A list of every important capabilities that the NSA has. Here's what I've compiled so far, and I'm hoping the community can help me expand it and add their 2 cents.

67  2014-03-06 by Three_Letter_Agency

“When I'm president, one of the first things I'm going to do is call in my attorney general and say to him or her, I want you to review every executive order that was issued by George Bush, whether it relates to warrantless wiretaps or detaining people or reading e- mails, or whatever it is. I want you to go through every single one of them and if they are unconstitutional, if they're encroaching on civil liberties unnecessarily, we are going to overturn them. We're going to change them.” - Barack Obama, 2007

I'm hoping to compile a list of every important capability that the NSA has. Here's what I've compiled so far, and I'm wondering if anyone has input or leads on items I have missed. It would be fantastic if others who have researched this can add their two cents because I know that this is not a completely comprehensive list. Also, feel free to use this for any educational purpose.

The following is the known actions of the NSA and their UK counterpart GHCQ:

  • Collect the domestic meta-data of both parties in a phone-call.1

  • Set up fake internet cafés to steal data.2

  • Has intercepted the phone calls of at least 35 world leaders, including allies such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel.3

  • Can tap into the underwater fibre-optic cables that carry a majority of the world's internet traffic.4

  • Tracks communications within media institutions such as Al Jazeera.5

  • Has 'bugged' the United Nations headquarters.6

  • Has set up a financial database to track international banking and credit card transactions.7

  • Collects and stores over 200 million domestic and foreign text messages each day.8

  • Collects and has real-time access to browsing history, email, and social media activity. To gain access, an analyst simply needs to fill out an on-screen form with a broad justification for the search that is not reviewed by any court or NSA personnel.9

"I, sitting at my desk, could wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge or even the president, if I had a personal email". - Edward Snowden

  • Creates maps of the social networks of United States citizens.10

  • Has access to smartphone app data.11

  • Uses spies in embassies to collect data, often by setting up 'listening stations' on the roofs of buildings.12

  • Uses fake LinkedIn profiles and other doctored web pages to secretly install surveillance software in unwitting companies and individuals.13

  • Tracks reservations at upscale hotels.14

  • Has intercepted the talking-points of world leaders before meetings with Barack Obama.15

  • Can crack encryption codes on cellphones.16

  • Has implanted software on over 100,000 computers worldwide allowing them to hack data without internet connection, using radio waves.17

  • Has access to computers through fake wireless connections.18

  • Monitors communications in online games such as World of Warcraft.19

  • Intercepts shipping deliveries and install back-door devices allowing access.20

  • Has direct access to the data centers of Google, Yahoo and other major companies.21

  • Covertly and overtly infiltrate United States and foreign IT industries to weaken or gain access to encryption, often by collaborating with software companies and internet service providers themselves. They are also, according to an internal document, "responsible for identifying, recruiting and running covert agents in the global telecommunications industry."22

  • The use of “honey traps”, luring targets into compromising positions using sex.23

  • The sharing of raw intelligence data with Israel. Only official U.S. communications are affected, and there are no legal limits on the use of the data from Israel.24

Possibly the most shocking revelation was made on February 24, 2014. Internal documents show that the NSA is attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with “extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.”25 The documents revealed a top-secret unit known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Unit, or JTRIG. Two of the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in an effort to discredit a target, and to use social sciences such as psychology to manipulate online discourse and activism in order to generate a desirable outcome. The unit posts false information on the internet and falsely attributes it to someone else, pretend to be a 'victim' of a target they want to discredit, and post negative information on various forums. In some instances, to discredit a target, JTRIG sends out 'false flag' emails to family and friends.


One slide describes the methods to discredit a company: Leak confidential information to the press, post negative information on forums, to interfere with business deals and ruin business relationships.

The use of psychological techniques to fracture activist groups and to 'game' online discourse is very interesting. One document describes creating tension in a group by exploiting personal power, pre-existing cleavages and minor ideological differences. In online discourse, another document describes how to use 'mirroring' of language cues, expressions and emotions, and the adjustment of speech, patterns and language to manipulate opinion.

