Do skeptards promote state horrors like nazism?

4  2014-04-02 by [deleted]

While perusing /r/conspiratard i came across an article from a fake professor (self proclaimed professional skeptard) making the claim that all conspiracy theorists are "dangerous". His reasoning was conspiracy theorists believed a hoax which is the "Elders of Zion".

The "Elders of Zion" is a bonafide conspiracy. Someone or some group went through a LOT of effort to create a 300 page book that characterized Jewish people as being bent on ruthless world domination. The book is a carefully crafted piece of propaganda that no doubt the authors had designed with intent. The intent was to promote the growth of a massive force against Jewish People and it's faceless leaders while disrupting focus on a corrupt state.

Conspiracy theorists immediately identified the book as being fraudulent, even promoting the source and the reason for it's creation. It was theorized the book was created by the Russian secret service as a tool to deflect from the Russian government's problem with social unrest. Issues with governance and control of it's people. Blame the unrest on a dangerous Zionist conspiracy.

As always it was statist skeptards that worked knowingly and unknowingly promoting the 300 page book as real.

In early Nazi Germany any suggestion that the book was a fraudulent production of the Russian Government was met with ridicule and aggressive resistance. The Nazis identified anyone who questioned it's authenticity a "conspiracy theorist". In Nazi germany, Skeptardness and statism were synonymous. Openly discussing or questioning the state became so dangerous that conspiracy theorizing was almost non-existent.

Flash forward to today. We see a growing resistance against many corrupt and broken western world governments. We see uncovering of frightening conspiracies to surveil and control citizens. We see incredible abuses of power. Open destruction of the environment. We see the labeling of those questioning the abuse as "conspiracy theorists". We see the acknowledgement of KNOWN conspiracies against the people openly discouraged. We see attempts to label alternative ideas as a "sickness". We see attempts to dehumanize humanitarians as "mentally ill" and "dangerous". Right here on reddit we see open groups of skeptards ridiculing good-hearted attempts to share factual information. We see active denial and hatred for "theories" proven right by whistleblowers and other brave individuals.

Don't be discouraged by skeptards. It's what they do. They dangerously promote state propaganda as real and factual. They actively discourage alternative ideas that challenge the sacred doctrine of the state. "War is good". "Privacy is bad". "Humans are all evil and need to be controlled". "Those in power are in power because they are better humans".

Implying that conspiracy theorists promoted Nazi horrors is extremely deranged. It was SKEPTARD statists that discourage and hid the TRUTH of the book as being a dangerous "conspiracy theory".

TL;DR In Nazi Germany the validity of the "Elders of Zion" was considered a CONSPIRACY THEORY by statist skeptards who supported it's content and source as factual.

** Keep defending Hitler and the Nazis skeptards. 50% of the people FREQUENTING this sub are SKEPTARDS. Everyone let that sink in. They cannot stand the truth statement presented here. Dissenting, questioning voices were labelled "dangerous conspiracy theorists" and murdered by the Nazis.


What does "skeptard" mean? Are you saying people who are skeptical are retarded? Seriously?

What does "skeptard" mean?

A skeptard is a state apologist who works to discourage ideas that expose real conspiracy and pass off the work as actual skepticism.

It's a troll term directed at those who promote the idea that all conspiracy theorists are retarded. I didn't make up the sub /r/conspiratard .

Real skepticism is extremely healthy and at the heart of most conspiracy theories. Which should go without saying.

I just associated your screen name to your fascination with that other subreddit. Never mind.

Right on. You should let the developers of Reddit know you like their feature.

Great analysis.

I agree. But, we need a dumbed down version. Some folks are having trouble.

i will just leave this here:

Protocols Decision Washed Out - Press and Radio Silent on Appeal Finding

Great publicity was given throughout the world in 1935 to a decision in the Swiss Courts that the documents known as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" were a forgery; that the judge had described the contents as "ridiculous nonsense"; and that the Protocols had been condemned as an offence against public morals.

