Another amazing coincidence related to WTC twin tower demolition

56  2014-02-12 by thefuckingtoe


I hope you don't mind me adding a small resume here, I am not sure but I think you might have found that out from my previous comment too.

Here is a short recap:

Turner Construction company "upgraded" the almost exact floor levels where the airplanes hit and where the collapse initated.

That same company helped plan and oversee a top down demolition of the Seattle Kingdome in 2000.

And that same company also participated in the collection and disposal of the WTC wreckage.

The Seattle Kingdome demolition was also the one and only demolition that the company has ever been part of, at least until 911.

If you want to know a bit more about Turner and Bush read here.

Guilty. I hope that's not stepping on your toes.

It's just that there was such a wealth of information in your post, I hoped to highlight a very massive puzzle piece that reasonably explains the "how" of a controlled demolition.

Thanks for your sourced contributions. It's always a treat.

Edit: words

So the "terrorists" must have had:

1) Inside knowledge that NORAD was preforming a "drill" that morning.

2) The exact fire upgrade points on the buildings.

3) The ability to fly the planes beyond their maximum airspeed with only a Cessna license perfectly into the upgrade points.

Seems legit.

If those were the only fire upgrades done on those points of the buildings then something was afoot indeed.

If those were the only fire upgrades done on those points of the buildings then something was afoot indeed.

Debunkers call it "coincidence". Like proving that high rise steel framed buildings can collapse due to fire for the first time in history with "there's always a first time".

This is unbelievable. The naysayer govt issued conspiracy theory supporters falsely believe there was no way the bombs and cutting charges could have been planted. And this is the proof the 3 towers were not bombed. They were. With the Bush family running security, this group had FULL unfettered access and ability to rig the entire demolition. This is clear evidence of explosives being planted and used.

Those who don't believe, it's time to take an honest and open look at the official complicity of our govt. A false flag of unbelieveable size and scope.

Sadly, they refute this with "coincidence" but not the "high rise steel building caught fire, turned into dust for the first and only time in the entire history of manking".

TURNER is now working on the renovation of the Capitol Dome.

Here’s a scenario for you:

A pair of “USAF Al Qaeda sympathizer infiltrators” crash their F-16s into the Capitol Dome during a GOP walkout on April 4, 2015. Less than one year earlier, President Biden, upon assuming the presidency under emergency conditions, and having gotten Hillary Clinton to become his VP without ever being on an electoral ticket (like Gerald Ford), steps down after three weeks to let HRC ascend to the presidency — causing a firestorm of controversy that the GOP fans into near-popular-revolt. HRC is president for less than one year. On April 4, 2015, with the entire national Democratic Party eliminated in one swoop by the crash, while the GOP members of the House & Senate spared due to their boycott of “the illegitimate president Hitlery Clinton”, the new "emergency president" is sworn in by Justice John Roberts at midnight on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Despite previous evidence ( that a jet crash could not cause the damage sustained at the Capitol Dome, the GOP remained defiant in their characterization of President Clinton’s recent shutdown of the NSA over evidence of a “coup plot” and her declaration of a National Emergency. Citing the events of recent months as “a deplorable, dangerous authoritarian takeover attempt,” the surviving GOP insist that the nation’s most urgent need was the swearing-in of a new President and a new Congress, expected to be hand-picked by the surviving government leadership. Perhaps it will be “the emergency president” Palin or Paul, waiting in the wings to “restore” the nation with an “emergency Constitutional Convention” that will ratify a new, patriotic Constitution, begin military & intelligence purges, initiate sweeps & roundups, and denounce conspiracy theories that will begin with the mystery renovation company: Turner .

Did they build Cheney’s bunker (… and tunnels? ala Herman Goering’s tunnels to the Reichstag, presumably used to start the fire in 1933) in early 2001 as well during the “renovation” of the Vice President’s residence that reportedly installed a “bunker”?

Prepare for an attack on the capitol now. This construction/demo company is clearly heavily involved in the lies.

Ugh I hate Turner Construction...

If those were the only fire upgrades done on those points of the buildings then something was afoot indeed.

Debunkers call it "coincidence". Like proving that high rise steel framed buildings can collapse due to fire for the first time in history with "there's always a first time".