Is anyone else tired of all the falseness and doublethink in America?

40  2014-04-07 by [deleted]

I was born in 1991. In my lifetime I have seen a drastic change. I have seen the media literally crumble before my eyes. I have seen the rise of the internet, and abundant free speech, and I have seen the beginning of what seems to assuredly be the end of free speech in practice for most people on the internet. I have seen the continuation of entertainment becoming so diluted by corporate influence. I have seen people try to organize(tea party, op wall street) and become overtaken by corporate influences(tea party) or be destroyed by corporate influences(wall street). I have seen three presidents lie to the public, and the only one who ever caught flak was the one that was least important(Bill Clinton). I've seen us attack countries , and kill innocent civilians in the thousands in undeclared, unconstitutional wars. I've seen this country wake up, and then hit the snooze button. WAKE THE FUCK UP AGAIN PEOPLE. DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS ARE BOTH SEVERELY COMPROMISED BY CORPORATE INTERESTS. THEY ARE PAID ACTORS WHO SAY WHATEVER THEY CAN TO GET ELECTED, THEN SELL FAVORS TO BUSINESSES. THE MEDIA YOU SEE ON TV IS CONTROLLED BY THE BUSINESSES. THE MEDIA YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET IS MOSTLY CONTROLLED BY THEM ALSO. THE MEDIA YOU SEE ON REDDIT IS CONTROLLED BY THEM. Sorry for yelling, but I love you all, and don't want to see humanity go this way. This is my attempt to share what i know about this subject(I have studied this subject for enough hours to earn a doctorate well over, multiple times probably.) If anybody is curious about more information, or how to find more information, please PM me.



My dad was born in '60. I'm trying to get him to the level of awareness that you seem to be. I am only 23 myself but I have already learned that you must change the people before change can be made. (A newish sub was made to try to help fix this with /r/UnitedWeStand.)

If you really want to see how bad it has gotten, go to the Google newspaper archives and read articles from the 50's, 60's and 70's. It is damning of our current era, which is likely why Google discontinued the project.

Uh if your only sources have been MSM and internet.
I suggest you look up some, respectable books, some still have factual information on our political life. If you don't know how to find and identify worthwhile ones, is there someone you can consult with.

If they recommend anything from the Fox news writers, O'Reilly, Beck(yes I know no longer on Fox) or any of the radio guys, Limbaugh, Levin. Run! Find someone else for advice. Those books are all shadow written by think tank writers,

It's not going to change for one reason -- Americans won't face the truth. They won't acknowledge what is really going on, or who is really pulling the strings. This makes it impossible that the problem will ever be solved. All the talk is pointless. It just muddies the water. If you won't face the truth, there's not a fucking thing anyone can do for you, and not a fucking thing you can do for yourselves.