is alex jones a puppet or is some of the stuff he brings up legitimate?

4  2014-02-25 by [deleted]


He brings up some legitimate stuff. Most his movies are somewhat decent.

But you can't watch his show every day, or else youll go crazy lol. He does overly exaggerate a lot of things, and a lot of times he gets his facts wrong.

But I don't think he's a puppet. I believe deep down, he's on the 'good' side.

The fact that he never discusses Israel in a negative light indicates that he is certainly NOT, I repeat NOT one of the good guys. Please do not allow yourself to be so easily fooled.

you appreciate his passion

I do. It's a lot better than the whole "I have nothing to hide so I don't care that the NSA is spying on me" attitude that a lot of idiots have.

Yes, one marginal click higher than the morons that claim to have nothing to hide, nor reason to hide. He is still however a worthless piece of shit that makes you, the conspirscy believer, look like a goddamn nutty fool. Do not allow yourself to be associated with this shill.

"conspiracy believer"?

wow you sound like the shill here.

I wish. Simply an insane hatred of sold out, busted up, bullshit acts preach "truth," while doing the exact opposite. He is so clearly an actor, a poor one at that, makes us all look bad. Some of the outlandish "predictions" he has made are simply unbelievable as chance. He is fed certain information they are ok with release and discussion of. The rest is.just fear-mongering nonsense and product shilling. Just like he does.with the politics. Selling exaxtly what and how his master tells him to.

You obviously don't know his background then. He's been fairly consistent on his views since he was in college. You think he's been a shill-actor since then? There are videos of him from around age 23, talking against the NWO. You think they wanted him to sneak into Bohemian Grove? I agree he doesn't expose israel very much, and his wife is jewish, but that doesn't mean he's a pro-israel disinformant shill. It probably means he has some sponsors that are jewish. Exposing jews isnt the only way to get the "truth" out. He does inform of some truth....

and everyone knows how easy it is to be called anti-semitic, which is probably something he doesn't want to be labeled as.

He was propped up from a young age, yes. Look to his family history in the corrupt intelligence community. He has been a paid disinformation agent as long as he has been on the air.

He makes us look bad with his poor acting. I'm glad to see many are waking up snd recognizing his corruption.


The best you can hope for is so called nutbags like Alex protecting your civil rights. Look past the ranting and see he is fighting for freedom.

Fight for freedom? Wow, you've been blinded by the intense douche light right here, it would seem. Name one time where the paid actor Alex Jones has EVER fought for or scheived freedom. He keeps his listeners in perpetual fear, doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. He is doing his job of being controlled opposition fairly well, if he had been able to capture you.


Paid shil actor. Nothing more. He DOES NOT represent us or our voice.

Is there an infowars sub yet?

True disinformation contains some legitimate good information. That's why it works so powerfully.

The less critical thinking individuals, even some here in this thread, see that small crumb of truth he offers, and then believe the rest of his lies because of it. Do not support him for his infrequent truths, surrounded by piles snd piles of bullshit lies.

He's not a puppet. There are just certain things he will never say. Not because he doesn't believe them, but because he knows that to talk about certain topics will damage his radio business. First among those taboo topics is Jews. Alex is never going to say anything against the Jews who control Congress, the Fed, Wall Street, the major banks, and the mainstream media in America. He doesn't even like to say anything against Israel. Every now and then he will offer a tepid criticism of Israel, but it is always muted. He never rants against Israel. he never even mentions Jewish control over the media, or Jewish bribery of Congress.

You're wrong. He is just as controlled as that fuck Mormon on Fox Jews.

its certainly up for debate.

he is connected to certain elements of the power structure. i wouldn't call him white hat. But i haven't come to the conclusion that he is a black hat.

Looking to what he does not say should speak volumes to you. He is 100% corrupted bullshit. Meant only to cause fear and inaction for his viewers. He is controlled opposition. A very poor actor.

Yes and yes.

I put him on the same shelf as schiff and celente. I like to watch them from time to time and they do offer some good information, but they're doom mongers. If you know that, you can use them for what they are just as you might the nyt or nbc. Understand their bias and you can filter out the good bits.

I do the same with O'Reilly from time to time. Sadly, probsly doubling his low, low ratings the days I do watch his lies.

He is nothing more than a pro-Israeli piece of shit paid actor. He releases controlled information. Telling you about the event, and also how to view the event.

Think of it this way, he is s Rush Limbaugh for those who see through the constant conspiracies. Do not buy his lies, or his shitty products.

Check out the Stratfor Alex Jones documents. Controlled Opposition.

Different Alex Jones.

The one were discussing here is 100% controlled opposition. Proven clearly time snd.time again. His 9/11 knowledge places him with the group that executed the attack on innocent American citizens. It was not Al Qaeda, though this terrorist group does hate us for our freedoms.