Which tragedies weren't conspiracies?

0  2014-02-23 by [deleted]

Hi guys,

I have been interested in conspiracy topics since I was a kid. I've read many books on it front to back and watched many documentaries. Still, I feel like there is much I don't know. I would really appreciate it if you could read my question and see if you can answer it.

This question is particularly for those who think that events like Sandy Hook, Aurora, Jonestown and 9/11 were "inside jobs" or CIA programs. It seems like just about any tragedy that gets any press have been debunked. But are any real? Which ones? And how do we know?



It seems like just about any tragedy that gets any press have been debunked.

That the MSM "debunks" something is nothing that should really ever be taken with much weight at all. The MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of TPTB. They do as they're told, not tell the truth. As such, what they say should be taken with a very soluble grain of sand.


that people on /r/conspiracy and elsewhere debunk the "official stories" and seem to expose that the victims are crises actors and so on.

That's because the official stories continue to show themselves to have tons and tons of holes in them. And the word "debunk" is probably not the right one. It's a loaded word that tends to have a lot of negative connotation to it which doesn't really apply to all the false flag attacks that TPTB continue to pull on the citizenry. It's simply the case that a lot of the evidence and facts revolving around these attacks shows that they did not happen the way the MSM reports them to have happened. Simple as that.

That itself right there lets you know that something very bad and nefarious is afoot.

Now, which tragedies WEREN'T conspiracies? I have no idea. That's not to say that no tragedies weren't conspiracies, but I can't think of any offhand that didn't involve a covert collusion and cooperation amongst various members plotting something nefarious under the scrutiny of the public (the veritable definition of a conspiracy).


I didn't mean to make it sound like I was questioning the accuracy of /r/conspiracy

No worries, man. Question away. Nobody's perfect, and there are a lot of stories and people in this sub that are crazy and out there and stupid and wrong. Nothing wrong with questioning the accuracy of this sub. Heck, it should be encouraged. One shouldn't, of course, be a naysayer just to be one - especially if there's actual evidence that points to the contrary. At that point, one is just being a shill (paid or not) or a troll, not a real, critical-thinking truth seeker. However, questioning is pretty much the life's blood of this sub...so, again, question away. Do so critically and intelligently, but question away.

I just wanted to ask which tragedies were real-life events and which were orchestrated by "TPTB".

Well, I think that's a good question actually, and it almost seems like most if not all high profile events or attacks, etc as of late have some sort of element of conspiracy and dishonesty associated with them. 911 was a 100% false flag conspiracy. Sandy Hook was. The Bat Man Colorado shooting was. The Boston Bombing was. Lots of evidence that Columbine was. Same with Waco and the branch Davidians. The shooting of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and JFK all most definitely involved conspiracies...

Hell, and again, I don't know which high profile events in the US weren't conspiracy or had serious elements within them that didn't involve conspiracies.

I'm not sure which tragedies really weren't conspiracies. They seem almost to all involve conspiracy in one way or the other.

That's where a discerning eye helps, when the government or intelligence a agencies lie, or when the story is constantly contradicting itself, it's probably grade A bullllllshit


Columbine is an actually example of a tragedy that I have no doubt was conspired between the two accused people, whereas Sandy hook I find fishy, and inconsistent. I would bet that we have not heard the whole truth on that tragedy. Example: Columbine killers are shone in school security cameras doing the crime but we have yet to see a picture of Adam Lanza standing near the school, let alone entering it by force

What about the witnesses who named at least two other students they said were throwing bombs? That always made me wonder if something else went on.

how was 9/11 not a conspiracy?

Conspiracy- secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.


By definition, any tragedy that wasn't done by a group of people.

Who's downvoting I wonder....

I love how nobody has attempted to answer your question..

I still don't understand the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory.

I can kind of get it on the surface; Govt wants to take guns. It's the how that gets me. So they staged a massacre and no one really died and I can prove it because there's this picture here that looks kinda like that kid from this picture here! ...Huh?

I mean, follow the money. Who made money off of this? No one. That's a red flag right there. Was it power, perhaps? What laws were enacted because of this? None. Okay so not that either... Who stopped those laws from going into effect, by the way? Congress. So the powers that be planned a horrible massacre to get a law changed and then decided not to change the law. Wat?

I guess I might be wrong, but I don't buy it. I think the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory was planted to make us look like jackasses so no one would take anything else we have to say seriously.

The gun lobby benefits from the SH conspiracy theories.

So they staged a massacre and no one really died and I can prove it because there's this picture here that looks kinda like that kid from this picture here!

I can see you've really taken an honest approach to looking at the data presented by the theorists...

I don't know what happened at Sandy Hook but the fact that the kids look like some other kids is probably the least compelling of all the evidence people have pointed to. Speaks volumes that you think this is the only thing people have asked about.

Then by all means point me to more credible evidence.

