Can we put forth a concerted effort to get pertinent conspiracies to the front page instead stupid memes?

61  2014-03-05 by [deleted]



i have always been against the use of memes here, and this is a primary reason. the argument always seems to get made: "it will help grab attention and get people to look at stuff."


end the superficiality.

memes, GTFO.


rule 10 rule 10 rule 10 god rule 10, ban the mods.

And really, memes are the best way to break through the consciousness. The entire calling us "Conpiracy theorists" is a very powerful meme itself to smear us as unstable. The CIA itself uses memes against us, but we aren't?

OP is a concern troll.


op deleted his account

Memes are against Rule 8. I don't know how it's even still an issue.


Obvious proof that this sub is gamed just like the mains. Bans and shadowbans all around for calling someone a shill but post a meme THATS A OKAY! There is even a subreddit for this type of generic crap /r/conspiracymemes.

against Rule

So is accusation of breaking the rules. Rule 2.

Damn...caught myself there.

Because they keep getting a lot of upvotes, so they don't seem to have to follow the rules. It appears getting popular is more important than having substance. There needs to be a concerted effort by those who control the subreddit to accept quality over quantity.

It appears getting popular is more important than having substance.

This is true of every subreddit.

Someone just make an r/conspiracymemes. Problem solved

it already exists.

There ya go. Refer people that post them to that sub reedit. Problem solved.

Memes once meant something else besides dumb pictures with stupid text over them.

Honestly when I was just checking out reddit casually, I saw a couple of the memes and thought they were very relatable. They were what got me to subscribe and I've been able to get a lot of information out because of this sub.

Also the app I originally used was called reddit pics and it only shows posts that have pictures and never any news sites or other websites so without a couple of smart memes I wouldn't have found this sub.

One person's trash is another one's treasure. Use your upvote/downvote power.

Rule #8. Why don't the mods treasure the rules they are meant to uphold?

Edit: or the mods could remove #8 so the question isn't brought up again. Just a thought. I have no opinion.

Rule #8. Why don't the mods treasure the rules they are meant to uphold?

I think that's a pretty decent question, but I also wouldn't be surprised if some of the mods realize that at least SOME memes, like I mentioned in this thread, do offer some insight that help disseminate information faster than could otherwise be the case. Not all certainly, but some.

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Absolutely, man. The ideal is to be cool. :) Granted, that ideal doesn't always get met on a website like this one, but - if I had my way - everyone would get along much better than is sometimes the case on here.


Not sure why you got downvoted, but I still don't quite understand that statement. Care to elaborate?


That's not an invalid point.

OP and you are known as concern trolls. You do not have this sub's interests in mind.


My one vote does absolutely nothing when I wake up and find a bullshit meme from this subreddit on the front page two days in a row.

That's not a bad point. Another point, however, is that what you might consider a bullshit meme might be the beginning of valid conversation to someone else. I don't know what meme you're talking about, but I feel there is still some validity in what I just said.

I think both those submission were with the intent to discredit this subreddit even more to the public eye.

So then perhaps it's not so much memes in and of themselves that we should be wary of, but of - as you said - submissions that have the intent to discredit this subreddit even more to the public eye.

I would agree with that. Comments or energy or submissions with that intent in mind should indeed be given the heave ho. Mods should be aware of that.


Sometimes there are full on, wall-of-text OPs that are more damaging to the goal of truth-seeking than a quick, but insightful meme. This is not to say that I am some sort of "Super Pro MEME!" advocate or whatnot. I'm not. There are some memes on here that I personally feel are stupid and make me roll my eyes. However, there have been some times when I click on a meme and it gives me momentary pause as it causes me to ponder some issue I might not have given much thought to before.

The key should be intent. Does it seem like the post intends to help or hurt this sub? If the former, then keep it. If the latter, then chuck it.

But you also need to consider it in terms of the fact that front page space is limited - especially the posts in the top 5 or 10 which are the ones that reach the largest audience. If a bunch of memes keep making the front page - even if they're valid - then there are necessarily other posts which are not making the front page.

Also consider that a meme, even a valid one, would probably be perceived as less of a "threat" than a more well-sourced/researched post if we're assuming that there are indeed those here trying to keep certain discussions suppressed with downvote bots and the like.

But you also need to consider it in terms of the fact that front page space is limited - especially the posts in the top 5 or 10 which are the ones that reach the largest audience.

Yeah but you know what? I don't even look at the "popular" tab any more. I personally have "new" as my default practically. That's because I want to find out what I feel is important and what isn't in this sub. I don't want it to be decided for me what post is "important" and which one isn't by some possibly manipulative vote brigade or even by a lot of upvotes that WEREN'T brigaded but that may be about a subject that I personally happen to not have all that much interest in.

I, therefore, go to the "new" tab more often than not nowadays because that's simply where I find out what's really coming through the pipe line before it gets manipulated by up/downvotes, etc.

I personally think that if more people would do that, then the whole issue we're discussing here might kind of turn into a moot point because then things wouldn't get viewed in terms of "what the hive mind thinks is popular" or not. I find that the "new" tab might be a more objective manner of viewing what's submitted here, and as such, kind of makes the amount of space that's available for the "most popular" posts kind of, again, moot.