Now, consider the words of former NSA employee turned whistleblower Russ Tice:

“Okay. They went after–and I know this because I had my hands literally on the paperwork for these sort of things–they went after high-ranking military officers; they went after members of Congress, both Senate and the House, especially on the intelligence committees and on the armed services committees and some of the–and judicial.

But they went after other ones, too. They went after lawyers and law firms. All kinds of–heaps of lawyers and law firms. They went after judges. One of the judges is now sitting on the Supreme Court that I had his wiretap information in my hand. Two are former FISA court judges. They went after State Department officials.

They went after people in the executive service that were part of the White House–their own people. They went after antiwar groups. They went after U.S. international–U.S. companies that that do international business, you know, business around the world. They went after U.S. banking firms and financial firms that do international business. They went after NGOs that–like the Red Cross, people like that that go overseas and do humanitarian work. They went after a few antiwar civil rights groups.

Now here’s the big one. I haven’t given you any names. This was is summer of 2004. One of the papers that I held in my hand was to wiretap a bunch of numbers associated with, with a 40-something-year-old wannabe senator from Illinois. You wouldn’t happen to know where that guy lives right now, would you? It’s a big white house in Washington, DC. That’s who they went after. And that’s the president of the United States now.Russ Tice, NSA Whistleblower


This is going to be a section in a chapter of a book I am writing, this particular chapter will analyze the 'One Party State', where democrats and republicans have historically followed the same agenda for the last 35 years. The book will be free, I'm not profiting off of this list, and also, please PM me if you are interested in a pdf copy when I finish tidying it up over the next week.

Blackmailing dissidents with their porn habits http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/nsa-porn-muslims_n_4346128.html

oooo this needs to be a top one. thanks for the lead again.

Another link related: http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2013/11/nsa-sexint-abuse-you%E2%80%99ve-all-been-waiting

They've also literally watched people through their webcams: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/27/gchq-nsa-webcam-images-internet-yahoo

Oh! And no terrorist attacks have been stopped: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/nsa-program-stopped-no-terror-attacks-says-white-house-panel-v21975158

despite the NSA director having come out to say 54 terrorist acts were stopped and then later admitting he lied. Embarrassing.

Global information grid, in real time. When did science fiction stop being fiction?

thanks for the lead! I will add this.

If this is a limited hangout it's not very 'limited' at all.

It appears to be limited to the NSA.

Why make artificial distinctions between agencies & the Pentagon? Or JSOC?


One example off the top of my head. There are dozens of others from various agencies, such as the JSOC assassination ring, et al.

Other various capabilities beyond the NSA:

And more fringe:

Sky Deutsch­land to broad­cast adverts directly into train pas­sen­gers’ heads

Sky Deutsch­land has devel­oped tech­nol­ogy to trans­fer adverts from train win­dows directly and silently into com­muters’ heads.


Pas­sen­gers lean­ing their head against the win­dow will “hear” adverts “com­ing from inside the user’s head”, urg­ing them to down­load the Sky Go app.

The pro­posal involves using bone con­duc­tion tech­nol­ogy, which is used in hear­ing aids, head­phones and Google’s Glass head­set, to pass sound to the inner ear via vibra­tions through the skull.

A video for the Talk­ing Win­dow cam­paign released by Sky Deutsch­land and ad agency BBDO Ger­many states: “Tired com­muters often rest their heads against win­dows. Sud­denly a voice inside their head is talk­ing to them. No one else can hear this message.”

The voice comes from a Sky-branded trans­mit­ter made by Audiva that is attached to the train window.

BBDO spokesman Ulf Brychcy told the BBC: “If our cus­tomer Sky Deutsch­land agrees, we will start with the new medium as quickly as possible.

“Some peo­ple don’t like adver­tis­ing in gen­eral. But this is really a new tech­nol­ogy. [It might] not only be used for adver­tis­ing, but also for music, enter­tain­ment, mass trans­port infor­ma­tion, weather reports and so on.”

Sky Deutsch­land said it had not made a deci­sion on whether to launch the campaign.


