Doesn't anyone else realize what's going on here?

49  2014-02-28 by ExtHD

Doesn't anyone else realize what's going on here and here?

Here's a hint

Those arguing vehemently against Rule 10 in various threads:

/u/Faceshovel - 9 days

/u/GoyzIIMensch - 13 days

/u/SurfohNahmicks - 14 days

/u/Hang_the_shills - 2 days

/u/dand316 - 13 days

/u/wizesass - 4 days

/u/PopeEstSatan - 10 days

/u/DefiantSutekh - 9 days

No doubt that all of those accounts (one user?) will call for this post to be deleted based on rule 10 but they certainly don't want the rule to apply to them.



Lets think about this topic for one second please.

OP is saying that people with new accounts are against rule 10, and the undertone is that these people with new account are shills.

Why would shills be against rule 10?

That makes 0 logical sense whatsoever.

Shills would be for rule 10 because rule 10 benefits the shills.

There would be absolutely zero incentive, under any stretch of the imagination for shills to be against a rule that makes it against the rules to call them out on their bullshit.

It seems to me like the OP of this thread is the one that people should start looking sideways at. This is the kind of classic, completely illogical post that conspiratards and "those who shall not be named" upvote in order to bring division to this sub.

Lets use our heads here. Seriously, why does this completely illogical bullshit post even have a score of 40?

rule 10 does NOT benefits shills.

the goal of the shill is to derail, what better way to do this than (personal) drama? and if you get called out, just use the next account.

edit: on further thought i'm not so sure anymore

You are 100% wrong. The rule was changed SOLELY for the benefit of shills. Nothing more. As the leaks have indicated, we have been taken over by persona management software, directing our conversation, distracting from meaningful conversation, and denying that which is true, but they don't want out of discusses.

Rule 10 is commonly known as the "Shill Protection Act of 2014"

How does rule ten prevent shilling in any way. It fucking encourages it on this sub, go ahead shill here no one can do anything and if anyone speaks out against the shilling they will be banned

The goal of the shill is to NOT be caught. Rule 10 makes it against the rules to even call someone a shill.

  • A shill starting drama who can be called out on it.

  • A shill starting drama who cannot be called out on it.

You believe that the first is better for the shill? Makes zero sense.

What about calling themselves out to cause drama?

I have been a redditor in good standing here for 4 years but due to an unexplained ban by an admin and no logical reason found you will find my old handle /u/superconducter missing and my current account to be only a couple of days old.

Having a new account doesn't always mean skullduggery.

In this case I believe rule 9 may have been applied to me.

9 Posting links in other subs pointing to specific submissions or comments here is subject to a ban, depending on context.

but I posted no link and may have been over zealously banned by an admin with an opposing viewpoint.

re edit, I'm also dumping this account because the handle can be misread as Wizes Ass. rather than Wize Sass and it is unduly I will have an even newer account. Don't let that bother you too much.

Ive never seen ExtHd on here until yesterday when he was going through posts in /r/conspiracynorules replying with just "shill"

Sure you're not just a shit disturber ExtHd?

Sure you're not just a shit disturber ExtHd?

Yes I am. I'm disturbing those few people that don't want to follow the rules. It's been a while since I've posted and have only been lurking for the past couple months but when I started seeing the crap those few people are trying to pull I had to get a few words in and call attention to it. I've been a subscriber and poster here for 4 years.

All of your posts are straight garbage, spamming ogres like yourself are the reason why there is a rule ten

Ad hominem.

Troll. Shill. Troll. Troll shill liar. Troll. Shill. Shill. Shill.

That's your post history, your posts are bad and you should feel bad

That's my recent post history over the past couple days. I was trying to make the same point there that I'm making here. Without the rules, things can get real crazy and we'd have everybody calling each other trolls and shills and never actually discussing the topic at hand... just like it was prior to the rule changes. Why do those few people listed insist on being able to go off-topic with name calling etc? Why do they think that's ok? Because their whole objective is to be able to derail discussions.

