/r/conspiracy huddle. Everyone get in here. We need to figure this shit out

70  2014-02-09 by [deleted]

The top post with that picture of an Afghan saluting a passed soldier- that post sucks. The title is factually incorrect.

1)Who upvoted this?

2) Why don't you upvote actual conspiracy posts, such as this one about British Government shills? (serious question. I'm just wondering why leaked documents proving government shills posing as hackers and honey traps isn't interesting to the people here.)

3) What are the odds that somebody is fucking with the votes here in order to routinely, almost on a daily basis, discredit this sub? The top comment in that shitty top post debunks the post. This happens all the time with the top post, especially if it's an image. Could it be that someone used a program with a bunch of fake accounts to keep that shit post up there for a while so we can all "see how shitty this sub is?" That goes to the front page of every subscriber...200,000 people.


shitty stuff getting upvoted to the front of the sub page?

Welcome to reddit.

How constructive!!

your sarcasm is cute. This topic is just as constructive as my comment.

Fake accounts upvoting? welcome to reddit, im sure youll find the same on any large website that has a community based voting scheme. fake accounts have been influencing dialogue on the internet for years, this is not a new revelation. There is no "mystery" to solve.

your sarcasm is cute. This topic is just as constructive as my comment.

Except not. You say it happens on all of reddit but give no resolution. Not constructive whatsoever.

Fake accounts upvoting? welcome to reddit, im sure youll find the same on any large website that has a community based voting scheme. fake accounts have been influencing dialogue on the internet for years, this is not a new revelation. There is no "mystery" to solve.

I didn't deny it. I'm simply saying your comment was not constructive. (Nor was mine calling you out, I know.)

Yes. it happens on reddit and the entire internet. If you want to go farther, this sort of propaganda pushing has always existed in media going back thousands of years. From TV, to Radio, to Newspapers, to print, to town criers.

Asking a solution for this is like asking for a solution for greed. those with the power and ability to do, do.

Alright. So there's no point in even trying apparently. Let me ask.

What was the point of your original comment?

Jesus Christ, man! Whats the fucking point of anything, ever?

To be constructive. Did you miss my point?

What was the point of your original comment?

In hopes someone would respond in attempts to point out my comment as nonconstructive, so that i may explain to him and anyone else reading the futility of trying to stop propaganda

The larger a sub gets, the greater the prevalence of low effort posts.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I think that this is most likely the case, if I had to guess. Although, I've always heard it as ...explained by ignorance.

Every site on Hanlon's Razor says"stupidity", though I suppose ignorance can be equally dangerous.

Don't blame our problems on another sub, we did this to ourselves. I brows this sub a bit and half of it belongs on /r/cringepics. Almost non of it can be backed up, and the theories that can never get any love. Maybe because the truth isn't as sexy as the bullshit.

The posts on this subs are entirely in the hands of the subs. Don't make excuses.

I know you're a user here, but how did you find this post? It's currently at like 110, so it's very much buried. However, I see that you also post to r/conspiratard, (I used to as well til they banned me) and it's currently number 1 over there. Any chance you found this post on their sub? That's not brigading because you're a member here as well, I'm just curious. I thought this thread was dead so it was a surprise to see people still commenting in here.

Yeah, I dont hide it. I brows both, though I almost never vote on either. I think that is only fair. It's better to see both sides of a sub. I tend to focus more on comments than posts.

I can't say for sure for sure that there is no form of brigading, but I can say there is no way it is on a large enough scale to bring it to the front page.

Frankly, I dont think either of the the subs are very good. They are both diluted, with pretty standard internet crap.

i browse both and rarely vote because i like seeing both sides. i never really see or hear of brigading on either sub. if there is a vote brigade then /r/conspiratard hides it from the normal members.


This needs to be mentioned again. Browse the new section ...

I don't even see most of the top posts, when in the new, if you know what I mean, they seem uninteresting so I scroll past them, then when I check the top for the day, I'm usually like whaat?

I only surf the top when I finish new.

Yep, me too. New queue is where it's at.


I think this is probably the most reasonable explanation. There are a lot of casual subscribers to /r/conspiracy, a lot of edgy 12 and 13 year olds who only respond to easy and low-effort posts.

That picture and post probably just showed up on their stream and the title was edgy enough for them and conveyed a very human emotion. It was appealing enough for more than a few reasons.

