Pro Isreal commentators either copying one onothers posts or more likely reading from the same hymnsheet? Links inside

44  2014-03-22 by [deleted]

After yet another thread about Isreal was removed citing it was covered by other articles I took a look at the one which was allowed and noticed some of the pro Isreal top comments looked very similar to those on another thread about the same news story.

First story comments:

Link :

Second story comments screenshot:


If you look at hte tone of the rest of comments on the first article vs the second one that was removed you will see they take a very pro-Isreal stance while the second one was much less supportive.

It would seem to me there is an agenda to control the discussion in that first article while then removing any other discussion that takes place outside of it.


Not to discard the articles or your research into this. But if your in this forum then you must know what's's up. This is now the status quo. I personally spent 2 years researching the powers that be, conspirators, links, associations, wars, slavery, history and more. My conclusion after all this time is...ignorance is bliss. Being Black I have very specific issues that were manufactured by these groups that can bring one pause. All I can say is when/if that shit gets out man talk about an age of awakening. All I know is that you can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can't fool everyone all of the time. I am happy to have opened Pandora's Box..and gleamed the sordid contents for myself. I learned something about life...The truth which brings me peace in these strange days. Life is what you make of it. These people/groups know this and have done everything in their power to forge a reality that fits their agendas. Just ask yourself do you want to create a world by death and destruction, or one filled with peace. The second you decide I suggest you move into that space, that mind frame. And anything that's counter to it make its weight and impact on your life as light as a feather and blow it away.

The people who know some of the truth I promise won't be writing it down in a post on reddit. No one would believe it, not even hardcore guys. It's something you would have to see and understand for yourself. Then you will realize once again like I did. Relating to all institutions. Religous, political, education, science, technology, banking, media, news and more. They are all infiltrated and corrupted. Just have to open your eyes to see that evil and my truth that...Ignorance is bliss.

But life is what you make of it works much better.

Yea I have a fairly accurate view of whats up but the same people love to use the "your a conspiracy theorist" defence so I rarely post something I cant back up with evidence.

I agree ignorance is bliss but there is something satisfying about doing good in the world like you point out that any being paid any amount of money to represent other peoples views on the internet cant beat

To be honest I've come full circle. With everything that has been done to this planet and all its abundunt life, the real question is why? This question is not so simple to answer. Because in it lies the truth to their motivation. I know it's not about money. That's just a tool used to confuse, control, manipulate and enslave. Could it be power? No they have it all. They can pretty much do w.e. they like. So then what's the answer to this question which I term "the game of life." Hmm well I've come to my own conclusions. Granted I'm a former lifelong Christian. My religious bias and mindset truly clouded my perspective. Kept me running in circles but once I left that part of the Matrix, many a thing became clear.

I once thought that I as an individual had power enough to get some answers to my questions. I have family directly related and living in certain influential regions. Also friends that happen to of a specific faith and are teachers in that community. In the end all I really got was silence and contempt. I had to ask myself what type of secret could be so big that even family had no jurisdiction. Well for me I realized to answer my questions I had to stop listening to everyone else. If you fall for one thing then you can fall for them all. I started reaching inside, using my intuition to decode the riddles. After sometime something amazing happened. I let go of all my preconceptions, beliefs and expectations. I realized that truth can be seen from many perspectives. Every possible thing you can an cannot imagine is possible. Heck were flying through infinite space on a round blue spaceship. Reality doesn't have to be forged by someone else. There is much more to it. But my perspective and way of thinking has changed from alpha to beta. I now appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, the people in our lives, waking up to a beautiful sunshine realizing that bringing peace and love to my life and all in it far out ways the years I spent frantically searching for the truth. A truth an answer to the question can only be found in you.

Ignorance isn't bliss... it is acceptance of your fate. It is surrending yourself to them and giving up because you realize that you can't fight back and so might as well be happy with what you have.

Truth is scary and horrible. I am completely on your side with that, but ignorance is not the solution to finding inner peace.

Our lives have been poisoned for a long time now, but I believe we should do what we can to give the proper tools to those generations that will come after us. We shouldn't accept this society as it is and better than watching it slowly collapse is to take charge and change it.

