Let me make a suggestion on what this subreddit needs more of, seriously.

27  2014-03-21 by [deleted]

There should be more posts that are educational. Stuff that would help people be able to understand events better. I am saying this because most posts on here are not posts about information that someone dug-up and presented with the purpose of informing people and giving them the tools they need to understand the modern clusterfuck we call media.

For example, a post about tactics and strategies of PR firms, information about how the media business works and their tactics to 'spin' articles to any degree, posts outlining the timeline of an event such as the Benghazi scandal, information outlining how propaganda works and providing examples. I'm not saying find an article about any of this, I'm promoting this idea in the form of self.conspiracy posts that are clear informative peices of ones own investigations.

Does anyone else agree at all? I for one, will make an effort to do this.

edit: I also want to say that with these posts everyone should critically think about it and fact check, so as to not have BS spread as fact.


I agree, that sounds like a great idea.

thank you! i was just reading my friends Mass Communication textbook today and i went into the section of PR and Propaganda. I just thought,'damn everyone needs to know this, this should be a mandatory class in high school' and just got home and started reading and watching videos about PR and i realized i should make a self post here once i gather enough information. A clear, simple, informative post. Then i realized i never see that kind of stuff on here. We should work on helping one another gain knowledge for understanding the fucked up world around is and how ridiculous the media and politics function. If my idea catches on, and people critically analyze such posts i feel this sub could become so much more intelligent.


I think this is key to getting people to understand some conspiracies. Especially if we can dismantle the doublespeak coming from the trusted journalists people seem to have so much faith in.

thank you, I am glad to see other people agreeing!

I'm (a web developer, designer, fellow truth seeker) working on a new website that will hopefully provide this and much, much more. Stay tuned! If you have any technical skills let me know. I will be needing a group of people just like you, who feel something more has to be done to help educate people (connect dots, provide good reference material, theorems, etc). I feel there needs to be something new, and reddit just seems to be getting worse and worse each day.

Might want to start with some good security minded ideas

  • Work to make the website distributed so it cant be easily taken down by a DCMA notice. Register the domain somewhere other than a registrar in the United States. I recommend gandi.net.

  • Plan ahead for security so the site wont be easily compromised. If you are going to be using a CMS work on making it secure. I can help maybe if we talk first.

I dont like working with people I dont know cause there is no way to be sure that who I am working with won't be some kind of g o v o p.


we meet again

There are plenty of those, problem is they are left behind because most of the times people often upvote short image quotes and convoluted shocking image phrases.

e.g. Currently top of this sub with 1600+ votes "Tesla's scariest prediction" http://i.imgur.com/WKzMrzC.jpg

yes, the popular stuff is always fear/ "shock"- driven. As long as fear dominates, the higher brain shuts off. And also, most posts are simply fast food where you need 1 second to look and click on the next link.

This forum needs to stop following heroes supplied by the media. I am thinking in particular about soap opera leaks like Wikileaks and now Snowden. This is ridiculous.

please give example of BS spread as fact

what? you are misinterpreting what i said. i meant that people should fact check such posts i am suggesting

what? you are misinterpreting what i said. i meant that people should fact check such posts i am suggesting