My parents are "worried" about me. Say that I am too worried about "conspiracies" and not enjoying life. On the contrary I believe our democracy and freedom is at stake. Two things worth fighting and dying for IMO. #4humanity

201  2014-04-17 by [deleted]

I have had enough of being called a conspiracy theorist. My parents believe that the things I am worried about are nothing more than that. But I don't believe they are.

Our democracy and individual rights are heavily under fire. Our governments (I am Canadian) have decreed it "okay" to lie to us regularly and distort the information they do give to us. Hiding from transparency which is our only way to hold them accountable.

Corporations have won the ability to all but fix our elections through corporate sponsorships and have no accountability because of censored media coverage through a conflict of interest.

The government also believes that collateral damage during wartime is just a side effect. They believe that they can use the cover of national security to destroy our right to privacy.

These our not conspiracies and are an abysmal representation of the way that I and all other youth believe. I have lost faith in the older generations ability stand up and say enough. This is OUR world not theirs. We are the ones who have the longest to live and the most to lose.

I no longer accept the slaughter of innocents in the middle east or anywhere. If it was not for our governments atrocious actions they would not want us to die. If it was not for Israel's smothering of poor people and disrespect for others cultures and beliefs they would not want them dead as well.

I no longer believe in the invisible lines old men drew in the sand to divide us. Whether you are American, Russian, Brazilian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Iraqi etc.. it does not matter. You are my brother of humanity and I want no harm to ever come to you. Our interests our the same: live peacefully and sustainably, have a family, a good job. As such we should work together at all times and never be at odds.

I wish to abolish the conflict of interest that all our news stations suffer from. I believe in a fully informed public. For when people are fully informed I do believe in their ability to not panic and make the best available decision. I believe that coorporations and governments must become fully transparent as to show us the true nature of their decisions and unearth their conflicts of interest.

I believe that the cost of education be lowered so that all people have the same chance at education without mortgaging their future.

I believe we are not given adequate options to live sustainably and are purposely given such few options to further feed a small group whose intention is to continue their profit at whatever cost to the environment or our personal health. This creates my belief that it is them (anyone with a net-worth of over 30 million)who should surrender a third of their wealth to combat the problems of the earth ie: sustainable energy and transportation, starvation etc...If they do not like it they should have done something before the world reached where it is now. I make 50k a year and will never be able to afford a home in my hometown of Vancouver, yet i survive comfortably. Anyone who has 30 million can surely survive off of 20 million. The times have changed and I will no longer stand for it. My name is Travis Alexander, I will not hide who I am and I no longer accept the world we live in. Whether your left-wing, right-wing or right in the middle these our things we all can agree on.

I have made many mistakes in my life. Though it is my belief that it is not out mistakes but how we learn and recover that defines us

I have never seriously used a hashtag but I will now. My belief is every decision on this earth should be made FOR HUMANITY. If you support this then join the fight by posting or upvoting articles of humanity working together, sustainable technology, censorship and corruption. Post them to social media as well. Be it pictures, articles or whatever with a tag #4humanity. We will let them know that the days of suffering and destruction are coming to an end because we will it and the governments will be reminded of who they serve


Edit: I recommend as many as possible screen shot this. So if something does happen to me for stating this we can all say this is where it started. Better to be safe than sorry. /s

Holy shit the above was a soft jest at what we have all been talking about. Jesus should definitely have put /s

Edit 2: I did the hashtag idea as a way we could all show how we are all for the same movement. TBH I dont really know how to do that. I guess dont put a hashtag and just write 4humanity. If you have any other ideas for us to show we all want this kind of progress pm me. Ill post them.


If you have constructive criticism on something I said or a way to approach it please post it.



Yeah, I just unsubscribed. I'm embarrassed.


I'm just a little bit lost here. What's wrong with what he's saying or doing? He's young, passionate about the truth and all you people come in here and start slamming him. Nahh... This kids good. Fresh and alive and looking critically at the world we left him. He's got heart and he's picking up the torch to carry on the truth. Cut him slack. He's on point.

