Why not bombard CSPAN about the recent Snowden leak? [Serious]

42  2014-02-27 by [deleted]

If only for the laughs.


I get why many people want to do this and have the major news networks pick up this story, but I'll offer a different take on it.

I used to want to have all the major networks talk about real news, but my views have changed. We don't need vindication from them. It's petty and a waste of time. Instead let them get what they deserve. That is to let them suffer a slow, painful, costly death, as they watch their profits dip and ratings plummet.

They do not deserve our respect, sympathy, and money, for their decades of deceit and villainy. The internet will set us free as long as we keep it that way. Our responsibility goes far beyond having some talking head or pundit spit out "news." It is up to us to find the truth and that is the task we have been charged with.

The minute that network news gave up real hard-hitting investigative journalism, is the minute I gave up on them. So enjoy it as they are in their death thralls. Lets watch them squirm as they report the latest Bieber news. Their target audience will eventually die and they will either adapt or be cast into oblivion. I know it's a long term plan, but the network news cast are a dying breed so stick around. Once they are off air, this will be our true vindication.

Agreed, but more Greenwald's, Scahill's and Hastings(the late) fronting major news would be great too.

It would and I do agree. I am just wondering if we can change the "news" system.

Funny, a lot of people think that network news makes stories more legit. It's a tough call and I can see both sides.

I agree they don't deserve any viewers but I think they are subsidized by. The govt to spew out their propaganda and even without the large numbers of the public watching they will continue to try and steer the public opinion. I think calling and talking about this or 911 everyday takes them off track and makes people more aware so I see this as a good thing. The less we lay back and allow things to happen the better. We don't need to make it so easy for them to bullshit us.

We don't need vindication from them. It's petty and a waste of time. Instead let them get what they deserve. That is to let them suffer a slow, painful, costly death, as they watch their profits dip and ratings plummet.

When this starts happening, they will pander more with malice and drag the country down with them using their petrified supporters. That side of the coin will ensure that if they are going to lose, they are going to make it a costly loss.

This has all happened before.

[Serious] If only for the laughs