Why is autism on the rise in the United States?

11  2014-03-28 by [deleted]

One of the biggest media organizations here in Finland ran a story with the headline "What is happening in United States? Childrens autism is growing in numbers fast".

In the story it said that in 2012 an estimated 1 out of 88 children had autism, when a new report shows that it is now 1 out of 68. It also mentioned that no one knows why, and it has especially affected the kids with a higher IQ.

That is an incredibly huge leap in numbers and in just two years. Any americans here that have speculated this and come to a conclusion? I dont think theres a situation like this anywhere else in the world, it must be something that the US population are the only ones in the world consuming. What is it?


OP Your quoting a media story could we have source please.


Sure it could be more interesting but OP should provide source regardless

Some information and studies I've put together

CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism


Under freedom of information (Simpsonwood), the CDC discussed that study and said it showed that vaccines did cause Autism, they kept massaging the figures, manipulating statistics until it wasn't so obvious.


Here's a peer-reviewed study which shows that vaccines can cause autoimmune disease


"Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality."

Doctor Tenpenny is one of the world's leading safety vaccine experts, here she explains the Risks V Benefits of every vaccine in the schedule. Turns out the risks by far exceed the benefit, however that suits the pharmaceuticals as they profit from vaccine damage which generally leaves people dependent on drugs for life.

Vaccines - The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices


How vaccines damage the brain and effect behavior (at 17 Minutes 55 Seconds)


Did Acetaminophen Provoke the Autism Epidemic? (Acetaminophen = Tylenol = Paracetamol)


"This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder."


N.B Acetaminophen = Tylenol = Paracetamol


Does not matter the language. Google can translate pages for us.

If you have an interest in a subject it is preferable you come to the table with sources you speak off. This will enable you get the better replies.

Source please?


I'm not disbelieveing you.

I just want more for this sub and we can make it happen. When people quote or mention sources it is really helpful to provide those in the main body of text.

Thank you

At least he didn't hand you an Infowars pamphlet

I don't know if my words will reach too many people but I married in to a family of educators just last year. My wife(nearly complete with her masters) is a 6th grade math teacher, my sister-in-law is a speech pathologist(special ed), mother-in-law(masters) is a "home economics" (the term has changed) teacher, and my father-in-law(masters) teaches science at the high school and college level.

There are a lot of theories that talk about why autism is on the rise in the US and I just wanted to point out that my family often tells me that the largest reason why autism is on the is on the rise is because of the diagnosis of autism.

"40 years ago, we wrote these kids off as weird and different. Today we have a term for it."

-Over 90 years of combined opinions from 4 different public educators, including 1 special education teacher.

Not sure if anyone feels this holds water, I am just conveying an opinion from people who work in the public education system.

Sounds like a bullshit answer from people that haven't really thought about it. We aren't just now realizing how many people have Autism. We have a real rise in prevalence.

I don't have a hard source for this, and this may not be the case for everywhere in the U.S., but I know someone who works for the local county school board as a child psychologist. She said that, in this county alone in the last few years, the number of boys labeled as autistic has sky rocketed. In her opinion, after seeing how quickly elementary schools label these boys for, well, acting like little, easily distracted boys, that it's because of money. At least in this particular county, schools get, like, $100 dollars per mental problem per student. Often, they'll say, "Oh, your kid is on the autism spectrum, has some speech problems, and his handwriting is bad, so he needs to work on his fine motor skills." That's three disabilities on one child's record. They put him in the according therapies, and they get $300 extra from the county for that kid. The typical elementary school in this area has around 2,500 kids; if, say, a quarter have only one disability each, then that school gets an extra $62,500 added to their budget.

Again, I don't have any hard evidence for this, other than talking to someone who works at the school board as a psychologist and what she has experienced in the last several years. I do not also know if this is happening necessarily outside of this particular area, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Either way, you'll want to take this with a grain of salt until I or anyone else has stronger evidence.