Well if you're honest about looking at it with an open mind I'd start by listening to Wolfgang W. Halbig's questions.

I've seen the questions he asks and they're all Loaded Questions.

"Why NO Life Star Trauma Helicopter on Dec 14, 2012 since you use them in every active shooter drill when the news media covers your stories. WHY?"

I've not seen any evidence that the thing's he's asking about actually happened. And in the google-fu I've used to look this up I've seen a lot of appeal to emotion specifically when this guy talks about he's so lucky to live in this great country and how after he started asking questions he started getting threats from the authorities! trying to force him to stop us from seeing the truth! This guy knows what his audience wants to hear.

Look, I bought the 9/11 Govt bullshit line for a long time. It was only since Snowden that I actually looked at it and realized it was total BS. So because of that I'm not going to 100% dismiss the possibility. And if there's real compelling evidence then feel free to link it here, but yeah I don't buy it.

You know who this Wolfgang guy reminds me of? The doctors around the Terry Schiavo case. When her story went national all kinds of "Experts" came out of the woodwork promising that they, and they alone, could totally rehabilitate her back into a fully functioning human being. This of course gave her grieving family undue hope, and meant her death was even more painful for them to deal with.

I see those bottom feeding, fame whoring, scum sucking shitbags as the lowest denominator of society. I'd rather spend my time hanging out with meth addicts than spend one second with someone who seeks to use a horrific tragedy to generate money or fame for themselves. And, yes, this includes the politicians and NRA that did just that. So I don't see the questions that Wolfgang is asking as evidence. Since they're just that, questions.

You may be right. He says he is planning on filing suit so we will have to wait until then to see if he's being honest about all findings of his research.

And your assertion that he is lying is not based on evidence, you just think his claims are too fantastic. You're guilty of the very thing you're accusing others of.

I'd like to wait and see if the things he is claiming can be verified. He says he called the helicopter company and they said there were helicopters on deck but no requests were ever made for them. This kind of thing shouldn't be too hard to verify.

I mean, follow the money. Who made money off of this? No one. That's a red flag right there. Was it power, perhaps? What laws were enacted because of this? None. Okay so not that either... Who stopped those laws from going into effect, by the way? Congress. So the powers that be planned a horrible massacre to get a law changed and then decided not to change the law. Wat?

Both of these points are addressed throughoutthis video. Many family members made money. Also gun restrictions were enacted.

Many family members made money.


So the family members conspired with authorities to get their children murdered so they could cash out... Wow.

The Sandy Hook tinfoil hatters are making us all look like such shit heads...

I never said children were murdered. I simply said families did indeed profit from SH. Many families actually.

It is fucked up but I'm sorry you cannot entertain the possibility that such a horrible event could be conspired and feel the need to attack people who've accepted such a cruel thing to be possible.

I don't believe Sandy Hook was a government operation either, but as for:

"Who made money off of this? No one."

  1. Obama used this tragedy to raise money. Countless other politicians also. Obama used it is a valid reason for raising taxes. NRA raised money off this too.

"What laws were enacted because of this? None."

  1. NY SAFE ACT. Colorado enacted laws. Connecticut too, probably others.

The gun and ammo manufacturers probably made way more. Whatever campaign donations people got... Really I don't see them being that much money. Plus it happened a few weeks after a major election. Why stage it after you win?

When the Colorado laws got passed a friend of mine said he heard on conservative radio that, "If I leave town and my wife hears a burglar and she gets my gun and shoots him, she'd go to jail under Colorado law!" That sounded pretty absurd so I actually went online and found the law. Have you read it? It's practically toothless. Not the Jack-booted-thug laws my friend heard about on the BS radio. Besides, again, Colorado probably wouldn't plot a conspiracy in CT. I didn't bother reading the other laws, the fact that conservative radio was flat out lying was all the evidence I needed to see that this was being used as a wedge issue to get us all to hate each other and not actually a crisis of freedoms.

All this smacks of reactionary measures. Of making 'the best' out of a tragedy. Like ambulance chasers, hell most of congress probably started their career there.

So I was thinking, but I was thinking I should dismiss the small practically inconsequential gains when I asked 'who benefitted'?

I wouldn't call the money issue inconsequential. I would guess that at least hundreds of millions of dollars of reactionary spending occurred on both sides. But you're probably right, and I agree, it was all reactionary.

Read about the NY SAFE ACT linked above - it's not toothless and it was passed as a result of Sandy Hook - that effects about 6% of the populous. It is nice to see that most counties governments and those effected are not obeying it though.

But on the larger issue, we agree.


I also have this question. It seemed every single event in us history is a conspiracy.

You are on a forum with over 200k individual people. It just makes sense that at least one of them is going to call foul on just about every event. It's up to you to decide what sounds legitimate or not.

Conspiracy- secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Anything you would classify as a "tragedy" are done by more than one person, hence it is a conspiracy.