In Orwell's 1984, People are Constantly Reminded that Big Brother is Watching Them. Sound Familiar?

65  2014-04-13 by [deleted]

In 2014, we have the Snowden 'leaks' - daily reminders of how you are being watched and manipulated and all the ways they can do it.

In the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", the maxim ubiquitous on display.


Seems to me Huxley had the mechanisms right Orwell had the results.

It's good to see people reflecting on Brave New World and BNW revisited. Every year it seems like Huxley gets more and more relevant.

It bothers me that the illustrator does not credit the true author of this analysis at the top: Neal Postman

I'm glad you pointed that out, i saw that graphic like 4 years ago and always wondered where it came from. Now i know, thank you.

No problem. For what it's worth, I don't care about individual people "getting credit" or whatever as much as I think it's especially ironic given the nature of Postman's argument: that complex discourse cannot be captured in reductive image form. I highly recommend his book(s) if you have time.

'See something? Say something' good ole DHS

In the book 1984 was it the people themselves that spied on each other or was it just the government.. because I feel like right now we spy on each other for the government too. Things like Facebook, Twitter, all the cameras people wear etc...

Even Reddit because we all monitor each other.. for example if you talk about "conspiracies" on here people will shut you down before you can even broach the subject.

Dude people basically just give any and all info away on the internet. The government is so good they can get people to do it themselves HA

That's true.. that is how easy people are to manipulate.. especially when you control all the media and movie industry.

It's like gun control... they do certain events to make us BEG them to take our guns away. They couldn't do it any other way than to trick us into it.


In the society that Orwell describes, every citizen is under constant surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens"

Only party members are under constant surveillance -- the 'proles' are not.

The proles are still policed by Thought Police and can be victimized if not in lock step with state propaganda. They also have telescreens that they can only dim whilst party members can turn them off.

Only inner party members can turn them off. Outer party is under constant surveillance. Proles do not have telescreens.

The main difference is we installed all the cameras ourselves, and we post those images of our entire lives publicly.

I can see the value in convincing the population that they're being watched all the time, and I can see the value in actually doing the watching.

The mass surveillance is justifiable to the MSM talking heads, but one thing they couldn't put a positive spin on was the JTRIG leaks, so they just ignored them. That's one reason I think these leaks are genuine, leaked for genuine reasons.

Even if the limited hangout people are right I'm still glad the information was leaked, I see a big positive impact on the national discussion. So if it was an attempt to scare people into submission I don't think it worked.

I think this limited hangout stuff is the worst kind of conspiracist defeatism, you take the best news we've had in decades and try to figure out how it actually is a bad thing.

We live in a totalitarian world where the rule of law is fear. People have become so afraid and complacent that they dare not question the situation of the world we are living in.

Sound Familiar?

Leaks that grease the public to dreamily enjoy their reaming.

What sounds familiar is... that still... few seem to even question Xmas snowjob fear tools lame BS that does not add up. Example: high level tech jobs & security clearances with basically a GED [o_0] & few classes in computers for such high level computer expert job titles.

Shadowy goatee stubbly pseudo "Dude" now playing "the people" is IMO clearly still an active agent.

IMO Pseudo Dude would have been neutralized long ago... if he was truly legit & the leaked info was not cunningly planned to instill fear & cause gradual tolerance to the abuse of constitutional laws.


Same with Judas Priest's "Electric Eye" in 1982.