I never said it was a government agent. It could be a pissed off troll or a pissed off Israeli. We talk a lot of shit about Israel and we've had a ton of attacks before, including one that was publicly admitted to.

But we could talk about the possibility of a government agent messing with this sub. Would you say government agents are on big subs like r/worldnews? What do they do when they don't have much work? Perhaps they mess with this sub as well, especially considering the content. This isn't a small group of people. The comments, yes. But the top post gets fed to 200,000 people. All I'm talking about is a guy using a program to jump a shit post to the top of our sub everyday. It would take a minute to completely ruin this sub every day. Is that financially worth it to spread propaganda to 200,000 people using 1 minute of paid labor?

Here's a bunch of links on internet propaganda


They bother because of users that are not deterred by first tier counter measures.

We are on the front lines of an information war. Never forget this.

Case in point. Posts like yours make this sub look like a joke.

I didn't mean to offend you with this post.

In fact, I was just bored, drinking, and doubly bored with the current submissions, at the slow Sat. Night time, and thought I'd submit several lunks from sites I currently frequent... and some updated/recent articles-posts regarding topics that, during my day to day perusal of the /r/conspiracy "new" queue, well, were lacking or were left untouched.

Of all the submissions, I least expected this particular one to "take off".

I posted it becsuse I thought the world needed more love. "Brown" people aren't evil. Our soldiers as people aren't evil. I dunno what to tell ya, man.

Check my history: /u/ugdr6424

I never said you offended me or were a shill. I just thought it was weird that it was selected as the top post. An upvote bot could have been used on that post since it was military propaganda and the person fucking with the votes either works as a propagandist in the military or randomly selected a shit post to be on the top slot.

None of that disproves the possibility of votegaming, for which reddit in general is notorious.

There was a post earlier this week about how the original creators of reddit encoded the ability to create a new user in the same form one uses to post a new link for users with the proper rights.

No need for HB Gary. It's part of the infrastructure from day zero.

It's rare to see a post get more than even 700 upvotes in this sub, even the really good ones. However, if something were to get over a thousand upvotes, you know it would be a picture and not something folks would actually have to read. I'm not saying there isn't vote manipulation going on. I'm sure most of us can remember a few months ago when every single post would get massively downvoted within the first few minutes of its existence.

Edit: Or the post would be three minutes old with 20 upvotes and 20 downvotes. Weird shit like that.

Doesnt this have to do somewhat with Reddit's voting algorithm? I still dont completely understand why it "weighs" votes that are made within an hour of the post as more important than a vote that is made later.

People upvote the stuff they like and move on. Most don't go to the comments to post a scathing remark about how something is a repost. I mean look at how many people are subscribed right now. Do you think everyone of those readers are going to post or comment on something that is linking to a conspiracy? No, there not.

I was wondering about that weird picture being at the top also.


see we can't make a new underground subreddit because the 200,000 subscribers wont be there. we already private ones but those can only do limited things

Already have. I'm in 3 private conspiracy subs. The point of me being here is to influence other people. Hiding out in private forums is good sometimes when you don't feel like dealing with shills and trolls, but it's not really effective. I also hang out in the major subs sometimes as well for the same reason.

It's also really good for circlejerking and ignoring conflicting views.

Hey, aren't you the guy who believes the Boston bombings were actually done by the Tsarnaev brothers?

No, I'm the guy that knows someone injured in the bombings and knows that it actually happened.

Hey, aren't you the guy that was using a different username at the time of those conversations?


Oh look, it's /u/IgnoreTheShill with a new month-old username! Or whichever of the 10 names you use.

This is the end of our conversation, but feel free to get the last word in.

Edit: For any of those curious souls out there, the deleted comment above can be found here. I'm guessing it was deleted for providing too much evidence for my claim. Thanks buddy.

How you made the leap from me to a non-existent user is curious. Mind elaborating on that?

Also, if you accuse anyone of something, proving it is the norm so how about it?

"I cant be that guy, because that account doesnt exist any more!"

Got it.

Be careful about agreeing with me dude, I seem to recall us being accused of being the same person before.

Sorry to interrupt the circlejerk, if you accuse anyone of something, proving it is the norm so how about it? I'm still waiting.

Dont you know: I am everyone. Just ask nineteeneightytwo IgnoreTheShillSerfnomics

Eh, I'll take this bait I guess.

