Instead of a sticky post of suspected double agent Edward Snowden on the top of our sub for so long, how about switching it up and giving Matthew Mills a little love after his bravery shown at the after Super Bowl press conference.

38  2014-02-05 by Orangutan


Having the soapbox without the proper message is a red flag.

He is a "suspected double agent" too.

Edit: I wasn't talking about Matthew Mills, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The man said: “Investigate 9/11. 9/11 was perpetrated by people within our own government.”

What would you have proposed or said?

The 911 message was perfect.

I wasn't talking about that soapbox or that man.

On second glance, I didn't make that easy for others to understand.

My apologies. No more reddit when I'm tired. I come off as a snarky dick.

LOL. Yeah Snowden sure did get a huge soapbox by the corporate controlled media. And his employment history is suspicious as well.

I'm in full agreement. America is being conditioned to accept the police state.

Really? Ok, so let's say Snowden is a 'double agent'. What's the goal? Expose a bunch of bad shit, then let citizens' lack of response do nothing? Doesn't seem very productive.

Aren't we trying to expose exactly the type of stuff Snowden has? I mean, I've entertained the idea, but it doesn't grok.

Snowden let us all know that we are being spied on 24/7 with access to everything we do digitally, electronically, etc. That will send a chill through the discourse habits of a population.

Snowden told us what we already knew. He just reinforced it officially and got the media mouthpiece to blast us with that information.

All I meant to say was let's honor this dude and the WeAreChange chapters he's going to energize after stealing the show after the Super Bowl. Snowden has been up there awhile and this was a request to replace it with this more timely story.

Ex-CIA whistleblower accuses Snowden of having ulterior agenda

Suppose Snowden succeeds in taking down the NSA. What would it be replaced with? Carlyle Group-associated privatized intelligence firms beyond even a pretense of accountability (since the pretense is apparently all we have left with the NSA, but it still is enough to get used by someone if there's ever any public pressure). Think those privatized intelligence firms will have any checks & balances? Think the public cops are bad? Just wait for the privatized ones.

Is Snowden an agent for attacking the public sector, and advancing privatization? Yes:

it's not about taking them down per se, but taking them down a notch.

the cia is pissed about the nsa's budget, abuse of powers, and their budget too.

Yeah I wouldn't. While about half of the US population views Mr. Snowden as a hero, most outside of the conspiracy community view Mr. Mills as a moron.

Most IN the conspiracy community view Mills as a moron, at best.

Yeah, let's have some idiot who makes every conspiracy theorist look like a desperate moron represent us. Your idea is fucking useless.

Angry bro? Maybe you should represent us.

Represent yourself and nothing else.

He's also a "suspected double agent" as well.

Who isn't?

I don't know why your comment got downvoted. It made me chuckle.

Could you provide a link for the lazy? It's an interesting idea to say the least.

Do you believe the msm is independent of other entities; that they only do stories that will get them the most viewers/best ratings?

not really. just another appendage of the machine.

Do you find it odd that snowden has been discussed in the msm as much as he has?

Of course, his level of media attention is insanely high when compared to other whistle blowers. It's clear that tptb are orchestrating their own opposition and at the same time reminding the entirety of the world that they are being watched. But that's just a possibility that I see, there's really no substantial evidence as to whether he is all part of the plan or if for some magical reason the media just decided to give a rat's ass about what he had to say.

naomi wolf and webster tarpley

two things make me suspicious of snowden.

first, instead of releasing all the information at once, like with Bradley Manning he gave it to the Guardian so instead of a torrent of rage, we get a steady dribble, that people are already becoming gradually desensitized to .. there's a word for that I think.

second, he was given access to all of this information as an employee of Booz Allen.. which is in itself, strange.

people are already becoming gradually desensitized to .. there's a word for that I think.

Outrage fatigue.

second, he was given access to all of this information as an employee of Booz Allen.. which is in itself, strange.

He basically got access because of improperly set up Microsoft SharePoint admin rights. If you've worked with SharePoint at all, this is a very familiar story.

What I find most interesting from his most recent interview, is that he straight up talks about having wanted to join Special Forces, which he describes as a multirole covert group that's inserted behind enemy lines to help condition the local populace to resist the ruling regime.

Think about that.

Everyone is a suspected double agent around here, huh?

Nope. I'm considered a triple agent.

Is that like a double negative?

Quadruple positive.


Have you even researched WeAreChange or watched their YouTube videos? The leader Luke is a moron who goes around harassing people with ridiculous conspiracy theories because he lacks the education to understand geopolitics and how our world really works. Just watch his interview with Lupe Fiasco and you will see what I'm talking about. Lupe continuously shuts his conspiracy ideas down with facts and reality and offers real hope and the possibility for change. These guys are definitely not heroes, they are simply inciting fear in the population by foaming at the mouth with their preconceived ignorant notions of how they think the world works. It doesn't help anybody

they are simply inciting fear in the population by foaming at the mouth with their preconceived ignorant notions of how they think the world works.

Sounds like you are describing these guys.