PSA: Can We Try To Seem Less Angry?

8  2014-02-10 by [deleted]


I realize there is a lot of awful things currently going on that we want to change, right now. I realize we are a minority and have to fight that much harder to make a difference. I realize it can be frustrating dealing with people who refuse to even entertain the idea of a conspiracy.

That is going to be our fight, forever, if we don't begin using new methods to spread our ideas.

I'm not saying you have to be perfect, because I am certainly not an idol, and in my past I used to be pretty rude to those who were not willing to see things from my perspective, although some did instigate it more than others. Regardless, as time passed I witnessed different communities on Reddit, such as Dogecoin, where the users showed unconditional friendliness to eachother, because fuck it, it's the internet! Why not just be good people to eachother regardless of what you think?

So, this is my message: Do not bring your emotional baggage into every argument you have while browsing this subreddit. Present your arguments thoughtfully and respectfully and hopefully we'll start making the masses question reality in no time.

PS. I barely see anyone sticking up for these ideas in the main subreddits. Where is everyone?! I'm tired of getting downvoted alone :(


I kinda agree, this place gets awful shouty sometimes. I understand why, we are dealing with infuriating topics - it can be bad for discourse though.

Couldn't agree more and mortified at some of my own behavior. Let's strive to be kind in general, and especially here.

Had someone tell me today that "You're awfully invested in this subject" and my first reaction was well, why aren't you?! but I have to remember how I rejected Truth before, because I was so defensive of my closely held beliefs and way of coping. We can't force ANYONE to see what we see, and we all need to realize our understanding will deepen and evolve.

Funny, Eyes Wide Open by Tom McWatters just came on the radio. Thank God for Shazam!

Let's strive to be kind in general

Can I just say that as time has gone by, your comments have become very reasonably presented, especially over the last few months.

It's one of the influencing factors behind me deciding to change how I present myself here.

I still disagree with a lot of your beliefs though! But I'm liking how you are putting them across now.

I will try not to be formal cause I heard this thing about formality: Formality is just anger with its hair combed back. And I was like "fuck that shit" because I'm not really angry enough to comb my hair in any direction, let alone get people angry at me more than I already do.

I figure, the moment you get angry is the moment you let them win. You let them frustrate you which means you weren't mentally capable of handling the situation without being a child about it.

Interesting viewpoint. I disagree but I'm curious. Is there ever a justification for anger then or is it simply always the person not capable of handling the situation without being a child about it?

You already had it down in your other post. I'm just talking about people not being able to listen past your emotions if you're just a total dick when trying to argue your opinion. There's plenty of justifiable anger, but that doesn't mean you have to break down and show it. Save it for the protests.

Well anger is a strong emotional response. It doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong but it could be said that one who is angry is less experienced with the subject.

it could be said that one who is angry is less experienced with the subject.

That'd be a big assumption without any base behind it. It could also mean that the angrier person is actually more experienced and passionate about their topic therefore they're angry that an inexperienced person is so ignorant about the topic.

Well it has some base to it. When I get angry about something I'm trying to explain its either because I'm frustrated that I can't explain it in a way the other person understands. Or that I was forced to consider another view point that legitimately challenged my original position. In both cases I have less experience than someone who could do those things with out anger. I only seem to get angry when I'm actually wrong or don't have a valid response, and I tend to notice the same in others.

Alright I'll agree that it's a perfectly plausible explanation. I just tend to disagree that it's usually a negative thing to become angry. My side, as I said, is that it could show passion for a topic and such.

I think it directly falls into the negative territory for the opposites of angry could easily be considered positive. Calm, happy, delight, joy pleasure, etc, can all be considered positive emotions as well as opposite of anger. It's rare that a I see a professional in a subject get angry during a debate and think that's reflective experience, wisdom, or knowledge. More often I see people become passionate and energized but angry I've always associated as a negative trait when debating.


I responded to that commenter. Check it out.

Yeah but formality is a great way to hide that frustration too. Instead of being flustered you keep composure and instead of swearing you are polite, instead of flying off the handle you get a grip...


You win more points with honey than howitzers. Or so I've heard.

Agreed. When I first found this forum some years ago, I was originally very confrontational, but after chatting to several people here (ones who hold beliefs in many ways opposed to my own), they chastened me in such a patient way that I was a bit taken aback, and it made me look at things differently.

So I have decided I will try and convey my thoughts in a more moderated format, even if I can't promise to agree with people. I'm old, and set in my ways, but I will do my best.

Less angry? FUCK NO. Why? Anger is the only thing going to force us to do ANYTHING. Most people are so brain dead and care so little they will never accomplish anything ever, much less give a flying fuck about our government taking us down. So no I like the anger, its the only real thing left on this sub. If you are not angry than there is something seriously wrong with you.

I am angry! I'm pissed as fuck that we aren't doing enough about it and that's why I'm trying to get people to try ANYTHING different because the cause is just getting shunned for it's negative reputation.

So be apathetic? that will solve NOTHING. Anger IS A MOTIVATOR.

What? When did I say be apathetic?

You sure want us to pipe down and drink our lithium from what I am gathering.

OP didnt say be less angry, just seem less angry. Channel that anger into ruthlessly informative and friendly posts :)

But I like my apathy and lithium please don't take those away too! :)

I'm on your side in this, dude... You're just proving my point in OP.

He's not proving your point. He isn't speaking in an angry tone and even if he was it wouldn't be a detriment to the conversation.

The real problem is that people are pansies. They'll shut down and ignore a valid point simply because of the tone of the point. This is wrong. No matter how butthurt they are that the person is being a meanie, the point still stands.

So, I can understand why you'd want to sound less angry. For the people who can't see the point past its tone.

Exactly. I'm generalizing about the general population's incredible ability to get offended by anything.

But I like my apathy and lithium please don't take those away too! :)