How convenient. We have an average anti-Russian smear campaign that gradually increases until the Olympics start, then gets kicked into high gear as Ukraine revolts. Russia is now sending troops into Ukraine and surprise, the US will likely get involved. What a string of coincidences!

157  2014-03-01 by [deleted]

The sarcasm should be obvious.


And just as we start talking about actual military budget cuts.

Exactly right. And that story also conveniently went viral.

"Aww shucks, see how the blameless US is trying its best to be peaceful but then keeps getting roped into conflicts against it will."

It's too bad we're too stupid to realize what's going on.

And the ones that know, are actually mentally unstable tin-foil hat conspiracy nut heads, so whatever they say should be completely ignored.

Hey anyone know what Miley Cyrus is wearing today?

Hopefully Miley is wearing nothing.

isn't she doing a playboy spread?

somethin real cute im sure

So what's actually going on then?

Funnily enough those cuts would have increased military spending ~$90M per F-35 which replaces the A-10

Usually when they talk about 'cuts' they really mean cuts on increases in spending. So spending is still going up, just not at the same rate. See Tech_49's comment.

None of the 'cuts' talked about by MSM actually decrease defense spending. Spending is still going up, just not as fast as the MIC would like it to. Only in DC can an increase in spending be considered a cut.

Baseline (budgeting)

Baseline budgeting is an accounting method the United States Federal Government uses to develop a budget for future years. Baseline budgeting uses current spending levels as the "baseline" for establishing future funding requirements and assumes future budgets will equal the current budget times the inflation rate times the population growth rate.

Well it should be obvious why were are pulling out of Afghanistan

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my inbox!

Big surprise.

The conspiratard army vote-brigading on r/conspiracy.

Linking to is not vote-brigading. Your account isn't even two months old and you're already parroting the company line.

I thought it can be considered vote-brigrading in some subreddits? I thought some even ban if users flood votes from direct links? I'm not for banning personally, but it seems to be a good thing to be aware of the possibility that a group that is dedicated to making fun of this subreddit is trying to influence opinions here by mobilizing voters?

It makes vote-brigading possible, certainly. But that doesn't mean it's a foregone conclusion. Like /r/conspiracy, most people in /r/conspiratard are probably too lazy to follow the links of the stories they upvote, and probably don't even visit their own comments section.

I thought it can be considered vote-brigrading in some subreddits?

I don't know of any subs that consider simply linking to be brigading, especially when they make the link NP. I believe they have to actively call for vote-manipulation (as in, putting a comment inviting people to down vote) for it to be brigading.

Also, I disagree with the idea that they're "dedicated to making fun of this sub". They're more dedicated to making fun of conspiracy theorists, rather than /r/conspiracy specifically. Most of the time whenever I see their front page, it's links from all over the web. One in ten or two in ten of the links there are from here.

Every single time I have ever clicked on r/conspiratard I have seen 75% of the post on its front page about r/conspiracy.

I just now clicked and even now most of them are about r/conspiracy. See for yourself.

It has been more like that in the immediate short-term, since this subreddit has been particularly hectic and panicked more recently, but generally you'll see Facebook postings, images from the net in general and a mix of sources.

Oh yes, I forgot. Linking to a post in a subreddit dedicated to mocking r/conspiracy is not vote-brigading because some people are apparently gullible enough to believe that

  • giving the link to the thread you are mocking

will not lead to

  • people clicking on the link and then clicking on the upvote and downvote buttons

Got it!

Is the post I made here showing the NSA blatantly operating on the front page of reddit "vote brigading"? I don't want my account banned, though I bet it will once the agents notice I'm calling them out.

The point of r/conspiratard is to disrupt this subreddit. Plain and simple.

You are linking to a large subreddit where there are thousands of comments. Nothing you are doing could be effective as vote-brigading.

I'm not familiar with that subreddit. Are they some group that hates this one?



Why do they hate us?

Because the truth hurts. The denial is strong out there. I posted a comment in /r/worldnews basically replying to someone saying that they felt all tinfoily for thinking that some comments were coming from the likes of the NSA. I said, it's not tinfoil hat paranoia, it's true. And then I got 3 or 4 comments asking for sources and questioning if I was trying to be sarcastic.

Denial is strong, strong, strong.

I bet it's mostly just paid govt shills on there. Most people I talk to are not totally in denial anymore.

Completely wrong. This is the same answer conspiracy theorists give when regular people are not convinced by their arguments.

It's like you're incapable of seeing things from another person's view.

I'm not really capable of being so terribly ignorant as to not know how the government and corporations are spying on me and limiting my freedoms. But that's just me.

When another person's view is wrapped up in denial of reality, I don't have to waste my time empathizing. People just don't want to believe that the US government, and the "deep state," is working against their basic human rights. They buy into the propaganda of the American Dream (whatever the fuck that really is).

I'm seeing a lot of this dehumanising of people who disagree with views here from a wide range of people. It's starting to seem like a defining trait. I hope it isn't.

It is. It's because fascism is on the rise around the world again.

How dare they ask for sources....

How about they fucking use google or fucking pay attention to something other than the chatter of their day to day life. How about they don't trust authority from the cop on the street to the president. How about they question that same authority instead of defending its presumptions and arguments.

But they should just trust what you say without question? I don't get any of my info from gov sources and know how to use google, yet I come to a completely different conclusion than you do, which is why it's important to cite your sources so we can all see the exact claim you are making, that way we are at least on the same page.

Because most of them are probably children.

Also, that subreddit was certainly started by US special interests, who are organized and smart enough to convince gullible, oblivious people to do their work for them.

No, it was probably just started by someone tired of this sub or who found something funny on here or elsewhere.

Okay, and now you've just gone off the deep end.

There's a few there who have some legitimate concerns about the lack of fact checking band sensationalism here, but most are just trolls looking for lols.

No, /r/conspiratard does not "hate" /r/conspiracy.

The point of /r/conspiratard is to make fun of conspiracy theorists in general. You guys are just conveniently here.

That may be true. But if I truly didn't believe in a particular conspiracy, I would do research and try to disprove the people.

That makes more sense than mocking people.

We poke fun for humor, not really to change people's minds. It's not about debunking theories, it's about getting a good laugh.

people that behave this way are also known as psychopaths.

In what way is laughing at people for believing this stuff psychopathic behavior? That may be one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

that doesn't surprise me.

Correction, THAT may be the stupidest thing I've ever read. You also never answered my question.

do your own research

No, you made a statement, you support it.

hahaha.. are you perturbed?

Nope, just shocked at the immense stupidity of your comments.

go on..

It's interesting you should say that, because what would happen if conspiracy theorist's dreams came true and they finally got put in charge of the world?

I'd argue it would be just as much a nightmare for the common person as it is now.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Just once I'd like to see r/conspiracy make an educated prediction or insightful thought.

I mean, it's like you completely throw out 200 years of history at a whim.

But that may involve the risk of being wrong, and then if anyone noticed their premonition wasn't so Raven then it might involve being held against their mistake as if they were expected to take responsibility for the influence they exercised over the subreddit and the sheeple who upvoted them.

I doubt it will happen often, but if they start noticing some people are inordinately or unordinarly good at predicting large scale geopolitical events that have clandestine origins then maybe they will suspect that if /r/conspiracy pays them they're raking the cash cause that person should be suspected of working for an alphabet soup agency.

I mean, it's like you completely throw out 200 years of history at a whim.

Were you using it? On this subreddit?

If they continue to throw it away and you bring it back to them do they get upset and distressed? Let's stop playing fetch with them, see if they notice. Perhaps they'll even want to play again when they miss it so much.

I'm of the opinion that it's difficult nigh impossible for the US state dept to provoke a mass uprising. I live in Cairo, saw the revolution(s) here and understand the complexity. Euromaidan is likely legit, 95-99% legit.

However, it also doesn't take a genius to figure out that a well placed intelligence agency, like what the US has, would easily be able to track and somewhat predict the escalation of such events, and even push them along somewhat via public opinion in the West.

The media game that's being played is pretty obvious to me. And yes I do think it is timed to get people worked up anti-Russia, knowing that some kind of confrontation will happen over Ukraine.

And yes the government does influence media, it was even made 100% legal last year for the CIA to use mass media for propaganda purposes.

US/EU = Covert destabilisation and the insertion of a pro-western government.

Russia = Overt military action.

One of those didn't even get an eyelid batted, the other one has everyone flipping their shit. That's how it happens sometimes, there's no reason to invade Ukraine, in the publics mind, therefore it must be done discretely. When you can come up with a boogeyman or some threat, then you can bomb the place and replace the government.

Relevant read: "Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man", by John Perkins (or you can find interviews, summaries, etc. on YouTube).

Okay, I got a question, and it's a real, I wanna know, kinda question.

About a year ago or so, I saw info saying russian troops were being stationed here in the usa to do what fema told em, which might not exactly be exceptable by our own brave and free military.

Now we're subverting Russia.

So if the elite trust the Russians enough to use thier army, but not so much as to make a push to take over another province of thier nation?

Idk, seems inconsitant.

Like someone is wanting me to look left while he preforms the slight of hand outta the right.

8/8/8 Olympics start in China...South Ossetia Georgia conflict kicks off.

Absolutely, can't believe I missed this. Basically the Ukrainian "popular revolution" is running behind schedule as Sochi is now over.

I remember when we were castigating Russia over their stance on gays shortly before and during the Olympics (which for the record, I do find deplorable).

Meanwhile, Uganda murders gays--not any outcry here. Saudi Arabia bans women from driving. Nothing. The human rights violations pile up, but the only difference is politics.

The anti russian propaganda i've been seeing on T.V is disgusting. There would be random skits on shows that degrade and make fun of russians. It's crazy how an uneducated american would eat this propaganda up.


People do talk about RT here but I think many are desperate for an alternative view after being exposed to western media for so long so the bias surrounding RT is not discussed so much, even though it is just as distorted.

they're doing a great job all on their own

...and the Military Industrial Complex celebrates.



Obama won the nobel prize for piece, as in "getting a piece of Ukraine".

"We were going to shrink the military to the smallest it's been in years... Now, we can't"

The fact that you are 15 is also obvious.

I love how it's gotten to the point where every significant world event is a conspiracy to this thread. If it makes the news you can bet it'll be called a conspiracy. The level of evidence required has literally degenerated to a guy going "Hey everyone! Isn't this odd!? Must be those evil people too!"

You're writing children's fables for fucks sake.

We're supposed to hate US interventionist/imperialist moves across borders, and not Russian ones? Why?

Any move to devalue the sovereignty of a nation should be decried here! I'm growing more and more disaffected with this place daily. It's as much a circlejerk as news or worldnews just in opposite directions.

Israel bad, Iran good? Fine. Jews run everything? Fine. Guns are always good forever? Great.

No country should violate the sovereign decisions of another? Not so much.

I grow weary...

I thought about this as soon as I heard Russia had invaded. Glad to see others finding the bigger picture.

Conspiracy user has the Ukraine conflict figured out...reddit shills!

by: /u/skysonfire

Upvotes: 65 | Downvotes: 23 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 4 | Downvotes: 5 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

US won't get involved.

sHow much is this Snowden related? I think on a certain level the US doesn't give much of a shit about Ukraine as it does about protecting its NSA crown jewels. Even if we do nothing for Ukraine, Snowden being protected by the "tyrant" Putin, makes him seem more treasonous, and by extension, those associated with him. I'm sure that's only one dimension. I know we want to sell natural gas to China and Europe as well.

I say we hurt Russia economically, let's start boycotting anything Russian. Can we boycott Russians from buying anything in EU and USA? Can we also block access of Russians to most shopping sites in EUROPE and USA, can we ask major companies to block russian user access to western websites, let's find a way to fight back!

can we hurt the Russian people financially

I mean it's been a while since they left authoritarian collectivism but it's only been like a few decades, you would throw away progress toward peace because you think that in this precarious situation between two nations worlds apart culturally in the buffer state where Asia meets Europe (the theatre of two world wars in the past) what we need is rising tensions from what seems to be a group-think action designed to incite the population of one country against their leaders?

I like it, but I wasn't planning on buying anything from Russia today anyways.

think about it twice I said Russia Today.

Russians are very cruel in their nature, they are very blatant people, I have known enough Russians in my life from that part of the world to see how they treat people when they don't get their way, besides i am only for a temporary boycott till they learn to respect another's country sovereignty

So you think that will happen instead of Russia trying to expand its market share in other nations through doing what they think can be done, with force?

it seems it's somewhat already happening, look at the ruble and visa already being denied to a lot of russians, they're economy is getting crucified..

England has been fighting against Russia for a couple of hundred years now. They used the US to win the cold war and they continue on the offensive. They are trying to strengthen the West European Block against the Bear to provide a buffer zone for England.


It's too bad we're too stupid to realize what's going on.

And the ones that know, are actually mentally unstable tin-foil hat conspiracy nut heads, so whatever they say should be completely ignored.

Hey anyone know what Miley Cyrus is wearing today?

Because most of them are probably children.

Also, that subreddit was certainly started by US special interests, who are organized and smart enough to convince gullible, oblivious people to do their work for them.

Because the truth hurts. The denial is strong out there. I posted a comment in /r/worldnews basically replying to someone saying that they felt all tinfoily for thinking that some comments were coming from the likes of the NSA. I said, it's not tinfoil hat paranoia, it's true. And then I got 3 or 4 comments asking for sources and questioning if I was trying to be sarcastic.

Denial is strong, strong, strong.

There's a few there who have some legitimate concerns about the lack of fact checking band sensationalism here, but most are just trolls looking for lols.

go on..

Funnily enough those cuts would have increased military spending ~$90M per F-35 which replaces the A-10