It's not war. It's murder. - Noam Chomsky

29  2014-03-20 by no1113


Murder? The systematic killing of a certain ethnic group is genocide. Though the international community is never ready to admit genocide is occurring because then there would be a moral obligation to help stop the situation. Many times throughout history, we see genocide occur, people cry out, they get stifled, then the history books show our repeat failures.

It, of course, most definitely is also murder at least - though I wouldn't disagree with what you said here in the least.



Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.

If this definition is correct, then I wouldn't say that what we're talking about here is not so much Democide at all because it's definitely not the Palestinian government that's killing its own people.

I totally missed the "their" in the definition I thought it was any government.

No worries. :)

Clearly Noam is an antisemite!





self hater

The Jewish Zionists who run this little rogue state called Israel are not going to continue their ongoing agenda of genocide against the indigent population at the eastern end of The Mediterranean Sea. We are exposing it and are committed to bringing it to an end. Our goal is a single state there in which everyone is equal under the law, in the eyes of the government and in the human rights they are entitled to - not just Jews, but everyone.

Very well-said and well-intentioned. There is more than a little bit of work to do in order to stop the pestilence of Zionism from continuing to grow, however.

Chomsky is a fraud and a phony. A worthless puppet for his master. He hides the truth, proclaiming fiction. Fuck Chomsky. May he rot in hell, and never have his useless opinion posted here.

Damn, bro. I wouldn't exactly go that far w/him. I know and see what you're saying, and I understand that perspective to some extent - I even echo a bit of it - but, again, I personally wouldn't go that far with any vehemence against him.

Just saying.


self hater