My son won a prize, tickets to WWE wrestling. I took him, he had a blast and I people watched. Also I taught him to yell "mashed potatoes!" At public events. <--- bonus.

8  2014-02-10 by Flytape

Something occurred to me while people watching at this obviously fake wrestling expedition.

A lot of grown ass adults believe it is real.

The couple in front of me (mid twenties) actually noticed one of the very fake drop kicks and started explaining it away, right before my eyes. They were so invested in "the lie" that their brains were struggling to patch the holes in what their eyes could see. Not only this but when you go to one of these events they are recording a whole weeks worth of TV in one night. So you start with Saturday slam, then 20 minutes later its Monday madness, 20 minutes later its Wednesday something or other... etc etc.

My son of course picks up on this and protests "hey! Its not Monday! And they just took Jake the snake out on a stretcher and there he is again all better". I explained to him that its just a show, like the movies, not real life. He was okay with that.

Anyways, this same principle can be applied to people who believe outlandish conspiracy theories like lizard overlords as well as people who believe all the MSM even when the inconsistencies and fake drop kicks are happening directly in front of their eyes.

Don't be that guy folks. Don't explain shit away because its inconvenient or because the truth hurts your pet theory. Its okay to let shit go when you've found holes in it. Even conspiracy theories, but especially the MSM.

This message is the same for everyone here friend or foe, theorist or conspiratard. If you find yourself repulsed by this message and think its utterly ridiculous that your perception could be wrong, you're probably one of the people who are subconsciously explaining away the phony drop kicks.

Peace & chicken grease,



And 4chan suddenly takes an interest in the WWE.

As a wrestling fan, I can tell you that we all know it's fake, but that doesn't mean we don't get into it.

Personally I know that it's fake, but I'm still involved. But just like some people really get into breaking bad, or GoT, or any other drama, we get into wrestling. All it is, is a soap opera for guys...

I used to watch this back in the day. I had a friend who had been a fan of wrestling for decades, and knew a vast amount of trivia which meant it was like watching it with a continual info feed!

I thought JR and The King were the two best commentators, especially JR who used to really sell the outrage during a heel turn.

I tried watching it again a while back, but it's not the same when it's just me.

As another wrestling fan, most people know it's fake. But having been involved with some local indie wrestling feds (we helped them with media, promotion, etc.), I know there are a few who take it way too seriously. However, it's the same with any pastime or fictional entertainment.

Me, I used to think it was real when I was a kid, then didn't watch it for close to 20 years. Went to a live show on a whim, and was genuinely impressed by the athleticism and skill it takes.

You're right about it being a soap opera, but as Meister_Vergr mentions below, it's also a communal experience. Was as Wrestlemania a couple of years back: crap seats, would have had a much better view on TV, but it was still one of the most memorable live events I've ever attended. It was theater, on a stadium scale, and a great lesson on how crowd emotions can be manipulated en masse.

Same thing with reality shows. It's astonishing how many people don't think all that shit is scripted.


And more importantly, politics.

I know a "grown man" of this type. His mother died while he was young and his father is an alcoholic. I think wrestling filled a void.

I like where you're going with this. Good comparisons here. But I'd shift it slightly to comparing wrestling with politics. Both exhibit many similarities, and serve to mesmerize en masse.

Wrastlins real and Obama is a secret descendant of Hitler... That's just science.

Damn it Flytape I didn't even look at the username until said peace and chicken grease.

Don't explain shit away because its inconvenient or because the truth hurts your pet theory.

Now I have to tell you I don't disrespect you as much cause you posted a reasonable anecdote designed to make people think twice about their preconceived notions.

Also if Wrestling is fake what does that mean for the Ultimate Robot Fighting League?

Futurama is probably a part of the ministry of truth.

Futurama is set in an American-cultured Earth, it's not a Ministry anymore the American equivalent is a Department. The departing truth, dang how sad does that sound?

Its contemptuous.

I know you hang out within conspiratard and that I have a bad wrap over there but have you noticed how certain people use very Orwellian language when talking about "the well known moron flytape" etc etc.

If I was a hopeless moron, and still yet so capable of rustling thy delicate jimmies, what would that say about you?

The departing truth... yes its very fitting. Departing on a very large and slow boat, destined to be sunk over the Marianas trench.

Departing on a very large and slow boat, destined to be sunk over the Marianas trench.

That's deep yo. Also you are rustling your own subs jimmies. I mean you're a moderator and this post is controversial, you've gotten under their skin cause they thought they could trust you not to do this to them.

I don't understand 'mashed potatoes' is it a new meme or like a family tradition?

Well this type of self check does apply to everyone equally.

/r/conspiracy shouldn't really see it as a russlin because believe it or not we are not a homogeneous group all sharing the same opinions.

/r/conspiratard gets pretty russled no matter what I do so I no longer consider them when submitting something controversial.

I suppose its possible that some would be so turned off by the lizard overload comment that they wouldn't finish reading and thus be annoyed with me because of my opinion that they only partially comprehend.

People sometimes shout mashed potatoes at public events just to be heard on TV.

It started with the PGA.

What really interested me here is that Jake the Snake Robinson is not only still alive, but still wraaaastlin.

I think I'm confusing my own childhood memories with the new new snake guy.

He puts a little green glove on and his hand becomes a snake. Anyone know his name?

Jake the snake roberts is the old skool one, I assume he is not around anymore as he looked about 50 in the early 90s.

Okay I googled it.

Its santino Marella.

He's still around - working the indie wrestling circuit, and being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. He was born in 1955, so rather than "about 50", would have been mid-30s in the early 90's! Clearly not wearing well though: check out the fascinating documentary Beyond the Mat for more on him.

Tanning beds and steroids will do that to a man.

Sadly, addiction - to pain meds in particular - is a far bigger threat. Pre-determined it may be, pro wrestling still takes a hell of a toll on its participants' bodies, and the punishing schedule means pharmaceuticals too often become the only way to get through the day.

The conspiracy moral of which is: sometimes things which appear to be "fake", can actually be more real than they seem at first...

Interesting perspective. Thank you.

Dude you are a living WWE commercial.

Can't wait to watch it again that sounds hilarious and awesome.