Let's see. Elaboration:

  • /u/IgnoreTheShill and /u/serfonomics have the same insane writing style. You've slightly toned it down, so congrats on that I guess, but you still have some of the same habits.

  • Your name is /u/serfnomics. I won't insult you with describing the coincidence between /u/serfonomics and your name.

  • You just brought up a two month old posting and comment thread using the same argument that /u/IgnoreTheShill used.

  • Your account is only a month old, and you mainly post in /r/conspiracy.

Proof? We both know I can't prove it; I can only look at the facts and happy little coincidences and draw my own conclusions from there.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

We both know I can't prove it

Then I suggest you refrain from doing so, unless you enjoy looking like a fool.

Aww what's the matter, can't respond to the rest of my comment in an intelligent manner?

Because it's true. The more you write under this new account, the more obvious it is.

Have fun trolling.

Yep, you enjoy looking like a fool with your delusions and imaginary theories.

Yep, you enjoy looking like a fool with your delusions and imaginary theories.

Yep, you enjoy resorting solely to insults and ad hominems, like always. Also, that is one fuck of an ironic statement to make based on the theories you posit around here. I hope that irony isn't lost on you or anyone else reading your bullshit.

I look forward both to when you delete this account and make a new one; it's a fun game. I don't know what name you'll be posting under, but I'm guessing it will be relatively obvious.

But since you're a troll, and I try not to feed your kind any more than necessary, I'll take my leave now.

Yes, take your leave. You won't be missed.

And away we go with the ad hominem.

And you're one of the guys that thinks everything that happens is some grand conspiracy?

So what you are implying, then, is that these private conspiracy subs help to steer the more public one?

And this is not a form of vote brigading?

You must have failed high school. Try reading it again.

The point of me being here is to influence other people

That does not say "The point of being in those subs is to brigade other subs."

Get it? We are in those subs to get away from a massive influx of /r/conspiratard members flooding in to specific threads, like this one. You guys just posted a link here and all of the sudden, trolls show up. Not only did you guys show up, but you specifically posted a really stupid comment because you can't comprehend English. I hope this is a second language.

And yours is a very immature way to discuss the issue. Ad hominem infinitum.

The point of me being here is to provide a counter-point to the issue being presented. But I'm labeled as a shill because I disagree.

Take for example the post about the "chemtrail activist's Facebook Page being frozen" for posting an image that allegedly showed the inside of a chemtrail aircraft. It was proven in the comments that this was not the case, but the post still made the front page and the comment providing the truth was downvoted. This was followed by several people ignoring the information and instead switching to ad hominem to go after the person that commented outside of the accepted group narrative.



If you want to hang out in subs that have no opposing viewpoint where someone posts some anti-government rhetoric and the rest of the group upvotes him for his efforts, that's fine. But if you have a public forum like this one, you have to expect that there is going to be someone that disagrees with your position and they should be free to comment on it without being labeled and chastised incessantly.

Do you want discourse or an echo chamber?

You're not providing a counter point right now. You're just being a dick. That's what trolls do. You're a troll from r/conspiratard. Don't pretend like you're doing god's work by helping out this subreddit. That was the most pathetic attempt I've seen yet to justify the presence of trolls

I provided evidence in support of my claims, while you feel comfortable accusing me of being part of some conspiracy without any actual proof. More ad hominem.

Fine. I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree.

So you post a shit comment because you can't read, then change over to how great you are for being here, ignoring the fact that you started this conversation with a shit comment. Smells like trolling.

You stated the following:

I'm in 3 private conspiracy subs. The point of me being here is to influence other people. Hiding out in private forums is good sometimes when you don't feel like dealing with shills and trolls, but it's not really effective.

You are here to "influence" other people and hiding out in private forums is not effective? Do you not see that a comment like this could easily be seen as attempting to manipulate or "steer" the conversations in a particular direction?

Im here for discourse and the free exchange of ideas. You're the one that seems to have some sort of agenda.


Id like to know what they are, but theres probly some sort of password or initiation to prove myself isnt there.

/r/conspiracyv2 is one of them. I believe you have to be invited.

Edit: this post has received fourteen downvotes. Why? Is it against the rules to mention the secret clubhouse?

Yeah, no evidence of vote brigading going on here. Nope!


OK, Mr. four-day-old redditor. Congratulations on this being your very first post.

