What is the most convincing UFO/ALIEN footage you have ever seen?

29  2014-02-05 by [deleted]

As the title states.

What is the most convincing footage with regards to aliens/ufos to date, or in your opinion, you've ever seen?

Links would be much appreciated.


I'll see if I can find a link later - can't look right now - but there was one I saw that was NASA footage in space, just outside the earth's atmosphere...and you basically see this thing hauling ass in one direction, it STOPS completely, then you see some bright lights fly off of it like it shot something, then it zips in the complete opposite direction.

there are a few videos i've seen where the "UFO" reacts in a way that as far as I know, is physically impossible for us to do based on current technology.

The best thing about NASA footage is that you know the video is genuine - whether anomalies are simple lens reflections or space rubble is irrelevant, the footage is completely untouched, hence making them some of the most interesting videos to date.

Untouched? Is that a joke?

Please elaborate

She says that the NASA photo-labs routinely had to airbrush out UFOs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEBLmWhx1K0

Many space-labs sponsored/payed for (grants) by nasa have routinely edited/censored even common place videos, such as from helioviewer/soho, just whenever there are sun-diving comments. Those are basic-level Solar cam satellites.. the most basic data/vid streams there are.

If they censor such rudimentary footage, well, it doesn't bode well for the rest.

exactly. that, coupled with the fact that we (humans, earthlings, w/e haha) don't have anything that can move in the way these 'anomalies' move, is probably the most convincing evidence IMO.

plus all the astronauts and military pilots that have come forward throughout the years with stories of being tailed by unknown craft..

I remember seeing NASA footage of disk shaped objects above the earth with a small triangular indents on the side - moving erratically, stopping, changing direction etc - I believe the conclusion came down to 'dust particles' hardly the most convincing result after seeing the footage - I'll see if I can find it.

The footage is pretty easily explained: http://youtu.be/DdDE4B2A5DI?t=3m57s

Check out the STS-48 anomaly.

I seen another video on tv that was similar to the one you described. An object was slowly flying towards earth, then it immediately flew away and back into space at a crazy fast speed. About 2 seconds later, a beam of light or laser or something shoots out from the earth, at the same spot the UFO would be if it hadn't did a 180.


this one

Wow. Never saw that before. Thank you for posting it.

Hi there. The original comment was deleted, do you remember what was linked?

The lights look like reflections off a glass. Look up Pepper's Ghost. The crop circle appearing looks like a filter of some sort

There was a UFO documentary hosted by Dan Aykroyd. In this documentary was a piece of footage of a UFO slowly turning around, then zipping off into the sky. At full speed, you could barely notice it, but when slowed down, it was clearly an object rotating, then accelerating at a blinding speed.

Although the footage was taken with a crappy cell phone in 2007 or 2008, I always liked this one, because it's the exact same type of multi-colored orbs I've witnessed in person (Ohio, 1998).

i dont know if its been 'debunked' or not but the footage, from multiple angles and cameras, of the orb over jeruselem that blinked and then shot into the sky has always left me speechless in regards to any postulation of what the hell it was

Definitely came out as being fake, remember that really well. Brilliant editing, though.

Well shit. bravo to whoever put the work into that

The video of the UFO re-fueling by sticking a pipe into the sun was a pants-shitter for sure!


Definitely the "Tether Incident" during STS-75.


I was once able to see a ufo from a distance of about 30 feet away for a few minutes when I was 5 years old. No video has ever equaled my experience. The object hovered for a while and then shot up at a high speed.

This was possibly a constructed memory. Each time you "check out" a memory from your mind, you have the potential to change it. To interject things you've seen elsewhere. Hollywood, for example. I have something similar from my youth that I obviously constructed. Seeing a doorway in the sky open up. It very likely did not happen.

Tell us about your powerful experience.

In all probability what I witnessed was something not of this world or dimension. The sheer volume of evidence does raise questions. The reasons I believe that it was not constructed are one that I clearly and distinctly perceived such and there are other witnesses to it other than myself.

It occurred when I was 5 years old and there were multiple witnesses. I distinctly recall the craft rotating and floating in mid air for a few minutes. The bottom portion of the craft was concave and as it rotated no noise was made at all. Then all of a sudden within a second it was out of sight. I remember telling a classmate about it the next day.

Memories, especially at that age are suspect. But if you strongly feel it was recalled correctly, it maybin fact be. Where were you, and how large was it?

My personal theory is that it's related to MK Ultra and the crafts are ours. Using some foreign mechanism for lift. Another topic for another day.

mk ultra is a bit farfetched and improbable as the evidence connecting that with the phenomenon i observed comes from your intuition.

True. Though what you observed, thanks to your age at the time is highly suspect and very likely to be remembered differently from how it occurred. Quite the length of time to respond. The other witnesses that were there with you. How old were they? Do your untold stories match perfectly?

Back in about 97' My brother and I witnessed a ufo that looked like a flying stingray. Scariest shit I have ever seen and I have yet to see any report like it. Wish that a video camera had been available to me at that time.

We must try to exasperate all natural explanations for unknown phenomena before considering supernatural ones.

I was on a new freeway being built and there were a ton of other cars slowing quite a bit in front of me & a huge bright light the size of a football field to the left that was in the middle of the desert. As I approached it the thing disappeared (it didn't fly off) and the empty desert was illuminated by all of the cars headlights.

That was the day I started to believe in UFO's.

I was hiking the Incan Trail in Peru back in 2010. Second or third night into our trip, we saw some weird lights in the sky. It seemed like a plane but the way the lights were moving was not consistent with a plane. We all looked up and thought why would a plane be out here and acting like that.

Flash forward to back in the SF Bay Area, I was at Peet's Coffee and noticed a design on one of their paper cups. It was of a "human" from South American ancient artwork.

I don't have the cup handy, but found one if you scroll down to the two cups. It's the one with the sleeve. Zoom in on it and you'll see a rectangular shaped object with eyes and hands. When I go to Peets today I'll take a photo and post it.

I just thought its weird that my group and I saw something trippy in the sky, come home and realize the art on a coffee cup with an alien drawing has been staring at me for years unnoticed. Just odd.

a pic of the same UFO i saw, above the sphinx, twelve years later.

a pic of the same UFO i saw, above the sphinx, twelve years later.


Including ones in space?