If "headdit" was "April Fools", why is it still polluting my screen?

37  2014-04-02 by txstoploss


Because it wasn't an April Fool's prank.


I nearly went to Digg instead.


type that into adblock's filter, saw it in another post bout 10 mins ago still in my ctrl v

That filter only hides it, the best practice is to block the script entirely:


That is the script for headdit, to block this simply add the following to adblock's filter:


The "*" is to prevent the filter from failing by matching anything that might be changed in its place. For example, script updates and they change the "jGGf_Ysm1Oo" for "fjywDAs".

Thanks, but I think I'm doing it wrong. I c/p'd the above and pasted it into the box that popped up after I clicked "add filter group" in "filter preferences". I refreshed and it's still there.

Thank you HerptyDumpty

filter preferences Click the drop down "action menu" click show/hide filters and paste into the box that pops up

lemme know if that works better?

In mine, I had to add a filter group (called it "Headdit"), then had to add a filter on the right for the info above. It immediately blocked it on all tabs, without refresh.

Thanks to all comments in this thread.

Thank you, that worked.

I love that this is in the conspiracy subreddit.

Why wouldn't it be? Reddit is controlled by the government so it's makes sense for them to use it to get access to our personal information and images through our cameras and Monsanto poisoned us because GMO foods at area 51 via the U.N lizards. Please go get informed you ignoramus

Typical shill not wanting to mention the use of chem-trails and how they are real..

Well I didn't want to let the government know I was onto their little plan, buddy.

You keep talking about chem trails and you're gonna disappear. I know, I've seen it happen. All my friends just vanished after I told them about chem trails.

You are probably better off without those sheeple friends anyway

WTF is this headdit shit anyway?

It allows you to use facial gestures to browse reddit.

Here's a link to a comment in my original post about it yesterday.

Nutshell summary: it's an "April Fool's Day 'prank'" introduced by your super-duper trustworthy admins at reddit... which doesn't seem to be going away... ever.

EDIT: added context to the link.

Well it's gone now. So never going away ever translated into about six hours.

Oh it can and is blocked, I just wondered what the kids were up to now. Thanks.

The April Fools Day prank, headdit, continues to confound and confuse --perhaps it is some kind of mind control/hypnosis trigger?

by: /u/Brostradamus_

Upvotes: 43 | Downvotes: 19 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 4 | Downvotes: 2 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

This bot shows that /r/conspiratard has no effect on the voting here in /r/conspiracy, correct?

I have a feeling it's purpose was to suggest otherwise though, right?

It's purpose is to let us know that bottom-feeding self-desctructing circle-jerkers at the crappy subreddit have again, as they do all day long, found themselves with nothing better to do than obsess over another subreddit and desperately try to get new posts up to target more people to bother.

They literally use a bot to tell people how to work around the problem of linking and downvoting.

Jerk each other into oblivion. Just know that daddy knows what you're doing.

Yeah, it actually depends on which post. Sometimes /r/conspiratard does have an effect on votes.

Now it's more like the emergency douchebag alert service.

So, was last week's ramping up of the witch-hunt lynch-mob engine done in preparation for dissent on this?

I notice you (a 5 year* veteran account) are not getting near as many immediate troll/lol/herp/derp comments and downvotes as I got for bringing this to everyone's attention yesterday.

Like I said - been there, done that. I think it's time for me to make a new username. Or, maybe I can get the mods to un-ban one of my old ones.

EDIT: typo*

Hmmm; I was out most of the day yesterday and only had mobile on an iPod Touch, don't know what difference that would make, but interesting nevertheless.


And yet, I'm still the one receiving the hits. Thanks for providing more evidence for my point.

What hits? What the heck are you talking about LOL

And yet... you felt qualified to comment here. Ironic, to say the least.

You are being offensive, and to a community that this will fall of deaf ears for. This is the same community that is well aware of back-door access from groups like the NSA and CIA to webcams using programs like Skype, and others. Or is sensitive to the business model of selling personal information (like the Xbox and kinect fiasco). If reddit is compromised, which the censorship and shady meetings with admins and NSA might suggest, then this could be another tool at their disposal for backdoors. I can't wait for it to be gone to be honest, for the safety of the user base here.

Even if reddit isn't compromised, it could be a backdoor that others (like hackers) can take advantage of anyway.

Reported you for more than one rule violation.

Hope you get SBd. No offense.


Ha! You're right! Now I've disabled ABP again, and it's still gone!

EDIT: It's even gone from my totally defenseless Toshiba Android tablet. Could we have actually wielded some influence? Be still, my beating heart!

Could we have actually wielded some influence? Be still, my beating heart!

My guess is that, if we hadn't put in the effort, it would still be there.

As far as I can see, you were first. Good on ya!

Exactly, op. Mobile user, that crap just gets in the way, just adds inconvenience and frustration to coming to reddit. Thx for the ideas, ops. (Other posters)

EDIT: The adblock plus filter solution in the comments requires enabling adblock for the entirety of Reddit. At least it did for me.

Way to go, Corporate and Admins; I've allowed ads on Reddit for years as a way of supporting the site. Previously those who did that were 'rewarded' by boxes with "thanks for not blocking ads". Now this. No more

EDIT 2:It appears to have been killed globally; not even appearing on my Android tablet anymore.


Press the escape button. Always try the escape button.

In mine, I had to add a filter group (called it "Headdit"), then had to add a filter on the right for the info above. It immediately blocked it on all tabs, without refresh.

Thanks to all comments in this thread.

Thank you, that worked.