Come on dude. You really think this is a legit user here? Could it be that it's an /r/conspiratard member trying to make us look like idiots? lol you guys are trolling each other now.

I don't know. All you people look the same.


The point of me being here is to influence other people.

So you're literally admitting to being a shill?

Define shill. If you define shill as a person who goes online to express his view, then I guess I'm a shill. I think you're misunderstanding my comment.


cough shill cough

good luck getting an invite

1)Who upvoted this?

I've gotten into this debate before, but honestly a lot of people don't browse sub specific. They browse in mass, if they see something they like they don't bother to check the sub usually and just upvote it.

You can post gore to aww and it'd get upvotes from most of the people that subsribe to wtf and the likes not bothering to check it's not in the appropiate sub and just assuming that if its not deleted it's in the appropiate sub.

People are lazy

What are the odds that somebody is fucking with the votes here in order to routinely, almost on a daily basis, discredit this sub?

Given the existence of r/conspiratard, I'd say the chances are pretty good.

Hold on, so if a post gets downvoted to hell, /r/conspiratard gets blamed.

If a post gets upvoted to the heavens, /r/conspiratard gets blamed?

Why is this hard for you to understand? The members over there would love to see this sub look even worse than it does now. I think the bipolarbear0 incident last year shows that there is much interest and dedication in attempting to ruin this sub.

So yes, if really shitty US propaganda gets heavily upvoted, while the good posts get downvoted, that means /r/conspiratard or another entity might be attempting to manipulate this sub. Why, in your world, does it only make sense that either the votes would be manipulated upwards or downwards, but not both for different material? It seems like you just didn't think about your question past maybe two seconds.

How about you consider for a moment that stupid people exist.

Do not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

This sub is growing, with growth comes an influx of low effort posts - all subs experience this when they grow.

Do not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

They're not gonna like this one here.

That quote is overused. Could you address why you thought vote manipulation would only consist of upvotes or downvotes, but not both?

Does the repeated use of a quote harm its relevance?

What you've done is create a scapegoat.

This sub, like most others will have terrible, awful submissions hit the front page. It's just how Reddit is - But to blame the scapegoat without any proof that a vote manipulation is going on... Is just silly.

Rather than accept the fact that this sub and its members are not special, you seem to have decided to believe that this sub is divine, its members heavenly and any submission to your disliking is from a malicious source. Which again, is silly.

If you have proof of vote manipulation then go wild, otherwise try to face the fact that this sub is fundamentally no different than most of the other subs out there.

If you look at various subreddits that have had cross-sub drama: /r/atheism, /r/shitredditsays, /r/SubredditDrama, /r/conspiratard, /r/conspiracy, /r/pcmasterrace, /r/MensRights, /r/cringe, /r/circlejerk etc. etc. You consistently see the theme of downvotes being used as a form of attack.

There has yet to be a clear case of a trollpost being submitted that has hit the front page, which has received overwhelming opposition by the subs members - Without this proof or any examples, I see no reason yet to believe upvotes are being used to discredit a subreddit.

I think there's been some really stupid things upvoted here in the past, but that doesn't mean the upvotes are from a malicious source just because I disagree with it.

Rather than accept the fact that this sub and its members are not special, you seem to have decided to believe that this sub is divine, its members heavenly and any submission to your disliking is from a malicious source. Which again, is silly.

This is the whole thing about this sub. Many of the posters have constructed such elaborate mental defenses that literally nothing they do can be blamed on them, there is ALWAYS someone else to blame.

I'm not sure why you're adding more and more material to your reply and not addressing my question, but I'm glad you responded to the bit about your overused quote. No, repeating a quote does not harm its relevance, but overusing a quote as a basically mandatory response to every conspiracy theory makes it just an annoying string of words.

Conspiracies are usually built around a backup plan which is to claim incompetence if caught. I used to work at a local pub and my manager instructed me to use cheap beer kegs at the end of the night to replace the expensive beer. The bartender didn't even know. (I was the cook and I did the prep work, stocking, etc). He always said if we were caught, just say you made a mistake. That is why your quote sucks.

I'm not sure why you're adding more and more material to your reply and not addressing my question

To better explain my objection. And I did address your question.

I used historical tendency and absent proof as why I think vote manipulation to discredit is of the down, not up variety.

but overusing a quote as a basically mandatory response to every conspiracy theory makes it just an annoying string of words.