Even in remote New Zealand numerous newspapers at that time published long articles on what they termed an "Historic Forgery"; and addresses were similarly given over the radio system proclaiming loudly that the Protocols had been shown to be baseless.

We are now at the end of February, 1938, but the writer can recall nothing in the daily papers, and he has heard nothing over the radio system, telling him that the Protocols verdict given on May 14, 1935, was reversed by the Berne Court of Appeal on November 1 last.

When the decision went one way it was news fit for all the world to hear: a subject for special articles and radio broadcasts. When it went the other way it ceased to be news at all.

What the Protocols Are

To those unfamiliar with them it may be explained that the Protocols were first published in English in 1920 by Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, long printers to the British Government. They attracted very considerable attention, and the London "Times", in reviewing them in a lengthy article on May 3, 1920, stated that its representative had inspected in the British Museum an edition of the Protocols published in Russia by Professor Sergius Nilus in 1905, and bearing the Museum's date stamp of receipt of August 10, 1906.

The "Times" attached importance to this positive evidence of the existence of the Protocols in 1906, because the Protocols contain a programme for the conquest of the world by subterfuge, and of this programme, world events from 1906 to 1920 were a fulfilment. That is the whole significance of the Protocols. The plan contained in them goes on getting itself fulfilled.

If the Protocols were considered significant in 1920 because of the course of world events between 1906 and 1920, the course of events between 1920 and 1938 makes them immensely more significant to-day.

Apparently being skeptical of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion makes you a Nazi. Convoluted craziness ahead.

by: /u/skysonfire

Upvotes: 20 | Downvotes: 8 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 3 | Downvotes: 0 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

Wow, someone missed the point of this post entirely....Don't know why I expected anything else though.

Blinders. Skeptards hate reading.

skeptards can read?

This is an interesting viewpoint, because I've seen more people in here, conspiracy theorists, who claim that the Protocols of Zion is not a fake, and "even if it is a fake" it's still true because Jews / Zionists do terrible things, than anywhere else.

It's easily proven a fake since excerpts of it are purloined from other books, incidentally.



I'm a skeptard because I don't think all Jewish people are Zionists? Or I'm a skeptard because I think Zionists exist? The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was a faked document, and we can trace that quite readily, as you've pointed out. However, that doesn't stop a small, anti-humanist faction with doomsday ideologies from existing. It's hardly all Jewish people, and it's not even a Jewish ideology. It's a maniacal world domination ideology. These are people who not only believe that the 'end of the world is coming', but that it is required to come, and that they're the ones to do it. It has just as many roots in Dominionist Christian thought as it does in any ties to Judaism.

It's easily proven a fake since excerpts of it are purloined from other books, incidentally.

ah yes, because nobody reads books and steals good ideas, oh no.

I've seen more people in here, conspiracy theorists, who claim that the Protocols of Zion is not a fake

Cool. My experience is the opposite. I wonder who's right?

"even if it is a fake" it's still true because Jews / Zionists do terrible things, than anywhere else

"Jews / Zionists". Ok. Well i see an inappropriate amount of effort going into defining the difference between Jewish people and Zionists on this sub. It's not for the regulars here. It's for the skeptards who are obsessed with labelling ideas they don't like as racist. Despite the ongoing effort of skeptards, including their promotion of ignorant racist ideas here, this sub remains tolerant, opened and unbiased. If you want to promote the idea that this is a racist sub you should probably find the actual racism rather than secretly promote it.

The irony is this post is actually re-posted (as all posts from this sub are) in /r/conspiratard as being RACIST. If that is not an indication of the absolute deluded sickness of racist guilt i don't know what is.

It's easily proven a fake since excerpts of it are purloined from other books, incidentally.

Umm yes. And in Nazi Germany the people who investigated and uncovered this FACT were labelled CONSPIRACY THEORISTS by SKEPTARDS. Which is the point of the post here.

good show, thanks for taking the time.

I'm not seeing the relationship between the people you consider "skeptards" and Nazis.

