“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

182  2014-04-06 by [deleted]

Pretty accurate quote right?

Some guy gets into an authority costume, grabs some social engineers, makes people feel good about themselves, gets them all to agree to agree...

Then he starts fucking them in the ass one by one, lets them back out into the crowd... and they say "LISTEN! THEY ARE FUCKING PEOPLE IN THE ASS" and then out of the crowd comes a huge chant of... "YES WE CAN YES WE CAN" and then they throw eggs at nay sayers.

Except we can criticize Obama now. We cant criticize isreal though! Or their infernal lobby. I felt like getting this off my chest.


Can't criticize Israel??? What are you talking about?

Rabbi David Nesenoff of RabbiLive.com, on the White House grounds with his son and a teenage friend[46] for a May 27, 2010, American Jewish Heritage Celebration Day,[47] questioned Thomas as she was leaving the White House via the North Lawn driveway.[numbers - click the link] When asked for comments on Israel, she replied: "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine." and "Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not German, it's not Poland..." When asked where Israeli Jews should go, she replied they could "go home" to Poland or Germany or "America and everywhere else. Why push people out of there who have lived there for centuries?" She also mentioned she was of "Arab background." A one-minute excerpt of the May 27, 2010, interview was posted on Nesenoff's website on June 3.

So what happened next? Helen tried to apologize!

I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.

But it was too late. She was a MARKED WOMAN, and as fear of retaliation and retribution due to "guilt by association" spread, her friends and associates began shunning her like a LEPER

Thomas's agency, Nine Speakers, Inc., immediately dropped her as a client because of her remarks.[61][62] Craig Crawford, who co-authored Listen up, Mr. President, said "I ... will no longer be working with Helen on our book projects."[63] Her scheduled delivery of a commencement speech at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland, was canceled by the school.[64] The White House Correspondents' Association, over which she once presided, issued a statement calling her remarks "indefensible."[65] In January 2011, the Society of Professional Journalists voted to retire the Helen Thomas Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Even Pres-i-dent Obama chimed in:

On June 7, Thomas abruptly tendered her resignation from Hearst Newspapers.[67] The next day, in an interview on NBC's Today Show, President Obama called her remarks "offensive" and "out of line" and said her retirement was "the right decision." He remarked that it was a "shame" her celebrated career had to end in such controversy, and at the same time he recognized her long service covering U.S. presidents, calling her "a real institution in Washington."[68] Her comments also garnered rebukes from numerous others, including White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, former special counsel to and White House spokesman for President Bill Clinton, Lanny Davis, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson.

There, see?

You CAN criticize Israel.

Helen Thomas proved it.

EDIT: **BONUS FEATURE!!! The actual video of the EVIL Helen Thomas spewing her vicious, vile anti-Semitic screed (filmed and interviewed by Rabbi David Nesenoff of RabbiLive.com, on the White House grounds)

She was one of the last true reporters. We need more like her.

You also can't criticize Judaism without being labelled an anti-semite. We can't even criticize the term anti-semite, having no real correlation with European Jewry. Where did that term even come from? I don't know, ashkanazi ask a nazi.

It's funny because Jews aren't the only Semites.

In fact, some Arabs are Semites. It is a word to describe who used the Semitic languages. Hebrew was just one of them!

Are they in the yellow pages? Do I need a time machine for this?

saying ashkanazi=ask a nazi is disrespectful to ashkenazi jews

assuming all ashkenazi jews are bad people or nazis is no different than claiming muslims are all terrorists.. neither which are true..

that in itself is an anti-Semitic statement and one of the reasons why this subreddit is gaining attention throughout reddit for racism because of a number of outspoken members here (not just against jews)

anti-semitic has several definitions in the english language. despite most arabs and most jews being semitic in origin, one definition of the word is specifically regarding jews. according to the way language works, it is still valid as it is one of the definitions of the word and not ironic. it is an interesting TIL fact though for those not aware what semite means. saying "you are the shit" is a positive term despite the word breakdown for example but maybe not the best example haha

you can criticize all you want but it is about showing respect and understanding where people are coming from. but maybe logic doesnt work here so downvotes incoming

It wasn't a statement or even an honest suggestion, it was a poor attempt at humour, a pun at that. Please relax.

Relevant username.

You browse this sub with an agenda, see one passingly antisemitic pun and attempt to vilify everyone here...

I don't like Israel and I don't like Zionists. I do not hate Jews in general.


reminds me of Brendon O'Connell in Australia who went to prison for 3 years for little more than saying Jews are racist in a youtube vid.

It's astonishing if this is justification for imprisoning someone. Is this a portent of things to come?