Voice to Skull Tech­nol­ogy in New York Via: AdAge:

New Yorker Ali­son Wil­son was walk­ing down Prince Street in SoHo last week when she heard a woman’s voice right in her ear ask­ing, “Who’s there? Who’s there?” She looked around to find no one in her imme­di­ate sur­round­ings. Then the voice said, “It’s not your imag­i­na­tion.”

Indeed it isn’t. It’s an ad for “Para­nor­mal State,” a ghost-themed series pre­mier­ing on A&E this week. The bill­board uses tech­nol­ogy man­u­fac­tured by Holosonic that trans­mits an “audio spot­light” from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is con­tained within your cra­nium. The tech­nol­ogy, ideal for muse­ums and libraries or envi­ron­ments that require a quiet atmos­phere for iso­lated audio slideshows, has rarely been used on such a scale before. For ran­dom passersby and res­i­dents who have to walk unwit­tingly through the area where the voice will pen­e­trate their inner peace, it’s another story.

Ms. Wil­son, a New York-based styl­ist, said she expected the voice inside her head to be some type of cre­ative project but could see how oth­ers might per­ceive it dif­fer­ently, par­tic­u­larly on a late-night stroll home. “I might be a lit­tle freaked out, and I wouldn’t nec­es­sar­ily think it’s com­ing from that bill­board,” she said.

Joe Pom­pei, pres­i­dent and founder of Holoson­ics, said the creepy approach is key to draw­ing atten­tion to A&E’s show. But, he noted, the tech­nol­ogy was designed to avoid adding to noise pol­lu­tion. “If you really want to annoy a lot of peo­ple, a loud­speaker is the best way to do it,” he said. “If you set up a loud­speaker on the top of a build­ing, everybody’s going to hear that noise. But if you’re only direct­ing that sound to a spe­cific viewer, you’re never going to hear a neigh­bor com­plaint from street ven­dors or pedes­tri­ans. The whole idea is to spare other peo­ple.”

Holoson­ics has part­nered with a cable net­work once before, when Court TV imple­mented the tech­nol­ogy to pro­mote its “Mys­tery Whis­perer” in the mys­tery sec­tions of select book­stores. Mr. Pom­pei said the com­pany also has tested retail deploy­ments in gro­cery stores with Proc­ter & Gam­ble and Kraft for cus­tomized audio mes­sag­ing. So a cus­tomer, for exam­ple, look­ing to buy laun­dry deter­gent could sud­denly hear the sound of gur­gling water and thus feel com­pelled to buy Tide as a result of the sonic expe­ri­ence.

Mr. Pom­pei con­tends that the tech­nol­ogy will take time for con­sumers to get used to, much like the lights on dig­i­tal sig­nage and illu­mi­nated bill­boards did when they were first used. The web­site Gawker posted an item about the bill­board last week with the head­line “Schiz­o­phre­nia is the new ad gim­mick,” and asked “How soon will it be until in addi­tion to the do-not-call list, we’ll have a ‘do not beam com­mer­cial mes­sages into my head’ list?”

“There’s going to be a cer­tain pop­u­la­tion sen­si­tive to it. But once peo­ple see what it does and hear for them­selves, they’ll see it’s effec­tive for get­ting atten­tion,” Mr. Pom­pei said.


"It appears to be limited to the NSA.

Why make artificial distinctions between agencies & the Pentagon? Or JSOC?"

Not quite; https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/02/10/the-nsas-secret-role/

Another ignored issue here is the relevance of international interagency functionality such as the Safari Club and its heirs.

TL;DR - When the 1970s Church/Pike Committee reforms of the intelligence community were afoot, and when Carter allegedly "purged" the CIA, rogue elements (including those purged) formed rogue alliances with international agencies (such as Saudi intelligence, etc.), including rogue alliances within the framework of legitimate international alliances.

Everybody knows about Escheleon of the 1990s -- circumventing domestic U.S. surveillance laws by having English-speaking countries eavesdrop on each other & share third-party data -- but this is also the surreptitious model for operations like kidnappings & assassinations & torture, quasi-"legitimized" since Bush, but routine for decades using wildcard third-party agency allies (and rogue factions within those agencies) like Saudi intelligence.