I mean, references to Nazis are a dime a dozen. In pretty much any community, someone will call the opposition a Nazi or make a Hitler comparison. There's a reason Godwin's Law still stands.

Now if you want to talk seriously, I think that the first thing that must be done is to accept the fact that no matter what community or opinion group you're a part of there will be those with ideals that reflect the darker part of the Nazi ideology. I mean, the anti-conspiracy communities are often full of right-wing anti-Arab anti-Black racists. On the other hand the conspiracy communities are just as often full of hard-core anti-Jewish anti-American bigots. Several of the biggest commenter on this message board often express their admiration of "National Socialism" (I find it laughable how they shy away from the term "Nazi" and their increasingly elaborate explanations as to why) and how Hitler wasn't such a bad guy. I've noticed at least a few daily submissions with usernames containing things like "88", "18" or quotes from famous dead Nazis. Less than a year ago there was a trend with users submitting things promoting the infamous "Protocols" conspiracy as fact.

So I think that the moral of the story is, don't Godwin unless you can prove that you yourself cannot be Godwin'd in turn.

OP's post was a reference to a post in /r/conspiratard which pushed a thesis that "conspiracy theorists are dangerous" because look at nazis.

Are conspiracy theories dangerous?

Their focus on foreign groups, preferably minorities, is never quite harmless, which brings us back to the issue of propaganda. Hitler partly justified the persecution of Jews with a genuine conspiracy theory, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in which it was stated that the Jewish people were after world supremacy. Today, it’s well established that the Protocols were a fake.

You understand this post is in response to an article from a self proclaimed professional skeptic associating conspiracy theorists to Nazis right? You read the post right?

I would suggest that the "this sub is racist" posts FAR FAR outnumber the actual racist posts one might find here. In fact i can't remember ever seeing a GENUINE racist post here. Some ignorant posts for sure. FAKE racist posts. But flat out racist? Personally haven't come across it. If i did i would definitely be responding and pointing it out as ignorant. What i do see is an ongoing neckbeard joke, reddit wide, of calling someone a "nigger" or a "faggot". It's ALL OVER the place on reddit. It's "funny" and cool. And here, we have legions of uptight nannies obsessing over racist guilt they themselves project at every turn. Skeptards have been caught FLAT OUT posing as ignorant racists here time and time again. It's a passion and a duty of skeptards to project their racist guilt. A compulsion. It's disgusting.

I understand. It's still a huge stretch what you are suggesting. I mean the whole point of Protocols was that it was suggesting a conspiracy of people who control the world. Those who didn't believe in it were not conspiracy theorists because they thought it was a conspiracy, they were skeptics who didn't believe that there was a shadow government behind every war and bank.

In fact i can't remember ever seeing a GENUINE racist post here.

I admit, it's less than it used to be but there are quite a few GENUINE bigots on here. Of course most people when accused of bigotry will just narrow the definition until it's pretty much impossible to be a bigot.

"I think that blacks are less capable of being politicians, I'm not racist! I didn't say that they are less capable of being leaders!"
"I think that blacks are less capable of being leaders, I'm not racist! I didn't say that they are incapable of managing things!"
"I think that blacks are..... I'm not racist! I didn't call them niggers!"

And so on. I've had several arguments in that regard, usually about Jews, blacks or Nazis. ("I'm not a Nazi! I never said that I support killing gay people!") Heck, several former mods over the years were also mods over at /r/whiterights and similar subreddits.

And that's excluding all of those who hide their anti-Jewish bigotry behind a thin veneer of anti-Zionism. Nothing wrong with being an anti-Zionist (I should know, I am one myself). Only when someone says that everyone whose name ends in "-stein" can't be trusted because they are a "Zionist" I begin to question exactly what it is that they are against, Zionism or Jews.

Those who didn't believe in it were not conspiracy theorists because they thought it was a conspiracy, they were skeptics who didn't believe that there was a shadow government behind every war and bank.