Anything that limits speech is morally wrong. Last I checked trolls are part of the internet since the dawn of the internet, and we've done fine without rules this whole time. My problem with rule ten is that It gives protection to conspiratard, because we can't call them out on their brigades and spammed racist posts.

Shill Protection Act of 2014

He's criticizing your posts, not anything of your personality irrelevant to discussion, this is not ad hominem.

You and /u/Conspirologist should make beautiful music together.

Ad hominem.

What about it?

Inb4 mods

In b4 BiPolarBear0's other accounts.

bipolar bear definitely isn't being controlled by one person and yes they have power everywhere

Still would like some proof.

so no mods on reddit are controlled? you really think they dont control it all?

I didn't say that. I know they have the shills but it works both ways. Yeah, some(you know who) have more influence than others but you can't tell me that reddit isn't full of shit on both sides.

What I said is I would like to see proof. Take you for example. redditor for one day and you have how much karma? Not calling you a shill but those up votes seem a little bit odd...

All I'm saying is, is that it works both ways. If Doxxing was aloud we would know who are getting paid to reddit and those that like to reddit but at the same time everyone's entitled to some sort anonymity(at least to the general public).

That's why this place is so flawed. If you took away all the shit here, there might not be enough content left to run this place.

They shouldn't touch this one.

to be fair I never trusted the mods in the first place

You should never trust anyone in power.

There is no power here. Only leaders have power.

Where the hell did you pull this lie from? No power? Are you fucking kidding me?

The implementation of the 'Shill Protection Act of 2014' has given a certain few immense power to control and limit our discussions and debates.

I cannot in good faith support such an unnecessary rule of censorship. I believe others feel the same way, and reject all unnecessary censorship here

Fret not. The truth gives no fucks for the artificial machinations of the insincere. It is not the responsibility of liars to tell you the truth, it is YOUR responsibility to know when being lied to. Understand?

Sharing truth is a two way street. I don't know what point you're trying to argue here. Of course anyone of intelligence knows that they must always verify their data. What they are sold as fact. This is a given.

However, this DOES NOT negate the large power and censorship abilities that are now wielded by our moderators. Saying they have no power is 100% incorrect. You can argue other items, but this is what I'm saying.

The "power" they wield is akin to putting a finger in a dike. I don't presume to understand their motivation for doing so, I can only speak to the futility of the endeavor itself.

If you can't see or understand why, then you're to be considered quite foolish. The reason for their new found ability is singular in purpose.

My foolishness aside, surely you recognize the futility of censorship in 2014? Or is it psyops that concerns you?

Futility? Hardly. Reddit articles garner more individual views than all news programs combined. They own the networks entirely, and what we see is exactly what they want us to see. The last hope is the internet. And we've seen them treat it as such. They are fighting a losing batttle, yet giving it their all. This does not indicate that the censorship efforts are, as you say, futile.

For the sake of this exchange let's agree that this subreddit is indeed a linchpin of modern discourse for esoteric knowledge.. look around.. It's still entirely functional. If agents of the state are indeed hunkering down on top of us this very moment with the intention of suppression then theirs is a quite unenviable position to be in. If on the other hand their only purpose is to stoke fear.. Well then you and I are playing right into their hands.

The truth is I honestly don't give a fuck about the insincere machinations of paid liars. They'll never resonate with anyone seeking real wisdom.

"It's just a little isn't that bad."

For one, go fuck yourself. And two, any censorship is too much censorship. Your argument is baseless and pointless. Censorship is a side goal to pushing fear. They are not one and the same, as you would like to try to bullshit along with.

Oh? Well I see you're not interested in a dialogue. My apologies. For the record I don't condone censorship in any form (nor hunger, war, totalitarianism, murder, etc) I'm simply saying that you work with the conditions you have, not those you'd prefer.

I would ask that you not infer anything about what I've written here beyond exact wording. I may be pragmatic but I'm far from an apologist.

You've attempted multiple times to justify these actions. Now you say you're not? Pathetic.

