If you are are anti-psyoperations, anti-shill, and anti-troll and want to do something about it PM me.

7  2014-02-26 by [deleted]



Tell me why youve decided to message me.

"Don't fear the government, Play 'em."


What if you're a plant trying to use reverse psychology?

lol i could be, but then again what if you are a double psyop agent sent to accuse people of being double agents

So he's a triple agent?

Maybe, or maybe im a quadruple agent lol

There are established subreddits dedicated to this function. Look em' up and lend a hand if you are serious.

what do i look up?


This is the established subreddit i chose. So either ur with me or noy

You won't be making friends with that attitude.

I'm not looking for friends im looking for partners

Also, shut up about where i can use a cell phone ill use it how i want when i want. Watch urself on the road and ull be fine. Jesus christ

This makes it difficult to take you seriously.. Let alone the fact you're clearly delusional.... Sigh.

Delusional because i text and drive. Listen, i know its unsafe when its distracted your ability to drive but its possible for it not to be distracting. How about people who use laptops while driving like cops, or gps even. As long as ur not an idiot you wont crash.

So don't be that idiot that was distracted while driving. There is no phone call or text that is truly that important. Just because you haven't been in an accident yet, doesn't mean you are impervious.

It's people like you that cause accidents, I.E. Accidents involving motorists.

There's nothing that justifies this type of behavior.. You can say fuck you and keep doing it, but when you cause an accident and get someone hurt/killed, or yourself, there is no taking that back... And for what? Twitter updates on Justin Beibers blowup doll????

Seriously, grow some common sense..

Well first of i dont have twitter or any of that shit.. 2nd of ive never gotten into an accident in my life, so how can people like me cause accidents when i havent. And 3rd of all stop bitching about a small thing i said..got a problem with it become a cop, find me, wait till i look at my phone and pull me over for using my cell phone..like a dick

Twitter was an example. How the hell am I supposed to know what you do, aside from reddit.. You're taking a gamble everytime you utilize your phone and drive, I'm not going to quit telling you that you're an ignorant prick for engaging in this type of behavior..

If you don't like and cannot handle someone jumpin your shit when you blatantly admit to doing something wrong.. Don't publicly broadcast that you're doing it. Otherwise, you're the one who should quit bitching, because, you know it's wrong.. Lol

No cell phones may cause accidents but not as much as you think.

Take NJ for example.. [1]. http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/refdata/accident/pdf/cellphone.pdf [2]. http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/refdata/accident/pdf/totalcrash.pdf [3]. http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/refdata/accident/pdf/fataltotals.pdf

So according to official accident reports, the percent of accidents from cell phone distractions (including handheld) for '09, '10, '11, '12 was 1.1% of all accidents.

Fatalities range from 0.5% to 1.8%.

According to wiki 16%-50% of all accidents are due to sleep deprivation.. If thats right then you are 16x-50x more likely to be hit by someone who passed out at the wheel then someone on a cellphone. Just the numbers. Sorry if i upset you, but seriously just grow a pair when your driving.

80% of all statistics are made up on the spot.. And insulting me won't help you hold up the argument that you're being ignorant and cocky. If you got pulled over right now for messing with your phone while driving, you wouldn't be arguing your way out of a ticket.. Especially by arguing with the cop.

So why do it? Does it satisfy your emotional need to rebel?

Except i dont argue i get searched every time a cop pulls me over. The other day i was mailing letters for work, went to my car, used my phone for a minute and 2 undercover cops pulled up to me. Demanded to search, but i guess you can say he was being nice about. I told him no, theirs no probable cause that you need to search my car. But he didnt take No for An answer. So what am i supposed to say to that..its fucken bullshit actually

Look up the numbers on the site.."recorded accident" department of transportated. I just thought people would enjoy having the math done to a percentage for a better perspective...on the other hand 80% of statistics are made up...i hope that was a joke

And yes it does satisfy my need for rebel...panzy bitch

Ah huh, am I'm supposed to feel burned by your repetitive and rather mediocre, not too mention half way illiterate, approach at insulting me?

I'm done with you, your a total whack job.. And completely ignorant, which you have proven by your own comments. I hope you don't ever kill anyone.. Not for your own sake though, kinda wouldn't mind if you planted yourself in a concrete barrier, or wrapped your vehicle around a tree... As long as it's only you that dies.

Wow little dark there dude..im not even saying it doesnt distract u im saying its not as dangerous as you believe . I guarantee you've compared drunk driving to "distracted driving". People dont just directly stare into their phones.. Idc whatever keep judging and be "that guy" who complains about cell phones in the car.

Where were you complaining about car phones?

A psyop shill is

someone who uses emotional content ie 'sigh'

Someone who demoralizes a person or group by using phrases like, "its unfortunate the some people..", "its sad that"; they wouldnt directly target a specific person..they prefer to be smug assholes.

This "someone" wouldn't sound like they were against the topic of interest, (actually they may even sound for that specific topic) but they would be use unfavorable words to make something sound like a waste of time, pointless, nonsense, or moronic - but in a "soft manner"

Theirs more ways to ID these rotton MotherEffers, but im driving lol

...You're driving...............?

My car lol while posting over my phone

Nothing at all clever in that ..... 

You are endangering other innocent  road users .....


Im aware of the road..ive never gotten into an accident and only use my phone when i know it safe...ive also dodge drivers heading into my lane while on my phone before

Wow little dark there dude..im not even saying it doesnt distract u im saying its not as dangerous as you believe . I guarantee you've compared drunk driving to "distracted driving". People dont just directly stare into their phones.. Idc whatever keep judging and be "that guy" who complains about cell phones in the car.

Where were you complaining about car phones?