I can understand why you'd like to characterize the reality of the book like that. The actual REAL conspiracy is that the book itself was fabricated by the Russian secret service. People, including (should be obvious) MANY Jews were labelled conspiracy theorists by Hitler and the Nazis because the true nature of the bonafide conspiracy didn't serve them.

Conspiracy theorists are skeptics. Are you debating that? The point of the post is that Nazis labelled people investigating and disseminating the truth as dangerous "conspiracy theorists". And we see the practice promoted and used today.

there are quite a few GENUINE bigots on here.

What do you suppose the ratio of GENUINE bigots to non-genuine bigots is? Why are skeptards constantly trying to link every single popular "theory" and those that entertain them with racism? What is with the obsession and compulsion? Don't you find that interesting?

"I think that blacks are less capable of being politicians, I'm not racist! I didn't say that they are less capable of being leaders!" "I think that blacks are less capable of being leaders, I'm not racist! I didn't say that they are incapable of managing things!" "I think that blacks are..... I'm not racist! I didn't call them niggers!"

The quotes are there because you literally had to make all the statements up to support your assumptions.

And that's excluding all of those who hide their anti-Jewish bigotry behind a thin veneer of anti-Zionism.

If i went around telling everyone that Jewish people are victims, Jewish people are weak, Jewish people require the defense of neckbeards, Jewish people are deeply offended by stupidity.. Would you consider that racist and ignorant? I would and do.

I can understand why you'd like to characterize the reality of the book like that. The actual REAL conspiracy is that the book itself was fabricated by the Russian secret service.

Now you're just arguing semantics. It's idiotic to compare skeptics of conspiracy theories to Nazis because of the Protocols. It's also idiotic to compare conspiracy theorists to Nazis because of the Protocols.

Conspiracy theorists are skeptics. Are you debating that?

Depends. In theory a conspiracy theorist is a skeptic. In practice what I find most is that a conspiracy theorist is someone willing to discard perfectly reasonable explanations in favor of elaborate twists and turns. That's what turns me off from the whole conspiracy community.

What do you suppose the ratio of GENUINE bigots to non-genuine bigots is?

Probably pretty high. Like I said, quite a few of the most prolific users on here are GENUINE bigots in the sense that they GENUINELY hate certain large groups of people.

The quotes are there because you literally had to make all the statements up to support your assumptions.

Fine, real quotes incoming.

Should Judaism be recogized by everyone as the highly evolved racketeering and generally racist enterpirse that it is? Yes.
It's clear that what David Duke has to say is cogent and truthful.
Multiculturalism is destroying Western nations, and destroying Western civilization in the process. It was designed to do this. Those who originally pushed this plan of flooding white nations with non-white immigrants did so because they wanted to weaken white Christian power in the world, and in white Christian countries. They succeeded so well, they are in the process of destroying the very civilization that supports their own prosperity.
When you look at the "Jews" who are trying to control and influence the planet over 95% of them, including the Rothschilds come from this poison lineage. The Bible even refers to them in revelation as the "Synagogue of Satan"
England doesn't exist any longer. What used to be England is a sea of Arabs and blacks. There are mosques on every London streetcorner. The last vestages of what people think of when they think of England ceased to exist around 10 years ago.
You have every right to hate Jews for supporting a racist, supremacist and expansionist ideology.

Whatever. Finding the racist stuff is a little more difficult as these quotes come from 5 minutes of searching for "Jews" and "Zionists" on /r/conspiracy. "Blacks" gives too many false positives.

Try a search for "Jew" and "Nigger" reddit wide and get back to me with more cognitive dissonance. Why do you come to this sub? because you believe Jews are weak and helpless? You are better than them? They NEED your help? It's that and specifically here because the truth, which you hate, is often expressed here. Grow up. Your ideology is offensive to Jewish people and most other open minded thinking individuals.

Try a search for "Jew" and "Nigger" reddit wide and get back to me with more cognitive dissonance.

Did that. Comments like the ones I posted above are almost non-existent and if they are, downvoted hundreds of times (with the exception of the openly racist subreddits, like /r/whiterights and /r/americanjewishpowers).