Perhaps you should instead be considering why it's used so often, as opposed to being annoyed at its use.

He always said if we were caught, just say you made a mistake. That is why your quote sucks.

Repeat offences like that would not adequately be explained through stupidity, the quote still stands.

Do you have any examples or proof of repeated malicious upvoting, to overcome the adequate possibility of stupidity?

You're saying upvote brigades don't exist? Really? Nobody out there in the world has any interest in upvote brigades? Now I'm certain you're a troll.

Edit: Evidence.

Here's my serious question: Why would anyone with real power in the world care about /r/conspiracy? Have you ever seen anything exposed on /r/conspiracy? Have you ever seen anything correctly predicted on /r/conspiracy? Have you ever seen anything of value done on /r/conspiracy?

By your short answer I assume you acknowledge that I did in fact answer your previous question, despite your claim I did not.

You're saying upvote brigades don't exist?

Do you have any examples or proofs of upvote brigades being employed to discredit a subreddit to show me? If you have no examples or proofs, why do you believe what you do?

Yea, your claim is that upvote brigades don't happen. I still think this is a really stupid belief, because you must also believe that there is some kind of mechanism blocking trolls from upvoting posts. Perhaps it is in their troll religion: "Though shall not upvote brigade."

As for proof, I'm sure this will convince some people, but not you obviously. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/comments/1v7fi9/rconspiracy_upvotes_holocaust_denial_but_remember/

You don't think a few conspiratard members upvoted that to get it higher in the ranks of r/conspiracy? Of course not. All conspiratard members are perfect beings who never do wrong.

your claim is that upvote brigades don't happen.

My claim is that you shouldn't believe something absent proof/examples/evidence.

because you must also believe that there is some kind of mechanism blocking trolls from upvoting posts


As for proof, I'm sure this will convince some people, but not you obviously.

38 karma... Um, what? That wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the front page.

But anyway lets go with it, where is the proof that /r/conspiratard upvoted that submission? (Linking to is not evidence alone of vote manipulation)

You don't think a few conspiratard members upvoted that to get it higher in the ranks of r/conspiracy?

It takes more than a few members to get anything remotely close to the front page.

All conspiratard members are perfect beings who never do wrong.

Do you want me to apologise for requiring proof as a requisite for belief?

Honestly, why are you in a subreddit that is about theories... asking for proof? You might want to check /r/news or something, troll. You're lost.

That link showed /r/conspiratard brigading the post in r/conspiracy. It has like 180 ups, which is pretty consistent with the number of members in r/conspiratard, if you accept that a large portion of those ups were from your sub.

The fact that I had to explain this to you proves to me that you are either a troll, or severely retarded. Obviously some of that is fuzzing, but not all of it (not consistent with other posts at net 40). So you can estimate that around 50-100 votes came form r/conspiratard.

Also, what's up with this: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/comments/1v7fi9/rconspiracy_upvotes_holocaust_denial_but_remember/cepj4qp

Where the fuck are you at in that thread? Why aren't you in there bitching at them asking for proof? Because you're a troll.

Theories are made with evidence, reason and proof. Not without.

Do you have any evidence, reason or proof to support your theories?

If you do not have any evidence, reason and proof to support your theories, please do not reply to this.


Edit: The above comment has been edited substantially, it is not what I originally replied to.

I added more to the bottom of the post. I didn't edit anything out.

By the way, here's some more evidence, troll. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1v1ggh/exposing_cyber_shills_and_social_medias_underworld/cenrdlv

That's not "evidence," that's conjecture.

Please explain how a link to a defunct pro-Isreal public relations tool (megaphone desktop tool) translates into the fact that a picture of an Afghan saluting an American monument was voted to the front page of /r/conspiracy.

See? You're trolling. You picked out one piece of that list, then used it to represent the list. What do we call this form of argument? Oh yea, strawman. I used the list as a convenient way to show a bunch of relevant links, even though maybe a few aren't applicable in this situation. I assumed the reader would be able to tell that I didn't want to concentrate on the megaphone link. Now you know. So next time you quote something, I'm going to click the "contact us" link, then ask you why would you submit a contact list?

Not evidence? See, more trolling. It's clearly evidence that motivation exists to manipulate social media, especially political social media that goes against status quo, pro-American politics.

Not proof, but still, it's pretty good evidence. You can't say it's not. You can easily read it. Oh wait, nevermind you can't.

