviour is the aped by non-psychopaths as that is the operational expectation.

The solution is much simpler in theory. Replace the system in which they thrive. Capitalism is a psychopaths wet dream. In a resource based economy the incentive that rewards this behavior is removed.

Stock up on food, ammunition and firearms...

Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

To offer a little Marx, would the workers gaining control of the means of production solve this? If we agree that most people are not psychopaths, and that people can generally recognize one if they operate near them long enough, then it stands to reason that workers could keep them from gaining undue influence or leverage.

How do you stop them? You can't.

Given that they are not slaves to their emotional impulses (whereas most other humans are), their emotions do not cloud their judgement. If they feel trapped, they can construct a way out.

They're dangerous because nothing is off-limits. They simply don't care about "morals" or "feelings" or "doing the right thing". It's all about "doing the ME thing".

They tend to move on after 2 years as people find them out. But yes they are toxic

The best ones are never found out.

Reading the thread, I realised that some people think that evolution is playing against us. I can't help but "laugh". Psychopaths represents 1% of the world's population. 1%. Which means that normal people are being controlled by psychopaths... 99% of the world's population is being controlled by 1% of their fellow humans being. And WE are more stupid than you? WE are going to disappear with evolution? I don't think so. We need to control you and you are being controlled by you. You don't want to be controlled by us but most of you normals can't even see our little game.

Another point is; you don't seem to think that there is a difference between psychopaths and sociopaths while there is one. Plus, the way you describe us sounds like a hollywood movie.

I'm probably going to get a lot of shit from you guys about this comment, but here goes:

Psychopaths are not only in positions of political power. You guys mention politicians, judges, lawyers, police, and evangelist church leaders. Granted, I'll accept that as true. What about the good politicians, lawyers, and police? The politicians who pass Health Bills, and safety net programs to help the poor? What about lawyers who fight for the Defense who offer their clients fair trials? What about police who track down murderers or who take bullets? What about the evangelist church leaders who plan food drives and offer support to their congregation? Admittedly, there's personal gain for them, but they also realize that others will benefit from their actions. As well, why respect soldiers, thanking them for their service, and why respect the president, when in all likelihood they too are psychopaths.

Why focus on the negative when we can focus on the "positive traits" of being a psychopath?

They're not necessarily better or worse; just think differently. Psychopaths also go into helpful fields whereby they do good, such as becoming surgeons who don't mind the sight of blood, teachers who can handle the unruly bastards in their classes, and soldiers shoot the Taliban.

There is nothing a psychopath or sociopath can do that a normal person can't. Sociopaths are mentally ill. They need medication.

Until you've experienced one up close and seen what they can do when they feel like it, I wouldn't be too quick to rule that out. I don't use the word lightly. But I admit not all psychopaths are evil but a lot are capable of it and a lot of other damaging behaviour.

What are called "pro-social psychopaths" do exist though. They have all the psychopathic traits but don't have a drive to use them destructively.

This is depressingly true.

I suppose. What if it was only a small culling?

Bad brains that fester, often under abusive conditions. They're just broken brains... lacking something essential that is required to be human.

They are born but our culture encourages normal people to act like one.

The solid research suggests it's an under-active / non-active amygdala, an area of the brain which is responsible for fear / empathy. It is something which some people are born with, it is not something which is created.

Intelligence. Psychopaths usually have to move on from their circle of "friends" after 2-5 years as people connect the dots and see the sociopathy. Psychopaths are more transparent than they realise. Many are truly terrible at hiding their true self 24/7.