Toxoplasma gondii - single-celled parasite linked to schizophrenia, risk-taking, suicidal tendencies, psycopathy, etc. Anyone heard anything about it?

53  2014-03-06 by Ambiguously_Ironic

I just stumbled across an article about this parasitic protozoan (alliteration courtesy of wikipedia) and was wondering if anyone has heard of it before and/or can link me to some more conclusive/concrete studies or information about it.

It says right in the first paragraph of the article that up to 30% of the world's population has been exposed to (and, thus, may possibly be infected by) it. You'd think (or at least I'd think) that a parasite with a demonstrable affect on mammalian behavior that almost 1/3 people worldwide have probably come into contact with would be a little bit more well known/studied/talked about.

Has anyone heard about this before and, if so, what do you think about it? What if this parasite is responsible for some of the negative human behaviors we see all around us?


Absolutely - bunch of studies about its effects, too. You mostly hear about it in relation to pregnant women and kitty litter, but a few years ago, a bunch of research came out about it in relation to risky behavior and laziness.

We tend to think mind control is so far out and totally implausible, but parasitologists know otherwise!

Humans make the mistake of thinking we're too "advanced" to fall prey to mind-control which, ironically, is probably one of the main things that makes us so easy to control.

Yeah, I've heard it can cause miscarriages or genetic mutations in the fetus.

Bacteriologists, too, by the way:

Edit: I almost forgot entomologists, too:

There is so much we don't know and are just encroaching the edges of understanding, it's kind of terrifying but totally amazing.

Thats about cordyceps in ants but it makes me wonder how many of these mind-altering parasites may in fact be out there.

There is so much we don't know and are just encroaching the edges of understanding, it's kind of terrifying but totally amazing.

I know right? Zombie ants, parasitic protozoan and conspiracies for everyone!

I wanted to post this cause you said entomologists. But if we keep talking about humans then okay.

Heh, so we now have examples of parasites, bacterium, "venom," fungii that all manipulate the behavior of the host. We're just missing a virus example and here we go - flu virus makes you social (this study done using a vaccine):

Flu bug is a sneaky bastard

The article about the jewel wasp is amazing. Ty for sharing.

The parasite naturally infects rats, and there have been studies showing that it causes them to engage in riskier behaviour and so increase their chances of being eaten by cats. This is useful for the parasite, which can only complete it's life cycle in the gut of the cat. So this clever parasite influences the rat's behaviour to its own advantage. There has been some evidence that the parasite may have a similar effect of the human brain. Interesting stuff.

Can you tell me more about its life cycle? Why does it need to go from the rat to the cat? Why not directly to the cat?

It reproduces in the cat's digestive system. The way it gets there is through the rats.

Human reproduction seems so... ordinary

I have seen rats with this infection claw through walls to get to a cat box. It is nirvana to them. Then they will sit there for a long time and just zone out, even when danger stimulus is present. It is an evolutionary advantage for the cat who is unaffected by it, but carries it around and disperses it because it helps the cat eat. The rat was a very large pack rat, normally a very smart creature. Does affect some humans too. They predicted the world cup one year and were 8/10 on for standings by analyzing rates of of t. Gondhi in the team. There have been emergency room studies of motorcycle accident victims who ovverrepresent in findings, because it affects risk taking behavior. I watched several young women go slowly crazy in identical ways who all lived in the same apartment that had a problem with it. The first tenant may have introduced it, their cat deffacted everywhere that they seemed unconcerned by, the carpet wasn't changed and then she starting hoarding, lost her job, started buying odd things, etc... Then I saw another girl (normal) with a cat and do an exact repeat. Then a third girl. Exact repeat. I have no doubt it was the toxoplasmosis gondhi.

So you think Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome is actually toxoplasmosis gondhi?

He wouldn't be the first person who's suggested that possibility.

Yes. Much of science originates in sayings and wives tales, that when investigated are often found to have a scientific reason behind them. I know several people who are infected by it, one sign is they are suddenly unaware of a catbox that is overfull and stinking up their house. It just doesn't bug them. They will often make decisions more for their cat than their own children. New cat toys, fancy cat food, tells their own children they are too broke to buy them decent food or toys. No rational person would put a pet over a child. Ever find people who only want to talk aboutbtheir cat and nothing else? Yea, they may be infected...

It would be awesome if you cited a source or two.

I did all this research around 4 years ago, much of it is on google still.

Are you sure it was 'research that you did' and not a Google search of other people's research? Are you sure you're not lying to everyone to sound important?

Research can mean many things. Mine consisted of compiling various reports, studies, documented cases, and investigative work already done by others. I don't want to sound important, in fact, I want to sound very unimportant to anyone interested in looking at my history.

I only wish to encourage others as to the possibilities and that they should investigate whatever is important to them.

So you didn't actually see in person all those things that you were clearly trying to imply that you did? OK, that's what I thought. Thanks for clearing that up.

Oh no, that part is true. Sorry if it makes your head explode. The rat was a common pack rat, and the cat was a Persian.

K sure

so you're some kind of high level epidemiologist who has literally seen these things in person and in your off-time you beg for e-currency because you can't afford a computer and/or figure out a computer program and/or get someone to bum you a ride into town

plausible as fuck

Sadly, even though you spent precious minutes of your life that you can never recover reading my history, if you has bothered to type some key words into a search engine, you would have found exactly what I stated. I can't prove anything to you, and I don't want to. Only you can prove anything to you and to do that I must only give a general guidance and let you find and qualify your own answers.

You can't provide even the slightest bit of verification that you aren't lying out your ass?

