Not a member of this sub, but why are the mods so quick to ban people?

4  2014-02-12 by [deleted]


The mods of this sub are some of the best mods on reddit.

You're funny.

You will probably be downvoted to hell for this, so I am making my upvote verbally.

Agreed, they don't put up with bullshit

Here is the thing.

99% of the time when I ban someone for making personal attacks in a comment here. I warn them first and then ban them when they fail to follow the rules. 99% of the time when they know they failed to follow the rules, they go cry to conspiratard about how they were banned for having a different opinion or because flytape is corrupt. They are rarely capable of accepting responsibility for their own actions.

If you automatically believe what you're being told about us by a subreddit dedicated to mocking people who they disagree with, you're not really thinking for yourself.

Conspiratard banned me for explaining why people were banned (inside of conspiratard) because my side of the story made too much sense and didn't fit their circle jerk. Their head mod literally spews insults and curse words when you attempt to debate him like a normal human being.

Have a great day and I hope you realize that there are two sides to every story.

If you automatically believe what you're being told about us by a subreddit dedicated to mocking people who they disagree with, you're not really thinking for yourself.

So you'll prevent them from ever thinking for themselves by banning them from the subreddit. /r/conspiratard thanks you for your dedication to keeping the wool over the eyes of the sheeple flytape. We'd salute you, but you know there are rules about acknowledging officers in the open.

However that didn't answer the question, why ban someone from saying that in /r/subredditoftheday you went on a tangent about how you got banned for interrupting conspiratards circlejerk.

There are two sides for every story, I think banning someone for having a smile on their face is a bit harsh and you were too quick to pass judgement on them.

I got here kind of late to the party.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Nobody was banned for saying they had a smile on their face as far as I'm aware.

It may in fact just be them bringing up a ban from earlier and claiming it was for their comment there. The link:

But since I suspend my disbelief for them you can have the benefit of the doubt.

OMG I just got banned from conspiracy for wishing that OP has a nice day and realizes there are two sides to every story

Unbelievable. Wait what? How can I still post here. It was on the internet so it must be true.

Yes Flytape, this situation is what I was alluding to, however if they were lying you need only say that explicitly instead of making it a complicated inference.

They enjoy making those claims but they forget to provide the source of said claims.

It's like NIST and Obama in one package!

Actually I was in the middle of moving from the library over to somewhere else, but I replied if you're interested.

Actually I was in the middle of moving from the library over to somewhere else, but I replied if you're interested.

To flytape about it lower down but since my internet points are really precious to me I tend to delete comments and submissions that don't turn out the way I want them to.

I noticed, I was quoting for posterity.

Right I mean when it does below 0 I usually delete them, it was just kind of creepy you'd do that to me because you should know I don't want that done.

It wasn't creepy, get over yourself. You're posting on a public forum.

This website is actually privately owned, I think, or was.

Privately owned and open to the public, making my point stand. You never can be honest can you? You know exactly what I meant.

Maybe I don't want to be honest with those I feel do not expect me to be honest. It's hard to answer, but I have the power to delete my comments when I want and I do not really have to explain why to anyone, consider it a courtesy to tell you that. :p

It's hard to answer, but I have the power to delete my comments when I want and I do not really have to explain why to anyone,

I never asked you to explain why you deleted comments and I never even suggested why you may have deleted them. There you go again putting words in my mouth.

I didn't wash my hands before I did that either.

Here's how r/tards work:

They mock us in their sub, a few that feel offended fall for it and go there trying to clear things up.

When that is not enough, they come here to mock in our faces, more fall for it and they have orgasms of circlejerk that are anything but rational discussions.

When that also isn't enough, they come here with faked accounts to create their own mocking content to use it later and feel like badass in front of their groupies.

Then, when they stretch it too far and violate the rules, they post the ban itself to their groupes and lie about the reasons why they were banned in order to gather circlejerk acceptance from the few that make a daily habit of this.

r/tards also forget that there is a rule here about linking things to this sub:

 9. Posting links in other subs pointing to specific submissions
     or comments here is subject to a ban, depending on context.

But they don't care, as long as they have their peer's attention they will keep doing what they do best, mocking us everyday and everynight.

You know so much about how they work, are you one of them?

It's called "observation", something that people usually do.

But ignoring that (because common sense appears to be overrated in this conversation as it always is in any r/tard discussion), if I said "no" would you believe me?

I'd believe you since your enthusiasm marks your sincerity. ENTHUSIASM MARKS SINCERITY! I say it a lot, becuase I think how much you want someone to believe something relates to how much effort you put into telling them.

Then the answer is no.




