The newest propaganda talking point "Putin is Hitler".

32  2014-03-03 by [deleted]

Collected from the comment section of three threads, from three different subreddits, in 10 minutes:

  • The Olympics were simply a show to try to boost the ego of Putin. Sort of like how Hitler used the Berlin Olympics before he started his quest to take over Europe...

  • It's just like hitler and the Olympics...

  • Putin is trying to break Hitlers record...

  • Remember that time Hitler wanted to bring Austria into Germany To "protect ethnic Germans"?...

  • I think the most chilling part of this article when you think about it, is the picture of Putin as Hitler. The series of events leading up to this in Russia are incredibly similar to Hitlers rise to power. He has been consolidating power since he first entered politics, and has amassed incredible political power that no president should have. Now he has chosen a group to target, as an excuse to increase police brutality, and to use as a rally call for his ethnic group. Hitler used the Jews, while Putin is using homosexuals...

  • The Jews weren't exterminated as Germany was rising in power. That part came later...

  • Russia is seriously pulling a Nazi Germany. Get a charismatic guy in power with(aledged) popular support. Ensure the west is economically crippled from a prolonged conflict(WW1, Middle East)...

  • All I have to say, as a first gen Polish American, is that Putin better watch out if he thinks Warsaw is going to deal with his bullshit. I've heard enough horror stories from relatives about Hitler and Stalin to know that a united Polish people will fight to the bitter end to maintain their sovereignty...

  • Putin's objective might be to just "annex Crimea", but if he gets away with it and finds it strengthens his position domestically, it could embolden him to keep adding. This is what happened with Hitler. He was successful, so he just kept going...

  • Poland!? Is Putin literally Hitler now?...

  • That's what Hitler wanted, and that's why he wanted Danzig from Poland...

  • his interests are threatened just about as much as Hitler's interests were threatened when the Nazi's invaded Austria...


Compare Israel's policies to nazi germany though and watch all hell break loose lol

Unlike Russia, Israel has admitted to committing textbook genocide.

what's the difference between textbook and non-textbook genocide?

You have to put an s. moosen.

You only learn about the former in school.

Stop acting stupid.

you said it, I'm just asking why you drew the distinction between these two apparently different types of genocide

People try to waste my time bc I make good but unpopular points.

"I call people Hitler in arguments on the internet at the drop of a hat!" - Troy Barnes

I thought Assad or Amadmaninajihad was Hitler? Sheesh hard to keep up...

Obama and Bush were also Hitler.


Hitler was a painter.

Hitler was an Austrian.

there's another. this post really ought to be the type of stuff we sticky, while it's relevant, where people coming across links collate them in one place. imo.

Poland!? Is Putin literally Hitler now?...

Goddamn the misuse of "literally" gets under my skin.

No, you stupid bitch, Hitler is literally dead.