I want my moderator spot backand the other mods felt it was best that I ask you, the users what you want.

16  2014-02-07 by 9000sins

I love this sub and promise to double down my efforts to keep improving. Help a brother out! Thanks.


the fact that you want it so badly just doesn't sit well with me

I find it kind of hilarious that the mods here pretend to seek democratic approval, while most of your actions are completely non-transparent.


It will allow you to see their removals of the submissions here, however it's kinda dry because moderating /r/conspiracy is a somewhat thankless job.

Nope, not all of them. Have you noticed how this sub has turned to complete suck over the past 6+ months? The interesting posts now disappear without a trace.


Because submissions from users that are shadowbanned go directly to spam and thus the bot never catches that they were "removed." Also, many things go automatically to "spam" that really shouldn't be there.

Huh those are good answers but do not help me in finding out any actual submissions that never got to uncensorship. Thanks for a polite and eloquent explanation.

Here you go! Just posted for you from a shadowbanned account.


You are correct, it wasn't in uncensorship; this tells me that shadowbanned accounts are a reason to keep human mods cause they could approve of the post, no?

Exactly! We could actually build a bot that does this automatically for shadowbanned users.

We could actually build a bot that does this automatically for shadowbanned users.

Not a good idea. For the most part, shadowbans are for good reason.

I have yet to see one.

As a mod, I personally know of at least a dozen shadowbans for vote brigading here in /r/conspiracy just in the past month. I've also reported two real spammers to the admins that resulted in shadowbans.


I'm not a bot builder, but I know where to send you. I'm delegating this to you, as a choice of how it's done. Go start a topic about it, choose your words however you like really, in /r/RequestABot because that's where I would have gone.

A little background on why you left or were removed or whateve would help imo. Don't think I have ever had interaction with you on here so can't go of that. Also I remember a mod that would delete all of there comments like a day after they made them that's not you is it?

He was removed from the mod list when he got banned from reddit for posting child pornography to /r/wtf. He claimed that a 'friend' found it on facebook and that he(9000sins) mistook the child for a transvestite midget seriously, that's what he claimed. There were a couple posts questioning his actions and people were assuming that his account must have been hacked.

The admins overturned his ban, I assume because there is no way to prove that he didn't mistake the child for a transvestite midget. Sins didn't bother to say much about it that night, only showing up in the threads questioning his actions to say that he was too busy to deal with the situation at the time.

When the whole thing hadn't blown over by the next day Sins was finally forced to actually make a thread saying that he was the one who posted the offensive material and that no one had hacked his account. He says the whole thing was an innocent mistake.

I realize that the internet is a big, scary place but I have literally never simply 'oopsed' my way into some child pornography.

The whole thing is creepy and just plain weird. Not to mention that Sins rarely seems to have time for this sub. It took him more than a day to find the time to respond to accusations of posting child pornography!

He hasn't even bothered to respond to a single comment here so far and it's 4 hours in now and 80+ comments. He doesn't seem to care much. Also he's been off the mod list for more than a week now, hasn't he? Why didn't he bring this up before now?

edit found a link for the sub discussing the ban, still can't find the 9000sins post where he explains.


You sir, are an ass.

So he's an ass for explaining why you were banned? He made a valid point without attacking your character directly. He laid out the facts, gave his opinion and let us to come to our own conclusions. The fact that you read that and this was your only retort shows that you can even come up with a decent excuse to your actions and your too immature to take the slightest bit of criticism and can't react accordingly in the manner of mod should. We've dealt with cunt mods like you before and in no way should you return IMO.

Are you serious? It reads like an accusation, not unbiased facts.

People who post child pornography should not be moderators.

You are right.

Either, 9000 posted the photo and therefore shouldn't be a mod, or 9000's account is compromised and therefore shouldn't be a mod. There can be no two ways about it, 9000 cannot be a mod.

Refute his claims then, if you can.

I didn't agree w your views on how a transvestite is worthy of a wtf reaction, but this whole child porn accusation is unfounded and scary, IMHO. The fact that you've stated that you're a father of an infant, and yet others demand immediate replies on here actually terrifies me. I've had to limit my own time on reddit, cuz I realized what a false and self reinforcing "reality" this place is. I wish more users in this sub would spend a little more time reflecting on why and how they spend their time here.

Thanks for understanding.

I would argue that there is very clearly some vote gaming going on against you, & this thread, & that & the aggressiveness against you're request actually makes me more suspicious, than the whole incident you were originally involved in, honestly, some people should chill, I don't think the world will end if SINS is reinstated, leave that up to the UN. or NATO or whoever.

No, leave and don't come back.