Your ideology is offensive to Jewish people and most other open minded thinking individuals.

Do you know what my ideology is? My ideology is that on /r/conspiracy, more so than on most other major subreddits, bigotry is tolerated and often encouraged where it would otherwise be considered offensive and removed. Now how exactly is that offensive to anyone but the most religiously vehement /r/conspiracy users?

You are the one that keeps on bringing up Jews and how "weak" they are. You. Not me. You.

Keep projecting your racist ignorance. You should do well in this sub full of racist skeptards doing "experiments" exposing racism by being racist. Skeptard logic.

To be perfectly honest with you I have no idea what you're trying to say. What exactly was it that I said which you interpreted as racist or bigoted in any way? And what do you mean by "racist skeptard experiments"?

Don't play stupid.

I'm not. It seems to me that you're just circumventing the rules by calling everyone who disagrees with you "skeptard" instead of "shill". I think I understand your "racist skeptards" comment, meaning people who pretend to be racist in order to discredit this sub, which I disagree with. There have been a handful of such incidents and they pretty much proved their point by having their racist comments validated, upvoted and agreed upon by most of the frequent posters on here.

The part about me being a racist still confuses me, what do you mean by that?

let's be honest about our interaction here.

I posted a a thread about how Nazis labelled people who questioned the authenticity of the "Protocols" as Conspiracy Theorists. Fact.

You downvoted it. You disagree with that factual statement.

You are more concerned with maintaining some delusional image of your identity as a skeptard than agreeing with facts.

You are racist because you place more importance in your identity as a skeptard than an opportunity to explore the consequences of ignorance and how it manifests.

Unless you are going to start paying me I'm gonna have to drop this useless exchange.

I find it sad and amusing that 50% of the people who came across this thread downvoted it. Downvoted historical fact. 50% of the people who visited this thread identify themselves as Skeptards. 50%. They are frightened by uncertain beliefs. That said, I'm glad this sub offers them an opportunity for therapy. To explore their fears and biases by offering suppositions they find threatening.

This is why it is my opinion that Zionists are maintaining Judaism as a cover. When the shit flies, it ends up hitting all the bystanding Jewish people who had nothing to do with producing, perpetuating, or maintaining the system. At least no more so than any other unknowing participant.

I find it laughable how they shy away from the term "Nazi" and their increasingly elaborate explanations as to why . . .

I use the term National Socialist Germany because it's more accurate. "Nazi" was always a pejorative. It was used as propaganda against the German state. It's was wildly effective propaganda as it continues to be used as an emotional bludgeon to this day--as you prove.

So who are you to give lectures on Godwin's law?

If one wants to accurately describe the history of that era it's best to use the correct names of the groups one is discussing.

Apparently accepting that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is akin to accepting Nazism. Convoluted craziness ahead.

by: /u/skysonfire

Upvotes: 5 | Downvotes: 2 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 1 | Downvotes: 0 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

He deleted the thread already LOL

edit: and then remade it and the first poster told him he was wrong lol.

It's been reposted already

And created a new one with a new title. That dude has reading problems, yo.

at least the first comment set the record straight

1 point to that guy.

might save this and post it every single time one of them brings up the elders of zion (credit to you of course). I'll be pasting it at least once a day

Oh don't credit me. Credit reality and logic. I didn't invent this.

I feel bad for "skeptards". It is really easy to sit back and say nothing is real. It is really hard and confusing to try and sift through the ocean of bullshit we are constantly assaulted with and try to figure out what is really fucking us all the time.

I think they do something far worse. They make apathy seem like a desirable choice. Instead of thinking for ourselves: Let's find a post on another sub, so we can make fun of the posters in our own sub. We are so much smarter.

Even fundamentalist christians don't have shit on that level of cognitive dissonance. It's like watching the class clown take a shit on a teacher's desk. It was funny, in theory, but now everything just smells funny, and the clown has streaks of brown pride for later "reflection." The problem would deal with itself, if it weren't for the multitudes of assholes trying to shit on the desk next.

