Reddit is dead! ViVa La Revolution!

47  2014-04-04 by [deleted]

Over the last few months the whole of Reddit has just been lost. It pains me to say that the place I've known so well and for so long has died. Between the ever-present paid-off mods to the posts about nothing that get upvoted into outer-space. The bullshit back and forth between subs. I'm done with it. Sent a letter to the mods: I hope you do the same. I don't care if you do it or not, but this place has turned worse than Facebook. At least Facebook tells you you're looking at an ad, and not just a car company masquerading as real people... <<< Fuck this shit, y'all have fun thinking that this is a free flow of ideas, I'm out


They need to block the US military bases from posting here, it's been shown that's where most of the shenanigans come from

That seems like an overreaction.

Well it's only a short-term solution, they'll just reroute their Internet connections

I think the massive shilling the past 6 months has deffinitlly brought down the quality of this sub. Most of it is politics now. Hmm I wonder why ?

What subjects would you like to see more?

Why do you think it turned into politic-heavy articles?

Well it just has. Most of the posts are about politics and politic related topics.

I would like to see more posts on every topic. Occult, hidden knowledge stuf like frequencies and hidden archeology and history. Alternative views of accounted for situations. People's own ideas on what ever topic they think about. Our place in the universe. While I realize this isn't strictly conspiracy as it's not 2 or more people planning on something in private. But it is still on that conspiracy theme as someone wants that information hidden. Stuff like nasa acounts and other whistle blowers. Pictures of subliminal messeges and things people notice that is subliminal or apart of a hidden plot or agenda

Those are the sort of topics that most interested me when I first began studying conspiracies. One thing I actually like about r/conspiracy is the political content. It's real. Maybe not every accusation is accurate, but politics is real and effects the lives of everybody on this planet. As for the occult and arcane, it's intriguing and possibly has its place, but it isn't practical, it isn't active, and it isn't applicable with only bits and pieces of the knowledge. So I personally feel the political content has to do with our desperation as a community, while we watch our world and our favorite subreddit go to hell in a handbasket.


Looks like my post got taken down or hidden?

I think there's been an increase in political conspiracy related information, because there's been a big batch of confirmation about some of them. It will die down sooner or later, unless we go to war (which is very unlikely IMHO).

There is not much left to happen in the world of politics and geopolitics without there being a revolution or a war or something. More likely is that everyone will just forget about it and go on with their lives.

Stay classless Ocolus_the_bot.

I emailed the admins last week and got an asshole reply back. Fuck this place

Can you share the conversation?

I only have the last reply, i don't think i can see the whole convo (was only 4 messages total though). I asked her why people here are getting shadowbanned while people there do NOTHING but link to here and nothing is done about it. This was her reply...

admins replied to someone?

everyone has bad days, you just need a break from it sometimes. go out, get some air, or pussy or whatever and chill out for a while. dont leave because it beat you. fuck that.

I know where you're coming from, but besides being overrun by trolls, there's so many outside eyes focused on every submission now. We're feeding JTRIG, and whoever else cares, information about our beliefs and activities.

Judging by the fact that a story about the medical benefits of marijuana got twice as many upvotes in one day as the JTRIG sticky got in a week, 10 times as many upvotes as the current sticky, many of the users here are completely clueless to what's been happening. Or they're fake votes from fake users.

No, it'll take a hell of a lot more than just downvotes and nasty comments to sway me. I'm just done with the whole thing. Everything I type, speak, look at and watch is going into a big ass solid-state hard-drive somewhere in Maryland... I know in about 6 months I'll look over at my laptop and see the dust and nicotine build-up climbing up the battery sitting on top and think to myself: "Hey, I wonder... ah well never mind."

fair enough mate. i hope you enjoy & excel in whatever you do afterwards. and most of all, stay happy.

Right on. You do the same. Most importantly, Stay safe.

Correct. Gotta stick with it.

I hope you all have a wonderful time, I'm going to keep it active for around another day or so, just waiting on a few message reply's. Feel free to message me if I'm still active. It might be a while before I return it but I'll get to it before its gone. Y'all are good people, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't take that "You're crazy!!!" bullshit just go home find and print the proof that you need. Remember to check your sources and read all the facts. It's all out there, for the whole world to see, some people just need to have it shoved in their faces in order for it to be clear and some just don't want to see it at all...

We need to take this as a good sign that we are hitting them hard with good information! Its not the time to give up but keep stepping up with great information and comments.

ive been lurking here about a year id say and i definitely agree. there are a lot of people who are trying to destroy it. its disgusting

Dude its April. April gets fucking nutty on this sub. Every year.

It must be the I.R.S., mind control, piss off reditors, so they get off-line take care of that tax return duty.

I think its just the natural warming of the northern hemisphere makes more extreme news happen which causes this subreddit to go nuts.

Kind of like the neighborhood birds bashing themselves to death on mirrors, seeing either a rival or mate? Seasonal confusion.

See i'd say that but to be fair the news has been a bit extreme... to make sense of 4 days in which we've had major earth quakes, supervalcano threats, ebola outbreaks, shootings at military bases, and George W. Bush painting pictures of fucking Putin....

I mean you can't connect all those dot's in 4 days and sound sane.

You are paying attention, I'm not, it is not suppose to make sense, it is suppose to make you feel helpless.

Surrender, the sooner the better.

lol I find it entertaining.... i mean the george w bush painting gallery isn't something a single person could have predicted 15 years ago.... but alas here we are like some sort of god damn presidential variety show.

Its actually kind of smart, how he has a way for history to remember him apart from being the idiot son of an asshole.

-giggles- and just think we get another Republican primary in 2016. I don't know how they are going to top the 2012 Campaign.

But there is the possibility of some real fun, the corporate propaganda providers keep screaming for Hillary, but not the Democratic voters. There is bound to be some fun there as well, the field is open.

That's why there is such a concerted effort to both destroy any vestiges of the GOP's influence and to rework Clinton's public image into something likable.

As for Bush painting, who the fuck has ever seen the guy do it? All I've seen is the finished product. Someone else could easily be painting those for him to give the impression that a world leader is as benign as a toddler in pre-school. why not paint some pictures of your Skull n Bones meetings, brah?

Umh... I think it's the Bi-polar disorder and other mental issues that are triggered by the light changes in northern hemisphere. Yes, maniacs running free everywhere... :D

No, really. This is true. And yes, I got medication. :)