EDIT: TL;DR: My understanding is that it gets diagnosed here so often because of money.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't clarify, that extra $100 per disability per child is given every month. It's not a one-time monetary grant, if I recall correctly.

In her opinion, after seeing how quickly elementary schools label these boys for, well, acting like little, easily distracted boys

I'm no expert on Autism, but since when is low attention span a symptom of Autism?

If I recall (again, I'm not trained in psychology---one college course several years ago certainly does not count for much of anything), the school's resident psychologist would evaluate the child's inability to focus on the conversation at hand---because there was, like, a toy present in the evaluation room---as a sign of their being on the spectrum. I guess it's because they took it as a sign for the social unresponsiveness associated with autism?

I have 2 autistic children. a school's psychologist might recognize symptoms but does not diagnose the children. Each of my kids had to see a lot of specialists before being diagnosed. My oldest son was taken to 5 neurologists and I can't tell you how many therapists, aids, etc... It's not something that they just throw out there.

I'm very sorry to hear this, certain families are more likely to be harmed by vaccines, there should be tests beforehand to find out who is vulnerable so as they don't have to be risked with vaccination.

CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism


[Honest Question] Does the school psychologist have a vested interest or willingness in over diagnosing children with autism? I'm really not too sure but I'd say most don't.

That's a good question, and I would hope that they didn't. My field is in higher education, and I've learned after "going under the hood" that school is a shady business all around.

I don't know about psychologists, but even college professors fudge the crap out of numbers to protect their job security. Students can be downright idiots (e.g., I get emails every semester from university students saying that they lack the reading comprehension skills to take a quiz on the Constitution, no joke), but too many teachers will just give them an A for the sake of job security. Did you see that A- paper from UNC that spread onto the Internet today? That A- was possible because athletes = money, and school administrators love money. No self-respecting educator would allow this, but, at the same time, the job market sucks for profs right now and people need to eat.

If an educator can be brought into such shadiness by administrative pressure, I imagine any other school employee could. This, of course, is just speculation colored by my experience, though.

One thing for sure is that the pharmaceuticals have a vested interest in increasing the rate of Autism; leaving children dependent on their expensive drugs for life. That's why vaccines cannot be trusted until the goal posts are moved.

My understanding is that autism is a spectrum, so there may be room for a generous "diagnosis" on the mild end, but that the serious cases of autism are also rising dramatically. Correct me if I'm wrong.

There has been a similar thing with diabetes, I believe. Diabetes is real, but they redefined the standards for diagnosing it some years ago I think so that people get diagnosed much more easily nowadays. So when people say that diabetes cases are on the rise, I want them to give normalized numbers.

It could also be that autism rates have stayed steady for the most part and we have just gotten better at diagnosing or recognizing different aspects of the spectrum. I feel like ADHD is often over diagnosed among boys but not for girls. Btw ADHD is a real disorder that is attributed to dopamine shortage. It is usually along with compulsive behaviour aswell as problems dealing with emotions

Hmm, I didn't know about the diabetes redefinition. That's interesting. So, these people with the "new" diabetes, do they get treatments like the people under the old definition? I'd imagine taking unnecessary medications like that would cause a lot of additional health problems as well. I'll have to look into that.

I don't know if they changed the point at which they start giving meds or not. A quick net search shows there are several different categories involved (IGT, IFG, etc.). There is also this thing marketed as "pre-diabetes" which may get merged in with some of the stats. Anyway, it seems very fluid to me, and obviously expanding the people classified.

I have one son diagnosed with autism, and another son that exhibits certain developmental delays that are associated with it, but does not yet have a diagnosis for anything. They are both super smart. I don't think for a second that they are damaged or deficient in any way. They might rule the world or maybe just rule a piece of paper, but I don't give a shit as long as they are compassionate and happy.

People think autism is a disorder because they don't understand it. They try to figure out who or what caused it, what environmental thing they can blame for their child's deviation from neurotypical.

