Hey. Fuck the plane. It's gone. Your leaders in Washington and London are ramping up the rhetoric against Russia.

186  2014-03-14 by [deleted]

Even the Scooby Doo Detective Agency didn't waste 5 days following Red Herring. Focus. Now is the time to voice your opposition, if you are in fact opposed. If you do not dissent, you have consented. The US government always acts with your consent, implicit or implied. At a minimum tell the people of the region that you do not support the actions of our imperial war machine on behalf of special corporate and non-profit interest.

I stand with people who do not seek to have their homeland bombed into oblivion and for their right to not give birth to deformed children for 50 years and their right to not enslave their children to pay a debt they were tricked into taking on.

These fuckers have even dusted off their Dick Cheney war propaganda doll to talk with Bilderberger Charlie Rose. I hope the descendants of their victims suck the marrow from both their bones and make soup from their genitals some day.

I made this fucking stupid petition so that there is an easy device to pass around electronically. IDK what else to do. I don't even know if I did it right. It basically just serves as a means to tell them No.

@johnkerry @barackobama #standdown


back to your scheduled programming. happy national potato chip day.


I actually wouldn't sign this if i were you. This ex-order is highly unconstitutional. http://appalachianareanews.com/obama-passes-executive-order-that-would-seize-assets-of-anyone-who-opposes-policy-on-ukraine/

LOL let them try this and watch it blow up in their face.

How do you suppose it would?

Ill leave you to answer that one on your own.

Wait do you mean it will blow up in the govs face or the petitioners?

He doesn't know, which is why his wide open question will always look correct.


Sad but true.

Amazing there arent mass demonstrations in the street right now against "nation building" or "military intervention" or whatever semantic abortion the trilateral commission uses. You would think after the general character and activities of our beloved three letter agencies have been revealed, people would read into current events a little more and compare them with history. Then again, no one knows their history. Hah we are so fucked.

Good luck Op, i agree with your sentiments 100% and also have no idea what to do about any of this.

Demonstrations won't stop the machine. I participated in the anti-war demos prior to the Iraq invasion, and they were summarily ignored by the mass media.

The decision has already been made, and it's a decision we can't change via mass action, unless we are willing to shut the country down. But people like their convenience, and rightfully fear the police.

Heh you got it, i dont think there is any form of non-violent opposition would stop the machine, (and i am not advocating for violence for all of our robotic friends scanning this comment) i am just more stunned at the general apathy of the public. I am fascinated if not horrified at how well they control everyone, definitely challenges my faith in humanity.

Its sad that there are so many people that cant discern the truth about what is going on. Most people that watch nation news thinks its Russia fault, they dont want to believe that the US can do any harm. Little dot they know we have been doing the most harm since the 70ies and further back probably.

Yeah it really is sad. I think this type of behavior has been going on a lot longer than america, not that historical precedent makes it any less egregious, but i see how the ones in charge justify it and all i can do is stare in amazement at their lack of compassion.

I saw this video a little while ago, thought you might like it.


Happy saturday!

Thanks I will give it a look :D)

USGovt needs the money. Time is up. With the $100b bond move announcement today/yesterday prerunning this heatup, thats not a good sign imo. People think they wont get their money; Its kind of like betting on a sporting event (or if Russia moved them home, its more like getting your stuff back before you punch an associate in the face...).

Edit:added link to generic mouthpiece-website for confirmation (meh) of amount and movement of bonds.

Hey. Fuck this thread. It will be gone. OP is ramping up the rhetoric for bullsht.

But sersiously, why do you think the incident was a "Red Herring"? Initiated by whom? And why? To make you look the other way while there is a war starting?

At least in Germany Ukraine is still the biggest issue in the news and I donĀ“t think a (somehow mysterious) plane crash could really distract anybody.

Edit: fogot a word

Also, the CIA spies on Congress and destroys their documents.

Russia vetoes US-sponsored UN resolution declaring Crimea vote invalid

Lets keep this thread going with relevant information going on the rhetoric against Russia.

When European nations and the US say they will not recognize the outcome of the referendum and warned Russia of sanctions over its stance on Ukraine you know who has the problem, Europe and the United States.

OP it's Mystery Inc.

Actually, The Scooby Doo Detective Agency is from the kid-version of the show. Where-in, Red Herring is a character.