I think my biggest criticism is that he's a big picture person with far too many pictures. I was the same way, and it quickly turns into an exercise in futility. I'm all for passion but it needs to be concentrated. There's no construction to what he's saying, just criticism and utopian fantasy. Most of the people here probably don't know their neighbors names but then they hit the internet and they're suddenly humanists. I hate that shit. Like I said, talk is cheap, and the internet can be a great way to organize but rhetoric seems to be the only endgame and i'm sick of talking, so I'm just done with this sub. And I'll admit I was probably a little harsh about this particular post, it's probably related to everything I've seen here building up to it.

Also, hashtags. Fuck them up the ass they're worthless.

The problem is his aimless rambling got upvoted to my front page.

And the comments halfway down this page are in support of the Loose Change 9/11 conspiracy shit. Fuck me. /unsubscribed

If you have ideas on how to go about this please share. I actually give a fuck.

I think he means if you care about nothing else, you'll probably end up in a shitty position in life. Put in the appropriate amount of time to enjoy life and get a good career, and you will be in a better position to do more.

Nobody cares about/listens to the homeless guy with a 911 sign. Get a respectable career/life and it's a little different

Ya very true I do care about other things. This was just my idea to start something and bring us back side by side. Rather than bitching at eachother.



Oh well. Normal is boring right?

Certain users are simply bullshit and here to disrupt conversation. Be careful.

Reddit is a shithole. If you don't suppprt war and self poisoning you are ridiculed. Literally. It's groups of pissing contests and circle jerks. Not healthy. A melting pot of frustrated people suffering from intellectual inferiority complexes.

Considering the [-8] I have for you and the RES tag of "disruptor" I will take your word on your exodus from this subreddit.

Good riddance.

You know, immature people live on the earth, in society. You better unsubscribe.

What teenager makes 50k a year?

One with a decent job? Why do you ask? None of those things describe me.

I know one actually, dropped out and worked construction,

Fair enough.

/u/Snoochie_Noochie said:

And fuck off with your "older generation" bullshit and take responsibility for the situation that we're in. God damn it's like everyone here has a finger pointed at someone else, and then when it leads back to them they're confused as to why nobody takes then seriously.

Hmm, maybe this is a movement? OK, lead the way, people. Begin your confession. What's your responsibility?


I'm pretty sure any comment that can be interpreted as a call to action, or which describes actions that the individual might take actually gives a green light for authorities to dig into your information.

If your personal belief is that those who have such huge latitude in how they can investigate you and interfere in your life are on your side, and their powers are effective and deserved, then I am glad that you are so comfortable, and I hope that power doesn't always corrupt.

They are not on our side. They have been watching you since before you hit that subscribe button. Just unfortunatly for them there is still that damn pesky constitution in the way. But they got teams of "enlightened" ones working to fix that.

‘Illegal we do immediately; unconstitutional takes a little longer’: Kissinger in new mass WikiLeaks document release Source

I like how you jumped from him pointing out that it's a mundane occurrence to magically being able to decipher his opinions on the government, or anything else.

You don't even see what you do, do you? You just have this little narrative of yours, whatever it may be and you will shoehorn it anywhere that you can.

If you want to know why this sort've thing is often not taken seriously, look into a mirror.


You just described 100% of reddit.

I said "If". I didn't claim to know blahblah's opinion at all, I merely made a statement conditional to the possibility that that was his opinion on government etc.

You have resorted to an ad hominem attack on me, you say that my very person is discrediting, as if to say that no matter what I say, it will be useless.

I may seem slippery, yet I merely try to be honest. If it appears otherwise, please point out the flaws in my words.

I'm not sure what you think my little narrative is, exactly.

Haha, your comment hinges on whether his rant passes your monocle test? You're chuckling because the NWO's dildo isn't so far up your ass as his is? Brilliant.

Shut up and keep rowing the NWO's boat like the rest of us. Are you holding paper that says FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE on it? You are?


Making a medical diagnosis over the internet is a pretty bold move.


Nice recovery attempt. Try harder. You know what's gay? Your post.

Johnny_bingo confirmed internet psychologist, just look at his post history....

Calm down big boi. No need to take this shit so seriously.

No he is just probably in his early twenties and bored.

Doctor over the internet eh?

The first time you find out about this stuff can make you very scared.

this kid seems to actually believe that he might be in danger from the government

The only one who used the word danger was you, my friend; additionally, OP didn't say anything about any government seeing his post or any consequences of his post, like you seem to imply.