If a bunch of memes keep making the front page - even if they're valid - then there are necessarily other posts which are not making the front page.

I understand that perspective too. I'm not saying you don't have a point there. I think that those that come to this subreddit are or at least should be of a more discerning perspective and capability though, right? Those in this sub are people that do question the PTB narrative and DON'T buy what's shoveled on the MSM as easily as others might. As such, there actually shouldn't be all THAT much concern about "what gets viewed by the most amount of people" because (hopefully anyway) most people in this sub will be able to keep scrolling through the possible turd posts (meme or non meme) and pay more attention to the real worthy ones.

Maybe I'm giving people a bit too much benefit of the doubt, but this is how I'm thinking about it right now anyway.

Also consider that a meme, even a valid one, would probably be perceived as less of a "threat" than a more well-sourced/researched post if we're assuming that there are indeed those here trying to keep certain discussions suppressed with downvote bots and the like.

Another valid point on your part. I understand this. There is definite worth in this perspective. However, I wouldn't say that for this reason, all memes should necessarily get banned from this sub.

All things to think about though, and you, again, make good points. Thanks.

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Im all for it, and we need to remove repeat articles, its cluttering up the home page.

Repeat articles are this subs bread and butter. We need to repeat stuff so it doesn't go down the memory hole.

If it isn't repeated, people will miss it. This is the worst thread I have ever seen here, the jtrig is strong in here.

Pretty suspicious when a shitty meme gets upwards of 500+ net upvotes and actual posts don't even break 50.

"Actual" posts require reading and attention to the material...

Meme posts only need an idiotic giggle and a click.

The advent of the public internet has encouraged, and fosters, lowest common denominator thinking which is why so much garbage is always on the front page of virtually all subreddits.

The term "mindless masses" is most applicable.

You're right and I'm sure that's part of it. However, I think we'd be naive to think that there aren't other forces at work, especially knowing what we know about bots/disinfo agents/reddit censorship/etc.

I think you're right. Besides the insta-downvotes on certain topics like Sandy Hook, there seems to be some mechanism to upvote bullshit. Many of which don't coincide with the vote-counts in their respective comments sections.

Top posts filled with garbage this year

As an ex-mod here I can tell you that if a post isn't reported then chances are the mods may not even know it's there. I can also tell you that the two images you mention may not even be considered true memes by the mods but may be considered "other image posts" which may be left alone "at moderator's discretion". Personally, I would have left them up even if they had been reported.

What happens if someone bitches that they reported something and the mods did nothing, but they didn't actually report it?


That would be up to the current mods.

I would argue this post is taking up valuable space. Too many here want to "control this sub". Either accept images will always gather a certain amount of traffic, based on how THOUSANDS of redditors access reddit, or just stfu.

I notice that many who complain about content, rarely post content...

Impossible. The only big subreddit where anything controversial doesn't automatically get censored/removed before it can go viral is here. I've tried posting articles to /r/worldnews /r/news etc but they just get removed before they hit 100 upvotes.

Is it a conspiracy that memes have gotten to the front page of /r/conspiracy?

by: /u/75000_Tokkul

Upvotes: 76 | Downvotes: 31 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 1 | Downvotes: 1 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

I still dont quite get this sub, sure I get some of the posts but I thought this would be about how its a conspiracy, what's it covering up? Not a lot of detail is put into this sub in my opinion.

Derailing. Your post should be removed. Poor punctuation and several edits. You're crying for attention. Relevant "memes" should be allowed; scumbag Steves and Stacys no. It isn't taking over. As a growing sub we should adapt the normality of memes while removing memes not relevant. This sub will not grow unless we accept newer/younger generations of "social media" as it is because it grows and will continue to. Crying foul on this is = to crying foul on the rule changes.


All I'm saying is to have correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Your stance will be better understood and will have a larger impact. That said...

Memes have their use. That's what they are used for. A simple image with a simple message. The typical memes have no place here. Like I said before things like scumbag Steve/Stacy, blb, that matrix one, suddenly clear kid etc etc... Have no place here as per the rule. But an image such as a the ones this sub is considering "memes" are not "memes" because it is not mainstream or current pop culture.

Stop whining, bring your own material to the table, THEN criticize the content here. Not always is there going to be big conspiracy worthy stories. What do you expect here?





Memes and images are very successful. Its good to have one of them a day.

Topics like this whining about it are much worse for the sub.

He isn't whining, he is concern trolling.


Concern troll attacking the sub.


Yeah, you are right I am not bringing up anything important

Quoted for truth.

But you also need to consider it in terms of the fact that front page space is limited - especially the posts in the top 5 or 10 which are the ones that reach the largest audience. If a bunch of memes keep making the front page - even if they're valid - then there are necessarily other posts which are not making the front page.

Also consider that a meme, even a valid one, would probably be perceived as less of a "threat" than a more well-sourced/researched post if we're assuming that there are indeed those here trying to keep certain discussions suppressed with downvote bots and the like.