Can we get a discussion going about the recent banker deaths/suicides?

76  2014-02-14 by [deleted]


According to a whistleblower they are being taken out by a Wall Street hit-squad covering up the truth of the mysterious lack of gold in the vaults and the Forex scandal cover-up.


Not upset at all, if the MSM dealt in truths I could oblige your request. The truth will not be televised.


No, you're not. Questioning things should work both ways.

Nothing fishy about Sandy Hook, in your opinion?

Though I don't think you're an asshole - it's never a bad thing to be skeptical and ask questions as long as you aren't going about it like.. well.. an asshole.


A few reasons I can think of for that, just to play Devil's Advocate.

First of all, SH was a lot smaller scale than 9/11 which took place in the middle of one of the biggest cities on Earth and certainly in America while SH took place basically in the middle of nowhere. 9/11 was also the catalyst that got the public to support (or at least accept) the "war on terror". All of this to say (in my opinion) more people were exposed to the details of 9/11 (and, thus, the many anomalies, coincidences, and lies) than to SH. How many people have actually taken the time to look at the details of the case (relative to 9/11)?

The other thing to note is that even suggesting the idea that the children at SH "didn't exist" or "weren't actually murdered" or any other theory is completely blasphemous and unfathomable to most people, I would argue even more so than the idea that our government was in some way responsible or complicit in 9/11. "But the children", "How dare you not respect those grieving families", etc.

I guess what I'm getting at is that SH hasn't reached the point where it's "socially acceptable" to question the events to the extent that 9/11 has. It also was a less significant event in terms of affecting our daily lives and freedoms than 9/11 was (which arguably has had a bigger impact on my generation than any other world event).

As far as actual research goes, I'd start here if you've never seen this before

There's also a user on reddit, /u/Mindsequalone, who's done a great job researching this event and finding quite a few peculiarities regarding fishy lottery winnings of the families, among other things.

I think there is enough out there to at least be very, very skeptical of the official narrative. We have certainly not been told the whole story.

So you want one of the news networks that the people in power own to report the truth on how the people in power ripped you and everyone else off? You aren't really that stupid, are you?

I want officials to speak out publicly about what happened.

If it gets covered by the media so be it. But that will never happen unless people speak out.

I want officials to speak out publicly about what happened.

The officials who know the truth about Sandy Hook also know that their families' lives would be snuffed out if they tried to go public.

And frankly, who would they "go public" to - the mainstream media who printed the ludicrous official lies about Sandy Hook in the first place?


perhaps theres more the will take out in the next few days/week?

I hope the bankers blow all the whistles they can now, they might be next after all. More murders have been predicted by V.

Can you provide some links to his predicted claims?

I am curious to know how many "V" has made that came true; as well as did not.

Can't find much about it TBH, I did find this though, interesting indeed.

who is V

He is an anonymous banker source if I'm not mistaken.

Bet The NSA knows!

I bet JPM would like to know that too... He's the hero we deserve.


I would definitely watch that movie, it seems strange to think we are actually living in it. Strange days indeed.

Another Forex trader just jumped.

One banker shot himself 8 times with a nail gun. 8 times.

If the first you don't succeed ....

Was he a Banker? Have only read his eulogy. Wasn't specific

This makes me remember the south park episode with the homeless guy expert taking the "easy way" out haha

Death by Nailgun. Wow.

I just hope that he was using a Paslode Impulse (a nod to all of my fellow Wire friends in da house!)


My Paslode takes about 5 sec to cycle a new nail and I have to press really hard. Would rather kill myself by swallowing broken glass.

Mine's a bit faster but perhaps because it's a trim nailer??

In any case--what a way to go! That takes...determination! How sad.

The thing is, I could PROBABLY accept this is all a coincidence but the nail gun suicide guy...seriously? Who kills themselves like that, it makes no sense. How did they reach the conclusion that it was suicide? Just so odd. No idea whats going on, but it is very weird that they are all so close apart, I think even with the amount of workers concentrated in this trade this is a very weird cluster.

Does anyone recall that strange occurrence last year where JP Morgan's vault supposedly caught fire? "BANK VAULT FIRE in the basement level of JP Morgan's original Chase Headquarters.The FDNY has confirmed via tweet that they were responding to a COMMERCIAL VAULT FIRE IN THE BASEMENT of JPM's headquarters at 15 Broad St." This was shortly after some news that stuff was missing. This news seems to have come and gone, without any real hype... but in retrospect this may have been a bigger event than we knew.

