Are the admins deleting posts here announcing that we're subredditoftheday? We need to take advantage of this!

2  2014-03-08 by [deleted]



"first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

The more this sort of 'joke' happens, the more we can know we are getting to them.

it was a conspiratard JOKE

It wasn't intended as any joke. Still, the "joke" is on them considering that the link brings users to the "hot" page with the Greenwald sticky at the top.

And that's why they took it down.

Regardless, it will still drive a lot of traffic this way. Isn't that worth taking advantage of?

Traffic here is fine, kiddo. You apparently found us with no problem...

How are you still in the positive?


You might want to actually read the announcement.

It was a hit piece, really nice to see that reddit inc supports some of the worst practices of the metasphere.

We'll just keep doing what we do. It'll be fun while it lasts.

I used to say that about reddit as a whole :(

Now that I think about it I used to say that about the internet as well.

I don't think the free flow of information is going to win, but I guess I'll watch the ship sink again.

What's that project where people are setting up their own wireless lan-type networks? Might want to look into it/help out.

Also, pirate boxes are becoming more and more popular.

Hope is not lost.

Yes I also have faith that the blockchain can pick up where Aaron's RSS left off.

What's that project



Yeah, I was thinking along that line: decentralized mesh networks.

After a quick glance, the sub seems a bit unorganized but that could change soon it appears. The "darknet" seems to be a nebulous catch-all term for all kinds of stuffs... most legal but some topics are kinda sketchy.

IIRC only about 20% of the web is scoured by search engine bots. The other 80% is considered darkweb That being said, I find the darkweb spooky. Silk road in the old days especially.

Who knows what the nsa has and how deep they can index? Besides silkroad shenanigans I'm referring to current submissions to that sub such as how to hack LEO satellites for various purposes. Which, while cool, is not something I'd personally fuck around with.


Its a bunch of tards basically saying that this entire group believes blah, blah, blah, about some other entire group of people and we are all dicks for it. Thank god they haven't figured out the hypocrisy of that yet. I have popcorn of my own.

If you go over there, bring rain boots. They're all standing in a circle and there is jizz everywhere.

Seriously though, to everyone here. They are all standing there stroking boners and waiting for us to react. Can we please just... Not. Stirring up drama like this just makes them look like assholes.


I've actually been really proud of our little subs lack of reaction. I was thinking about taking a couple of days off of reddit till this wave of drama died down. But so far... No drama. Good job /r/conspiracy.

Nah, even if you took time off the kids on /r/conspiratard will keep trolling. They don't have lives to get back to.

That is true, but it comes in waves. A couple times in the past year this sub was rendered useless for a day or more because of a massive influx of trolls.

Shit trolls, making shit post, and shit comments. Shit trolls from a shit bridge Randy.

Pretty much. I originally just tagged them in RES, but I've since moved on to using the ignore options. It's made a noticeable difference in the quality of discussion.

Don't know why I haven't used the ignore button before. Will try it out.

Why would this subreddit command respect?

Because all human beings are entitled to respect homie


Then how come a majority of the things posted here aren't the truth?


But then people claim that what's here is The TruthTM . No. This sub isn't special. In fact, it's less concerned about the truth than subs like r/askhistory or r/science. I'm just tired of the high-and-mighty false feeling given off around here.

Apparently it's been deleted from subredditoftheday too:

Perhaps because it didn't generate the drama they wanted?

Look at the moderators of that sty.

Look who posted this.

They are incredibly afraid of this subreddit. It's beyond hilarious.

I'd bet $5 that /u/75000_Tokkul is an alt account of that clown. That's their MO after all.

The thing I do not get is our frontpage here usually has something with around 1200 upvotes in the top few spots the rest gets like 100 or less.

Yet we have 218,684 subscribers at the time of this post. How can they try to judge every single person here as the same.

We fight amongst our selves enough, actually acknowledging that other sub is showing them they are winning.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

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"Are the admins deleting posts here announcing that we're subredditoftheday? We need to take advantage of this!"

by: /u/75000_Tokkul

Upvotes: 23 | Downvotes: 17 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 2 | Downvotes: 0 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

Who's this LednemReivax fellow, never seen him before

Who knows. He's banned now for attacking the sub, along with the OP of that srotd post.

Read the name backwards.

Bipolarbear0 is a mod of that sub. The same old story of everyone being a racist and believing in lizards is tired, worn out and the only people in that sub replying are more or less circlejerk commentators and the conspiritard mods who insist on calling people mentally ill continuing their smear campaigns from Digg.

If you think this is satire, you really don't understand the mindset of these people.

Wtf?? I think you replied to the wrong comment.

I didn't. It would have been sanctioned by him.

Of course it was organised by him. They expected a massive reaction from this sub, but it fizzled out. Why you telling me all this?

Sorry, I thought you might not have known. Anyway, it's better that no one responded because it's basically /r/conspiritard and their subredditdrama pals that love manufactured drama. It's quite sickening though to be called mentally ill and a racist when I'm not any of those things as opposed to censoring the internet for years and sending out death threats to people who disagree with them.

sending out death threats to people who disagree with them.

The founder of the hate-group r/conspirat*rd:

Well then, seems my banning was redundant. But I stand by it lol.