Anyone else notice 9000sins hasn't responded once yet? I know its only been an hour but for something this heavy you think he would have stuck around for awhile. Seems strange to me is all.

He was probably shadowbanned (too soon to jump to conclusions, but it wouldn't surprise me).

That takes an admin and I think he would have noticed by now and reached out to another use through an alt account or us alt to come back.

I'm sorry I don't have internet on my phone, and I had to go out for a bit. My bad.



They're thick, huh?

Absolutely not. You're certainly not needed here, any service you could possibly provide can be done without a moderator position, and you have absolutely nothing to offer. There are tens of thousands of more qualified subscribers here than you.

Go away.

we dont need no...moderation

We don't need no thought control

Oh man.... Shady

Please don't take the bait, ANYONE. Starve the trolls, guys, starve them.




I say no.

Those who desire power are the least worthy of having it. We don't need you tainting this sub with your presence.

I vote no. For the past few days, I was wondering why you'd been removed from the mod list. But, after over a year of waiting, I was hoping you'd finally been ousted for good reason (I could list dozens, but I'm not going to try to rally a lynch mob against you here in this thread - as you did to me).

I hadn't heard about your dabbling in child porn until reading this thread, and I must say -- after what you did to me, misunderstanding or not, you deserve that.

Good riddance, I say.


My message was a response to the OP.

Sorry, but I am going to block this.

The reason for this action: you didn't even bother to double check your post for errors before posting, and your grammar is poor.

How am I able to trust your moderation if you cannot be assed to do due diligence on your own re-insert me post, how can I trust you to moderate when you have shown a lack of proficiency in the Anglish language.

Old shmeg's got a point, "convince us" you deserve it.


The two posts are dissimilar in magnitude of relative importance to their posters.

Where are these supposed errors.


yes, the error was in the comment after the accusation (which has been deleted), good eye.



Oh damn it that's not what you meant by errors? I was just trying to use the word cromulent, but you're busy, otay.

Dammit, I apologize you're not the person that was directed to. Deleting. Too much going on at one time.

No, it does not mean, "working an angle with language".

"proficiency in the Anglish language"


Anglish is a legitimate word and a concept, semi humorist. it means basically a loan free english language, minus any latin or french or german words. anglo saxon basically.


Greetings, friend.

Edit: But I got it from Star Trek.

It's already been done. We really had no say.

fuck no


If you got re-modded someone would have to go eh?

Not really.




I do that from time to time, I say something and then look at what I wrote and then I'm all "WTF did I just say?" And try and fix it, then realize it's just easier to delete it.




I vote yes because 9000sins was the only visible mod for quite a while.

What did you do this time?


No jst Chage

This thread might get brigaded.

Here is what I found.

Upvotes: 75 | Downvotes: 61 | Timestamp of this thread

We have been mentioned 98 times by /r/conspiratard since I started counting.

If this was an error, send me a message

What have you done in the meantime to convince us? Outed any conspiratard shills lately? I have.

I don't care who mods.. this whole site is a joke. The Admins don't do anything about death threats, and when I post about it here, I get deleted for 'brigading' - outrageous.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my inbox!

You know, there's no requirement that you frequent this site or anything.

Yes there is. Ignoring it is worse. Besides we get to know what is going on by watching your actions on this site. We watch you manipulating us. This has been VERY useful. Thanks to your education in manipulation tactics, we are all better able to deflect your shit back at you.

Notice how nobody can even argue WTC7 any more, they just leave it alone, even Sandy Hoax and the Boston Bombing are exposed as indefensible fairy tales thanks to your education. We even exposed your forum poisoning tactics - you used fake racist sockpuppet accounts to argue with yourself and make this sub look worse. Thanks r/conspiratard for your service.

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” - Jefferson Lincloln

So THERE IS a requirement that you frequent this site?? I was not aware of that, was this some kind of fine print written into the Affordable Health Care Act that I somehow missed?

It's called social conscience. But I don't expect psychopaths to understand all that.

Whoa. Wtf?

That seems a bit uncalled for.

fine - this thread was quickly linked for brigading on r/conspiratard. calling a spade a spade.

Wait, I just realized what it is you are trying to say... if I'm understanding this right, are you trying to say that I am a shill or from conspiratard?? Because if so, that's hilarious.

not you, but this thread was linked, so I'm sure my audience is reading..


jeez. there are enough of us. and not many of you.



Really now, because the ableist name kinda turns me off.


Kay now tell me why you're required to be here instead of facebook or digg.


It just sounds like some unwarranted self importance. I mean even moderators of this sub seem to think they're required or the subreddit will implode but they can be wrong; if they can be wrong about that then so can you.