I read it and he clearly implied it. Yes, maybe he's spending too much time in this sub. But tell that to Michael Hutchence.

I made the edit as a soft jest. Unfortunately did not put /s and people are running with it.

The best way to derail a conversation is by attacking the character of the person, instead of the argument itself.

I wouldn't care if he was what you described. The message is righteous.

If you feel you have a problem with some decency for the human race, of which everything in your life spawned from, then obviously the message herein was not addressed to you. It was About you.

His message was millionaires should give him money. That's what this boils down to. How dare people be successful and then enjoy an extravagant lifestyle.

How was that my message. I said they should be forced into solving THE WORLDS PROBLEMS.

Why don't you solve the worlds problems instead of bitching about how other people should in a stupid rant on Reddit?

I am trying at least. The first step is uniting.

Posting a wall of text on Reddit is "trying" now?

Give me a fucking break.

You're so interested in #HUMANITY, volunteer at a soup kitchen. Join the peace corps. Run for office. Donate to charity.

There are hundreds of little things you can do to make the world a better place, this wasn't one of them.

I have done those things. So do not state with no basis that I haven't. I am a humanitarian and I do care. The problem exists at the top and has a trickle down effect and those great volunteering things do not have the effects you would hope. You know how they reduced drug addiction in Portugal by half? By treating it as a mental illness not a crime. This was meant to unite us it is but the first step.

Get involved in your congressman/senator's staffer position, and then bring pressing issues, or controversial people to his attention. Affect things on a local level. Then move up. Thats how you get to bigger fish on a national scale buddy.

I dont have Congress, we have MLAs. They are just as shitty and just as corrupt. Last election our current government ran for election on the platform they were against this tax. Once elected immediately completed a 180. Then we had a referendum as a people and struck it down. But the two-hundred-million they spent to implement the tax was already spent. An additional 1 billion was apparently needed to reverse it. I am mainly stating we as redditors/humans need to unite and have some sort of symbol that shows we are pushing for certain changes that are obvious to a better future. Symbolism can be a powerful ally.

Just keep speaking your truth. These clowns cannot offer a shred of useful advice. Declaring you stand for peace and love in a message online does more good than they will achieve in their next 10 years of message board masturbation. Peace and love and goodness. Say it whenever and wherever. That's plenty.

And a loser going out of his way to ridicule a stranger for absolutely nothing is an authority on doing good? If you want to be an asshole try not revealing your delusional self righteousness. It just comes off as limp dickness.

And a loser going out of his way to ridicule a stranger for absolutely nothing is an authority on doing good?
I'm not the guy posting a wall of text in a conspiracy subreddit and thinking it accomplishes something.

they should be forced

Aren't you then just lessening freedom and creating more tyranny?

People with 30 million dollars have plenty of liberty. And might we add they have no problem in getting together to take ours away.

Then you are justifying tyranny, which makes you just as bad as these people with 30 million dollars who are supposedly taking your liberty away.

Maybe. It kind of seems that way. The thing is though a large majority of them do not want change. Why would they. Historically people at the top enjoy being there and will fight tooth and nail to stay there.

I'm glad you thought this out. So you want to flip everything on its ear. Instead of getting rid of oppression all together, we should just shift it to the bastards that deserve it. Noble...

Okay I am not looking for insulting arguements I am trying at least to do something. Any ideas I will be happy to add them. If not you are not doing anything constructive here so why not move along.

If you are insulted I am not responsible. It might seem that way because I am making a pretty convincing argument for the fact that your argument is completely hypocritical. BTW Calling you a hypocrite is not an insult if it is demonstrably true.

See you are just here for insults. I dont have the time and dont care for namecalling. It is not hypocrisy.

Care to explain why it is OK to force rich people to do something and not OK to do the same to the poor. If you want to get jerked off you can keep saying thank you to the people that support you, but if you want to be an activist you should be willing to argue with some one that disagrees. I have not yet insulted you, only said things that you don't want to hear. That is not a good reason to ignore my concerns. If its not hypocrisy you are going to have to explain why, because by definition it is.

No actually perfect I was looking for you to give something I could actually argue. The reason is that the poor have never pushed down anyone who is alive today and rich. They have made money (some by stretching laws) and stepped on us to do so. While the initial response may be hypocritical if the end result is sustainable energy transportation and the end of starvation is it that bad? They will still be able to live and be rich. But the crucial environmental problems will be solved. Then we can begin working on everything else. Do you any better ideas on how to do it? If you are not going to provide any and just shoot down mine then I have no interest in furthering this debate.

