Is Alex Jones a FAKE

4  2014-02-26 by [deleted]

does some one have a hard proof that he is a shill?


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeeesssssssssss

he probably is...can we prove it, probably not.

He hired former Stratesec interns and is married to a Jew.

You can't prove it, but you can make a good guess.

yup. make us look dumb/crazy...

Controlled opposition. Were not blind. He does not represent us or our beliefs.

Trust your eyes and the evidence he provides to this daily. He is a paid actor, and not a very good one at that. Search "Alex Jones bad acting"

I've never trusted him but watch him occasionally because i find it all entertaining. Bill Cooper had him sussed over 15 years ago but links should have been provided here.

Also, just because he is married to a Jewish lady doesn't mean shit.

Also, just because he is married to a Jewish lady doesn't mean shit.

I'll admit it is subjective. However, it goes a long way towards explaining why he will never mention Israel and 9/11 in the same breath.

How about if he mentioned Saudi Arabia whilst discussing 9/11? Surely that would be more relevant.

Except for the "dancing Israelis" set up prior to capture the event on film. As well as the Mossad agents that physically lived near or with the supposed hijackers. It is apparent that their country of origin is of less value than the agency that controlled them.

The actions indicating foreknowledge is quite concerning.

To put all Jewish people into one basket could not be further from reality.

My dad's married to a Jew too, never realized how much of a shill he was

Yeah there's a lot more evidence against Jones.

I know saying things like, "He's married to a Jew" is a great way to turn off any new visitors that may arrive here because of these latest revelations. The best weapon the Zionists have is the accusation of antisemitism. Comments like yours are exactly what they would want to see here.

How the hell do we solve that? Because that's what needs to be said.

You listed 2 pieces of evidence. One is that Jones has hired some Stratesec interns. The second is that he's married to a Jew. Really?!? Is your proof so limited that you have to use, "He's married to a Jew" as 50% of your argument?? Come on, man, I don't even know that much about Alex Jones and I can come up with something better than that. The latest Snowden release has opened up a decent amount of eyes, eyes that are looking more at conspiracy theories and at this sub. Comments like what you said are going to make many of those people immediately write this place off.

There's a lot more evidence than that. I'm not going to get into it here because anyone can google "Alex Jones controlled opposition" and judge the case on their own.

I agree, there is much more evidence for it then that. So why would you disregard all of it and go with, "He's married to a Jew"?

For brevity I suppose. You're actually starting to make me rethink my post.

Not to be awful but this is a dog turd self post. If you are going to make claims then at least provide some links or a hypothesis. As it stands this post is just an opinion.

Opinions are like farts, you don't mind your own but can't stand other peoples.

He isn't making a claim, he is asking if he is a fake and asking for evidence if he is one. Reading comprehension, do you know what it is?

It is a post without context. A hypothesis or a reason to ask the question would have been useful, that is all i am suggesting, no need for down-votes, i will spare you the same.

Aren't you a moderator here?

What does that have to do with it?

What does that have to do with it what?

You're name is not showing up green.

It would only show up green if i highlighted mod status brother but i rarely do.

huh, didn't know one could do that, figured if one was mod one had always to be so.

Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios?? The guy's asking a question, not making claims.

I don't think he's all fake because he makes some good points.. but I think he serves to discredit and disillusion viable conspiracy theorists by spouting some seriously outlandish fear porn.

He makes valid points on occasion so people will continue to watch his bullshit. He is a Rush Limbaugh for the dim witted conspiracy minded. This is clearly controlled opposition. Paid to sell you a carefully engineered way of thinking. Nothing more.

Why do we keep getting these posts about Alex Jones. I have to say, I'm starting to think it's government agents planting these stories to discredit him. They keep turning up, over and over, and they always have more or less the same content -- they seek to undermine the credibility of Alex Jones. I'm not a fan boy of Jones by any means, but there are so many of these posts, and they are so similar in content, I'm suspicious of the motives behind them.

In order to undermine Alex jones' credibility he must first possess some.

Why do other credible people consider Alex Jones a friend if he's a shill? Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul. Joe Rogan. Ted Nugent. Mark Dice. ... there are many others too.


ctrl+f alex jones.

for all you who say he's a zionist.

other credible people

Ted Nugent

Aren't you a moderator here?

Also, just because he is married to a Jewish lady doesn't mean shit.

I'll admit it is subjective. However, it goes a long way towards explaining why he will never mention Israel and 9/11 in the same breath.

He isn't making a claim, he is asking if he is a fake and asking for evidence if he is one. Reading comprehension, do you know what it is?

Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios?? The guy's asking a question, not making claims.

For brevity I suppose. You're actually starting to make me rethink my post.