Interesting that the /r/politics subreddit updated their rules about the same time the rules got updated here. Notice any similarities or disturbing trends/developments?

8  2014-02-25 by Orangutan

I wasn't able to submit the following link to this subreddit because it had already been submitted by another user. That is a new development as far as I am aware of.

Here's the updated rule changes to /r/ politics on 2/25/14:


What was the rules update here?


Accusing another of being a troll or shill is considered an attack

WHAT??? This in light of the Greenwald post currently stickied ... by the same mod??????

Even the language, directing people to "familiarize" themselves rather than just stating what has been changed ... creepy creepy creepy. Whoops, am I criticizing the sub? What a farce.

Probably because people here didn't seem to realize that throwing around the word "shill" without cause is, in fact, a personal attack rather than a factual accusation. Just because they exist doesn't mean you can use the term to insult people on this sub. It's that simple.

schill cosby

i can't


Whatever yo, accusations of 'shill' were NOT A REAL PROBLEM for this community. Straight up. Tell the truth.

Shills themselves ARE A REAL PROBLEM, as indicated by the article that's STICKIED RIGHT NOW.

No, they were absolutely, unequivocally a problem. 'Shill' and 'yard' slinging is absolutely random here, and thrown in the face of debate far too often.

No, its a well known attribute if this sub and it has been criticized a multitude of time for it. That's fact, not opinion.

It's also a fact that shills have inundated this subreddit. They must be called out when identified. Thanks to the groups and useful idiot members, they are incredibly easy to identify. They all play by the same rulebook.

The only man that ever fears being identified as a shill is a shill. Clear evidence speaks for itself, and ANYONE incorrectly identifed will be victorious literally IN THEIR NEXT POST. I do not agree with the revised rules. They did not address ANY issue that we have on this sub. And the fact they are ideitical to the unnecessary revisions on another, completely separate sub?? Must be a very strange coincidence.

That is one of the stupidest posts I have ever read on this sub.

It's also a fact that shills have inundated this subreddit

Inundated? Hardly. There's barely evidence for the handful who have ever been called out officially, and absolutely no evidence whatsoever for 99% of cases in which the word is thrown around.

They must be called out when identified.

And the identification of an actual shill is incredibly uncommon here. Call them out when they're real, and you have evidence of such, sure. But most use it as an insult and to discredit someone they disagree with. That is unacceptable.

Clear evidence speaks for itself, and ANYONE incorrectly identifed will be victorious literally IN THEIR NEXT POST.

What sense does this make? What victory will they claim? How will they claim it, supposedly in their next post?

Must be a very strange coincidence.

Not really.

We're witnessing the comple and total taking over of out beloved Reddit. More specifically, it is apparently now time for /r/conspiracy to be fully controlled. The reason being is that It functions, at least for the modern youth and younger adults (those who could quite easily take over the world if they banded together, and resisted the lathetice divide and conquer tactics thrown at them daily). Much more effectively than television programing. Their use of persona management software, for us AGAINST US is quite telling. All to prevent problems that we don't even have. Telling indeed.

Riddle me this, bud. You woukdnt happen to be a heavy poster in /r/conspiratard, would you?

Seriously? They added two words two rule number ten and now they're trying to take over your sub? That's incredibly over dramatic.

And no, I'm not.

Just like the rest of the world, it happens in baby steps. Calling out shills when they are solidly confirmed is not just s right, it is a duty to your fellow man. Truth will always prevail, unless others step in to forcefully obscure it.

I'm working on confirming that you are not telling the truth here.

Sure. I don't think it should necessarily be against the rules to call out a shill, at least when you have proper proof. The reason it has been banned, however, is because in 99% of cases the word shill is used incorrectly and as an insult. This severely waters down this subreddit and is the source if much of its infamy.

Additionally, I have only ever posted on /r/conspiritard twice, not that its really of consequence or any of your business.