The fact is that humanity is colorful. It takes different strokes coming together to make the full picture. Just because you're "normal" and don't understand is no reason to think somebody else is broken. Please, be patient with your fellow beings. They're only trying to be the best person they can with the limited perspective they have. Nobody knows everything.

There are definitely cases of autism. But a lot of what has been diagnosed as autism, is not autism. Its sad but plenty kids have been labeled "mildly autistic/aspergers" because their parents don't discipline.

Increase in parental age.

Because we understand it better and can diagnose it.

Remember a lot of people with mental issues before were often just thrown into asylums. Our knowledge of mental health has sky-rocketed in the last 50 years.

Hell our knowledge of pretty much everything has.

And few without mental issues too.

Not a rise in occurrence, a rise in diagnosis.

I have a daughter on the autism spectrum. She is 20 and should be in college now. We didn't find out until she was a 5th grader. If you saw her, you wouldn't think she was unusual, except she's not a girly-girl, but neither am I. It's her inability to organize, her inability to socialize normally (our whole family is introverted so we don't really socialize much), her inability to succeed in school due to the way school is set up. Even though she had an IEP, it still didn't work out well for her.
I was highly stressed mentally while I was pregnant with her, but lots of women are stressed during pregnancy. I ate right, didn't drink, I exercised, everything you are supposed to do. She was a month early, but still OK to go home on the normal schedule. She did cry all the time, and I mean all-the-freaking-time until she was about 6 months old, and I didn't get much sleep then. After that she was pretty normal until about 2nd grade.
My 2nd 2 kids are normal. Believe me, I have been wondering why all her life. I hope it is discovered, because it's just an unpleasant thing for her to live with. That's why she's not in college now. I want her to get out and do something productive with her life, but when I have to write down how to make meatloaf every 2 weeks so she can fix us dinner, I get a little discouraged.

I'm sorry to hear your story, Big Pharma need to be brought to justice for their crimes.


Here is the reference from CDC on the increasing incidence of autism:


Autism is NOT on the rise, per se. The diagnostic criteria, testing, and classifications have been adapted to modern standards, especially in moving from the DSM-IV to the DSM-V. (Diagnostics and statistics manual). Meaning it can be easier to observe and test for now, than in yesteryears.


That's not true at all.

The CDC doesn't have anything to do with diagnosing autism spectrum disorder.

That comes from the APA American Psychological Association.

There is no definable "rise" as you see it, there's higher instances only on paper, it's not becoming an epidemic. Stop fear mongering.


Speaking of talking out of your rear end. That is a yahoo article, who sources the CDC statistics. That is not a research report friend, that is a news story.

Source me a peer-reviewed study indicating autism is an epidemic. It doesn't exist.

The CDC is responsible for obtaining statistical information, not diagnosing, treating etc...


As you can see, the prevalence in diagnosis is indeed increasing, but not necessarily the rates of ASD prevalent in a population.

Correlation is not causation.

One surprising thing about autism is that there is a proven statistical link between your wealth and the odds that your children will get autism. Wealthy families in America have higher rates of autism than poor families. And people that live in poor countries have almost no autism.

What are the differences between wealthy and poor people that could explain this?

The most obvious explanation is modern medicine - drugs, vaccines, etc that poor people simply can't afford.

I'm open to other explanations though.

The only drugs I took during my 3 pregnancies were tylenol and prenatal vitamins for the first one who is autistic, and for the next 2, I took tylenol, ibuprofen, sudafed, and benedryl. I couldn't drink pop early in my pregnancies because it made me sick. I did everything right. I even used the x-ray machine and did surgery using gas anesthesia with the next 2 kids.

Taking Tylenol / Paracetamol during pregnancy is key this, you might be interested in this review. (Acetaminophen = Tylenol = Paracetamol)

Did Acetaminophen Provoke the Autism Epidemic?


Interesting article. She wasn't a baby tylenol junkie, didn't seem to be sick much, I'm a veterinarian, so I know dosing differences between infant and child tylenol. My doctor told me to take it for headaches. Interestingly enough, I took it during my second pregnancy and she is fine, and my third one I used ibuprofen, and she is fine. Who knows...