And look at the downvotes for this SIMPLE post that simply states:

People that disagreed with Hitler's motives where, on-record, labelled dangerous conspiracy theorists by Hitler, the Nazis and their skeptard sympathizers.

It's sick. And these skeptards claim to be race defenders? And here they are defending Hitler. Good one.

Race defenders? Why would an abstract idea need defenders? Race is a classification system, invented by humans, to better classify "genetic" (as eugenics predates genetics) differences between individuals.

Where are the race detractors? Sounds like farming equipment.

What if /r/conspiritard is actually a conspiracy? In truth, they are an anti-conspiracy group for the mentally handicapped. Suddenly it all makes sense.

Why would an abstract idea need defenders?

It's very concrete to them. They pick a generalization in their minds like "Jew" and then manifest their generalizations and ignorance about the group under the delusion of "protecting" them.

What if /r/conspiritard is actually a conspiracy?

In a sense it is. Except for the secret aspect. It's no secret. They mirror the behavior of the state they apologize for. Run voting brigades (propaganda), make racist posts here (false flag).. it's semi-interesting. The activity on this sub is 50+% skeptard posts and voting. It should be the subject of some kind of social study in online full-retardness.

They pick a generalization in their minds like "Jew" and then manifest their generalizations and ignorance about the group under the delusion of "protecting" them.

That's highly accurate.

It should be the subject of some kind of social study in online full-retardness.

It really should. There must be some university with a slightly large budget to do this. Grad students need to stay busy busy busy.

What evidence do you have to support your claims about the way National Socialist Germany viewed The Protocols?

Here's the introduction to a 1938 German version of the book and describing the evidently well-publicized 1935 Swiss trial regarding the book (described in another comment in this thread):

A possibly forged text was not necessarily immoral literature and an accurate text could nonetheless be immoral. The nature of the text was determined only by its content and form. Whether or not the Protocols was a forgery — as maintained by the plaintiffs — was therefore irrelevant. The only question was whether the Protocols was, as claimed, immoral literature.

(emphasis added)

Henry Ford, when also presenting The Protocols, made a similar point, that he didn't know if it was a forgery or not but that the content accurately described a Jewish conspiracy.

Also, how do you know that the book was Russian black propaganda?

In short, are you working with the "skeptards?"

Blame the unrest on a dangerous Zionist conspiracy.

you know the bolsheviks were led by jews right?

Lenin wasn't a Jew


Paperzplz said the Bolsheviks were led by Jews. Neither Lenin nor Stalin were Jews.

Jews in the revolutionary movement

Many Jews were prominent in Russian revolutionary parties. The idea of overthrowing the Tsarist regime was attractive to many members of the Jewish intelligentsia because of the oppression of non-Russian nations and non-Orthodox Christians within the Russian Empire. For much the same reason, many non-Russians, notably Latvians or Poles, were disproportionately represented in the party leaderships.

In 1897 General Jewish Labour Bund (The Bund), was formed. Many Jews joined the ranks of two principal revolutionary parties: Socialist-Revolutionary Party and Russian Social Democratic Labour Party—both Bolshevik and Menshevik factions. A notable number of Bolshevik party members were ethnically Jewish, especially in the leadership of the party, and the percentage of Jewish party members among the rival Mensheviks was even higher. Both the founders and leaders of Menshevik faction, Julius Martov and Pavel Axelrod were Jewish.

cherry-picking doesn't count.

You're cherry picking, no one denies that there were Jews in the Bolsheviks but Jews didn't lead the Bolsheviks, otherwise there would have been a Jew in charge of the USSR at some point in its history.

Such actions, along with extensive Jewish participation among the Bolsheviks, plagued the Communists during the Russian Civil War against the Whites with a reputation of being "a gang of marauding Jews"; Jews were a majority in the Communist Central Committee, outnumbering even ethnic Russians.

why bring up stalin? maybe the feeling in ussr was having a jew in charge would be inflammatory? or maybe, as in the usa, the real power is not the guy you see on tv reading the speeches.