Ah, some great figures pulled out of your ass. As stated previously, truth is self evident. I've been called a shill before. It mattered zero, as I provided solid evidence to back my claim. Every single shill I've called out has exhibited solid, known shill behavior. It should only ever be used with prooof. Banning it's use is entirely reckless. It proves the corruption that the paid supporters of lies have over us.

out of your ass.

Hardly. I've seen people called shills on here hundreds of times, and maybe once or twice has it been a correct accusation.

I provided solid evidence to back my claim.

You shouldn't have to defend yourself from BS accusations just because someone can't uphold a debate without resorting to personal attacks.

Every single shill I've called out has exhibited solid, known shill behavior.

Show me some examples of proof you've found that shows someone is a shill.

Banning it's use is entirely reckless. It proves the corruption that the paid supporters of lies have over us.

No. You're clearly entirely missing the point of the bloody ban. It's to discourage the incredibly common shit-flinging fests that happen daily in this sub. Calling someone a troll or shill (or personally insulting them, which both of these are) only detracts from a conversation. If you can't converse without insulting someone, you shouldn't be conversing at all.

You apparently haven't been around long, or have very selective memory. This wall of text also indicates certain things are quite likely.

For shills, see Vargr and adamwho. The same poster, supporting his own paid GMO / Monsanto views. Now prove to us where a reliable, trusted /r/conspiracy member here has incorrectly labeled a shill.

Poster for nearly two years, lurker for closer to four. Just because I'm not blind doesn't mean I'm new hear.

wall of text

Really? It's like three sentences plus a paragraph. I'm sure you can handle it. Certain things like what?

For shills, see Vargr and adamwho

Reading through their history, they seem like a completely normal redditor. Putting them into reddit investigator, I see no correlation between the two accounts whatsoever. They have no overlapping interests whatsoever, and were made more than a year apart. Would you like to show me the proof? Even if they are the same... who cares? Having two accounts is not uncommon. Hell, I have two accounts. One is my SFW account which I use at work or school. Does that make me a shill?

Now prove to us where a reliable, trusted /r/conspiracy[1] member here has incorrectly labeled a shill.

Seriously? Pick a /r/conspiracy post. Find someone who disagrees with the theory. There's about a 50/50 chance they will get called a shill. I call complete bullshit on you being unaware of this.

I notice a glaring lack of direct response to my question. Again, another piece of surprising behavior for an upstanding legitimate member of the community.

I don't see a question in your post. So, there wasn't really one for me to "answer."

Oh, that selective memory of yours again. Let me help you get right back on track with our simple discussion.

Thise "99%" figure that you quoted / pulled straight out of your rectum. I requested one solid example of where a reputable /r/conspiracy member incorrectly labeled someone a shill when they weren't in fact a shill. With how often, at least according to your "story" how often this occurs, it shouldnt be an issue at all to provide a single example of this occurring. You know, for something that has been such a threat to non-shill /r/conspiracy members, it should be incredibly easy for you.

Ah, I believe we've stumbled on why you feel so strongly about being identified as a shill

[–]khamul787 0 point x hours ago The point is that there isn't enough. The amount of radiation hitting the coast is completely negligible compared to the amount of natural radiation already present.

We have a true intellectual here, folks. Even though EVERY SINGLE OTHER MELTDOWN IN THE HISTORY OF MAN HAS HAD NOTHING BUT HORRIBLE EFFECTS AND SEVERE CONSEQUENCES, this one should not be discussed or worried about. The TV told me so. Triple meltdown that is still nowhere near contained, and you're shilling the safety of the West coast compared to nonexistent background radiation (cesium). How recklessly foolish.

And once again confirmed.

The only man who fears being labeled a shill is a shill. Because truth speaks for itself. It is self evident, and will be revealed nearly every single time simply in the submitters next post.

Whooee you go into crazy mode quickly! Also WOW it took you what, 5 minutes to throw our conversation out the window?

you're shilling

Give me some fucking proof. You have literally no evidence of this whatsoever. Zero, zip, zilch. None. And yet you're just throwing it around like a bloody hot potato.

Now prove to us where a reliable, trusted /r/conspiracy member here has incorrectly labeled a shill.

