Is Michelle Obama really a Man? As theories surface google trends shows a peak in interest.

0  2014-04-08 by [deleted]

Reddit wasn't letting me post this as a link due to another (unrealted) link to a google trend result.

Check it out. I'm sure you've seen the videos circulating around Youtube and reddit, what do you make of all this?


GOd knows the ptb couldn't fake that whole history...oh wait...sandy hook

This is actually quite interesting

I've read that, it brings up more points to add to the theory. Again, I do not care what the president's sexual orientation is, to each their own. What I do care about is that if this is true, it is a very bold lie and also shows how easily we can be deceived. If true, maybe we will all learn to me more analytical and not just accept the news at face value.

ps, i see zero on that trend page.

That's funny I see a peak "100" for the beginning of April, i'm sure others will corroborate that as well.

remind me not to bother trying to be helpful in a sub full of paranoid twats

Thinking about conspiracy theories all the time tends to make people paranoid, my bad.

I appreciate your input, it looks like a pretty typical scenario the people are split about 50/50 on weather they believe it could be POSSIBLE or weather the people who believe it to be possible are morons. I'm so used to being attacked and called names on reddit just for considering certain ideas.....

you voted me down for that? I wasnt lying bud.

that was hasty you're right, my bad. I wonder why google trends is showing you 0, i keep refreshing but still get 100.

get a grip

I also saw a couple of pings in earlier months, but it goes up steadily from January to now.

I doubt it, and why should anyone give a shit anyway?

Oh yeah, why would anybody care (if it's true) that the president is lying about his wife being a woman? Why would anybody care that the entire country or even the world has been misled about this? If this is true, which I am not saying it is, it says something profound about the level to which humanity as a whole can be deceived.

I don't give a shit if Obama is married to a drag queen or transvestite, but i DO care if he is lying about it. Another reason why this man is not to be trusted.

Hypothetically speaking, I don't think it is the done thing for transgender people to be required to disclose their past upfront to everyone, nor bloody well should it be.

It is the done thing for a president and his family to be exposed to closer public examination than the average individual, he's leading our country (supposedly) after all.

It makes no logical sense what-so-ever. Why would someone who has made a choice to be a career politician chose a spouse that's hiding their gender?

This is the foolish propaganda Obama supporters want to disseminate in order to use against fools who use this material. Remember the birther movement?

There's much more relevant material to focus on if you don't support Obama.

That may be possible, i have seen this rumor in a gossip rag before and god knows those things aren't reliable.

It doesn't make it more legitimate just because more people are looking at it.

No it doesn't as to the legitimacy but it shows that more people are asking the question. I am not saying it is true, but if it is true then goddamn humanity is stupid for taking over 6 years to discover this fact.

Likewise, if it's not, then humanity is goddamn stupid for falling for it. It goes both ways. Also, I somehow doubt that it's true, no matter how many people question it.

I know it's far fetched, have you actually seen the videos or read any of the posts about this? There are some legitimate things to consider concerning her anatomy (i.e. ring finger length indicates male, she has an adam's apple, etc). Maybe it is a stupid theory, but there are valid questions that have brought it up.

We know that there are plenty of other lies / misleading about pres. Obama that have been told to the public, so suspicion of him and his family is never going to go away. Either way this will never be verified, I'm just curious about what people think about it.

Michelle Obama Is A Tranny - political satire by by Deep Space

This is the sort of shit that de-rails serious conspiracy research. Please delete this.

well that is opinion, thanks for sharing

Lets be serious here for a minute.

If you think you can prove this, by all means continue.

You aren't going to get her naked, have a DNA/blood test/gender test are you?

Or are you?

I think you are the victim of disinformation

Asking to delete the post wrong. IMO - - who made you the thought police? Add your opinion and move on.

I wasn't aware that you meant that aspect of my 'opinion'.

Continue with the de-railment sir.

de-railment? yea, busted, its conspiracy

Likewise, if it's not, then humanity is goddamn stupid for falling for it. It goes both ways. Also, I somehow doubt that it's true, no matter how many people question it.