The hypocrisy over there is ridiculous. I almost can't even stand coming to conspiracy any more because I see more and more of them here trying to push the direction of conversation in a certain way.


Banning users would not solve any problems, it would in fact increase the problem because you would be effectively banning innocents and driving those away while the guilty would simply make a new account and keep at it.

I talked about this yesterday:

Thanks for the input by the way, very good point.

Perhaps rather than banning them, we should start tracking them.

It would be much more easily managed if we had another team of lower level mods who would be in charge of handling submission and user and comment reports in a manner that allows them to be tracked so as to root out users who are provably determinable to be shills/bots/tardtrolls.

If you use RES you could do that same thing by yourself and label each one that you do not wish to be bothered with anymore.

But that only benefits me and does nothing to combat the problem of infiltration.

Why would conspiratards be concerned with being unable to come to the one place they hate, ridicule and scorn?

Are you guys so concerned with being unable to come here and make fun of us in our own face when making that same thing in your sub is not enough anymore?

I will never understand why do you do it. If there is something that bothers me, goes against what I believe, provoques my anger, I wouldn't be consistently going after it day after day after day, making sad jokes about said people, going as far as making new accounts to create their own content and ridicule it after, create alternate accounts to circle around bans, cynicism every fucking day, etc.

You guys are the same as KKK going after african american bars for one simple reason "I hate them, that's why I go there and I won't stop until they are all gone". Pathetic.


Sorry, are you seriously concerned about being demeaning when the sub you defend calls us "retards"?

Oh lody, the hypocrisy. Go ahead, take whatever you want out of context. This is why I wish this sub would ban anything linked to r/conspiratard, the only talk that it offers is absolute shit and nothing but pathetic drama.

I think you're dismissing what I have to say without refuting it so I geuss the conversation is over.

Again you are making false assertions.

He did not dismiss what you had to say without refuting it.

He said you took his post out of context, which you did, which I have explained in a different reply to you but will state here again, because his comparison of /r/conspiratard to the kkk was that of the ignorant hate which motivates them, which is not in any way disrespectful to any of the victims of any of the hate.

Don't tell me you're not capable of comprehending this from what he said, otherwise I have no choice but to believe you're not that intelligent.

Making a false assertion about your opponent and then closing the debate does not mean you have won, it means you're trying to deceive people which unfortunately for you I have thoroughly exposed.

Since I haven't overplayed my cards I'll leave you with this.

Your move.


I never said anything about your claim that you were moving but thank you for admitting here that it was a lie.

I'm glad you just admitted you lied to us when you stated you were moving.

I am "butting in" to a conversation that you were having with somebody else because there is a reply button that allows me to do so.

Now you'll have to excuse me because that isn't the reason I did it that's just what facilitated my means to do so, absolutely nothing prohibits me from "butting in" on anything I can reply to on this website, so again, stop trying to play the victim card.


You are very bad at what you are doing and you are not going to trick me.

To come back to the reason why I "butted in", as I have thus far established here, is to EXPOSE YOUR TACTICS.

You have horrible grammar by the way, and your attempt to call me stupid for engaging in conversation with a person who I feel is of lesser intelligence is pathetic at best.

"Good company, with each other." How cute.

I only make the assertion that what you provide leads me to believe you are not that intelligent so that you will think about that so that you may become more intelligent.

You think whatever you want to think and guess whatever you want to guess.

You already did it twice, what's one more?

I've had threats of violence leveled at me from conspiratard users.

They definitely breed hatred.

Dude why are you letting yourself be bated by this guy, look at his comment replies and how all he does is make false equivocations and false assertions in order to lure you into debating topics which he wants to use to derail you with.

He instantly goes to asserting that you're claiming that "We don't do that here, only they do it and they're evil and we're not" he's making it an "us versus them" conflict trying to use the fallibility argument to lessen the point you're making of how /r/conspiratard specifically breeds an environment which encourages hate.

Watch how he then further tries to enfeeble your argument by making another false equivocation of /r/conspiratard being a bastion of hate to "internet drama", which he further polarizes by using the violent example of lynching ( he could have said murder, why such specific imagery? ).

Flytape, you are a mod for Gods sake. Don't allow yourself to be played so easily by such weak attempts.


I don't really feel that I was baited into anything. Its probably just a side effect of having a minor in philosophy. I can't resist.

Well despite what you feel you were text book baited into providing an emotionally driven response based on his provocations. This is established in your whole conversation with him.

Read every other reply of his that I have responded to because I've exposed every single trick he is trying to use in order to derail everybody.


There are violent people in every group. Fucking green peace activist can be violent.

