Evidence that /r/conspiratard has vote brigaded a thread in /r/conspiracy (ironically, the thread they brigaded was about them brigading r/conspiracy). They didn't brigade the post count because of OculusTheBot, but they brigaded the hell out of the comments section

32  2014-02-10 by [deleted]

  • To save time, you can simply compare the thread as it is now with this screenshot . They might try to undo some of the voting to cover up the brigade, so this is a screenshot after 4 hours. This screenshot was taken when this thread was mostly dead in r/conspiracy, but number 1 in r/conspiratard. The rest of this thread is just extra evidence like screenshots of the rank to prove nobody from /r/conspiracy will be voting in that dead thread. Obviously the posts have been jumbled a bit, so you'll have to do a bit of scrolling.

I want to first mention that every comment I made was upvoted. Some were at plus 3, some plus 9, etc. Then conspiratard linked to it, and I only captured the screenshot when most of my comments were beginning to be negative. So the normal trajectory of my comments was on the positive side, then this thread slid far down the ranks (meaning nobody from conspiracy would be in there), and my comments suddenly became downvoted.

Here's the thread as it is right now: http://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1xgv87/rconspiracy_huddle_everyone_get_in_here_we_need/

Here's the brigade thread: http://np.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/comments/1xj09u/rconspiracy_gather_their_greatest_minds_to_figure/

Here is a second brigade link, but it is in the comments of another post in r/conspiratard http://np.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/comments/1xhfs4/apparently_we_dont_just_do_downvote_brigades_on/cfbnxwb

19 hours ago timestamp/ 4 hours ago)

As you can see, it was number 1 in /r/conspiratard.

Here is a screenshot that says 19 hours ago- for time stamp purposes: http://postimg.org/image/efviif659/

Here is the rank on /r/conspiracy during the first screenshot (68): http://i.imgur.com/8usfQ8I.png

So basically this thread will have barely any members from /r/conspiracy in it, but should be full of people from /r/conspiratard since it's currently number 1 in their sub.

one hour passes... (20 hours ago timestamp/3 hours ago)

Ranked at 86 in /r/conspiracy, so this thread is dead, and we might have had a few downvotes from /r/conspiratard, but I'm more concentrating on the comment voting.

Screenshot of thread. It says 20 hours ago.

another hour passes (21 hours ago timestamp/2 hours ago)

Screenshot of rank (100): http://imgur.com/kvuA5Y3

Screenshot of thread: http://postimg.org/image/ace6dx1k7/

As you can see, the only people commenting now are /r/conspiratard members. That means any change in voting will be from them only.

another hour passes (22 hour time stamp/1 hour ago)

Screenshot of the rank (118) http://imgur.com/pj53rsI

Screenshot of thread: http://postimg.org/image/u2zq9cf61/

I asked one of the commenters how they found the thread, they said they found it in r/conspiratard, clicked the link, then posted in that thread. You can also check how many of the people in there are conspiratard users. The thread is full of them. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1xgv87/rconspiracy_huddle_everyone_get_in_here_we_need/cfbybns

another hour- 23 hours ago timestamp (I just took this a few minutes before posting this thread)

Screenshot of rank (131): http://i.imgur.com/qGQgBib.png

Screenshot of thread: http://postimg.org/image/frlqkxk95/

People are still commenting/voting in there and it's still number 1 on conspriatard, yet number 131 in conspiracy.


This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my inbox!


Yeah, well I've never seen Clark Kent and Superman in the same room together either but that doesn't mean they're the same fucking person!

Edit- I don't actually think that InternetPropagandist is a undercover Conspiratard, but that was funny and I didn't figure I'd ever get another chance to say it.

I thought it was fairly obvious that /u/InternetPropagandist was a deep cover member of /r/conspiratard.

I sent links to the admins so they could ban the people who brigaded. You guys are joking right? And conspiratard banned me a while ago.

Edit, this is an 8 day old account I'm talking to. New accounts trying to split the community up I see.

