If hijacked..

1  2014-03-15 by getityetquestionmark

..then how come no one called from their cell phones to family and friends, like on flight 93? Sure, late flight, but I never slept on a plane, I would have been up. Surely there would have been an incident and a noticeable turn that would have raised suspicion.

So.. I just want it to be noted..



"It's a frame..."

I'm all for 9/11 conspiracies, but why are you stating that as a fact?

Serious question, is that a fact or your current opinion?

Well, the previously recorded phone calls of the passengers could have been used to compile those messages and phone calls...

I know this, you know this.. But that isn't what is always portrayed.

they were on the ground in upstate NY and the mossad agents said "if you make a plausible phone call to your loved ones, we won't murder them after we murder you." CeeCee Lyles message she left on her husband's voice mail was the biggest FU to the unsubs.

"you did great."

yeah uhhh we've been hijacked um there are three of them um uh there are three of them we've been hijacked baby


tips fedora

Can you tell me a little more?

I was under the impression they were over the ocean when communication was lost... Right? If so they might not of had a signal

But a hijacked plane will either crash or be over land. Once over land, the phone should work again (considering some passengers had international phones).

The hijackers would probably take all the phones before they got over land. And could look to make sure nobody used one when back over land.

the whole "the plane went to 46,000 feet with depressurized cabin to knock out the passengers thing, while the cockpit has special equipment?

Um idk maybe never heard that before.

That'd be a LOT of hijackers needed.

It only took like 3 or 4 on 9/11. If they were over the ocean they'd have a lot of time to take phones by the time they were over land.

But the passengers could use their phones.

I'm saying on 9/11 passengers were able to use their phones the whole time the plane was in the air and being hijacked.

This kind of flight flies a lot higher so no cell signal is available, besides the fact they were over the ocean away from radio towers. So since they had no cell service for hours the hijackers had a long ass time to take their phones or destroy them.

But there'd have to be a LOT of hijackers to do so. One or two to fly the plane, two to four to confiscate the cell phones. I'd say 4-6 hijackers is a lot.

On 9/11 there were 4 on each plane. So 16 altogether. It wouldn't be hard to get 6 people on a flight of 240 ppl.

I can't believe people still believe the 9/11 highjacker theory

So if the planes werent hijacked what happened? Were the planes remote controlled?

I'm curious to see their answer.

Yea me too. With all the 9/11 theories I've heard I don't think I've ever heard anybody say the planes weren't even hijacked in the first place.

Side note: Love the username.

Thanks man

What I meant was people believe that It was just hijackers who took the whole towers down. Nvm.

I'm not saying that they weren't hijacked. I'm just saying that if they did it wasn't just the hijackers doing this. There could have been a plan set up with pilots or other people on the inside. They could have not been anyone on board. But I don't by that just some hijackers with no help on the inside could do that. Esp looking at the flight path and how crazy maneuvers they would of had to make.

I certainly don't put remote controlled out of the question at all

Yea any of those situations are possible, but each one of those situations would require bringing more people in on the conspiracy. There were 4 planes that were used in the attack (at least 2 depending on what you believe). If the pilots were in on it that means finding 2-4 experienced pilots and 2-4 experienced co-pilots to commit suicide. If the planes were empty that would run the risk of having the people in charge of booking flights, and the people in charge of loading people onto the plane, and the people in charge of loading luggage, and the pilots again realizing there's an empty plane leaving the airport an hour before the huge attack.

I think the simplest explanation is the government might of known about it and let it happen, and might of pulled a few strings like not immediately calling the jets in. And the only way a conspiracy like that would still be kept secret is if as few people as possible knew about it.

And also with the hijackings, I know it seems weird so few people can hijack a plane with so many people. But I think it's an example of the bystander effect, where everybody is waiting for somebody else to do something.

I used to think the same thing as you. But recently have been going on the small nuclear device or energy like tesla weapon.

