For the record, I'm okay with rule 10 but this latest wave of attacks on sources sucks. We are not /r/news or /r/worldnews. Every OP that isn't MSM is being derailed straight to hell in the comment section.

55  2014-03-06 by [deleted]

Regulars here know what is going on, can we please come up with a solution that makes everyone happy?


This may sound like a tired, worn-out cliche, but it really does - and pretty much always will - boil down to "don't feed the trolls".

If our numbers and unity in the commenting and voting process aren't sufficient to fend off those who are determined to undermine our discussion and inquiry, then we must rely upon our ability to ignore them - to recognize them for what they are and their participation for what it is.

The war is being waged for control of your mind. And your mind is your greatest tool with which to protect yourself in that very battle. Think beyond the doublespeak and orange-reds.

I agree, but have you noticed the lack of diversity in our OPs lately. I'm just concerned that the campaign against sources is working. We used to get sources from all of the fringe websites. Not so much anymore.

I took a lot of them with a grain of salt, but they did provide triggers for alternative ways of looking at things.

the lack of diversity in our OPs lately

If you mean a lack of diversity in the sources of submissions, I'd have to say "no" from looking at the /new queue. But, I may not be seeing specifically what you're seeing.

Seeing attacks on source material is not something that only "debunkers and infiltrators" do. Even loyal, productive, participating regulars will often attack the source of a claim if it's extremely questionable or otherwise unreliable.

We're still occasionally getting stuff from washingtonsblog, endthelie, and even Alex Jones, the guy even hardcore conspiracy theorists can hate on from time to time.

If there is a concerted effort to marginalize non-MSM sources in this subreddit, it'll have to be more obvious (to me) than it currently is.

Then again, I don't read every comment under every submission, so - as I said - I may not be seeing what you're seeing.

I think a part of it, too, is that recent news cycles are giving us fewer and fewer "conspiracy theories" and more "conspiracy facts." So, naturally, more posts from mainstream sources as theories become proven and make it to more general public discourse.

And as that happens, more mainstream folks afraid of the fringier stuff flock to us to get our take, and they join and start posting, too, but cringe at the inverted pyramid in Crimea-type stuff (but I love those types of articles, please don't stop posting, people who post the fringier topics).

You said my point better than me.

I gotta be honest, I don't click or upvote links to fringe websites. Most of them are analysis of news that comes over the wire anyway and a lot of it is too extreme for me.

Oh c'mon. You seriously don't read the OPs about deformed skulls being aliens and what not? They're funny. It's one of the things I like about this sub.

If you get upset at what people say on the internet, you're in for a bad time.

Who's upset? I'm playing the game of thrones reddit.

The real game is the game of thoughts.

then we must rely upon our ability to ignore them

Ignorance is strength

Think beyond the doublespeak and orange-reds.

B-but War it's really peace. The TV told me so. Freedom from shills and trolls would be Slavery to an echo-chamber subreddit!

Oh blast now I don't know what to think.

Ignorance is strength

In the face of disruptive influences, I would say 'yes', -- much like one would try to ignore the sound of traffic when calling home during rush hour when your car has broken down. Yeah. Maybe like ignoring hecklers. Yep, like that.

and if you do provide your source it gets googlewashed, the webservers get hacked, or bought if they cant be hacked, and the info goes down the memoryhole for evermore or resurfaces in a kosher disinfo form, web2.0 in action, folks.

fuck the ignorant. let them find their own sources.

is my advice.


Not sure there is anything that can be done; at least, not while on reddit. We have usually ~500 readers on a website that generates millions of views a day. Our views don't necessarily coincide with that of others'; and even less with the admins. Someone is trying to make an open source alternative right now. Looks like that may be our best shot tbh.

Sounds like their plan is working.

How does rule 10 make this situation worse? If anything it's helping isn't it?

I didn't say it made it worse. I said I'm okay with it.

Pretty clearly the CIA and/or FBI is in control and trying to get the sub under their control. When they do, bet they get a bonus. But they are making progress in destroying /r/conspiracy.

Hey, if you want to openly discuss shills and derailments on reddit, you can do it freely here:

I think a part of it, too, is that recent news cycles are giving us fewer and fewer "conspiracy theories" and more "conspiracy facts." So, naturally, more posts from mainstream sources as theories become proven and make it to more general public discourse.

And as that happens, more mainstream folks afraid of the fringier stuff flock to us to get our take, and they join and start posting, too, but cringe at the inverted pyramid in Crimea-type stuff (but I love those types of articles, please don't stop posting, people who post the fringier topics).