Well, there's your proof. That was easy.

"Preliminary dose-estimation reports by WHO and the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) indicate that, outside the geographical areas most affected by radiation, even in locations within Fukushima prefecture, the predicted risks remain low and no observable increases in cancer above natural variation in baseline rates are anticipated."


Not as severe as you make them out to be. Beyond the evacuation, there was little death or disfigurement.

" In comparison, after the Chernobyl accident, only 0.1% of the 110,000 cleanup workers surveyed have so far developed leukemia, although not all cases resulted from the accident."

Here are some nice quotes from people who actually know what they're talking about.

" the radiation release from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could cause 130 deaths from cancer globally (the lower bound for the estimater being 15 and the upper bound 1100) and 180 cancer cases in total (the lower bound being 24 and the upper bound 1800), most of which are estimated to occur in Japan."

"Estimated effective doses from the accident outside of Japan are considered to be below (or far below) the dose levels regarded as very small by the international radiological protection community"

"As of August 2013, there have been more than 40 children newly diagnosed with thyroid cancer and other cancers in Fukushima prefecture 18 of which were diagnosed with thyroid cancer, but these cancers are not attributed to radiation from Fukushima, as similar patterns occurred before the accident in 2006 in Japan, with 1 in 100,000 children per year developing thyroid cancer in that year, that is, this is not higher than the pre-accident rate."

". The results of measurements of both the seawater and the coastal sediments led to the supposition that the consequences of the accident, in terms of radioactivity, would be minor for marine life as of autumn 2011 (weak concentration of radioactivity in the water and limited accumulation in sediments)"

"The United Nations predicted that the initial radiation plume from the stricken Japanese reactors would reach the United States by 18 March. Health and nuclear experts emphasized that radiation in the plume would be diluted as it traveled and, at worst, would have extremely minor health consequences in the United States."

"It’s really a little hard to predict at this moment which model is correct, said Smith. Either outcome, he emphasizes, is not dangerous to humans because the levels are so low. It’s clearly not an environmental or human health radiological threat,”

The simple fact is, mate, the international scientific community is not expecting any major or threatening levels of radiotion whatsoever.

Amazing. It takes a very special type of person to even attempt to argue a semi-rational point that an as-of-right-this-very-moment full blown triple nuclear meltdowns that in some bizzaro-world that is definitely not Earth cause serious human costs. And that this currently uncontained open.air radiological release is somehow not @_dangerous. And future consequences..hell, not even worth discussing.

I'm afraid people like this? don't exist in real life. Which brings us right back to the original, very interesting point. Credibility. Believability. Who has it?

Ironic, considering I just showed you that those people exist. In fact, they even make up the majority party of international scientific consensus on the subject. What more do you want? Fukushima's severity is blown heavily out of proportion.

If you continue to ignore the voice telling you: "both sides are the same."

We will show you only one side and allow only one voice.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”Frank Zappa

Who the fuck goes on /r/politics?

3,090,866 readers

From a fake high of 6 million and for the last month dropping at about 1000 per week.

This page helps give actual usage stats. About a million uniques per month after being removed from default list.

That is just sad.

The same thing that will be going on here if the corruption is allowed. Interesting to think that people don't support unjust laws. Remember how quick the Digg egress was.

Yeah, except there is currently no place else to go. If I was a software guy, maybe I could start a site called reddigg. Also, need to figure out where to cash out my Karma points.

We need open source and a scrummaster.

Open source sounds like something that a Mexican hooker would turn me down for. I'll have to look up scrummaster.

Oh, that selective memory of yours again. Let me help you get right back on track with our simple discussion.

Thise "99%" figure that you quoted / pulled straight out of your rectum. I requested one solid example of where a reputable /r/conspiracy member incorrectly labeled someone a shill when they weren't in fact a shill. With how often, at least according to your "story" how often this occurs, it shouldnt be an issue at all to provide a single example of this occurring. You know, for something that has been such a threat to non-shill /r/conspiracy members, it should be incredibly easy for you.