It just sounds like some unwarranted self importance

that's a shame.

C'mon maybe just a little bit?

you're not important?

Unwarranted is the keyword. Why are you required to be patrolling reddit?

why not?

You have my vote of confidence 9000sins. You've always been cordial and you definitely have good ideas. Also, you saved the sub when that other asshole mod removed everyone.

Really?? Can you explain a bit more about what he did? I wasn't aware that he was to involved in that. However since that dickbag banned me and it took me 3 days to get back on I probably missed quite a bit.

How do you know who banned you? Reddit doesn't let you know.

I was referring to /u/Solidwhetstone, that is who you were talking about isn't it?

What? Are you trolling me?

No, I think you are simply misunderstanding me. It's ok, these things happen.

You said that 9000sins had your vote and you mentioned that he was involved in the /u/solidwhetstone fiasco and that he saved the sub (I'm assuming you were referring to the solidwhetstone fiasco, if I'm wrong let me know). I then asked if you could explain a little more of 9000sins actions during these events and said that I must have missed them due to the fact that I was one of the people who was banned by Solidwhetstone and it took me 3 days to get another account. I know that I was banned by Solidwhetstone becauses he told me that he banned me. Sorry if that was confusing.

I see, I can explain his involvement. He contacted the guy who knew illuminated in real life. He is directly responsible for the reinstatement of the mods removed that day.

This is fairly common knowledge, you might have missed it because you've only been on reddit for a month. This happened a while ago.

I have been a regular to /r/conspiracy for almost 3 years now. My account was banned by solidwhetstone, which is why this account is a month old. I remember what it is you are talking about, however I was under the impression that it was someone else that contacted illuminated.

Well, your impression is semi-correct. 9000sins contacted the person who knew illuminated in real life.

Why don't you give us the name of your account that was banned and lets have the mods confirm if the account was banned, when it was banned, by whom, and for what reason. Maybe in the mean time you should point us in the direction of the comments/thread that you suspect got you banned.

It was actually solidwhetstone who contacted illuminatedwax.

Revisionist history.

I don't need anyone to confirm if my account was banned, or by whom. I already know it was and who did it.

I don't need anyone to confirm if my account was banned, or by whom. I already know it was and who did it.

You don't, but we do. You're making some revisionist-history claims. It would be nice to prove that at least something you've been saying is true.

LOL, who is "we"? I think what you meant to say was YOU want prove, to which my reply is "fuck off".

Shady fucking shit, bro. You sound and seem mighty shill. JIDF much?

Well shit, you caught me. Good job, Detective

I think what you meant to say was my impression was correct, no "semi" about it. It was not 9000sins who contacted illuminated, as you yourself just said. Get off your fucking high horse.

That was me being kind, you're a manipulative one. The only problem is that you're not smart enough to pull it off. Well that about sums it up for me.

Gosh mister, you must be WAY smarter than me. I'm so dumb I couldn't even presume to know someone's intelligence based off of some comments online. And the way you busted me for being a shill, amazing!! After all of these years here, and no one even came close to figuring it out except for you!! I'll give you credit, you're way smarter than you appear to be based off of your comments.

Please no personal attacks.

Rule 10

So was his account hijacked or no?


someones gunna have to deal with the shills. we should do polls for what things we think are going down. Get everyone on the same page.

I'm in favor...you were always a good mod.

I support the return of 9000sins.

He was removed because of a misunderstanding.

Would you happen to know why they haven't responded to anyone? You did in your thread, 9000sins is being kinda silent, oddly.

I agree that it is strange.

I think he wants his spot back but doesn't really have time for it anyways.

Strange, because he's not feverishly responding, like you do?...

Strange that he wants his mod spot back when he doesn't have time for it.

Or he knows how to ask for an opinion, without providing his own... It's called self-control, or HA, moderation...

You've been all over my nuts for the past few days, if you don't like me please just ignore me or block me.

But please just stop talking to me.

Isn't that hypocrisy?... You post like a madman, ignored my request yesterday to let it be, and now feel persecuted. Every single thing 'Tard says about you is utterly correct.



Look at his history of submissions here. Please tell me if you find his attitude on par with the other mods.


There's a difference between standing your ground and hysteria. He lacks the ability to empathise or really reflect on what others say about his behavior. He's defensive, unyielding and frankly, immature. I'm concerned at not only his content here, but the fact that SO much of his behavior is mocked on reddit, that he's tainting the "image" of this sub. He speaks for the sub when he's in the position to be a moderator. Humility is key to SERVICE, not egotism. He needs to go. He's dragging us all down with him in his all out vendetta. I know it seems like I have a personal beef with him, but it's only because he's all over this sub. He LORDS over the content, judging. That's not supposed to be why any of us are on reddit. Karma is supposed to be about meaningful content. I rarely find his comments to be constructive, just highly critical from a very, very limited world view.

