Internets next step in controlling you. Intelligent A.I. Bots.

30  2014-03-28 by [deleted]

I am C&Ping this from another site because I thought it was an interesting read and discussion.


Like me you have watched the internet grow into this "Thing"

It started off small and amazing. Full of possibilities and potential. Back in the day, it belonged to the people...and nerds!

Now it is a giant machine and everyone is hooked up, and into it in some way. Everyone is yelling out "look at me, and buy my stuff!"

It's so huge it's almost unimaginable. You could never see everything. That is the problem TPTB are having! They want control over it, and the people don't want to give it up!

So now I have noticed a new trend. BOTS. The Bots are logging and categorizing people comments. They are taking your comments, and putting them in other areas. Areas where people make fun of or discuss your comment. One of the most popular sites is doing it right now. Lots of Mods are making these bots. Each one is being made better than the last.

I see this trend as growing. They can't hire enough people to monitor and control and sway the peoples comments, ideas, and opinions. They can't because after their job as monitor is over, these same people go online and make their own comments, opinions, and ideas. Who is monitoring the monitors? BOTS!

It's the NEXT BIG STEP in internet control!

They want to eliminate the people from the controls and give them the controls without having to PAY FOR people to do it. Just another step in getting rid of people getting paid for their jobs.

These new bots are being designed to monitor, categorize, record, and eventually control your opinions.

So lets say you make a Detailed 5 page opinion or fact article.

The bot takes and analyzes it. Then categorizes it as a threat by key words. It then logs your comment for review. Then it will choose by itself how to respond. Right now it only responds to key words and attacks those key words.

[it takes the words "Building 7 was a demolition" Example! Then has a list of replies like this "no it wasn't because of the 911 commission...and no one has ever come forward. Op, you are a conspiracy tard! get a life loser!" And there you go! Logged, replied to, and disinformation with ridicule. You then reply thinking you are talking to a real person....BUT YOUR NOT! Then based on your reply it is then sent through a dozen other bots who then make comments! Your response is lost, and everyone reading it then thinks that YOU are the minority and must be an evil conspiracy person.]

This is where I think the internet is going IMO!

Soon if not already, we will all be reading 90% pre programmed BOTS! Designed to tell us what to think.

DAY OF THE BOTS! Soon to take away the shills jobs!

The new DATA center isn't being made just to record our conversations....It's designed for BOTS to do EVERYTHING!

Movies like Terminator glorify it.....but are we that far off?

What does everyone think about that?

I could supply links to this stuff, but I thought better of it. I don't really want to talk about the links and their content. Besides, those of us in the know have already visited those links.

Data Center and all it's cover ups and speculations. How much water are they using for cooling? Why is it there? Who runs it? Why?

I think it's for the BOTS! To gain control of the internet through subversive means. Hidden means.

We all know that technology is being repressed, but only for us every day people. How much further along in technology are they?

Bot #1 logs a single comment. Bot #2 makes a comment. Bot #1 logs next comment and sends in Bot #2 - #20 to make further comments according to a script. Bot #2 is the disinformation bot Bot #3 is the ridicule bot. Bot #4 is the persuasive bot. Bot #5 is the obvious shill to distract conversations. Bot #6 fights the other bots but is an obvious tard. and on and on and on.

Now if I could think of this, you can bet that someone has programmed it!


Nothing to see here human, move along.

If it isn't already happening, you can be sure that it will soon. We can already pretty safely assume that downvote bots exist, AI replies are the next logical step.

This may be the reason the whole upvote/downvote system still exists. Let's be real, no one downvotes because the comment is irrelevant, they downvote because they simply disagree or to hide inconvenient information.

Reddit is gamed to allow censorship and silence dissent.

Or at least the reason why the blatantly flawed voting algorithm has never been corrected despite it being an easy fix that's been pointed out many times over the years.

They are way past this point already...sorry. What you are noticing is the public/hobby bots.

Entirely believable, there is the problem of the ignorance of the conservative comment tribe and the tendency to repeat the same messages endlessly that makes them instantly recognizable.

"Yet these conflicts are themselves measured by the passing of time. though I agree that there are multiple systems involved in thought, I've yet to see proof that a machine cannot duplicate them."

FYI: I simply copied your comment into cleverbot and above is what was responded. Remind you of anyone?

Not me, I skip most of the language rules, that not nearly chopped enough. It looks like an intelligent thoughtful response, not something I ever attempt.

I think you're taking it pretty far to say that 90% would be, or already are, bots in these discussions. You really only need 10% to make a big impact.

I think you're on to something though, I definitely suspect that these disinfo guys have "newsfeed bots" that tag things for human review based on keywords.

Last night my arch-nemesis-who-I-didn't-know-existed showed up to argue with me about a 9/11 comment I made in /r/worldnews. He wasn't there to argue, he was there to argue with me. He said I was one of his favorite conspiracy theorists so that was a little flattering.

Yea I have thought of this type of thing being used. But you out it very clearly written out. Right on

Which of you is a bot?

by: /u/TheBoltzmannBrain

Upvotes: 13 | Downvotes: 3 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 1 | Downvotes: 0 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

Good deal. They've got to be more interesting than the shill/bots this sub attracts.

I can see a reason this is a necessary step.

If N.S.A., Google and the others are scooping up all comments and scanning all email, they are scanning a lot of their own product, shill and existing bot comments.

If they eliminate that error driven, often divergent tribe of human comment typers and creative bot comment generators,

the new comment operation will produce a product that can be automatically identified and ignored. This will eliminate an immense quantity of data to be screened.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my inbox!