Don't mind ObviousTroll. He's probably still recovering from the scare I gave him the other day.

You're going to say "not evidence, not proof, not a reason" for everything I present to you because you're an uber skeptic troll. People in your sub are allowed to freely talk about the possibility of vote gaming, as I've shown, but when it's brought up here, uber skeptic troll says I need a written confession from the brigaders, otherwise everything I have is not proof and not evidence.

180 ups/downs will do almost nothing to make/break a post on the front page. You guys did this one to yourselves.

Given that your mods deny the Holocaust happened, of you really need anyone else to make you look bad?

Sounds a lot like you're attacking me for no reason at all since I wasn't even a part of this thread.

Do it again and you'll be banned.

This is your warning.

So are you saying that calling someone a holocaust denier is an insult? Serious question.

EDIT: And I'm banned because flytape finds being called a Holocaust denier offensive and fails to appreciate the irony of that!

It violates rule 2.

You intended it as an insult didn't you?


You don't have to label everything you disagree with, with some title that is intended to be derogatory.

Debate them on their views but we won't have name calling here.

Call them by their screen name.

So if someone catches fish, I should not call them a catcher of fish, or even perhaps a fisherman? Though that would be factually correct in every way? The truth, in this case, is offensive?

I guess I don't understand. If someone says "I deny the holocaust" then why would it be considered offensive for me to say "you deny the holocaust"? I'm literally saying the exact same thing.

No, you're trying to be derogatory and I'm not going to debate this with you.

Firstly I am being called a Holocaust denier simply for suggesting that certain Holocaust lore has been exaggerated, I'm not denying the Holocaust. And if we were in a social setting where being a fisherman by profession was looked down upon, then it could very well be inappropriate to call someone a fisherman in an attempt to ridicule them.

This debate is over.

I hate to go all 4chan, but /r/conspiratard is full of home-schooled autistic teenagers with dads who never hugged them.

Oh, and hi /r/conspiratard, I know you linked here ;)

How you doing?

I'll have you know that my dad hugged me once! It was right before he walked out the door to get those lottery tickets. It sure is taking him a long time. Well, I suppose it is a good thing that I have the government and GMOs to wrap me in their loving embrace instead.

If I knew /r/conspiratard was going to cry like a kid whose dad would rather watch x-files instead of going to his birthday party I would have been nicer.

My father never was one for X-Files. Thought that the aliens and such weren't plausible. I was like "That's the point, dad!" but he wouldn't have it.

It's the x-files! I don't think hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is plausible, but it's still fun to watch Harry Potter.

Your dad missed out.

It seems more like an accusation, since it is.

How about you take responsibility for what you say and think about how it makes your sub look? You're not doing this sub any favors.

Says the conspiratard user...

You realize how much bigger /r/conspiracy is than /r/conspiratard? getting something to the top of the front page of a big community is not something done by 'brigading.' It's done because the community voted for it.

Its about twice the size. We usually have 400-600 people here, many of whom are in the comments section from a conspiratard link, so those numbers are inflated. Then look at /r/conspiratard and see that they have 100-200 people there, sometimes more. If that sub floods into a specific thread here, yes, it can easily be overwhelmed.

But not enough to vote something to the top of the front page.

Why? If they concentrate on one thread, they overwhelm the sub on that thread. The rest of us are spread out. Not too hard to comprehend. And it could be any number of other entities doing this. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1v1ggh/exposing_cyber_shills_and_social_medias_underworld/cenrdlv

Why? If they concentrate on one thread, they overwhelm the sub on that thread.

They would be shadowbanned en masse for such activities. The Admins of reddit routinely do this in the tit-for-tat exchanges between /r/conspiratard and /r/conspiracy.

There was a mass ban a few weeks ago.

/u/shillmebuenpagados (might be slightly wrong)

/u/duckvimes changed his name to /u/duckvimes_

And a few more, but I forgot. So obviously this is not a crazy nutjob conspiracy theory.

It's pretty unbelievable the amount of votes a regular conspiratard poster will get in this sub. Emphasis on unbelievable.

I don't know who upvoted it. Certainly not someone who comments here.

Well, if we believe what we say about the "powers that be", we should expect this kind of behavior.

Controversial/new are where the good posts are.

Looks like this thread might get brigaded again.

Here is what I found.