That's it, wealthy more people likely to give their kids lots of Tylenol (Paracetamol) at the time of vaccination.

Congrats. You just solved autism

No, wealthy individuals have children later in life than less wealthy individuals.

In fact the very poor have great access to healthcare through a program to Medicaid. Medicaid pays for just about everything and anything you could need vis-a-vis health. The only people who have better access to care are people with cadillac health insurance plans, typically union workers, and of course the very wealthy.

So that's an interesting spread of access.

But almost certainly the increase in autism is due to later birthing age.

But almost certainly the increase in autism is due to later birthing age.

You cannot say that with any certainty, and not with any scientific proof. It may be a factor, but certainly not the only factor.

Also, parental age and wealth are directly correlated. Wealthy individuals wait longer to have children, so maybe it's not the age, but something in the lifestyle that helps to trigger autism more often in these families.

Personally, I think autism is triggered by a combination of environmental factors. But at the crux of it is exposure to modern, toxic elements in the environment, diet, and medicines. This is why autism is so prevalent and increasing in American society, which is the most drugged and eats the most toxic food of any society on Earth.

Via sqig:

Because last year the definition of autism was changed to incorporate a spectrum of previously distinct disorders like pervasive development disorder. The rate of diagnosis of these disorders hasn't changed at all. It's just that now they're all classified as being on the autism spectrum, which makes it look like the "autism rate surged" when it really hasn't.

Another user also accurately noted:

yeah also because of increased awareness, many more parents are starting to test their kids early so the probability of detection goes up


I can understand better diagnostic criteria accounting for a 2-3 fold increase in 50 years. But there has been at least a 20-fold. There are other mechanisms at work here.


It was a smart trick from Big Pharma, they say "better diagnosis", well yeah, given that Regressive Autism used to be incredibly rare, then it becomes common, of course doctors will get more practice at diagnosing it, before they wouldn't have had a clue what it was because they'd never seen it, now there's an epidemic so every doctor can become an expert at recognizing the symptoms.

Are we sure that the trend is unique to the US? It may be easier to narrow down the cause if autism is indeed trending is faster in the US than the rest of the world.

I have always suspected fluoride or vaccinations to be the cause. For this I'm drawing a blank.


Actually, yes.

Results. A total of 956 children with a male-to-female ratio of 3.5:1 had been diagnosed with autism during the period from 1971–2000. There was no trend toward an increase in the incidence of autism during that period when thimerosal was used in Denmark, up through 1990. From 1991 until 2000 the incidence increased and continued to rise after the removal of thimerosal from vaccines, including increases among children born after the discontinuation of thimerosal.


Under freedom of information (Simpsonwood), the CDC discussed that study and said it showed that vaccines did cause Autism, they kept massaging the figures, manipulating statistics until it wasn't so obvious.


I'm not so sure that changes the point of the source, which was to state that an upward trend may or may not be present in other parts of the world.

Sorry, my bad, I was focusing on the fraudulent Danish study itself.

I found this piece.

Such comparisons show large recent increases in rates of autism and autistic spectrum disorders in both the U.S. and the U.K. Reported rates of autism in the United States increased from < 3 per 10,000 children in the 1970s to > 30 per 10,000 children in the 1990s, a 10-fold increase. In the United Kingdom, autism rates rose from < 10 per 10,000 in the 1980s to roughly 30 per 10,000 in the 1990s. Reported rates for the full spectrum of autistic disorders rose from the 5 to 10 per 10,000 range to the 50 to 80 per 10,000 range in the two countries. A precautionary approach suggests that the rising incidence of autism should be a matter of urgent public concern.

And then there's this.

While ASD is increasing globally overall, however, many developing countries are reporting significantly lower rates.

So the disease is almost certainly related to post industrial society. It has to be vaccines. I'm thinking maybe it's having needle prick at such an early age can be traumatizing to some children.