Extraordinary claims require some plausibility and verification, dawg.

Wikipedia has some info, it references your increased risk behavior and higher chance of being an accident victim, also talks about changes in rat behavior. Although it is not complete by any measure, it is a starting point to research if you are interested. And

I believe that the parasite exists as described. I don't believe your claim to have seen these things in person.

There is nothing I can do to help that, it was a life experience that helped me realize these things exist and to what extent they affect us.

OK. And you are an... Epidemiologist? Laboratory technician? Detective?

Just a human... But I doubt you will believe that either, so I am whatever you think I am.


Please respond I'm really scared that you might have lied to people on the Internet to feel important

I've heard you can get it from cats and that it purportedly invokes certain cat-like traits in those affected.

That is a kind of absurd suggestion but I never really looked into it.

Also, I've always had cats and I'm a lazy fucker, so maybe there is something it!

But do you rub against peoples shins?

Or put your cold wet nose in someone's hand?

If that's the price I have to pay for having cats (and I do), then it's worth it. Also, not a conspiracy.

Are you a psychopath?

There is something to it; but it has been trumped up quite a bit by the media. If you need a scapegoat for the general madness of our generation, I think you'd do better to look toward poisons; mercury and lead in-particular.

T. GondIi.

Cats are a Carrier.

Big concern that it it making its way through several groups of Sea Mammals like Dolphins, Whales, Sea Otters seals, and Sea Lions. It is the most prolific Protozoa in the world.

The big concern with the arctic deicing are remote pods of mammals are coming into contact with it having no Barrier ice to stop it. Its pushing into the arctic.

That should be a good start.

T. Gondii is a Protazoal which infects its host. to complete one part of the life cycle.

T. Gondii has also been shown to cohabitant in a host with S. neurona is a Polyparasitism in this case. Neurolgic symptoms are more severe. They think that the T.Gaondii/S Neurona cocktail can also help induce depression.

This pair has shown up in Dolphins and has also shown up in Horses that are Diagnosed with EPM Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis. S. Neurona is the primary in this case.

Google: T Gondii S Neurona, depression, lameness, seizures.

I deal with it on fair basis with Horses ,Studied it, diagnosed it, treated it and have delt with it out of control.

You can kill it/eliminate it once you discover it though, yes?

Protazoals are very long treatments and some of the treatments can be Toxic but yes it can be cured. It has different effects on different infected hosts.

For T. Gondii in human it looks like right now it is not an infection that is treated in every case but only in cases where it can be life threatening.

I just want to say that my direct experience has been with the S. Neurona in Horses but in learning about it I picked up on the T. Gondii info. Also treatments are the same. An EPM Shake Pyrimethamine/Trimethoprim/Sulfadiazine Oral Suspensionis used as atreatment in horses and as a preventative in Humans.

levamisole is also another one that is used in both horses and humans

I've had it in my eye. These are my left and right eyes. Spot the difference.

I thought I had looked at the sun or a lightbulb too long. It looked like a sunspot, or a silver static hole in my vision. Or like a floater that doesn't move. When I realized I was going blind, and that it was getting worse, I got it checked out at an optometrist, and they referred me to a specialist.

The parasite loves to munch on the incredibly tender flesh in the retina.

Apparently it's pretty common. And one round of penicillin (and a mild steroid?) knocks it down. I caught it within a couple weeks of it causing permanent damage. If you don't do anything about it, you will go blind. And then it will get strong enough to eat its way through your retinal cord, and into your brain.

I have worried about how it's affected my mental state... But I'm not convinced that it's that much of a factor. On the other hand, I do sleep more than anyone I've ever met.

Hmm... I've been meaning to schedule an appointment with the eye doctor, now I have a good reason to.

Nice photos!

Is there a way to know if you already have it? Can you get rid of it if you already do?

So, is there a test for this?

It seems to have the curious effect of raising your testosterone levels too.

Hmm... that's actually very interesting considering some of the other reported side effects. Thanks for the link.

It was featured in a Scifi novel called Peeps. Cats are attempting to edit the human genome to bend us more to their will.

Yes, during my undergrad we actually focused on it in bio lab. It is completely underrepresented in the media compared to its importance to humans. Same goes for HPV (some strains cause cancer and almost everyone has at least one) and factory farm industry's abuse of antibiotics ("superbugs" gets attention, but they blame hand washing and overprescribing, factory farms use the majority of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance is transferable so don't tell me cattle bacteria don't matter).

A side note about T. Gondii, people always focus on the risk from cats, but most people get it from undercooked beef or steak. Europeans prefer rare steak and thus almost 50% have contracted it.

From what I've read today it can only sexually produce inside a cat but it can produce asexually in other animals. Something like that right?

Yeah, cats are the host and other animals are vectors.

Its killed a few people with aids, or it did years ago. Because of the comprised immune system that was the final infection which was fatal. Its carried by cats and other mammals

That happens to Tommy in Trainspotting

This is one of the main reasons i try to avoid cats.

this guy study this topic, he is also tainted :), it is in chzech so try to translate :(

This is the answer to everything wrong (as well as right) with me. Is their a definitive test for it?

humaworm parasite cleanse..get on it!!!

I'm all to familiar

This is not a conspiracy. This is biology and belongs in r/biology.

Your opinion is noted.

Hmm... I've been meaning to schedule an appointment with the eye doctor, now I have a good reason to.

It reproduces in the cat's digestive system. The way it gets there is through the rats.

Flu bug is a sneaky bastard

Nice photos!

Just a human... But I doubt you will believe that either, so I am whatever you think I am.