That's not a plan that's an idea. It's like saying "I think we should get the Chinese to fix the environment because they broke it". I respond by saying "great that is a good idea now how are you going to get them to do it, once they agree how will they go about doing it and then once that is done how will we maintain and regulate our clean environment". And you respond with " I am not here to be insulted and have no interest arguing with you unless you have another solution. Don't just shoot down my ideas." Putting aside the Nazi-esque "the ends justify the means mentality" you have adopted How will you get the rich to do it, How will They do it, and once its done whats to stop you from taking on their roles as tyrants? You are clearly not bound by a strict moral code if you think the ends justify the means.

I am actually enjoying this because you are putting valid responses and questions. I am a firm believer that through controversy we gain discussion and through discussion understanding. Understanding gives you the best course of action. I have to go for a bit though. Ill be back with a response. Gives me a chance to think about your valid claims.

Progressive income taxes or you can go back to the game.

We have a progressive tax system already and the bottom 50% of our country already averages a net loss in tax revenue. Meaning the rich are already supplementing the poor. Not enough for you?

The article economically justifies a 99% top tax rate, if you would like to actually read something other than CNBC cheerleaders for the 1%ers. Also check out the top 10 corps who paid ZERO in taxes, here EDIT: nice compilation of widespread tax abuse here including "carried interest" for hedge boys, tax havens, unremitted income, etc. You got any?

I saw that, the difference is my cheerleaders are not proposing anything, just providing factual information. As for the corps, its called boosting our GDP by providing incentives for companies to operate within the united states. The world is a competitive place and there is no room for your black and white outlook.

You call it what you want, I'll call it corporate welfare, a small portion of which is recycled back into crony campaign dollars a la Citizens United. Let's ask the oil and gas industry how much bang they get for their "lobbying" buck, hmm. See I think, to quote Leona Helmsley, "Only the little people pay taxes" and you, my friend are an apologist for that sorry situation. But hey, thanks for all the valuable links you've contributed over your time on Reddit. A real pleasure reading your 77 karma stuff.


You and me both.

Keep your nobility and be a slave for life. Smart.

Define slave. Because I'm pretty sure a black guy living in the 1800's would swap with me pretty quick. Not to mention the big question here is who is going to force the rich people to do it. The government? ROFL. If you guys were rich you would clearly be "the bad guys".

Working 9-5 and being a productive member of society is "slavery" now?

67 people own half the wealth of the world last I heard, any money you will make in your "productive" job is chicken crap next to that.

Not to mention most jobs which today are considered productive will be automated soon.

67 people own half the wealth of the world last I heard, any money you will make in your "productive" job is chicken crap next to that.

I make enough to live comfortably doing a job I enjoy. I finished school, went to university on my own dime and worked my ass off to get where I am. I have no complaints. 95 percent of the world doesn't have it as good as I do...complaining because there are rich people in the world is a waste of time.

Your life is not the problem that needs to be fixed. If you are happy in your 'life' simulation, stay there. Just hope you don't end up as collateral damage to the problems you choose to ignore cause by this oligarchy.

but it's not fair! Why do you hate fairness?

A person speaks his mind and you immediately attack him. So what if he is a teenager? I'm 32 and I agree with a lot of what he is saying. Maybe he is slightly schizophrenic and truly believes "they" are out to get him. So fucking what? !

TLDR- We should be discussing and not attacking eachother.

why are you attacking MoronInAHurry for his opinion?!

Well MinH was being quite inflammatory and hyperbolizes the OP's post. For example, OP never mentioned "revolution," yet MinH felt the need to say OP wanted to start a "hashtag revolution."

MiaH also said OP felt in "danger;" the OP never used the word danger, nor did the OP express the sentiment that he felt endangered by any government seeing his post.



I guess the ad hominem aspect is limited to him calling him a "euphoric teenager", he was actually skillful enough to mostly attack what OP's premise or contentions were, so I guess that's more strawmanish. Either way, it's not really an unemotional and cogent retort, more like name-calling and defamation.

I don't have a big problem with it, it's just discussion, yet intellectually, it's useless and unconvincing as a counterargument to OP's subject matter.