While at the same time I support his right to freedom of speech. I think it hurts the reputation of boards like this when we defend his freedom of speech without criticizing him... Is it logical to have a pissing match with a random Jew that you come accross during your protests? Not so much. Is it rational to refer to putting them all into camps at the end of the video and only leaving out the ones that profess to your beliefs? Not so much. He shouldn't have been jailed, but none the less, some of what he said was fucked up.

yeah but I just see it as venting - you don't often get the chance to confront people like that.. similar to what you see here really in the vaccination or climate change threads, some call for anti-vaccers and climate deniers to be killed and they get voted up!

that's fucked too and should be called out. we should set the example.

If a courtroom can convict someone like that. Then there is no courtroom. A judge goes to judge school. I went to highschool. Does that make me a highschool? Education is nothing. Knowledge is everything. Knowledge is driven by the inquiring mind, the school is driven by the almighty dollar.

Did you actually just fucking say that? I went to subway, does that make me a subway? A name for a name is a school, but when the name is directly for its trade, generally, yes.

Lowers shades... you bet your ass I did. Credentials are illusory. That was my point. I just probably made it with a little too much vivre? So be it.

I just watched the video. It's sad when Christian society has been so corrupted, a Christian needs to eat shit from such creatures.

What Christian society?

yeah, he hasn't been out long but just found a recent video where he's talking about the incident and case.



I liked the quote, but your comment lost me a bit... people criticize Obama and Israel all the time.

Don't see much criticism of Israel in the MSM.

It's probably because we have a bunch of military bases in Israel and don't want to lose that strategic edge over the middle east (lithium, gold, oil, etc).

We have 1 radar base in Israel, staffed by 120 personnel. And 1 navy base at the port of Haifa.

I don't know how that would prevent a two sided discussion of things like Palestine in the MSM. If anything, having a Navy base there, should have made the U.S.S. Liberty news worthy when it happened.


the MSM isn't really supposed to be criticizing anything, just reporting what is going on. though I suppose they do under report when Israel is doing something considered wrong. they under report everything important and over report Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian. I think the MSM is dying though... look at CNN and its desperation for ratings with the Malaysian airlines thing.

you can't get real news in the US anymore... maybe online but usually that is slanted to whatever agenda/ideology the particular site espouses. sometimes I wonder if there ever was factual news sources or just better covered up agenda.

They are supposed to be uncovering the war crimes and wrongdoing. Internet readers know more about the US/Israeli crimes than the "paid journalists" of CNN do.

Oh that all flew out the window beginning 1981.

Max Keiser tweeted not long ago that the BBC said he wasn't allowed to talk about Israel.

well that's pretty fucked up.

why so many down votes?

I feel like conspiracy people have a black/white, us/them mentality. if you say something... anything.. countering their worldview they jump down your throat and call you the enemy. They ascribe that mentality to everyone else, which is why they see conspiracies everywhere. not to say that they aren't sometimes right...

Except we can criticize Obama now.

Might want to reread the last line.

I meant all the time like always... now and in the past. apologies for not being clear. I have never seen a time when both subjects aren't criticized constantly, is what I'm saying.

but that's my perspective, you must have a different experience.

thats a tricky one... who are we not allowed to criticize, who has the power to ruin govt official's careers, journalist's careers, actor's careers, politician's careers.

maybe its the county sized 51st state.

the representation without taxation people.

You are correct. Realize that you are talking to a bunch of zombies who do not know they are zombies, and who resent being informed that they are zombies. Don't expect any thinks from them for telling them what they are. But I wanted to say that a few of us are not zombies, and we know that you are correct.


Shadowbanned again, eh, 4too 4to2 4to3 4to4?

In honor of Conspiratards post regarding this topic, I will post California HR 35. http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/11-12/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/hr_35_bill_20120823_amended_asm_v98.html

No criticizing Israel, specifically and Jewish People in general.

"Never use unnamed quotes to summarise complex issues" - Plato

What the fuck are you going on about?

Both Israel and Obama are criticized all the time.

So why is Pollard still in prison?

You can criticize anything. However, you will make an ass of yourself criticizing some things, and I will judge you for it.

TIL no one is allowed to criticize Israel. I must hallucinate whenever I read /r/worldnews, /r/politics, ect

by: /u/75000_Tokkul - The one who accounts for like 1/3 of my comments...

Upvotes: 32 | Downvotes: 8 | Timestamp of this thread.

Upvotes: 1 | Downvotes: 0 | Timestamp of cross-posting thread.

If this was an error, send me a message

I should state for the record Obama has never fucked me in the ass. But I do take some heat when I mention anything about isreal... case in point.

