Just a reminder about one of the most blatant acts of reddit censorship that I can remember from 5 months ago.

71  2014-04-15 by Ambiguously_Ironic

This post from an /r/conspiracy thread was x-posted to /r/bestof, received 2000+ comment karma, and was removed. There was also a ton of meta-drama involving /r/CMV, the user who wrote the OP getting shadowbanned, and a bunch of other bullshit.

Just a reminder for anyone who thinks that the censorship of reddit is something new. It isn't.


Let me also add that this whole clusterfuck got /r/conspiracy posts completely banned from ever being x-posted to /r/bestof. A ban that exists to this day (as far as I know).


Yep - wish I had been around back then.

I actually changed my bookmark to r/conspiracy

It is my front page. I go to the front page and it's all "tra la la la..." Whistling while the world burns. Sad really.

What's weird is illuminatedwax is top mod of both /r/conspiracy and /r/bestof, but somehow that wholesale ban was allowed to stand.

Not surprising at all.

Many people in /r/technology were shocked at the censorship and had no idea about /r/undelete.

Don't even get me started on the whole Tesla debacle.

Is it even worth staying here? I dunno.

I would think it is, and here's my reasons why:

A) I didn't know about this. This is because I'm fairly new here, and so any "remember the time" post is appericated by us freshmen.

B) Ppl tend to forget. It's good to keep them reminded of what happened in the past.

Those forget history are doomed to repeat it and all that.

That said, I take your question as an honest one. So i'mma upvote cha just cause I love honest questions on this forum.

More ppl need to ask em, even if they're short and sweet.

I think maybe you misread my question, but I like your answer anyway. :)

my grammar offically is the worst, so it's possible .^

:) I think you read, Is it worth SAYing here, but really it said, Is it worth STAYing here (on reddit). But they are very close, and you gave a good answer to the question you read.

And I agree, this is a good post, it's important to remember what's happened, definitely worth saying :)

OHHHHHH! that makes so much more sense. Yes, please stay!

We need ppl on this site that arn't total f-ing duchebags, and just by your tolerance of my inability to read, i can tell you made the cut lol

Hey thanks! That's very kind of you to say <3 I like your energy and actually RES shows me I've upvoted you quite a few times before this exchange as well :)

Wtf are you taking about.

O.o that sometimes I enjoy being brought up to speed on events I wasn't present for?

wtf are you talkin' bout? o.o;

Honestly, does this surprise anyone? Reddit is a media website. And guess what? The media is owned and controlled by satans children.

It depends. If you've been around 5+ years then yes it is a surprise. Reddit used to be something fairly special. People would actually come together and get outraged over this kind of thing and we'd have an impact.

Five year badge here and... can confirm.

A few years ago reddit would have rallied against this type of censorship in unison, as we did against SOPA.

Now, the larger subs are infiltrated by mods who censor/remove any content they deem critical of the U.S. or Israel.

Yeah you don't even need to go back 5 years to see how Reddit has changed. Thing really blew up in the last 2 or so years. Before it would be kind of rare to hear someone mention reddit, now it's just a given that everyone knows it.

That's true! Noticed this change as well.

I think we live in a world that is so quick to move on from topics, that it is good we remind ourselves of big moments like this. It is a tragedy that this is such a controversial post.

Edit: I wish we had a more open dialogue is what I was trying to say.

3143.....surprised it got that far?

Pleasantly surprised, yes.

Pleasantly surprised, yes.