Upvotes: 140 | Downvotes: 68 | Timestamp of this thread

We have been mentioned 140 times by our fans since I started counting.

If this was an error, send me a message

The Cabal really needs to feel like they still have the power that they're losing. They 'flex their muscles' by spewing out so much obvious dis-info. That's fine, because what really matters is that their ability to hold real power in the world is disintegrating as people wake up to banking fraud, and fraud in general. They are running out of resources. It's a lot cheaper to have a bunch of shills to make dis-info than to keep trying and failing to start World War 3. We don't even need more people to wake up. That would just make it a little faster. Just enjoy life. Being a happy, free person will show other people that it's nonsensical to believe fear porn.

What surprises me is there are so many people with their head in the sand.

Reddit Exposed Cofounders Built Reddit with Army of Fake Accounts - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyoaHi65crE

A lot of websites do that in their early days. Go to webmaster forums and you will find ads for paid posters.

having said that, shills are all too common.

Yes, but part of the problem is that the word "shill" is tossed onto any person that disagrees with the consensus. My user name is a tongue-in-cheek poke at this very problem.

before i respond, i submitted it to r/pics

yeah, i x/posted stuff here elsewhere because thats what your supposed to do!

6k upvotes. 5k downvotes. wow.


1) i didnt

2)you're right

3) definitely. remember its getting content to the 213k subscribers, odds are they rarely come here and sift through the actual posts

check my history, i got to the front page of /r/conspiracy by reposting the ' you dont need a leader ' image , and the image about a guy posting in the 'obama won the presidency thread' where he said it'd be no different

Damn. Look at that comments section. A fucking disaster lol. Now everyone thinks that conspiracy theorists are idiots and that Afghans want troops in their country. That's a double whammy.

yeah very counter productive, my fault in a away. but i dont represent conspiracy theorists , nor this sub.

i represent that wall of text of mine.

scroll to the bottom, a comment of mine was gilded.

lolll ur mad :)

No. But your own link sent me down a rabbit hole wherein everybody, even people here in /r/conspiracy, are calling you out as a liar shill who is talking to himself (or herself).

This thread might get brigaded.

Here is what I found.

Upvotes: 112 | Downvotes: 41 | Timestamp of this thread

We have been mentioned 101 times by /r/conspiratard since I started counting.

If this was an error, send me a message

A lot of websites do that in their early days. Go to webmaster forums and you will find ads for paid posters.

having said that, shills are all too common.

I'm not sure why you're adding more and more material to your reply and not addressing my question

To better explain my objection. And I did address your question.

I used historical tendency and absent proof as why I think vote manipulation to discredit is of the down, not up variety.

but overusing a quote as a basically mandatory response to every conspiracy theory makes it just an annoying string of words.

Perhaps you should instead be considering why it's used so often, as opposed to being annoyed at its use.

He always said if we were caught, just say you made a mistake. That is why your quote sucks.

Repeat offences like that would not adequately be explained through stupidity, the quote still stands.

Do you have any examples or proof of repeated malicious upvoting, to overcome the adequate possibility of stupidity?

Theories are made with evidence, reason and proof. Not without.

Do you have any evidence, reason or proof to support your theories?

If you do not have any evidence, reason and proof to support your theories, please do not reply to this.


Edit: The above comment has been edited substantially, it is not what I originally replied to.

You're going to say "not evidence, not proof, not a reason" for everything I present to you because you're an uber skeptic troll. People in your sub are allowed to freely talk about the possibility of vote gaming, as I've shown, but when it's brought up here, uber skeptic troll says I need a written confession from the brigaders, otherwise everything I have is not proof and not evidence.

Doesnt this have to do somewhat with Reddit's voting algorithm? I still dont completely understand why it "weighs" votes that are made within an hour of the post as more important than a vote that is made later.

I added more to the bottom of the post. I didn't edit anything out.

By the way, here's some more evidence, troll. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1v1ggh/exposing_cyber_shills_and_social_medias_underworld/cenrdlv

Why? If they concentrate on one thread, they overwhelm the sub on that thread. The rest of us are spread out. Not too hard to comprehend. And it could be any number of other entities doing this. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1v1ggh/exposing_cyber_shills_and_social_medias_underworld/cenrdlv

180 ups/downs will do almost nothing to make/break a post on the front page. You guys did this one to yourselves.

Case in point. Posts like yours make this sub look like a joke.