Good post! There are studies showing that the children who regress into Autism after vaccines have an autoimmune disease in their gut, this then stops food from being properly digested and the correct nutrients can't be supplied to the brain, so the root of Regressive Autism is the gut disease which is started by the triple vaccines. The gut disease can be improved by cutting out dairy and gluten; the brain then starts to improve to an extent as long as the diet is kept to.

How is the gut disease started? Think about it this way, the MMR is a triple live virus vaccine, that means concurrent live infections. The CDC currently recommends Tylenol (Paracetamol) for use after vaccination, this suppresses the immune system, so you've got a triple concurrent infection and your immune system is being suppressed, it's no wonder that things will go wrong and diseases will be triggered when these crazy scenarios are regularly induced.

Here's a peer-reviewed study which shows that vaccines can cause autoimmune disease


"Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality."

If we go back to Andrew Wakefield, he was one of the world's top experts in the gut, that's why he got involved, he realized that it would be safer to go for single vaccines so he recommended them and also recommended more studies into the MMR vaccine. However the pharmaceuticals weren't going to roll over and lose their incredibly profitable Autism industry without a fight, so they sent a hit-man after him to smear him and manufacture lies, his name is Brian Deer, he was paid a huge sum of money by Big Pharma to destroy Wakefield's reputation using whatever dirty tactic necessary. To this day Wakefield is still fighting his case, he's an honest man who puts children first, he used to be pro-vaccine at the time of his initial study, however now he's had time to research in depth and so is aware that there are huge gaps and concerns in the science.

wow, that PDF really gives it the semblance of an official document! But it's no a primary source, and I'd like to see one provided.

How vaccines damage the brain and effect behavior (at 17 Minutes 55 Seconds)


Can you explain the biomechanism? Or do you have to link to a youtube video?

Why do people mock youtube? Youtube is merely a video hosting service. You may as well be mocking the medium of film, motion pictures, videos etc.

Its not the technology, its how people use it.

For example, we know that some people engage in "sexting" but we wouldn't say that text messaging is inherently sexual.

We could mock any form of media there is. TV. Radio. Newspapers. Its not really about radio tech or satellite tech or printing press tech, its about your ability to think critically and discern truth.

This has already been debunked.

Dr Peter Fletcher, former UK Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health said (regarding MMR/Autism):-

"it is the steady accumulation of evidence, from a number of respected universities, teaching hospitals and laboratories around the world, that matters here. There's far too much to ignore. Yet government health authorities are, it seems, more than happy to do so."


"the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history"


"There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves."


"Clinical and scientific data is steadily accumulating that the live measles virus in MMR can cause brain, gut and immune system damage in a subset of vulnerable children,"

Dr Peter Fletcher was found to be a fraud.

Please don't push anti-vax nonsense, its dangerous.

CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism


Doctor Tenpenny is one of the world's leading safety vaccine experts, here she explains the Risks V Benefits of every vaccine in the schedule. Turns out the risks by far exceed the benefit, however that suits the pharmaceuticals as they profit from vaccine damage which generally leaves people dependent on drugs for life.

Vaccines - The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices


What do vaccines have to do with autism?

According to CDC meetings through freedom of information, it's the vaccines, but more specifically studies show that it's children who have been given a lot of Tylenol (aka Paracetamol) before or just after vaccination with a triple jab such as MMR or DPT.


The Freedom of Information is what's known as the Simpsonwood transcript


"This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder."


N.B Acetaminophen = Tylenol = Paracetamol

Below is a review of the above study

Did Acetaminophen Provoke the Autism Epidemic?


CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism


Your first comment is downvoted to oblivian. Someone asks for a link and gets upvotes. You provide links and get downvoted again. Welcome to reddit, where facts are easily dismissed with a downvote.

Looks like censorship to me as it was one of the best posts here


"This preliminary study found that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination was associated with autistic disorder."

N.B Acetaminophen = Tylenol = Paracetamol