Look at the wiki on ad hominem like I just did and perhaps you'll feel it could fit almost all of the categories provided there.

I don't know everything, yet I know the difference between attacking a message or a messenger.

Are you really getting paid to type things on Reddit? How do I get that job?

Don't you get paid to say this?

You realize if we came together as a people using social media, we could control elections by putting real info out there and telling people who to vote for. Just because it involves social media, twitter specifically, does not make it lame or weak. Dude also states he is 23, but who the fuck actually knows how old he is.

Lol fuck I wish I was younger. Would have done things slightly different.

That guy who started the Kony thing got fucked up pretty good. Naked on pcp on St.Patrick's day or whatever. I think you're a fool to imply that nobody places themselves in danger by openly challenging those in power.

You read like someone trying to discredit /conspiracy and you contribute less than the post does.

Sure there are people who are foolish and are motivated by ego, OP might be one, but you seem more likely to fit that profile.

Lol because there's a zero percent chance that the Kony guy just took some PCP and went crazy? Nope, he released a poorly made and hyperbolic YouTube video, guess the government had to remove him!

This sub always makes my day.

I didn't say there was zero chance that he merely partied too hard all on his own, that might be the simplest explanation, yet the whole situation of a social media movement resulting in some military actions, and having what happened to the guy at the seeming center of things is a bit interesting to me, that's all.

When you say that my contention is that there is zero percent chance of an alternative to my supposition, you make that strawman type argument, as you have misrepresented my words.

Clowns who post here claiming they are here to chuckle make my day. Like it's just soooo funny? Your life must suck a sack of dongs if this is what's making your day.

well, it was fun to read, admit it.

/u/User_History_Bot MoronInAHurrry

Someone gave you gold as if your response wasn't as predictable as the call for a hash tag revolution. The irony hahaha. Reddit is so gay it's painful. Twitter jr for plastic geeks.

Account active for nine months and only 1 post or comment ever? Guess what, I don't give a fuck about what you have say when you're clearly hiding your past mate.

Just my 2 cents...

Lol you sir are ridiculous. I am 23 not a teenager. The parents part has to do with the change in views from generation to generation. How once accustomed to a way of thinking they will deny anything that causes discord in their worldly beliefs.

It's probably more that they are your parents than it is a generational thing. Yeah, the generation gap has something to do with it, but probably not as much as you might think. Depending on your parents' ages, they probably witnessed many troubling events: JFK, Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, Nixon/Watergate, and obviously 9/11.

Waking up friends and family is the hardest thing to do. You have to remember these people know you. They either know first hand or heard of all the dumb things you thought, said, and did as a child/teenager. (We all did some pretty dumb things as kids, so it's nothing new.)

I have found that if you are really interested in waking up your friends and family, you must lead by example. Live your life by the values you believe in. State your thoughts, principles, and beliefs clearly and only if asked. Trust me in time they will ask.

I had to change my frame of mind from trying to force people to wake up, to planting seeds. Well placed words, intent, and actions work best on those closest to you.

I'm 23 too, yes most of our generations parents are past the point of no return. They could have evidence of something sitting right in front of them and they wont believe it. That said...what are you doing about it? Do you go to college? Do you have a job? We cant change shit sitting in on our laptops posting #4humanity ....

I made the mistake (at the time - Boston) of being a bit too forward with friends and family about what I believe. Nobody could grasp the concept that possibly, in this case the reporting on the Boston Bombing was all over the place with a lot of details not being looked at.

It was people blissfully watching the MSM and taking in what was happening at the Bombing. Everyone I worked with, my family and friends - the only time they learned something new about the Boston Bombing it was from the news. They wouldn't assess the information they were getting and instead just take it on board.. It's quite sad really.

When I commented to my father about the NSA leaks about surveillance (I had just watched the entire 30c3 keynote on NSA security). He didn't really listen to what I was saying and laughed it off saying "Are you sure you're not a paranoid schizophrenic".

You have to understand people are defensive when something challenges their world view... Reluctant to accept anything.

This is extremely frustrating, I make comments on reddit all the time asking and nudging people to look into things...