You've attempted multiple times to justify these actions

Have I? Please quote me. I understand this may be a passionate subject to you but do you always engage with this level of vitriol online?

Thank you for wasting my time with this bullshit. After this, not another second will be wasted on your #### ###. Reposting the stupid bullshit you can't seem to understand, even though you uttered it mere minutes ago. They were your words and actions.

The "power" they wield is akin to putting a finger in a dike. There is no power here. Only leaders have power.

And that's on the first half dozen responses. If you nerd more, find them yourself. You clIm the power doesn't exist, when we both know you're not correct. Then you claim that yes, they do have power, but it isn't that much. And then try to push that it's not that bad because "it's only a little censorship." Jesus, what planet to do you come from? Is English a second language? Is basic comprehension a second language as well?

That isn't power. They can censor a little and have the issue magnified or they can censor a lot and see people leave the sub entirely (which is already happening). You can throw your hands up and kick and scream about it if it pleases you to do so, but the lucid and the rational see it for what it is; desperate.

It isn't really my job to help you process such basic information and what's more I find you rather unpleasant. I will leave you now to go scream at bus stops or whatever it is you enjoy.

This guy really needs to take it down a notch. He regularly abuses people in his replies.

Disagreement is one thing, but hurling a torrent of abuse at people all the time certainly isn't!

Yeah, I respect his (apparent) passion for the subject matter but seething anger isn't going to accomplish anything. To hear him talk you'd think I personally gave the green light to shit on his favorite forum!

I can't imagine what his blood pressure is like. All that anger isn't good for you.

How is it so hard to believe that so many people don't like Rule 10 as it is written?? Hell, you're breaking the damn rule right now so I guess that shows us all how much you think it should be in place as well. It is censorship. There is a difference between asking what someones agenda may be for being here and attacking them. WE KNOW THEY ARE HERE! For Christ's sake, it's stickied on the front page!! By banning the users from doing what you yourself have just done we are taking the ability of the 200,000+ to make their own decisions on this matter and placing it into the hands of a few. You called me a shill in this very post and you know what I did?? I said you have the right to do so because I know that my post history is there for anyone to see. I have faith that just because a person calls someone else a shill the majority of the users here will be able to think and investigate for themselves and come to the correct conclusion. Rule 10 is saying that no, in fact, the users here aren't smart enough to see past a misplaced allegation and think for themselves. It is censorship. The fact of the matter is, every single member that has been around here for a while has probably been called a shill by some ass hat at one point or another. When that happens then you are either a shill and are pissed that you got accused or you're not and it isn't going to bother you because you're history will speak for itself.

How is it so hard to believe that so many people don't like Rule 10 as it is written?

So many people??? I'd bet you can't find more than 20... out of more than 215,000 subscribers that have complained like the few I listed.

you're breaking the damn rule right now so I guess that shows us all how much you think it should be in place as well.

Of course I'm breaking the rule. That's part of the point of the post. And no, I would not choose to have the rule changed. I like it the way it is.

Only the foolish would support the rule modification, and not see it for what it really is. So far it has brought nothing but strife snd.grief. It, in no way supports the open communication and sharing of ideas that we so desperately need.

Well, since I can't help but notice that the rules seem to have been suspended for this thread I'll go ahead and join you and say that you are the one that seems to have an agenda yourself, and maybe a little support from some higher ups as well. How is it that your post blatantly breaking the rules hasn't been touched by the mods at the same time that they are removing posts for breaking the very rule that you are breaking in front of everyone? Yesterday I was attacked by a mod as well. Seems like if you are a mod or are breaking the rule in favor of the mods agenda that the rules don't seem to apply...

Yes, I do have an agenda. I like this sub and I don't want to see it go downhill to the point where it used to be and that's what you few people are trying to make happen. It's so much better than it was 6 months ago. Lots of great discussions and very little name calling and distractions.

Say's the guy who just did exactly that. Fucking hypocrite.

You just don't get it, do you? Part of my point in making this post was to show you few, and any other readers, just what this sub can degrade into without having rules. Yet it's still only the same few that can't seem to grasp that. It's not hypocrisy, it an attempt at education.

You didn't show shit. This thread isn't a social experiment or debate of the rule. It is a clear reminder of the keenly specific reason why the 'Shill Protection Act of 2014' was enacted, and began being unforced.

I'm leaving this post alone because it's relevant to the argument by a few that Rule 10 should be eliminated.

Thank you.

Wow. Do you realize how dirty it looks when you suspend the rules for content that you favor?

We've left alone several posts attacking the mods and the rules. It's only fair at least one post defending the mods and rules against those attacks be allowed too.

Is that a yes?

It only looks dirty to those that only want the rules to apply to others, not to them. There's been a lot of complaints coming from a few users but I assure you, after the lapse in enforcement to allow them to voice their "opinions" (attacks on mods), the enforcement of Rule 10 will return to normal... assuming that offending submissions/comments are reported.

No, I have no problem with this post. If you think I'm a shill then I would want you to call it like you see it. I would invite you to examine my post history and tell me who it is I'm shilling for, but if you still think I'm a shill then that is your right. At the end of the day it's not going to mean shit to me, I'm not here to make friends I'm here to learn.

EDIT- I do see at least one name on that list that stands out to me though, simply because of the incredible similarity to some other names that I know for a fact were shills.

What was your username before this one?

I don't believe I mentioned anything about a previous account in this thread. However, what exactly in my history would make you think that I am a shill? A quick search through my small post history should show that, if anything, I have actually brought new people to this sub who until recently may not have had an inclination to learn more about conspiracy theories.

What? Dude. I "started" 4 days ago. I think rule 10 is stupid. Why? Read my first comment. maybe then you'd get it.

Thank you, but my account is clean as the Holy Mary herself. And I state my opinion, as we are supposed to do, right?

Go suck some more censorship dick, faggot. And get a real life, when you can spare the time ;)

Have some music:

...and enjoy!

You want rule 10 gone? My post is an example of what you get without rule 10.

Why censor anything?

There is no supportable reason why we should censor anything. I know most of you can remember back to the time prior to the new rule. Conversations and debates were handled just fine.

Rule 10, as it stands now, simply protects the shills that we know exist. We should be enhancing our detection methods to counter their attack. Shills should not be immune from identification and shaming when they are identified.

Why censor anything?

To keep things civil, respectful and on topic.



Who wants to see a post about 9/11 filled up with 100 comments arguing about who's a shill and who's an asshole and who isn't? Oh wait, never mind... I know who would want to see that.

Who? And why discuss it? Get a life.

I would much rather pick through an actual thread than through the carcass of a thread littered with deleted comments and shadow banned users.

Do you recall Reddit before the modified Rule 10? We are extremely good at self.regulating and self policing. The greatest comment discussions in the history if the entire sub occurred under the original rules. Proving the unnecessary nature of the most recent rule implementation.

No, your post is a blatant violation of rule 10, with a mod directly commenting to you who hasn't done shit. Tell me there isn't a fucking agenda here.

All I see is "WAH".

All you see is the solution to a problem that didn't exist. And the results of such unnecessary censorship.

In b4 BiPolarBear0's other accounts.

They shouldn't touch this one.

All of your posts are straight garbage, spamming ogres like yourself are the reason why there is a rule ten

You and /u/Conspirologist should make beautiful music together.

Say's the guy who just did exactly that. Fucking hypocrite.

Thank you for wasting my time with this bullshit. After this, not another second will be wasted on your #### ###. Reposting the stupid bullshit you can't seem to understand, even though you uttered it mere minutes ago. They were your words and actions.

The "power" they wield is akin to putting a finger in a dike. There is no power here. Only leaders have power.

And that's on the first half dozen responses. If you nerd more, find them yourself. You clIm the power doesn't exist, when we both know you're not correct. Then you claim that yes, they do have power, but it isn't that much. And then try to push that it's not that bad because "it's only a little censorship." Jesus, what planet to do you come from? Is English a second language? Is basic comprehension a second language as well?