Have you changed your behavior as a result of what you now know about the NSA?

3  2014-02-04 by ZapPowerz

I have. I stopped doing all illegal activities I was involved in and I really love the government now.


Saving $90 a month by not having a cellphone (leash) for the last 3 months.

This was a feminist awareness campaign but you get the idea. Yeah cellphones are like leashes, since you can read reddit on a smartphone you find out your world may in fact be run by your pets.

Ting. It's like 20-40 bucks depending on use. I'm spending 20 a month because I don't use internet on my phone. I bring books places when I need something to do on the downtime. Win win. (Except the leash part)

No change from Snowden revelations, some of us knew, there were earlier revelations and articles about this, as early as 2010.

I Have stopped visiting any site that requires, facebook, google, twitter to sign in.

WAY before 2010...

Well sure there was when GW was caught doing it illegally. The 2007/08 law that made it legal was his reward for his illegal act.

When did Binney first talk about the "3 dimensional profile" that the NSA is making of everyone? That's when I deleted everything and stopped "connecting" my email to this, my AIM to that, etc. Connect your email to your other email...backup email...It's all for convenience!

How to Secure Your Gmail Account with Two-Step Verification (Password + Phone)

I swear that "new" NSA data center had pics floating around in 2006.

I terminated my facebook account.

When I can force myself to sign on, I will sign off. I haven't used google, for mail, ever and not for searches for years, as soon as I noticed the manipulation of the results. 2003?

This is the part where I volunteer personal information about my habits for ad revenue purposes and/or potential targeting for further harassment from online jackals, right?

What personal habits, specifically?

Shall I directly reference the bulk content of the NSA file, or do you have a specific field of research/targeted marketing you are interested in?

Precious metals and organic foods.

Nope, go fish.

No, I'm interested in precious metals and organic foods.

Yeah. If anything I'm more vocal on the internet now.

It's late in the game and we're behind.

I really love the government now.

So did Winston at the end of 1984.

As Winston realises that he loves Big Brother, he dreams of a public trial and an execution; however the novel itself ends with Winston, presumably still in the Chestnut Tree Café, contemplating the face of Big Brother.


I mean really /r/conspiratard is that way and if you're sure you're in the right one then I must agree. You have stopped doing all illegal activities and really love the government now, I can see it in your enthusiastic sincerity because you said it in front of all those people who might not. I know this because you volunteered the information not only to me but to the public, you did them a service and if I bothered building an easily-tagged system like Reddit or RES I'd be sure to tag you as 'suspiscious behaviour modification'.

If you know what I mean.

Im afraid I know what you mean.

Well I'm not actually RES tagging you I'm just trying to make it seem like I too feel important cause I know things about stuff.

That is where you and I are different. I don't know anything because I do not believe things can be known. But Im jealous of you knowing stuff.

I knew you'd say that which is why I didn't originally say "I know things about stuff too".


You realize the OP was being sarcastic, right? I can't tell if you do or do not know this.

I was pretty sure they were being sarcastic, but I like talking about the doublethink in 1984 so when someone on this subreddit is sarcastic or when someone makes a flippant joke in conspiratard I'll usually break out the literary references and point out what they did wrong or something and I'm really only trying to engage people cause we can have fun talking it doesn't need to be IN ALL CAPS AT THE TOP OF OUR VOICES all the time you know?

The original question was genuine. My remark following the question was sarcastic. Im complex like that.

I like you.

So deep!

I tip my fedora to you kind gentlesir.

Have you changed your behavior


I've known about the Total Information Awareness program since 2000.

I also know that gpvernmment never gives up power except by force, so I considered it an ongoing program and kept right on speaking truth to power here and elsewhere being glad for the opportunity, while avoiding such honey pots as Facebook Twitter and smart phones.

Yes, yes, I have.

This was a feminist awareness campaign but you get the idea. Yeah cellphones are like leashes, since you can read reddit on a smartphone you find out your world may in fact be run by your pets.

Ting. It's like 20-40 bucks depending on use. I'm spending 20 a month because I don't use internet on my phone. I bring books places when I need something to do on the downtime. Win win. (Except the leash part)