This is a step in the right direction. I have been circulating information on this issue in my area. If you dont support the government's actions in Ukraine, this is a good way to let people know you do not consent nor condone the actions of the U.S government.

Also just ignore the trolls. They have no power other than what they get from us. :D



Signed! Tweeted! Blogged!

How do we send this petition to Ukrainians to let them know we don't support this action?

We need a hashtag. Edit: NM didnt see the hashtag. in the OP's post.

#TestPetitionPleaseIgnore #TPPI

edit: for a hashtag

"we nag you because we love you" - Michelle O

back to your scheduled programming. happy national potato chip day.

It's actually National Pi Day!

But good on you for pointing this out, I'll send the link to a few people to sign.

By "aggressive action", do you mean the planned economic sanctions against Russian leaders? Because I think those are a good idea.

Because 30 years of sanctions against Iran and NK has really hurt those leaders huh? They might have to downgrade to silver toilets or something. Sanctions are a fucking joke man, the only people they hurt are the common folk.

Kim Jong proves it by killing off his own people, because he knows he lives fucking nicely with his palace and shit.

I'd like to point out that Iran recently agreed to freeze parts of their nuclear program in return for a reduction in sanctions. So, evidently, sanctions sometimes work. In fact, sanctions work about a third of the time, and they are more likely to work with a gas and oil exporting country, like Russia.

Look at all them working sanctions in those African nations! Look at all those poor people still starving to death and chopping each other up with machetes. Yay for sanctions!!! They work so well!!! twsmith didn't even rtfa he linked!!!

Uh... I said that they sometimes work, which is what the article said. Are you in middle school or something?

I haven't heard any better suggestions than sanctions. What are your ideas? Or should be just let Russia annex parts of neighboring countries?

By the way, the initial sanctions will affect only a few dozen people. They will be banned from traveling to countries that implement the sanctions and may have their foreign assets frozen.

So those sanctions are not going to hurt the common folk.

My suggestion is simple. Since our country's so big on freedom and democracy and spreading it all around the globe (with bombs and bullets if necessary) we should let the people of Crimea decide their own destiny. Which, in case you haven't been following the news, is exactly what they're trying to do. I mean don't you find it odd America is taking sides against the very same values it's supposed to be upholding?

It's hardly going to be a free vote. Russian troops are occupying the region and suppressing any dissent. They are rushing a vote so that there can't be any discussion of the issue, even if they allowed opponents to speak.

There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of places around the world where there are little enclaves of one ethnic group who are just across the border from a country where they are in control. It would lead to many wars if we let each country invade the other and let each little region get picked off one by one.

What if Mexico, in a couple of decades, decides that the counties in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico that are majority Hispanic need to be protected from the Anglos. Should they invade and set up fake votes so that they can annex them to Mexico? After all, some of them were part of Mexico back in the 19th century. What would the reaction of people in other parts of the US be? Probably they would start rioting and try to force Mexicans out of their states. Then Mexico would have to protect their citizens in other parts of the US.

These kinds of wars happened frequently in the 19th and 20th centuries. We, collectively, made the decision when we established the United Nations, that one country just can't annex part of another country, and have held to that with very few exceptions. What Russia is doing is upsetting this international conventions which have prevented another world war over the last 70 years.

Didn't you hear? When something is labeled a distraction, we're not allowed to talk about anything else!


Any time ;)

The plane isn't gone. It's on an island. With the passengers as hostages. And the terrorists are retrofitting the plane as some kind of weapon.

Or at least that's what people here seem to think.

How about you speak for yourself and not other people?

I guess I should have put what SOME people here seem to think.

Why does it matter what others think? If you are going to say something, say what YOU think.

This sub is all about what others say, now it's not? There are always quotes here about what other people say.

Starring Sylvester Stalone as Ding Chavez.

I think Gilligan must have been on that plane with the Skipper and Professor acting as the pilots.

They never got off that island.

Sad but true.

My suggestion is simple. Since our country's so big on freedom and democracy and spreading it all around the globe (with bombs and bullets if necessary) we should let the people of Crimea decide their own destiny. Which, in case you haven't been following the news, is exactly what they're trying to do. I mean don't you find it odd America is taking sides against the very same values it's supposed to be upholding?