Which all means that any international capabilities -- technologically or otherwise -- are on the table for any agency within the U.S. via third-party.

Just to add perspective it might be good to include some info about this article which is entirely derived from just one page of a four-volume internal NSA history (which is shown at the bottom of the article). The NSA has been spying on Americans (and senators) since at least the mid-60's...


thanks for the leads, this isn't the first time you've helped me out with some quality research, I am grateful.

look forward to the book...

I wish you'd update your awesome Mega-List of 9/11 Suspicious Circumstances and Flaws in the Official Story.



Thanks for all this work, much appreciated!

welcome back /u/Three_Letter_Agency

im curious as to your opinion on limited hangouts?

A reminder that even with all these BILLIONS poured into the NSA (and the CIA, FBI, DIA, etc)--they still f'ed up 9/11...

Full Letter: http://consortiumnews.com/2014/01/07/nsa-insiders-reveal-what-went-wrong/

"The sadder reality, Mr. President, is that NSA itself had enough information to prevent 9/11, but chose to sit on it rather than share it with the FBI or CIA. We know; we were there. We were witness to the many bureaucratic indignities that made NSA at least as culpable for pre-9/11 failures as are other U.S. intelligence agencies...

...“My first day on the job at NSA was 9/11. I was immediately charged as the lead NSA executive to find and deploy the best technology at NSA for the fight against terrorism....

...“That’s where I found the pre- and post-9/11 intelligence from NSA monitoring of some of the hijackers as they planned the attacks of 9/11 had not been shared outside NSA. This includes critical pre-9/11 intelligence on al-Qaeda, even though it had been worked on by NSA analysts. I learned, for example, that in early 2001 NSA had produced a critical long-term analytic report unraveling the entire heart of al-Qaeda and associated movements. That report also was not disseminated outside of NSA.

“Make no mistake. That data and the analytic report could have, should have prevented 9/11...

...“In short, when confronted with the prospect of fessing up, NSA chose instead to obstruct the 9/11 congressional investigation, play dumb, and keep the truth buried, including the fact that it knew about all inbound and outbound calls to the safe house switchboard in Yemen. NSA’s senior leaders took me off the task because they realized – belatedly, for some reason – that I would not take part in covering up the truth about how much NSA knew but did not share.

“When the 9/11 Commission hearings began, Director Hayden chortled at executive staff meetings over the fact that the FBI and CIA were feeling the heat for not having prevented 9/11. This was particularly difficult for me to sit through, for I was aware that NSA had been able to cover up its own culpability by keeping investigators, committees, and commissions away from the truth."

You know when you say it like that it seems so much worse. If you have followed the Snowden leaks from the beginning you wouldn't think he divulged this information. That's why I am still suspicious of the whole situation.

I didn't see it in your list so apologies if it's there but I missed it...

Setting up fake cell phone towers to trick your phone into connecting to a massive spy tower (pardon my lack of technical terms...)

thanks for the lead! I'm having difficulty finding the original source but I will try harder in an hour or two.

Considering the recent revelations (claims) made by Snowden, with reference to the cooperation of telecommunications companies with the NSA, I don't think "fake cell phone towers" are necessary to involve anyone's cell phone in a massive spy operation. You know... just sayin... it stands to reason.

He may be confusing this with the Stingray Device

Many years ago, a friend from college who I would trust with my life cam bcd through town. He went to work in telecommunications, I didn't. We had lunch. After a while, he told me the story if when he installed the terminal at the NSA Into Verizon's main frame. This was shortly after it was renamed Verizon frm GTE. He didn't question it, but then when it was inspected there was of course a login, they made him remove it. He objected sincewith full admin access, they could do much damage by accident and everything had a log. He was told it was an open terminal, no log in, no log files created situation. They could create accts, change dates, add or delete accts or details of accounts and the record would how no change. He was visibly shaken even telling me this. I can provide no proof of this or his name, please don't ask.

oooo this needs to be a top one. thanks for the lead again.