r/conspiracy is a powerful forum. Let's not get diverted. Our biggest weapon against shills is to bring more conspiracies to light. Let's get to it.

66  2014-03-03 by Fuckyousantorum

What are you waiting for?


Your biggest weapon is to bring FACTS to light. We are overflowing with conspiracy theories, but extremely low on facts. Find a clear fact, and follow it wherever it leads.

Exactly. Every other day it seems there's a "Is this a distraction?" or "What's this distracting us from?" or "This is a distraction!" post. It seems even the concept of too many conspiracies is a distraction. Let's focus on facts. It doesn't have to be on just one or two issues (Hell, with over 200,000 users, we should be able to tackle many issues), but there's too much focus on the wrong things.

beating shills has nothing to do with presenting facts. They couldn't give two shits if you present facts. They will just attack your personality or reputation or verbiage. Its the definition of a shill.

You beat them by not giving a fuck and posting anyway. Then when they attack you, you go harder.

We have tons of "facts" at our disposal all the way from 9/11, uss liberty, mumbai bombings, to the sandy hook shooting, and aurora shooting.

Again, facts have nothing to do with it. It's a fact that MK ultra was real but if you talk about it you might as well be wearing a tin foil hat.

Satanic cults using children as sacrifice are real but again if you talk about it, you might as well be wearing a tin foil hat.

shills are liars. deal with them by not paying attention to their nonsense. It's called a down vote. USE IT


Right on. This sub is for conspiracies. There is always going to be everything from solid evidence to shady speculation. But that's why discussion exists. Who cares if there are imaginary internet points attached to comments? Just sort by new and reddit becomes a normal forum.

It's not just that.

The comments section are extremely important. I personally always go through the comments, typically they are more insightful than the actual articles. Usually articles are written with an extreme prejudice or bias towards one side or group. I am however really sick of people trying to demonize anyone with random ideas or thoughts.

This sub-reddit has surely been invaded by a large amount of people with disdain for r/conspiracy. This whole bridge between r/conspiracy and r/conspiritard...sometimes I feel like I should be reading from r/conspiritard but I am actually reading from r/conpiracy. But there is no reason to combat them in the open. They just ridicule and talk shit. Best we can do is just keep doing what we are doing but with a higher decibel level ;)

The definition of a shill is some who's paid to say something, and hiding that fact. It's not someone who "will just attack your personality or reputation or verbiage".

By shills you mean anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest.

^ person living under a rock.

I think discussing the ones we are already aware of brings more attention than trying to conjure new ones.

The bad thing is we are running out out of conspiracies. They all out front now. People don't care much for the truth.

People don't care much for the truth.

Boy, isn't that the truth.

I don't care.

What are you talking about, "we are running out of conspiracies" ? Any major event these days is INSTANTLY followed by new conspiracy theories about it, well before any facts or investigation. Olympics, Ukraine, Venezuela protests, etc all have generated new conspiracy theories.

Did the real Paul Mcartney die and get replaced by an impersonator with the help of british intelligence?

Everyone here needs to listen to the Karen Hudes interview that's up on Red Ice Radio right now. She blows the lid off the global financial fraud going on right now. Posting the link here is completely banned for me even in this sub so I can't link.

Yeah, forget about "shills". Don't worry about them...

Defeat them with facts. Clear, solid, verified facts.

How well has this worked for you? Can you point to me an example of this?

I have defeated conspiracy theorists with facts. Don't know if I've ever conversed with a shill; how would I tell ? No, the conversations are somewhere on reddit or other forums, I don't have links.

I have defeated conspiracy theorists with facts.

Glad to know you're not on our side. It does explain a lot.

Don't know if I've ever conversed with a shill; how would I tell ?

Shills? Wha.... what are dose tings?

Nice JTRIG'n there, champ.

So you believe ALL conspiracy theories ? You don't think there might be a few of them that are wrong ?

How well has this worked for you? Can you point to me an example of this?

This was asking how well were those "Clear, solid, verified facts." in regards to debunking shills, but you took it as debunking theorists. Odd isn't it? Have you ever debunked a shill?

How would I know who is a shill ?

I have given contrary facts to those trying to shoot down a theory, yes. People on both sides should stick to facts. I don't care which side you're on, if your facts or reasoning are wrong, I'll point that out.

How would I know who is a shill ?

I have given contrary facts to those trying to shoot down a theory, yes. People on both sides should stick to facts. I don't care which side you're on, if your facts or reasoning are wrong, I'll point that out.

How can you not tell who is a shill? Are you new here?

A shill is someone paid to push a viewpoint, not "someone who disagrees with you".

Who says a shill is someone who disagrees with you? Show me.

How would I know who is a shill ?

A shill is someone paid to push a viewpoint

2 comments down and you suddenly know who would be a shill. You learn quick, JTRIG!