I'm loving that new addition lol

by: /u/ 75000_Tokkul - The one who accounts for like 1/3 of my comments..

I'm starting to add profile pictures for the repeat offenders. Starting tonight, if you click the users name in the comment, if they have a profile picture, it will take you to it.

This fucking guy is obsessed with us over here.

Oh I bet no one here will mention the obvious about who is always under attack, and who never does any wrong even if convicted or driven from office.

It is a sad certainty,

"wrong" I think is just another direction. DO go this way, DONT go that way. We dont like one guy, thats the point... we dont like the "guy" they put in "office" they just get another. They swap a few paintings and buy a puppy.

If the first words of your comment had been,

I disagree,

it would signal the possibility of a discussion. I don't want to begin a discussion being called wrong.

That doesn't mean I never begin a comment with, wrong, when I do, I know to expect a hostile response.

lol try criticizing this subreddit. This post is a joke, no one is censoring your opinion on Israel, it just happens most don't share it.

Oh, I'm not attacking the subreddit.

Whoosh. I meant your quote is apt to criticizing this subreddit which will get you banned.

Criticizing the sub is fine. Attacking the sub and/or its users repeatedly, on the other hand, will likely result in a ban.

Well, thats good news for me. Because I am not attacking the subreddit.

That's not what they're saying.

To learn who rules over you, find out who you can't criticise.

Criticism of this subreddit is at risk of violating rule 10.

Therefore, according to the quote this sub rules over you.

tl;dr the quote isn't very good.

To reiterate:

Criticizing the sub is fine. Attacking the sub and/or its users repeatedly, on the other hand, will likely result in a ban.

If you are drunk in your dodge truck, driving to the titty bar, and my quote was too long... Go with Rockran's summation.

I understand what you meant, I'm not going to have my words twisted into attacking a subreddit I am posting on. What is NOT posted on here anyways? I'm airing these views here for a reason.

There is a flaw in Rockran's logic, anyway. You aren't allowed to criticize this subreddit *on this subreddit.

Therefore, if this subreddit rules you in any way, it is limited to this subreddit, as you can criticize r/conspiracy all day long at various locations and other websites with little recourse from employees of Reddit.

This quote is used as a very specific brand of propaganda.

It's always used to point out the political spin of "antisemitism"- which is a very real thing.

HOWEVER, the quote, sometimes misattributed to Voltaire, comes from an actual racist screed by neonazi organizer- Kevin Strom.

So without knowing it, you're automatically associating your position with hate speech through something similar to a limited hangout.

HOWEVER, the quote, sometimes misattributed to Voltaire, comes from an actual racist screed by neonazi organizer- Kevin Strom.

So without knowing it, you're automatically associating your position with hate speech through something similar to a limited hangout.


And Hitler liked dogs - therefor anyone who likes dogs is Hitler.

Same logic.

Absolutely. I've seen posts where conspiratard actively promotes hitler quotes to get this sub to upvote. It's the association fallacy and a very strong form of propaganda.

Well, I can hangout all I want because I dont have any hangups. Lets just attribute the quote to me, I'm not a Neo Nazi. I like ice cream.

Rule 10 - Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. Repeat offenders are subject to a ban.

People criticize Israel all the time without real repercussion.

Do you know who you aren't allowed to criticize in America? Blacks, homosexuals, trans, the handicapped, etc.... Not that you ever should.

But it argues against the OPs main point- because no one thinks minority groups are the rulers.

So you think there should be REPERCUSSION for criticizing isreal? Then this posts for YOU

That's not what I said at all.

In the United States, I think anyone should be allowed to criticize anyone else. (not to the harassment levels that drive teens to kill themselves, obviously)

I'm saying that just because some twits in CA decide to make something illegal doesn't mean the whole country is ran from Tel Aviv. CA passes stupid laws as a matter of habit.

What I am talking about has fuck all to do with little johny and susy teen cashing in their chips because of stupid parents, stupid teachers and a stupid culture.

Your anger issues are clouding your ability to think. You are focusing on an aside, not on the point of my comment. I will rephrase in your dialect, for your sake.

This is the gawd damned US of A, and we can say whatever the fuck we like about whoever we like. Those fucking pinkos in California are trashing the First Amendment.

But just because we have a bunch of fucking LibTards in California doesn't mean the Jews control the whole gawd damned country.

Is that easier for you to understand what the fuck all I wrote?


but mostly


R/conspiracy in a nutshell.

The mentally challenged?

yeah but I just see it as venting - you don't often get the chance to confront people like that.. similar to what you see here really in the vaccination or climate change threads, some call for anti-vaccers and climate deniers to be killed and they get voted up!