They respond with stupid comments, usually cursing and the common "look at this nutcase", they repeat the same tired things such as "you won't take any new information in because you cling to your conspiracy theories"

They are so stupid, yet they will turn around and post very intelligent stuff in /askscience, at the same time they actually believe that jet fuel dropped the twin towers.

Absolutely Mind boggling.

It wasn't just Jet Fuel.. Office fires caused by burning jet fuel are more destructive.

A localized office fire turned three skyscrapers into dust in 2001. Never forget.

Reddit is plagued with people/bots/assholes who are on a mission to discredit and attack discussion on many unpopular topics. Paid - or doing it because they themselves feel they need to stand up for their own silly agenda.

Ignore it and carry on.

Paid - or doing it because...

I know exactly what you're saying. HAHA

This guy knows. Only you're getting paid by the great lord.

but Rosie O'Dumbbell said it would be the first time in history fire has melted steel!

Not just the jet fuel and the office furniture, the massive hole left by the plane might've also contributed.

Of course the hole.. I totally forgot. I guess physics is on your side here.

A weak link in the steelwork that high up is absolutely going to cause the entire building to come down uniformly (on all sides of the building - plane or no plane), turn itself into dust and pretty much rewrite the book on physics.

This can't just go through a change into dust. It requires energy - explosive energy.

It requires energy - explosive energy

Have you seen this video? It postulates that 9/11 was a nuclear explosion.

That was actually the first 9/11 hypothesis - that the two WTC buildings were felled by nuclear devices in the basement.

All those piles of rubble that they spent months clearing up weren't heaps of dust.

...or the energy of a building falling on it. There's no good evidence to suggest an inside job. This kind of shit is pulling focus from real government overreach and making everyone here look like a foil hat.

A cut column. If there's anything to suggest that was cut before the building came down, and not in the months that followed, please let me know.

Falling on what? If the upper floors are supported by the 50+ floors below it which are unaffected structurally by either the fire or the plane then how does everything disintegrate.

Physics would suggest the remaining steel would support and bear the increased load, if a failure was to occur it would take place in the form of a partial collapse (segments/upper floors/walls falling to ground level). It would not be pretty, likely damage surrounding structure and the debris would cover a larger area - which I guess is why controlled demolition is so popular.

A large quantity of the structure would still be standing following this scenario...

Dude if you think the forces involved could annihilate everything then you need to put down that crank pipe and get a book and some calculators in your life! Are you allowed to dress yourself?!

The forces involved would have done exactly what they did to both buildings.

I'll do you a deal. I put down my crank pipe and get a book, you take off your tinfoil hat and do some researce from sources other than conspiracy websites.

Wacko alert! Two buildings of identical design, getting hit with aircraft at different angles through different locations in the building. Both buildings fall with pinpoint precision graciously into their own footprint.

Oh and WTC 7 decided to come for the ride.. It followed with an almost perfect fall (10/10) without a plane hitting it. Great achievement.

Maybe you should get a decent education or work on something you have some experience in... Engineering/Construction clearly isn't your strong point. Sorry, you clearly haven't got a clue about Engineering, Materials or Construction.

Honestly.. You're kind of embarrassing yourself. I didn't want to say anything... But you are.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say there. Two identical building got hit by two planes with very similar results. And then some insults. And that's why its all a government job.

Two identical buildings.

Two planes.

Two very different flight paths.

Two very different entry angles.

Both planes will behave differently on impact.

Both buildings will behave differently as a result.

Both buildings collapse almost identically... Then you have WTC 7 which followed the collapse, but didn't have the initial plane impact or the office fires to cause structural damage.

Sorry dude, I knew I shouldn't have used so many words. You're obviously a little slow and I bet you're really lacking someone important in your life. Move on bro.

Again with the insults. Always a sign aof a rock solid argument. Same buildings, same planes, same fuel, same fires, same pancaking, same results. Sure, different angles and different heights.

If you really believe what you say you believe, and all you do is whine on the net about it, then we are very different kinds of people.

Thanks. Different angles and different heights. We can agree on that.

Which means the towers could not come down on their own identically as they did. The destruction you witnessed was a controlled demolition.

Different people - you're on here whining about what happened, if anything you're going out of your way. I think I am very clearly telling you that if you do believe what you say you believe, then I have no other option but to label you insane.

Sorry, it's not an insult. It's the truth. If you can't handle the truth then get out of the kitchen.