You're saying that the White Russians used the fact that were Jews in the communist/socialist parties to attack them?

Say it ain't so

I was about to wonder why you linked that video since I didn't say anything about antisemitism but then I saw that Nazi apologia you posted earlier and it all made sense.

ah so, to round up - you are accusing me of being an anti-semite for posting facts?


Again I haven't accused you of being an anti-semite, I don't know why you keep bringing it up, and "the Jews started WWII" isn't a fact.

Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, yes or no?

Judea? Never heard of this nation, maybe you can show me a map. I do know that Germany nations which didn't declare war on them like Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg.

weasel words.

you should try watching that "nazi apologia" you mentioned, you might learn a thing or two

Ah yes the old Nazi line about how they were fighting a war to save Europe from Judeo-Bolshevism, which is why the invaded nations that weren't communist or had declared war on them, like Czechoslovakia, Poland, Fearsome Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Unstoppable Luxembourg.

Reporting my comments so I have to wait 8 minutes to reply, that's cute.

if you have a delay it will be for having shit karma, i can't imagine why you might have that.... as for your misguided, lop-sided view of ww2, really, watch the documentary. i suppose you think germany started ww1 and six million jews died in ww2 also?

pathetic commitment to truth seeking.

I don't think Germany started WWI, they definitely started WWII with their invasion of Poland. You know who the brave Nazis invaded Poland in conjunction with, the Soviets kinda throws a wrench in their propaganda that they were fighting to save Europe from communism, but they probably don't mention that in the documentary,and they killed a lot more people than 6 million Jews.

yes they do mention exactly why how and who invaded poland they also mention how when and why hitler turned east.

no proof of six million, if we assume the six million was "accurate" when it included the aushwitz totals which have since been revised downwards by several million, the total would be 4million or less. not that the exact number really matters, other than to fulfil the jewish 'sixmillion' prophecy. how many germans died? how many russians died? how many french died? how many italian? how many british? how many american? why do we not all have these "exact" figures also burned into our minds by the media for the last 70years?

yes they do mention exactly why how and who invaded poland they also mention how when and why hitler turned east.

Hitler turned East because he always planned on turning east, he said that Russia would be to Germany what India was to Britain, also if you're trying to defend Europe from Bolshevism you don't ally with them to invade Poland.

no proof of six million

Totally no proof, most historians and academics don't agree on this.

not that the number really matters. how many germans died? how many russians died? how many french died? how many italian? how many british? how many american?

I think it's important to know the all people who died as a result of Nazi aggression

I think it's important to know the all people who died as a result of Nazi aggression

so why the focus on a minority? how many gypsies died? how many homosexuals? how many retarded?

Totally no proof, most historians and academics don't agree on this.

you know why

Hitler turned East because he always planned on turning east, he says in Mein Kampf that Russia would be to Germany what India was to Britain, also if you're trying to defend Europe from Bolshevism you don't ally with them to invade Poland.


i'm done here.

so why the focus on a minority? how many gypsies died? how many homosexuals? how many retarded?

Because all lives are equal, a very un-azi like notion seeing as how they persecuted and murdered people from all those groups you just mentioned.

you know why

Because they're not neo-Nazis


"Hayes's portrayal of what transpired between Bose and his European interlocutors from 1941 to 1943 when the firebrand Indian left Germany for the last time reveals a fascinating picture of Nazi policies and war aims as well as painting Bose as a shrewd if sometimes naïve political operator. Hitler viewed German support of an independent India as a bargaining chip with which to bring the British to the negotiating table. Despite being at war with the island nation, the German dictator was in awe of Britain and her empire and had stated many times that Russia would be to Germany what India was to Britain. Germany hoped to persuade Britain to stop the war in the west so that it could devote its attention to the Soviet Union in the east. To that end, supporting Indian independence might be the necessary shock to the empire that would coerce the British into giving up their war against Germany. Ultimately, Hitler did not understand his opponent well."

i'm done here.