So where do we start? We already know that the large number of public are going to stay ignorant about this because they neither have the time nor the attention span to debate the big issues and resolve our problems collectively. So we need to relate to them and see things as how they see things, and we have to work with things they are capable of understanding. We need to find the common ground for unity.

Our society is one that is built on greed. We are told to live selfishly because no one else will care about you. People only vote for polilticians that promise more things for them, and not for those who have the best solutions for our problems. Education system and limited job opportunities, makes us turn against each other and see each other as enemies. "Survival of the fittest". People want a better country but they don't want to give up any advantage that they get from the system - whether it is welfare or the military budget. So first we need to change how they think about the world around them. They need to stand united, and right now we are as divided on every issue as we could possibly get. It keeps us arguing with each other, while those criminals in power get away with their plans.

I believe that we should start building towards unity because that's the foundation we need if we plan to change things for the better. We need to create the sense of cooperation and helping one another not because it is mandated by government, but because we want to help one another. We should learn the importance of depending on another. We need to speak the language of love, and argue less about why our opinions are better than that of others. Everyone wants to be accepted, loved, and someone to help them when they are down. So we should create a society that does this first.

We could live with ignorance or we could create something from the ground up. Once we all unite together, we will come to realize who our real enemies are, and we won't be pointing fingers at each other. Love is something everyone understands and less likely for people to be against it. We should start a movement of helping one another and caring about one another.

There are so many people that preach about self-sustaining ourselves, but even that's not good enough. We are past that point in human evolution, and it makes no sense to go back to live like animals i.e. segregated and only caring about oneself. Love can bind us together and make this world a better place. It sounds all hippie but remember that great people like Jesus and Buddha taught us the importance of such a thing. I hope more people can be convinced about this and join with me to plan accordingly. It is a small step but an important foundation.

I keep writing a bunch of stuff back but my daughter keeps deleting the post on my phone.

In the end do what's best for you. People react considerably better to me when I show love and appreciation, rather than the truth about our history or current events. Nothing ever stays the same. Life will move on, we can't live in the past only right now. I choose to show love...not my knowledge. This brings me peace. And like a ripple in a pond my love reaches all, not just humanity.

Good luck and I'm here to help if you need.

I am glad we are on the same page.

I actually thought of taking the step a bit further, and attempting to let people understand the importance of loving one another and caring for one another. Our country is divided over many different things, and as long as we hate each other and see others as competition, then we won't be able to take the necessary steps to make any good progress.

I started a sub called /r/UnitedWeStand to spread the importance of loving and lending a hand to one another in times of need. So if you can join us, and discuss with us about how to introduce these ideas to our communities, then that would be great.

I believe if we don't take this step to create something better, then no one else will.

Amazing subscribed.

Well, it's a known fact that Israel pays kids to astroturf positivity around the internet about jews/israel so i can see this being legit

Do you have a link for Israel paying kids to post stuff?

There's this awesome link directory called Google, try using it yourself instead of making others research for you.

Israel to pay students to defend it online

Thanks for the link. Sorry that asking for evidence for a claim is so looked down upon.

I guess reddit has a handful of these twerps paid to downvote these facts

Maybe this guy is connected and working in the UN because he's actually a shill?

People like this spewing anti-Semitic bullshit can really ruin credibility for quite a few causes.

Not surprised, there was a movement called camera setup to game Wikipedia in favor of Israel, but failed.

Or maybe, just maybe, they believe the same thing just like "anti-Israel" people spew the same shit all the time too.

(Apartheid, zionazis, etc.)

Same shit, different color.

All comments and opinions are literally almost all the same on reddit. It blew up so dealing with grammar and swearing in titles was the first problem. The second problem now is that the amount of hired goons going online is vast.

I am glad we are on the same page.

I actually thought of taking the step a bit further, and attempting to let people understand the importance of loving one another and caring for one another. Our country is divided over many different things, and as long as we hate each other and see others as competition, then we won't be able to take the necessary steps to make any good progress.

I started a sub called /r/UnitedWeStand to spread the importance of loving and lending a hand to one another in times of need. So if you can join us, and discuss with us about how to introduce these ideas to our communities, then that would be great.

I believe if we don't take this step to create something better, then no one else will.