Labelling someone insane because they don't believe the same conspiracy theory as you. I suppose that's the kind of rigorous diagnosis I should expect from someone that concludes how much of a structure should be left standing, after an impact from a plane, just by eyeballing it.

I am going out of my way, to point out that these deeply debunked conspiracy theories are pulling focus away from real government overreach. I am engaging directly with the problem.

This thread is so far down into the abyss now that it almost doesn't matter any more. You're dragging this out and you know it.

I know black from white. I know what reportedly happened in 2001 is totally laughable.

You're going out of your way because you have issues. I have to label you insane because you're running away using some fictitious physical phenomenon theory totally disregarding everything conventional physics tells us.

I would goof, but you appear to be serious. Which would again, suggest you are insane as you don't seem to know any different? Get with reality!

Getting called insane by a conspiracy theorist is just priceless. Maybe one day, one of those insults will turn some of your conjecture into fact.

Keep up the good fight. And, seriously, read through some of the debunking stuff, it might broaden your outlook.

If it helps you solidify and protect your world view then take it bro, you need it. It's just sad.

I'm just the messenger, you might still want to visit a doctor.

I find the fear inside them very similar to the fear religious people have when you lead them to question their faith. They are immediately faced with a comparatively uncomfortable reality that compels them to change many things about how they see the world. They deny, ridicule, and dismiss in order to maintain a more pleasant worldview. It's not about intelligence. I and others have seen plenty of intelligent religious people. The same pattern holds true with conspiracy deniers. It's about intellectual courage and discipline. One has to want to know the truth more than one wants to maintain a pleasant state of mind in order to cross the barrier and see the world closer to it how it actually is. Along with the fear of an unpleasant reality comes the itch of not knowing the truth, only having incomplete evidence that indicates that the authorities are deceiving us. People dislike uncertainty, especially over matters of importance.

You are absolutely spot on with this.. The response when discussing either gets the exact same reaction.

"No - that's impossible - I know better - They said its true - I'll stick with what I know - you're evil".

No building is meant to survive a near million pound Molotov cocktail loaded with 90,000 lbs of jet fuel at high speeds. You're also disregarding steel distortion, structural damage, and synchronous failure of steel supports which is why the buildings fell. The science explains it, not your simplistic laymans view. Idiot. I know there are hundreds of credible conspiracies out there, don't ruin our name by dragging the shitty ones along with us. There might be more missin info about 9/11, but saying those two buildings were brought down by anything other than planes is idiotic.

Are you actually insane?! You need to get some help.

The buildings obviously fell - That's pretty clear. Lets say the fire destroyed 10 floors of WTC 1 and WTC 2. Can you account for the other 100 floors of WTC 1, 100 floors of WTC 2 and the 47 floors in WTC 7 not affected by the fire but still turned into dust. DUST.

Steel distortion, Structural Damage and 'synchronous failure of steel supports' still wouldn't produce the effects witnessed in 2001. Fire doesn't turn structural steel into dust.

You are a kook!

EDIT: This paragraph was not in your post at the time I commented

The science explains it, not your simplistic laymans view. Idiot. I know there are hundreds of credible conspiracies out there, don't ruin our name by dragging the shitty ones along with us. There might be more missin info about 9/11, but saying those two buildings were brought down by anything other than planes is idiotic.

Honestly - and this isn't a goof. If you really think that WTC 1, WTC 2 AND WTC 7 came down because of an office fire caused by two planes flying into WTC 1 and WTC 2 then I really do think you're insane.

You need to science bro!


Architects and engineers for 9/11 truth.

The 9/11 engineers used by the commission were shills. Others reported intimidation and gag orders.

wake up. please.


Ok, yelling and arguing aside, here is what I find impossible; How did it take 1 hour for it to fall down if the jet fuel caused it to fall down?

I just don't believe that the jet fuel could have burned for a straight hour, and if it didn't burn for that whole hour the temperature around the steel beams would quickly decrease, making it less and less likely for the tower to collapse.

Other things caught on fire. It was a jet fuel accelerated office fire. How hard is that to understand?

There's a reason the people who went to graduate school for architecture/engineering don't buy into this bs.

How about you quit talking out of your Sphincter... I can 100% confirm that your above comment is untrue.

I think those insane meds are messing you up dude..