I think part of the problem with /r/conspiracy, which was what the OP in the "huddle" thread was getting at, is that people won't monitor the new queue and simply vote up or down. Everything ends up with this big mess of meta-content.

Another part, is that we feed every troll that comes along in the comments. Very seldom do I see a "whatever dude" response followed by silence. We call them a shill and then respond to each one of their 20 responses.

I definitely agree. But that's not going to stop them from linking to specific threads and manipulating the votes around by up to 25 points each comment and then upvoting each other as well so we all have to read their troll posts.

But that's not going to stop them from linking to specific threads and manipulating the votes around by up to 25 points each comment and then upvoting each other as well so we all have to read their troll posts.

My point is that: yes it will. Why do you think they keep coming back?

They brigade all kinds of subs who don't care about them. They even brigade r/bitcoin. That's just what they do. If we ignore it, they will just blatantly brigade all day long. If ignoring them will make them go away, then why are they brigading other subs who ignore them?

I honestly think that you are doing the right thing by reporting it to the admins. If the /r/conspiratard members are brigading then those members need to held accountable, and the admins are the only people who can actually adjudicate.

I would have to assume they are joking, you've always seemed like a great member to me.

This thread might get brigaded.

Here is what I found.

Upvotes: 2 | Downvotes: 1 | Timestamp of this thread

We have been mentioned 130 times by our fans since I started counting.

If this was an error, send me a message


Check the other thread they brigaded. They downvote the bots. Or just click their history.

I would like to ask if you could change the links external to our sub that you used in your submission into "no participation" links.

e.g. "www.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/somepost" into "np.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/somepost"

I know this might be easily bypassed but let's not go that way; they don't care if they started first or we did it, they will always point out that we are the ones that brigade, even though they are the ones that are constantly xposting our own threads.

If you guys can't ignore them at least don't give them more reasons to annoy us even more.

Ermahgerd mah internet poinz. Won't someone think of mah internet poinz?!

I can't make any claims about other /r/conspiratard posters, but you have to note that A) none of the threads you linked to call for vote brigading and B) that /r/conspiratard (tries) to only allow np.reddit.com links that at least discourages vote brigading. As far as I know no one on /r/conspiratard has ever legitimately called for a vote brigade. At least I've never seen someone say "hey everyone go over here and upvote/downvote." That's not the point of /r/conspiratard. We actually love you guys 'cause you're beautiful just the way you are.

My comment is the top comment in the "brigade" thread, and you'll note that most people seem to agree with me. It might be time to consider (just consider) that you get downvotes maybe because you're bad at internet, not because the scary people in /r/conspiratard are out to get you.

How'd you find this post? Was it from /r/conspiratard? A member of conspiratard admitted in the thread I am claiming is brigaded to following the link at conspiratard and then participating in that thread.

Are you going to be voting on anything in this thread?

It's pretty obvious r/conspiratard finds some r/conspiracy posts funny, and when they get to the front page of r/conspiratard their users find it and vote as they please. There is no dark plan, it's just natural.

Yea, but all of them deny it.

I found it in /r/conspiracy new. Yes I voted. I upvoted everything because I fear for your internet points.

The internet points matter when you're trying to have a discussion and everything you guys don't like gets buried. This isn't r/conspiratard, so I'm not sure why you're trying to make it an extension of your sub by having all of these troll bridges over here, participating in those threads, and voting the way you guys see fit.

You guys obviously brigaded that thread, so I guess your last defense would be to make it sound funny and pathetic.

You gotta know that no one ever calls for brigading over in /r/conpiratard. It's a bannable offense per the rules of the subreddit in the sidebar. Users will do what they will though and it's not really possible or desirable to police the voting habits of all of /r/conpiratard or reddit in general. You also really need to consider that the bulk of the people that are seeing your little meltdowns are subscribers to /r/conspiracy. If you're way in the negatives, it means that (for sure) the people viewing your paranoia aren't at least upvoting to keep shit even. Either they're A) not supporting you or B) adding to the downvote count.

And /r/conspiratard is all about things that are funny and pathetic. That's literally the whole point of the subreddit. Have an upvote, on me!