You never had an argument to begin with.

dream on

That sure refuted everything I just said, what a concise argument.

dream on

Yes I'm the dreamer, that's why historians and scholars don't agree with you

dream on

You're dreaming

no you're dreaming that i'm dreaming

Like the matrix?


I already mentioned him, but that still doesn't prove they were led by the Jews.


ah, Stalin again... OK

Karl Marx

You mean the dude whose Jewish father converted to Christianity, that Karl Marx?


Friedrich Engels.

Seems like Marxism was created by German Christians hell bent on destroying Europe, Hitler must have been their protege...

He deleted the thread already LOL

edit: and then remade it and the first poster told him he was wrong lol.

What does "skeptard" mean?

A skeptard is a state apologist who works to discourage ideas that expose real conspiracy and pass off the work as actual skepticism.

It's a troll term directed at those who promote the idea that all conspiracy theorists are retarded. I didn't make up the sub /r/conspiratard .

Real skepticism is extremely healthy and at the heart of most conspiracy theories. Which should go without saying.

OP's post was a reference to a post in /r/conspiratard which pushed a thesis that "conspiracy theorists are dangerous" because look at nazis.

Are conspiracy theories dangerous?

Their focus on foreign groups, preferably minorities, is never quite harmless, which brings us back to the issue of propaganda. Hitler partly justified the persecution of Jews with a genuine conspiracy theory, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in which it was stated that the Jewish people were after world supremacy. Today, it’s well established that the Protocols were a fake.

You understand this post is in response to an article from a self proclaimed professional skeptic associating conspiracy theorists to Nazis right? You read the post right?

I would suggest that the "this sub is racist" posts FAR FAR outnumber the actual racist posts one might find here. In fact i can't remember ever seeing a GENUINE racist post here. Some ignorant posts for sure. FAKE racist posts. But flat out racist? Personally haven't come across it. If i did i would definitely be responding and pointing it out as ignorant. What i do see is an ongoing neckbeard joke, reddit wide, of calling someone a "nigger" or a "faggot". It's ALL OVER the place on reddit. It's "funny" and cool. And here, we have legions of uptight nannies obsessing over racist guilt they themselves project at every turn. Skeptards have been caught FLAT OUT posing as ignorant racists here time and time again. It's a passion and a duty of skeptards to project their racist guilt. A compulsion. It's disgusting.

Try a search for "Jew" and "Nigger" reddit wide and get back to me with more cognitive dissonance.

Did that. Comments like the ones I posted above are almost non-existent and if they are, downvoted hundreds of times (with the exception of the openly racist subreddits, like /r/whiterights and /r/americanjewishpowers).

Your ideology is offensive to Jewish people and most other open minded thinking individuals.

Do you know what my ideology is? My ideology is that on /r/conspiracy, more so than on most other major subreddits, bigotry is tolerated and often encouraged where it would otherwise be considered offensive and removed. Now how exactly is that offensive to anyone but the most religiously vehement /r/conspiracy users?

You are the one that keeps on bringing up Jews and how "weak" they are. You. Not me. You.

I'm a skeptard because I don't think all Jewish people are Zionists? Or I'm a skeptard because I think Zionists exist? The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was a faked document, and we can trace that quite readily, as you've pointed out. However, that doesn't stop a small, anti-humanist faction with doomsday ideologies from existing. It's hardly all Jewish people, and it's not even a Jewish ideology. It's a maniacal world domination ideology. These are people who not only believe that the 'end of the world is coming', but that it is required to come, and that they're the ones to do it. It has just as many roots in Dominionist Christian thought as it does in any ties to Judaism.

I find it laughable how they shy away from the term "Nazi" and their increasingly elaborate explanations as to why . . .

I use the term National Socialist Germany because it's more accurate. "Nazi" was always a pejorative. It was used as propaganda against the German state. It's was wildly effective propaganda as it continues to be used as an emotional bludgeon to this day--as you prove.

So who are you to give lectures on Godwin's law?

If one wants to accurately describe the history of that era it's best to use the correct names of the groups one is discussing.

dream on

Like the matrix?