And there's also the chance it never left from the Tarmac in the airport. But still took off there so it had the correct radar readings but could have been remote controled. There is so many different ways it could of went down

I just don't buy that a couple of planes did all that to the towers. Esp with how they desintigrated into dust for the most part and the acounts of explosions before they fell in the basement. The molten steel for weeks. The cars that looked like the electronics caught fire and other materials catching fire. A lot of things point to more than just some planes doing that

What nuclear device/tesla weapon are you talking about?

Hell no planes hit tower 7. But it fell just like the others. I mean come on that says a lot

But 6 AFTER all the passengers are accounted for?

That is assuming those calls were legit and not propoganda or part of a story used to further an agenda. I know when ever I'm on a plane I never turn off the signal. And I do not ever get even a bit of connection to a tower. It is always in no signal or looking for it. I don't know how the fuck those calls went through. Becouse even when we haven't hit the top altitude yet and are climbing it cuts out of signal.

I don't buy it one bit.

Phones do not work over the ocean unless the plane has a cell tower system in it. I recall hearing this plane did not have it.

Once they got to a certain area over the ocean or even a certain altitude they would not have service.

The ringing was most likely the phone towers searching for the phone. Notice they do not say how long the phone rang, if you were trying to call a loved one in this situation and got 3-4 rings, would you not rejoice thinking they are ok?

19 out of over 200+ people most likely all with phones? Thats what like 10% or less of phones "ringing", seems to me that number should be higher than that.

If the phones really did connect and ring on the other end, shouldn't the NSA or other similar agencies world wide know where they are/where?

Aaahhh yes the 9/11 high jackers that are so incredibly real...

Someone said in a recent thread, when they're over the ocean, there's no phone towers so no signal which means two things, there's a lot of people lying about ringing them and hearing the phone ring, or they were near somewhere with said towers

The "ringing" one hears while calling another cellphone is not an indication that the phone on the other end is ringing. It is simply a comforting reassurance to the caller that their call is being processed. I've called someone in the same room as me (sitting right next to me, across the table, or across the room) and heard 2 full rings before their phone began ringing, due simply to the network delay in locating their phone to send a signal.

I really wish people would let go of this "I heard their phone ring." - NO, you didn't hear "their phone" ringing. You heard the telecom giving you an audible notification that it was processing a call - nothing more, nothing less.

This one really needs to die soon, it's distracting from legitimate discussion.

Everything is distracting. Go have a legitimate conversation. I love legitimate conversations. Just relax. If the plane went down the phones should be destroyed. So the phone call should go straight to voice mail. I'm Sure thats the view majority have . Sorry you do not see it that way.

This is what I think, if the phones were destroyed, turned off, not available etc. it would go straight to voicemail, it does here in the UK anyway, not sure about anywhere else, or if location even affects that...

I'm saying on 9/11 passengers were able to use their phones the whole time the plane was in the air and being hijacked.

This kind of flight flies a lot higher so no cell signal is available, besides the fact they were over the ocean away from radio towers. So since they had no cell service for hours the hijackers had a long ass time to take their phones or destroy them.

Phones do not work over the ocean unless the plane has a cell tower system in it. I recall hearing this plane did not have it.

Once they got to a certain area over the ocean or even a certain altitude they would not have service.

The ringing was most likely the phone towers searching for the phone. Notice they do not say how long the phone rang, if you were trying to call a loved one in this situation and got 3-4 rings, would you not rejoice thinking they are ok?

19 out of over 200+ people most likely all with phones? Thats what like 10% or less of phones "ringing", seems to me that number should be higher than that.

If the phones really did connect and ring on the other end, shouldn't the NSA or other similar agencies world wide know where they are/where?

I used to think the same thing as you. But recently have been going on the small nuclear device or energy like tesla weapon.

And there's also the chance it never left from the Tarmac in the airport. But still took off there so it had the correct radar readings but could have been remote controled. There is so many different ways it could of went down

I just don't buy that a couple of planes did all that to the towers. Esp with how they desintigrated into dust for the most part and the acounts of explosions before they fell in the basement. The molten steel for weeks. The cars that looked like the electronics caught fire and other materials catching fire. A lot of things point to more than just some planes doing that

Hell no planes hit tower 7. But it fell just like the others. I mean come on that says a lot