Right, and a few people from your sub were banned a couple weeks ago for participating in a vote brigade, and they all made a post claiming they didn't brigade. One was /u/duckvimes who now calls himself /u/duckvimes_

Hopefully that one get's banned as well, so we can all give a warm welcome to /u/duckvimes__

So, people get banned for vote brigading and yet you claim that /r/conspiratard encourages it? Meesa thinkin yousa mighten be a little whakadoo.

Their ban doesn't reflect on what /r/conspiratard does or doesn't encourage, as they were banned by admins not mods.

So these couple of people were banned. Okey. Where do you suppose are all these other bans for all this vote brigading? You'd think if they could catch a couple, they'd be catching them left and right coming out of /r/conspiratard as they supposedly do. Or at least as OP would have you believe they do.

No one has to call for vote brigading when you assholes post links to our threads. Pretty obvious what's going to happen, no one has to be told to do anything.

Are you saying no one should be able to link to this subreddit? Or just the people whose views disagree with your own?

What I'm saying is get a fucking life. If you people disagree with the views of this sub then why do you care what goes on in it? The entire point of Conspiratard is to act better than others. It's childish bullshit. If you have to sit and discuss how others are stupid and how much better you are than them to feel good about yourself then you need to reexamine yourself as a person.

I think you just succinctly summed up the problem of all subreddits dedicated to complaining about other subreddits.

Why people simply can't do whatever the hell interests them and leave others to do whatever the hell interests them is beyond me.

Yea, they get banned and then make new accounts. And lately, you guys have been posting a lot of direct links (not .np), which wouldn't really matter anyways as this post shows. Even if you use .np, your buddies over there still decide to replace it with www and vote. That's just pathetic. You guys really care that much about the votes in this sub?

Hi conspiratard :)

See, I can't vote right now because I clicked a link over there, then came here to respond. I'm not going to be a pathetic troll and delete the np and replace with www so that my vote can count.


Hi conspiratard :)

That's Mr. Director of Shill Affairs, Tel Aviv Division to you.

I found this in /r/conspiracy/new as well.

It's very clear that once a post is linked in the tard sub, users immediately jump to this sub and start downvoting in not insignificant numbers. Are you really still trying to debate that?

I think the naivete of that argument speaks volumes to the general perspective over there.

So why aren't the mods of /r/conspiracy or even the admins handing out blanket bans or whatever. I mean, you personally seem privy to the numbers and you're not a mod or an admin right? They must have even more information than you and yet here we are.

You guys moan about getting banned all the time. I'm really not that interested in the drama, I just wanted to point out that the argument you're posing had no relevance in reality.

It's as simple as crosspost from that sub severely influence the voting and discussion here. If you're just being a contrarian by arguing that point, fine. But if you believe that it's not true, there's an issue with the critical thinking process.

You gotta know that no one ever calls for brigading over in /r/conpiratard. It's a bannable offense per the rules of the subreddit in the sidebar. Users will do what they will though and it's not really possible or desirable to police the voting habits of all of /r/conpiratard or reddit in general. You also really need to consider that the bulk of the people that are seeing your little meltdowns are subscribers to /r/conspiracy. If you're way in the negatives, it means that (for sure) the people viewing your paranoia aren't at least upvoting to keep shit even. Either they're A) not supporting you or B) adding to the downvote count.

And /r/conspiratard is all about things that are funny and pathetic. That's literally the whole point of the subreddit. Have an upvote, on me!

So why aren't the mods of /r/conspiracy or even the admins handing out blanket bans or whatever. I mean, you personally seem privy to the numbers and you're not a mod or an admin right? They must have even more information than you and yet here we are.

You guys moan about getting banned all the time. I'm really not that interested in the drama, I just wanted to point out that the argument you're posing had no relevance in reality.

It's as simple as crosspost from that sub severely influence the voting and discussion here. If you're just being a contrarian by arguing that point, fine. But if you believe that it's not true, there's an issue with the critical thinking process.