I'm not sure that these are assassinations. Seems like there are a million other ways that they could keep bankers quiet without drawing so much attention to themselves. If these people are capable of murdering bankers and framing it like a suicide, surely they could just find some other angle... like using threats to family as leverage.

Maybe they're sending a message with the "suicides". Another option is that maybe these people were about to "blow the whistle" or expose some type of fraud or something and there just wasn't any time to plan and execute an elaborate assassination made to look like an accident.

When I see that a guy supposedly committed suicide with multiple nail gun wounds and another guy thrown from the 33rd floor of a building (how'd they know it was the 33rd floor he jumped from if there weren't any witnesses?), it at least makes me raise an eyebrow and think, "Hmm.. there might be something more to this."

well I once got flack for saying "maybe they killed them because they were about to blow the whistle" when someone told me that people who are goin to blow the whistle most likely keep it a secret.. unless their communications were monitored and were taken out because of the stuff they were saying who knows

I have no real proof of this, but I've been working in the Russel Investments Center for a few days now and have been asking various security guys and building engineers about the death of Dueker. Apparently he had been acting erratically for weeks and was having a lot of "personal issues". An engineer who seemed close to him said the stress was really getting to him[Dueker], whatever that meant.

Acting erratically how? Any other details you can provide?

Not really, I was playing pretty lowkey because I'm just a window cleaner for the building, and didn't press the subject too much with the engineer. I'm likely to be working there for a few weeks at least though, so I'll keep asking around as inconspicuously as possible.

Is Talley really a banker?

He seems more in real estate than anything else...

Real estate is actually just as important as gold in some regards. It is a tangible, physical asset and measure of negotiable wealth, whereas cash mostly exists as bullshit numbers getting shuffled around in digi-space. Real estate is extremely important.

Of course, but why would a real estate CEO be in a high level banking shadow op?

What do you call '8 bankers falling out of a plane? Air pollution!'

I was going to say, it's a good start.

Just so you know...JPM alone employs over 250,000 people. Maybe looking at this through a statistical lens is necessary instead of some vague post on a silver blog without any sources.

Pretty clear there's a culling going on. Probably the criminals at the top getting rid of anyone that might be perceived as a threat below. Right now people within these demonic institutions are beginning to exhibit signs of having souls, and that won't do. So they're probably just being taken out and covered up to avoid another embarrassing Edward Snowden moment.

Just soulless criminals being soulless criminals. Hopefully they keep it up until they've all murdered each other. That should make the cleanup extra easy for us.

cover up of (soon to be exposed) title fraud scheme, rehash of the subprime scheme.

Another one just bit the dust, another JPMO

Not seeming to belittle the awfulness of suicide, sometimes you get clusters of them (see teenagers in Marton NZ) so maybe this is just another cluster, this time with bankers the conjoining factor. Or it could be they just think they might be missing out, so decide to join the jump queue!

Interesting idea. could be cluster suicides. Not sure if it works the same in adult world as in teenage world though.

Or could be rumors that there are bars of gold in hell.

February 3, 2014 - Ryan Crane, 37 -

"He died on Feb. 3 at his Stamford, Connecticut, home, according to the website of Leo P. Gallagher & Son Funeral Home in Greenwich, Connecticut. The cause of death will be determined when a toxicology report is completed in about six weeks, said a spokeswoman for the state’s chief medical examiner."

Death unknown at this time

How many nurses killed them selves how many people from other professions? It's easy to take information out of context and see patterns

An average of one person dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes. (CDC, AAS)

There are four male suicides for every female suicide. (CDC, AAS)

4 Bankers in 2 months is not unusual

It is if you're into conspiracies and don't know anything about banking.

Given the extremely loose grounds for inclusion here - Talley wasn't a "banker", there's nothing apparently fishy about Crane's death and there's little or no evidence they knew each other - this seems little more than coincidence. Do the math: given the tens of millions of people employed worldwide in these areas, any two week period is likely going to have a handful of vaguely unusual deaths.

Except any two week period doesn't. Your point would be valid if we were all jaded by weekly news stories of professional finance types shooting themselves with nail guns and jumping off buildings. I don't know if something is going on or not, but I'm not going to dismiss it as coincidence, because of logic like - 10 million employees = nail gun sepeku fairly common.

I want officials to speak out publicly about what happened.

The officials who know the truth about Sandy Hook also know that their families' lives would be snuffed out if they tried to go public.

And frankly, who would they "go public" to - the mainstream media who printed the ludicrous official lies about Sandy Hook in the first place?