And how do you know the difference between someone who is being paid by the government to push a viewpoint and someone that is just presenting an argument that differs from your viewpoint? The answer: you cant, but it doesn't really matter.

According to most people here, anyone that disagrees with the consensus is a paid government employee and is accused of such without any evidence; The accusation alone being enough to convict.

Defiant and surf, arguing about who the shill is again.

I'm 100% sure that both of you were previously banned for this exact same pointless and circular argument.

Quit talking to each other. I'm warning you both again right now, if you fail to comply I will ban you both. When you pop up with new usernames in the future, I'm telling you right now I'll just ban on sight with no warnings.

We aren't going to ride this merry-go-round with you two every two days.

You guys obviously don't like each other so quit talking to each other.

I try, but stalkers will stalk. I will inform you next time he replies to a comment and I hope you will follow through.

The answer: I can and it does matter.

There is a difference between a theory describing a different viewpoint and a conspiracy theory. Learn, JTRIG:

If that "different viewpoint" is no different from what is shown in the media, then it's not a "different viewpoint", it's propaganda, and it's not different at all.

According to most people here

According to no one.

The answer: I can and it does matter.

Oh you can? Great! Then this should be easy for you: Show me incontrovertible proof that someone you accuse of being a shill is actually working for the government. Show me a pay stub. Show me a memo directed to the individual on what to say. Show me a picture of them in a three legged race with George Soros at Bohemian Grove.

If you say you can tell the difference between a shill and a person who disagrees, then put up or shut up.

There is a difference between a theory describing a different viewpoint and a conspiracy theory. Learn, JTRIG:

Apparently "JTRIG" is the code word you're using to get around calling someone a shill directly. That's adorable.

If that "different viewpoint" is no different from what is shown in the media, then it's not a "different viewpoint", it's propaganda, and it's not different at all.

In other words, if a viewpoint is expressed and backed with research in a non-prejudiced manner with journalistic integrity, it must be government controlled propaganda - according to you.

So what would you call a viewpoint that is contrary to that which has been researched with due diligence and supported with evidence?

According to most people here

According to no one.

Oh really? Because I disagreed with what you said and you just accused me of being a shill JTRIG. Please explain.

Look JTRIG, show me your pay stub that shows you're not JTRIG. Let's see how well that works.

In other words,

And the rest *is your opinion and not based on anything I actually said.

which has been researched with due diligence and supported with evidence

Like what?

You use JTRIG disinfo tactics as is evident in your comments, such as labeling people "truther". That makes you JTRIG.

Please follow our rules on the sidebar ---->

This is a warning.

What? No one said that.

JTRIG deflection technique?

Yeah, Faceshovel said that, effectively. If I shot down a couple of conspiracy theories, I must be on the other "side".

Each theory is separate, each should have facts supporting it, and those that don't are false. Odds are zero that every single theory is true.

Those that don't, need further investigation, not dismissal.

I must be on the other "side".

I agree.

Well, OK, here I go then.

Did you know that most of the leaders of Israel throughout its history have been actual terrorists? As in, "shoot them - blow them up" terrorists? That's right, Israel is a terrorist state, founded by terrorists, on acts of terrorism, and run by terrorists throughout its history. The Mossad still regularly conducts acts of murder and terrorism around the world. You didn't know that? Well now you know.

Say, did you know that blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites, Asians, Latinos ... in fact, they are less intelligent than all other races and subraces on the planet, with the sole exception of the Australian aborigines? This has been absolutely proven by multiple IQ studies, which have been verified and replicated. There is no doubt about it at all. None. Yet if you mention this fact people will dispute it, because they simply do not know the truth. The media has never informed them of this truth. Yet, when you think about it, it has profound significance for Western society. Affirmative action is shown to be not only unjust, but impossible. Blacks will never be able to compete fairly with whites, no matter what advantages they receive, because they simply are not bright enough to do so, as a racial group.

Say, did you know there is a sustained campaign to destroy Christianity? You didn't know that? It's true. The media has been bashing and maligning Christians and the Christian religion and Jesus himself for decades, trying to turn people away from the Christian churches, and more importantly, to drive people away from a Christian code of behavior. America has always been a Christian nation, but the elite don't want that -- they want atheists and degenerates that they can more easily manipulate. And they are getting them, in droves. Most young people today have no morals to speak about. They are like feral animals. Thanks to our ruling elite.

America hasn't "always been a Christian nation". See http://www.billdietrich.me/Reason/ReasonReligion.html#christiannation

I'm emphatically not racist but I entertained your idea of a link between race and IQ and found, to my surprise that the guy who discovered DNA agrees with you.


When has this sub ever brought conspiracies to light?

This is a place they get discussed, not uncovered.

Right, and wrong. It does both actually. There are a few I can think of that I discovered right here in this sub that I would have never seen without users bringing them to light.