/R/Conspiracy, I thought you should know if you haven't found out by now that /R/Technology has been removing any positive reviews of Tesla (more info in comments)

152  2014-03-30 by [deleted]

This is 100% censorship. Massive amounts of people are accusing /r/technology mods of being bought by a private interest, whether dealers or manufacturers.

Here is the thread. See for yourself. Look at all of the deleted comments. It went full-blown crazy today. What do you make of all this?


Personally, I unsubbed and am on the hunt for newer and better subreddits.

Here's the problem with looking for a sub which doesn't really effect you personally, rather on larger scale. The default subs have the most traction and sphere of influence. You can start your own sub or join a more obscure sub that deals with the same content. That doesn't stop anyone else from still being a part of that larger sub and receiving or not receiving information which they use to form opinions. So the larger subs disseminate to a group on a much larger scale therefore, the influence is much more profound.

People are lazy and basically don't give a shit if the ship is being captained by a corrupt mod as long as they feel they're not being effected personally. This story will pass in a few days and nobody (including the admins) will do anything about it. In an unspecified amount of time, some mod will show themselves to be corrupt again, the whole deal will repeat itself and be forgotten again. You can see similar behaviour in real life where people vote for liars and corrupt politicians and parties, seem to have a bout of amnesia and do it all again.

I don't like calling people names but people are basically incredibly docile and gullible and will keep going back the watering hole that's full of crocodiles.

I try my best not to live my life that way. I also try my best to help others not live that way either.

I've seen some of your posts here and I enjoy them. I try and help people as well but it's a dead end sometimes because the conversation contains the word conspiracy. I first came to Reddit and it looked promising to me. The discussions were vibrant and wide ranging and some of the posters and information was new to me and eye opening. I've seen this trait quickly spiral into trolls, the acquisition of subs by corrupt people and constant personal attacks in an attempt to undermine information.

Even here, there's only perhaps under 30 posters that have very well sourced material that doesn't stray into complete fantasy land. It's not an attack on this sub, I like coming here and the mods seem fair but it's just worsened like the rest of Reddit and that's due to a huge amount of trolls that can't stand people discussing things they don't like.

I've seen some of your posts here and I enjoy them.

Thank you. That made me feel like I'm on the right track.

I try and help people as well but it's a dead end sometimes because the conversation contains the word conspiracy.

I took Jesse Ventura's advice and now whenever 'strange' things happen and I'm talking to someone like that I call it a 'coincidence'. That usually works.

I first came to Reddit and it looked promising to me.

Same for me. I was all starry-eyed like "Wow. So I can just share all of my ideas with people? This is so awesome."

I've seen this trait quickly spiral into trolls

Same. It really hit me once I saw the bots are posting threads on Reddit. Such a letdown that people are willing to stoop to so low just to interrupt progressive discourse.

Even here, there's only perhaps under 30 posters that have very well sourced material that doesn't stray into complete fantasy land. It's not an attack on this sub, I like coming here and the mods seem fair but it's just worsened like the rest of Reddit and that's due to a huge amount of trolls that can't stand people discussing things they don't like.

I get that feeling too, but in the end my goal is to at least wake up as many people as I can. I don't want our society to become like this.

its true though, we can't run from the defaults. we have to fight for them

Edison's smear campaign lives on. Lol

This is a Tesla's second run at improving the world, this will not stop, especially after the first shady Nicolas Tesla ordeal. Tesla will be were our next ultimate battery will come from. Tesla is where we will step into the future. Change the auto and transportation industry. Alot of people don't want it to screw up their rigged car and power markets. Tesla will war the world to get their amazing inventions out. And i'm behind them all the way. You are the future.

Well said. It's even harder to stop innovation in this day and age.

This is fucked I like the Tesla model S and these dicks are just doing hit pieces on it FUCK YOU R/Technology!

Oil companies.

Looks like /r/conspiracy joined into the brigade/spamming/witchhunt yesterday. 3 posts without np linking to /r/technology and one np link which links to a non-np like that leads to /r/technology.

by: /u/75000_Tokkul

Upvotes: 156 | Downvotes: 59 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 4 | Downvotes: 1 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

I think this is now a dead issue

Well said. It's even harder to stop innovation in this day and age.