I Can't Keep Up With The Propaganda RE Russia.

60  2014-03-02 by [deleted]

OK, I'm going to be honest, I can't keep up with all this propaganda. I was so sure that before sochi, the MSM were propagating anti-Russian propaganda eg. the anti-gay law that wasn't anti-gay and even the fake reports of dodgy hotels.

Now that this has happened in Ukraine, again I was sure that the Russians were simply protecting the people of Ukraine due to the neo-Nazi uprising. I follow @Danya1980 on Twitter who is tweeting live from Ukraine and others, and the mood seems to be that the Russian troops were welcomed by most of the people there.

However, obviously the MSM are promoting this from a totally different angle. Even Ch4 in the UK who are usually very fair are saying that the Ukrainians are not happy about Russian troops being present, and other articles are claiming that the uprising in the Ukraine is actually a peaceful protest by protestors who have been smeared.

Obviously, propaganda and lies are nothing new but can I just get some confirmation about this. Am I still correct in thinking that Russia is only doing what any responsible country would do in this situation but are being made to look like invaders?

Sorry if this makes me sound dumb. I'm not. I've just started to doubt myself here.


You have brilliant strategists, like Kissinger and Brzezinski, who grew up in communist countries and have helped the west continue the great game of east vs. west. it's beyond realpolitik. This is a continuation of the great game/cold war.

edit: unrelated: why isn't r/conspiracy showing up in my list of subscribed subs?

Great, thanks!

So very similar to what Israel is doing in its "Lebanonization" program. (Yes, research "lebanonization" please if you are not familiar with that term_.

Yes, very much so.

Zbigniew Brzezinski beat his daughter with a hair brush on the side of the road so everyone could see what a bad little girl he raised.

I know exactly what you are saying. I usually take a position on issues, but the propaganda on Ukraine has been so intense from both sides, I've found it impossible to arrive at a conclusion as to what is really going on. I'm waiting for the smoke and mirrors to clear away.

I say when in doubt, trust Dan Carlin ha. That guy seems really on the ball with geopolitical stuff.

Lol Dan is great! Both Hardcore History and Common Sense are great podcasts.

Keep it simple, this was a food price riot that got hijacked by western backed neo nazi's. As soon as the Ukranian rebels were not satisfied with early elections I knew they were bad people. They stormed the capital and replace a full fifth of the government with hard core national socialists. They put in a pro EU IMF banker in as Prime Minister. All unelected.

Its not confusing you just have to find the one or two lines of truth the MSM will put it in at the bottom 1/4 of the stories.

Also try reading some RT Russian propaganda. See who makes a better argument. Al Jazeera has had some good coverage as well, they have pretty much no stake in this.

You're right, it's very confusing and conflicting. Western media is screaming "occupation", Ukranian PM says they're on the brink of disaster, and Russian media tries to make it clear that the people and parliament of Crimea turned to Russia for aide themselves.

The only thing I'm personally convinced of is that Russia mobilized to protect its fleet. The war-ships are vulnerable targets when docked. Assuming that Russia sent 6000 troops to fortify, which is nothing. Hardly enough to invade a country.


U.S. instigated and supported the "protests" just as they did in libya and syria, and did it intentionally for regime change in order to close in on russia so they can plant anti missile bases in ukraine.

Russia isn't standing for it, and at the very least will hold onto their warm water port in the black sea in the crimea. Russia needs to control ukraine because of the gas lines that go through ukraine.

Putin is in a very strong position here.

When the reports of feral dog culls in Sochi came out pre-Olympics, I said 'great, all they need now is some child abuse scandals for the North American PR Trifecta of Bad People'. They had gay hatin' and puppy killing, all that's left is the children. It was so blatantly a PR attack.

I found James Corbett's interview with William Engdahl to be informative http://www.corbettreport.com/interview-830-william-engdahl-exposes-the-western-agenda-in-ukraine/

Also Stefan released two videos about it on Feb 22.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKH9bmH2YII&list=UUC3L8QaxqEGUiBC252GHy3w


It's hard to know wtf is going on, but it's safe to assume anything on /r/UkrainianConflict or anything else moderated by /u/bipolarbear0 is extremely suspect.

Russia wants Crimea and it's ports under Kremlin control, and the West wants NATO to become more relevant and expand. (missile defense shield close to Russian borders) Both plans are going swimmingly and most media is just theatre.

NATO ceased to be a defensive pact and started to be an offensive organization, I would argue, with Kosovo.

What we have to do is look at this conflict from the perspective that has been preached from both sides, that these people are fighting for their freedom from an oppressive regime. That said, this is where the massive amounts of propaganda come into play. Have you noticed how there is quite a bit of pro European Union stuff thrown into the mix? Why would a protester yell "FREEDOM!...and we need to join the EU"? or the pro Russian propaganda as well. These people will not be allowed the freedom to be independent from either Russia or the European union. Both choices will be bad for the people of Ukraine. False choice.

It says a lot to me that Russia took over Crimea with no shots being fired.

The amount of submissions into /r/worldnews is crazy. I don't know if it's normal but the post history of the people posting is absolutely full of Ukraine-Russia related news articles.

Like I said, don't know what 'normal' submission histories look like but this gives the appearance of accounts solely posting Ukraine-Russia stuff.

I think those posts might be from people who literally just believe whatever the big news networks tell them. Also, it's a pretty popular topic right now what with the fear-mongering saying it's the start of WW3.

They said that about Libya and Syria too, though maybe the US does want WW3 and Libya and Syria were failed attempts. I don't know.

With America slowly leaving Afghanistan the war-makers / arms dealers will need a new war to move onto. Definitely just a matter of time.

The pivot is now Asia, in Europe its basically the expansion of NATO, and destabilizing Russia, both US long-term policies.

Think of it this way, What if a large number of U.S. citizens had moved to Western Canada, then we stopped being best friends when Canada choose Mexico and Central America instead. Would the U.S. now be justified in invading Canada to protect the U.S. Citizens there?

neo-Nazi uprising

Is that what they are, or was it russia propaganda.

Even Ch4 in the UK who are usually very fair are saying that the Ukrainians are not happy about Russian troops being present

I would argue that that is correct.

However, 60% to 80% of Russians who live in the Crimea (depending on different sources) are VERY HAPPY that the Russian Army is there.

Whats the thing about the anti gay law not being anti gay?


Where did I say I get all my news from Russia Today?


Oh, you can tell! Well why didn't you say...

Maybe Putin just really, REALLY wants to test his zombie weapon.


throneblood must be paid by the government to throw you off.

Or maybe I was payed by the grovernment to throw you off his throwing you off?

In that case. Where's my fuckin money.