My point was that this finger pointing from conspiratard breeds hatred. There was actually a story posted there where a guy punched his coworker for bringing up 911.

Wtf man. We are ALL THE SAME.


There are violent people in every group.

Hurrr durr


What are you saying? That a different opinion about the Holocaust is hatred? Even though you don't see people over there saying "omg what a fucking kike" where you do see people in conspiratard saying "omg what a fucking retard". "These people should be allowed to have kids".<----- (Ahem motherfucking eugenics)


Right, just like "revisionist" points get deleted from every other subreddit on this site.

Sucks when it happens to your opinion doesn't it? <--- what's this? Omg how racist!


Well I only resort to violence when all other options are exhausted. Someone talking about 911 can simply be walked away from.

That post was then removed. However it's hard to walk away from a co-worker, I don't remember the post too clearly but I think I read it when it was in new.

The comments applauding the violence against someone that thinks differently and even wishing for worse are still there.

Even 2 mods are there included.

That post was then removed.

After being upvoted 30+ times. A strong indication that the users of the subreddit condone the action.

This is not about internet drama, and you are making false equivocations.

/r/conspiracy does not exist solely on the internet. Yes, the data here is all digital but at the same time it is all physical as it is represented by physical energy and stored on physical drives.

It also exists in the real world in form of the exchange of information from person to person outside of the internet, like when we go to parties and instead of just talking about non-sense worthless gossip celebrity sports entertainment bullshit, we actually inform people of things that we've learn from research we've taken from /r/conspiracy.

GayUnicorn6969 was making the TRUE assertion that /r/conspiratard fosters an environment which actively encourages hate, and the users engage in these hateful activities because it satisfies their desires to see that which they hate harmed. This is the exact reason people engage in racist hate.

Stop making false assertions and false equivocations, those level one tactics are juvenile at best and are no match for a man who is intelligently informed in the manners of speech and debate.

Are you ommitting that there maybe violent conspiracy theorists because it fits your narrative?

Lol wtf? That is the worst straw man I've ever seen. You might be the best at evading questions I've ever seen. It's too obvious if you overuse the tactic though.

His comparison is not demeaning to murder victims of the KKK.

Tell me in which manner it is demeaning.

He is insinuating that they both are engaged in their respective activities for the same reasons: hate, which through violent destruction of that which they hate brings them joy.

It is indeed pathetic as they operate in direct opposition to love.

Now don't get me wrong, you should not love that which is evil, you should despise such things.

The hate these people are unleashing, however, is wrong and unacceptable, and we should not stand to tolerate it.

I will not have you try and belittle his point by asserting his comparison is disrespectful, that is ignorant and wrong.


Again, you have yet to answer the question.

How is it belittling to compare groups formed for the express purpose of directed hate towards selected groups/individuals?

Answer that question in your reply before you do anything else.

Also, do you honestly think you're not being completely obvious in who you are and what your agenda in these comments is when the only crutch you can weakly lean on is a falsely claimed logical fallacy?

/r/conspiratard IS like the Nazi party in that it uses polarizing propaganda to paint its' enemies as savage idiots who are lesser because of whatever the hate is directed at, be it their physical characteristics or ideologies. It also encourages its' users to actively be hostile towards the group that is the focus of their hate, Nazis being everybody non perfect Aryan, and /r/conspiratard being /r/conspiracy users.

Just because you cite a logical fallacy and use latin does not mean that you are intelligent nor are your assertions true, which they indeed are not.

You are extremely ineffectual in what you are trying to do here and I suggest you stop before you make yourself look even worse than you already have.

Because their goal is to manipulate public opinion and suppress the topics they are paid to suppress. There is no other subreddit like conspiratard (even with all the other subreddits easily mocked, like r/tulpas), anywhere else on reddit, and I think that says a lot. Don't for one second think the most active r/conspiratard users are just regular Joes browsing reddit in their down time.

I think you're delusional. It's a satirical subreddit. None other like it? There are dozens, if not hundreds of them. Do you honestly think every circlejerker on /r/conspiritard is paid to comment? Do you have any actual reason to believe that?

every circlejerker on /r/conspiritard is paid to comment?

That's not what I said, nor think.

But of course! Everyone who disagree's with you is part of a global scheme working against the enlightened members of this subreddit! No one could ever possibly not believe your bullshit!

No way; everything posted here is true. But I have to keep debating people here, the paycheck is just so good!

Don't for one second think the most active r/conspiratard users are just regular Joes browsing reddit in their down time.

Lol holy shit are you serious

Banning users would not solve any problems, it would in fact increase the problem because you would be effectively banning innocents and driving those away while the guilty would simply make a new account and keep at it.

I talked about this yesterday: