Besides 9/11 and Chemtrails, what big conspiracy theories do you hold with a substantial amount of evidence?

21  2014-02-13 by [deleted]

This isn't supposed to come off as a conspiratard baiting, or whatever. I am just asking for a few very popular and very evident instances of, say, the government betraying us. Thanks for all that participate :)


A reddit board member and the general manger run a PR firm together and have tried to sell their services to startfor.

Tuskegee syphilis

Gulf of Tonkin


USS Liberty coverup

And the newest one Government spying.

That one was known for a while and isn't really a conspiracy. Snowden is an Op acting like some kind of weird PR guy.

Does sorta seem that way to me, too. My question, then, is what was the point of the leaks? Why would the NSA/CIA want to let more of the public know that such blatant corruption was occurring? It seems like they could've just kept doing what they were doing and the majority of the western world would've continued to be none the wiser.

In other words, the question that always must be asked, "Who benefits and how do they benefit"?

I've heard a few answers to this question but I dunno... I think I'm still undecided one way or the other.

They're just edgy conspiracy theorists. The NSA stuff is mainstream, so now they have to make a conspiracy out of it. Plus, I haven't talked to a single "Snowden is a black op" guy who has the slightest clue about the extent of what was leaked so far.

Honestly, at the end of the day, that's kinda what I'm leaning towards too I think. I've tried to (and continue to) keep an open mind to the idea that he's a "plant" or "limited hangout" but it really just doesn't match the MO of those in power.

For the last, what.. 400+ years (of course far longer but particularly in the last 50-75 years) they've done everything (or tried to) in complete secrecy but now, all of a sudden, they decide it's a good idea to let the evidence of their corruption out into the mainstream?

It just doesn't make sense to me. It isn't logical. Honestly, maybe the only thing I've seen that makes any kind of sense with regards to him being a plant is the idea that the CIA and NSA are in opposition with each other and he's a CIA plant. But even that seems a little far-fetched.

I love that question, "who benefits?"

It seemed like a controlled burn. You'll see this with a lot of controlled opposition. Firefighters sometimes do controlled burns to avoid a wildfire.

Who benefits? I don't know man. That's a tough question. Other than slowly leaking ane controlling the neg publicity to avoid a major backlash, I haven't figured it out.

That being the case, my question would be, "What are the other (presumably worse) leaks that aren't being exposed (and who would be the one exposing them)?"

I remain skeptical on both sides but for now I think I'm leaning towards him being legit. I just haven't seen enough convincing evidence to the contrary.

I'd like to have known what Hastings was working on.

On that we can certainly agree.

Leaking the information the way it happened makes a lot of sense the more I think about it.. the kind of journalists (and their sources) who regularly question the government are literally intimidated now knowing that everything they do is being monitored:

..yea it pissed people off, but that was bound to happen on a much larger scale if the information got out in a non-controlled manner. Now the information is out there, nothing has really changed, and we have a thoroughly intimated public/press.

I know...I have never thought anything said on a phone or the net was not being snooped on in some way.

All he did was repost. All it took to get people to believe was a back story and power points.

For WMD's are you referring to Iraq? Because we did find WMD's there.

We did?

Large stores of chemical weapons are in fact WMD's. Not to mention extensive work on biological agents.

Are you talking about the depleted uraniun that we left?

Chemical weapons stockpiles

I'm having trouble finding a link to back your claim.

Really? There's this which outlines much of the chemical weapons stockpiles, and this that explains the biological program. Not to mention that we found and in fact recovered much of it, found destroyed chemical and biological agents labs, and even found Iraqi chemical weapons in other stockpiles such as that of Syria. So yeah, there's a mountain of evidence to back up my claim.

One shotty reference at the end of the second link on wiki. The rest of the information you provided shows no proof that there were wmds found after the second war which was based on claims of wmds.


So you mean to tell me that everyone who was affected by mustard gas and other chemical weapons is lying or faking it? The fact that we have photos and videos not only of the aftermath of chemical attacks, but also of the stockpiles themselves? not to mention that all you did was look at the evidence I brought up and said "I don't believe in your evidence, so it's wrong".

The people who are struggling after the 2nd war are dealing with the affects of depleted uranium brought on by US weapons. Your evidence proved use in the first war.

There is NO evidence of wmds in Iraq that justified the second war.

I am just asking for a few very popular and very evident instances of, say, the government betraying us.

That one can usually be agreed upon by everyone to be a conspiracy against a race in the US government.

In Canada our conspiracies often involve the Americans, because we are too polite to conspire against one another competing with you-ess-eh to see who can fuck up our country more and faster!

The Bomarc Missile Controversy or Crisis is often pointed to as an example of the Canadian government acting in a way that was detrimental to Canadian interests (our own homegrown aerospace industry) by using Bomarc nuclear missiles to deter Communist aggression instead of interceptor-planes.

The Canadian government did not make it clear that the version to be acquired, the Bomarc-B, was to be fitted with nuclear warheads. When this became known in 1960 it gave rise to a dispute as to whether Canada should adopt nuclear weapons. It led to anti-nuclear protests throughout the country.

But this makes me giggle cause it reminds me of another time our Government was caught with the Americans.

The Pacific Scandal was the first major political scandal in Canada after Confederation. It involved the taking of election funds by Prime Minister John A. Macdonald in exchange for the contract to build the Canadian Pacific Railway.

But Allan, unknown to Macdonald, had used American money to supply the campaign funds to the Conservatives, creating an awkward situation.


Which also brings us back to contemporary issues by being conservatives in trouble: Senate scandal: At Issue panel weighs in on what Harper knew

Thank you for the contribution, I'm going to read up on all of that now :D

Many of the major events in history have a lot more going on behind the scenes than you were told about in school. Just do some digging.

Can you give me any examples? Your comment was rather ambigu-- I GET IT!


May I see like a source of that?

Edit: sorry about that. I just realized you probably didn't want to google "child rape mind control."

Hahaha nice. But okay, I'll bite.

Specifically, I'd say each of the major wars of the last few centuries - French & American Revolutions and both World Wars (and their aftermaths).

Hell, just read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" if you haven't already. That would be a start.

All I know is when the media isn't reporting on something, then something fucky is at hand.

Chemtrails have a substantial amount of evidence behind them? I'd love to see some, I've not seen anything convincing.

You have not looked very hard at all:


University Of Oxford - Geoengineering Programme

Extensive list of geoengineering patents

Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols

Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering

Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft - Patent# 5104069 – April 14, 1992

Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds - Patent# 6,056,203 – December 8, 1997

Fluid bed chaff dispenser - Patent# 4167008 - Sep 4, 1979

Powder contrail generation - Patent# 3899144 A - Aug 12, 1975

Apparatus For Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification- Patent# 3899129 - Aug 12, 1975


Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification - 1966

Geoengineering: Governance and Technology Policy

Atmospheric Aerosol Properties and Climate Impacts

Geoengineering Cost Analysis Report IPCC report

Climate Change - So Much For Plan B

Geoengineering: Governance and Technology Policy

Space Preservation Act of 2001

Navy Research Paper: ‘Disrupt Economies’ with Man-Made ‘Floods,’ ‘Droughts’

video where a NASA Scientist says Chemtrails, twice:

Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research

Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering

“Chemtrails Are Happening All Over The World” According to Former British Columbia Premier

Weather Modification, Bill Gates and NASA

Solar Geoengineering: Weighing Costs of Blocking the Sun’s Rays

Moving Clouds Away

Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth

Stratospheric Injection of Reflective Aerosols or Particles by means of Aviation Fuel Additives


U.K. Researchers to Test Geoengineering the Climate

Former FBI Agent Speaks About Stratospheric Aerosols


Germ Warfare Testing Using Planes

Operation LAC - Toxins Sprayed Out Of Aircraft

Project SHAD - Testing Of Toxins On Unaware Military Personnel

Project 112 - More Toxins Sprayed Out Of Aircraft

Agent Orange Operation Popeye

Project Stormfury

Charged Aerosol Release Experiment

Army scientists secretly sprayed innocent St Louis citizens with 'radioactive' particles

United States Admits Tests On Sailors Navy Sprayed Biological, Chemical Agents Over Ships 30 Years Ago

British population sprayed covertly with the poisonous compound at least 76 times

Millions Were In Germ War Tests

RAF Weather Modification Results In Multiple Deaths

A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification - 1966 (NASA)

Weather Modification: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate - January 1, 1974

Dr. David Keith Recommends Aerosol Spraying

Chemical Testing

Lab Tests

Water Tests

Aerosol Fallout Tests

UK & France Rainwater Test Results

News reports


Pilot Speaks Out About Stratospheric Aerosols and HAARP


Two Different 'Con'trails Coming Out Of One Plane

Plane Flying In Circles Deploying Aerosols

'Con'trails Being Turned On and Off At Will

Two Planes Flying Side-By-Side, One Turns Aerosol Spray Off and On Again

Controlled Spraying of Aerosols

Geoengineering? Watch This! Then Try to Deny It

Up Close Monitoring Of Aerosol Spraying On and Off Again

Airline Passengers Told To Lower Shades During Aerosol Spraying

Photographic Evidence

Leaked Photos of Chemtrail Dispersal System

HAARP and Electromagnetic Ionization Technology

The Smoking Gun: HAARP and Stratospheric Aerosols

ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology

Here are some magnetometer images of the HAARP activity in the days leading up to the Fukushima disaster, during and afterwards:

NEXRAD Weather Control: Vortex Creation 101

NEXRAD Weather Control: Tornado Termination 101

NEXRAD Weather Control: Heterodyning Frequency

Track the Planes Performing the Spraying

Google these terms

"climate engineering"

"stratospheric aerosols"


"solar radiation management"

"albedo enhancement"

Geoengineering does not imply that contrails are not contrails.

At best, due to the evidence presented above, you can only say that you do not know one way or another what the origins of the persistent contrails are.

Oh, no I just meant like besides popular like conspiracies, I didn't actually mean they had evidence (I joust didn't want to see people referring to it)

9/11 truth consumes my life. It's not simply any other conspiracy. It's as real as the water that I drink and the air that I breathe, yet people willfully ignore it. An analogy of its magnitude and tangibility would be if Godzilla sprung up out of the Thames River, sat on the London Bridge, and people wouldn't recognize its existence.

There's no room in my mind for other conspiracies until people acknowledge this Godzilla. Meanwhile, I'll accept that people question my sanity.

You don't know the relief I felt when that guy grabbed the mic at the Super Bowl and said the government is behind 9/11. I'm just glad other people still care. One day the truth will come out, I just hope I'm around.

FBI & ATF allowed the OKC bombing to occur

Jon Ronson did an excellent investigation into that, and even tracked down John Doe #2 (Andreas Strassmeyer- a German citizen with strong links to international intelligence agencies).

Taxes, regulations, fractional reserve banking, imperialism

Rockefeller Family being one of the prominent families and main architects of the NWO paradigm and desire for total control with their siphoning tentacles reaching into nearly every facet of society. From the Federal Reserve, Congress, United Nations, CIA, Chase Bank, Standard Oil, Council on Foreign Relations, Council of the Americas, Trilateral Commission, Bildeberger, Builders of the World Trade Centers, Bankrolling Institutions like Harvard & Yale, Industry, News Organizations, Entertainment, the list goes on and on and on.

David Rockefeller -- "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

The fact that Bush's grandfather is Alister Crowley is enough to make you think twice about there being an Illuminati.

I believe this April 1 blog was where that originated.

Although the resemblance is uncanny.

Follow the money as to why this would be "covered up".

I believe there is a North American great ape.

It's a pretty open secret in some parts of the NW.

You don't know the relief I felt when that guy grabbed the mic at the Super Bowl and said the government is behind 9/11. I'm just glad other people still care. One day the truth will come out, I just hope I'm around.

I believe this April 1 blog was where that originated.

Although the resemblance is uncanny.

One shotty reference at the end of the second link on wiki. The rest of the information you provided shows no proof that there were wmds found after the second war which was based on claims of wmds.
