Someone proved /r/Games mod was bought off by Sony, thread was almost at +1000, and now it's gone. Admin mods /r/Games as well...

2  2014-04-01 by [deleted]

I don't have a link to the thread, but someone else had posted the link here. That link has been deleted as well. What's going on? Were they not fast enough to keep this from spreading?

Edit: found the link.


Really dumb april fools joke, as they just learned how serious an issue moderator payola can be on reddit.

To quote a mod tagged comment there:

We had no idea so many people were so willing to believe that such a crazy thing was at all possible.

What rock have they been living under?

We could do something "funny" here. Stickied thread: NOW ANNOUNCING AN OFFICIAL PARTNERSHIP WITH RT.

I thought about trying to do something funny, then I realized that anything we attempted would result in nothing but popcorn. And I hate popcorn.

These April fools jokes are never funny, thank you for not doing one.

Weird that they'd delete almost every response in an April Fool's joke thread. Isn't that the whole point, to get people to respond?

I don't believe them one bit. They killed that thread and scrubbed comments, and they've got an admin on the mod team. I'm betting they seized that account to coverup being called out. Notice the accused mod hasn't shown up at all.

They posted their backend IRC logs where they planned it. It was clearly a joke.

Logs in which they casually suggest "planting" a SRD thread with the collusion of the mods there, among other things.

I get that it's all for a special prank, but it's still shady.

And those can be faked. I'm not buying it.

Hey that's your right, do enjoy your evening.

Even the mods here are being dismissive? What the fuck is going on?

Because it was obviously a fucking joke? There is nothing to be seen here.

The whole thing was a joke, that's whats going on haha.

the accused mod is literally in that thread, commenting. Check his profile if you can't find it.

How would a subreddit seize an account?


I'm not joking. I just found the link and posted it above.

Games I'm looking at that sub right now. Looks fine to me.

Did you not see the link? It was up until I checked about ten minutes ago, now it's gone from their front page.

No, I didn't I only scanned the first page though, if it's been pushed back I wouldn't have seen it. I'll go look again.

I edited the link into the original post.

Just went back 6 pages and didn't see anything.

Haha, you should look at the frontpage of /r/games. It'll explain it all.

What's supposed to explain it? I don't see anything there, and the link has been removed.

Seriously? Look bruzz, just look for the thing that'd be most obvious. Even if you have to click on all 25 links.

Why are you being difficult? Just tell me what I'm supposed to see, because all I see are articles, and none of them say anything about what just happened.

You may be blind. Might wanna get that checked.

It's a joke.

So they deleted the old thread that had all the evidence, and post some fake screenshots in a new thread with a feel-good story? What's to discount the real possibility that the admin who mods there seized the account and scrubbed everything? This stinks of a coverup, and I'm not buying it. They just got found out and now all the fucking yuppies are drinking up their excuses.

Holy shit, you guys are actually crazy. I thought it might have been an exaggeration. But nope. Well at the least, you're crazy.

It's a joke done by all the mods of /r/games. That admin part isn't even possible. Come on man, have some common sense.


Are you a real person? Or like are you fucking with me. No way can someone actually believe this.

I came here because /r/subredditdrama linked the sub, decided I would check it out.

Defend? What, I'm just explaining what happened, An April Fool's joke.


I've heard of it, just never checked it out. It's like that with many subs for me, like TIFU or talesfromtechsupport.

I don't think a dude who constantly posts about basketball and NBA shit is a "shill" dude.

You might wanna get off reddit for the day if you plan on falling for every April fools joke that will happen here today, and there is going to be a ton.

Does the convenience not stick out to you? Someone posted that before it was April 1st, and now the mods are claiming it was a joke. And they deleted the thread that had all of the evidence in it.

Why is nobody taking this seriously?

It was posted exactly on 12am April 1st.

And the new thread was made by the same account ya silly billy.

You're in /r/conspiracy everyone else here has said its an April fools prank. That really should tell you all you need to know.