Um bro no offence but Flytape is not really on here enough to be "lording" as you put it over things. I rarely see him comment and hilariously when he does you are here to shoot him down? Isn't this the first line of our sub "This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds"

Look at his submission history. Look how many threads here and across reddit are about his behavior. I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I agree to disagree.


I care about what other subs are saying because so many wander into conspiracy, then wander into 'Tard, then join the reddit-wide bandwagon that we're ALL ridiculous. A mod should understand our general reputation is more important than personal opinions. Especially when speaking w a mod hat on.

Didn't you just post that all religion and creeds are supposed to be respected here? Then you disparage my faith?! Hey pot, this is kettle...

As for my feminism, welp, funny, I just thought as a human, I should be allowed to be female AND have opinions.


And all you've posted is hivemind groupthink. Check your own damn bias. Your ego is leaking.



What posts are you talking about? And I'm utterly unaware of my karma, looking at my profile, I barely get more that +/- 5 points anyway.


My bisexuality doesn't play into why I believe in equality. That's what I don't seem to understand here, why so many males think my vagina is equal with my soul. Many guys here do appear angry and blame personal failures on emasculation. I think a LOT of you have a programmed bias, that you are all blatantly unaware of.

You're a parent, plain & simple. The fact that your wife works for less pay than you would make in the same position doesn't make you sensitive to feminist ideas. It just simply means you've accepted that inequality. You have no less or more responsibility as a parent based on your genitals.


Wow, you went back HUNDREDS of comments to a comment which ended in "I jest!". I'm here for the feels, not the karma. My karma count is what it is because I've posted 1000s of comments. You are one very angry and misguided soul.


Reread this tomorrow, the whole bulk of it.


Oh, right, because if I don't agree w one user here, I must be part of a brigade? You DO realize that appears paranoid and like you have the same persecution complex? Are you trying to reinforce my points?!

I have time, I just can't devote the majority of my time these days. Having a baby is very demanding of my time and I work a lot of the rest of the time. Just because things are like this now, that doesn't mean this will be forever. I apologize for my recent absenteeism, but I don't think it will be like this forever.


Thanks for the info.

So his account didn't get hijacked by a hacker?

Since the responses here sound nothing like the old sins...

Thank you kind sir. :)

Yeah, nice. I was hoping you'd come back.

I support your reinstatement as a moderator.

I'm in favor, it has been odd around here lately, trust and faith went with hope and change, place needs a tune up and the bs meter needs to be recalibrated.

personally, I like ya.

Thanks. :)

I've honestly had nothing but positive encounters when dealing with 9000sins. He seemed to always be the first MOD to respond to questions or concerns and found a way of dealing with the problems. Always came across as smart and never the type of chap that would be dumb enough to upload something stupid or illegal to reddit (whatever people are talking about in here). I'm okay with it as long as he and maybe the other mods are willing to still keep a weathered eye out for vote brigades from other subs.

hilarious edit: Why would someone downvote this? hahahaha, it's not like I said anything controversial or off topic. LOL, Reddit people are fucking weird.

I say yes. Shit happens, mistakes are made, we move on.

I'll be honest, as long as I've been here I've had pretty limited encounters with you. However, you always seemed like a good mod to me. I really don't think I can have a valid opinion here, simply because I don't know you very well.

always get an upvote for 9000sins from me

I for one think everyone deserves a second chance. Granted it was over something rather on the serious side but I did appreciate his input in the sub.

Thank you. :)



A good point.

i vote yes. at least 9000sins knows that /r/conspiritard is a bunch of trolls, unlike the last "moderator" they tried to install on this forum

at least 9000sins knows that /r/conspiritard is a bunch of trolls

because he spends a lot of time there, inciting them. how much less would they bother us if he didn't do that all the time?

i'm sure if they didn't enjoy arguing with him - errrr, being incited by him, excuse me - they would just ban him

I'd love you to replace Flytape. We need sensible moderation, not sensationalism.

That seems a bit uncalled for.

Because submissions from users that are shadowbanned go directly to spam and thus the bot never catches that they were "removed." Also, many things go automatically to "spam" that really shouldn't be there.

Whoa. Wtf?

at least 9000sins knows that /r/conspiritard is a bunch of trolls

because he spends a lot of time there, inciting them. how much less would they bother us if he didn't do that all the time?

I have yet to see one.