Why was Anwar-Al-Awlaki assassinated without due process, and why did the US govt remove most of his videos from the Internet?

39  2014-03-04 by [deleted]


Doesn't sound like he was inciting violence in this lecture, but rather listing injustices done by the US. He also states that one killing in the US does not justify slaughtering people in the middle-east. And that one murder in the middle-east does not justify killing people in the US.



Here and here. Both those people are leading Yemen experts (Google their credentials if you want to verify that independently). There are others that I cannot find at the moment but remember reading the articles by.

There is in fact only group of people that say he had any operational role: "experts" that work for the US or Yemeni government. And what the Yemeni government says is of course completely irrelevant since we have a close relationship with their dictator and since their government is no less brutal than Saddam was (it's one of the Arab spring governments where the protests haven't worked and people are being slaughtered by the dozens, Google it for thousands of stories if you have not heard of this). And what the US government says? Well, they had a US citizen on a kill list and refused to show any judge any evidence because of "state secrets".. what else are they going to say, we killed an innocent man?


Why? Most likely because the truth poses a threat to tptb.

We did kill an innocent man. And his 16 year old son. Its sad.

Have you seen the Dirty Wars documentary? Jeremy Scahill wrote about covert wars in places like Yemen and the documentary covers Anwar-Al-Awlaki fairly well. You should definitely watch it, I think its even on netflix.

Because he was either a double agent- or had defected completely. Awlaki was a ghost, and knew how to cover his tracks.

He's also eaten lunch at the Pentagon... so theres that.

He's also eaten lunch at the Pentagon

Officially, this lunch was after 9/11 -- and Awlaki allegedly had contact with the 9/11 hijackers. What does that tell us about the Pentagon, if not 9/11?

Awlaki was certainly a double-agent, if not a so-called "triple agent" like Ali Mohamed. Awlaki was probably killed to cover-up any secrets he could spill. As was his teenaged (minor) son killed for the same reason.

Tells you plenty about Obama as well. Obama conveniently seems to help the Bush Adminstration at every key turn.

Lots of interesting, little-known info on Awlaki:


^ truth spoken above.

Its all about setting a legal precedent for when shit hits the fan.

Do I think that he was guilty of High Treason? Probably, even if in collusion with TPTB.

Do I think that the the penalty for High Treason should be death? Yes.

Do I think that he should have been captured and actually put on trial before TPTB executed him? ABSOLUTELY.

First it is 'terrorists' on foreign soil, eventually it will be 'terrorists' here at home.