Maybe you havent noticed the complete MSM blackout of any opinion which doesent match the Government story..

Did you know that Independent commissions in other countries have Debunked our 'official' story.

You're eithe completely fucking ignorant, or you're a shill.

Read and awaken.

/Science Degree btw. Explain free fall acceleration.. Oh, you can't. Kind of a smoking gun ya know'.

Yes - Office fire is a funny way of describing a controlled demolition.

But hey, I'm just quoting the official story.. The government already said their piece. Office fires. That's the scenario their Engineers and scientists arrived at.

Although there's a minuscule fraction who jumped on the 'truther' movement, the vast majority who know what the fuck they're talking about and have the expertise to make these calls know the towers fell from planes.

LOL. Put down that crack pipe.. I don't know if I should write a response. I am sure you're insane.. I'm impressed that you can type to a high school standard though so carry on.

NIST Engineers > A&E9/11?

A qualified Engineer is a qualified Engineer. A qualified architect is a qualified architect.

You need to educate science in yourself.. I like your discrediting tactics though. Impressive.

Why all the personal attacks? State your opinion and move on.

I have done a LOT of hard work researching the the things that confirm and buttress my worldview. It's staggering and frustrating that most people out there won't do the hard research required to back up their own beliefs. Most people will just shut out contrary evidence when faced with it. It's sad, really, but that's the world we live in...

There are definitely discrepancies in the story announced about the Boston Bombing and the arrests being made, and what I specifically remember hearing at the time it was taking place. People were posting online feeds of police radios at the time. Although my memory has become slightly skewed due to the only information available about it online has most likely been tailored, I do remember differences in details on the event. It truly is a shame, as I have no physical proof of this too, so I'm unable to prove anything.

Fucking sucks, this world we live in. We are all slaves.

This tweet should have been investigated. Where did the information come from, someone had to be aware of the drill.

Then you look at the shreds of 'information' that the guys case was built on.. The hysteria happening after the bombing; The hijacking etc...

Not forgetting the 5+ bombs that the Tsarnaev's had on them when they fled Boston. They stated that they were heading to Manhattan. The media covered it and then dropped it.

Details are scarce.

I think some people are afraid of what is happening and what very well may happen, it's easier for them to laugh it off and ignore it then to really try to understand and face it.

You have to understand people are defensive when something challenges their world view... Reluctant to accept anything.

The irony of posting that on this subreddit is mind boggling

I totally resonate with the feelings and beliefs you keep which made you feel inspired to write this post and I agree on pretty much every point so I'm mostly writing this to respond to the title rather than the content.

Each generation and phase of humanity has its own themes and each individual has their own internal understanding of how society is organized. Fundamentally, our parents grew up in an entirely different world and only the most lucid of their generation will be able to adopt the themes and sense of adventure/new territory that our generation has chosen and/or has been forced to adopt. The rate we're being ushered through these changes at this point is frankly too much for many humans to handle. It is not easy to be able to handle ideas that range outside of one's practical and immediate experience, so to expect your parents to understand is pushing it.

I am in the same position. My parents were at the tail end of the boomers and even though they put flowers in their hair and smoked dope when they were younger and consider themselves fantastically informed and liberal and smarter than most of their peers(and they are), it is still impossible for them to really grasp how the structures they take for granted are corrupt, outdated and crumbling before us. In the states we are still sheltered from the upheaval so it is hard to see unless you look and are willing to turn off both fox news AND npr. When I start talking to them about peak oil and stuff they go silent. I can see the internal struggle on their faces when they try to understand the world our generation is inheriting and the changes we will have to make. It is just not kosher or germane to their internal organization of the world. It is a shame they won't be able to totally share our world with us, but that is just how it is.

Help them get situated for the future as much as they and you are capable and interested, because that is all you can do for them at this point. I am going to help mine build a food forest and improve their diets as much as they will entertain me and care to, and beyond that all I can do is tip my hat to them and wish them luck.

Holy shit, who is this dog that is so insightful? I feel soooo old (2.7 time OP), but I have seen what may be the greatest covert op of "tin hatting" anyone who disagrees with the approved story get spun over and over again into whistle-blowing. This has to be a time when we all work on pulling together, not apart. I have made many younger friends during the last 3-4 years putting our feets in the streets. See, Billionaire Peterson spends large to try to bring out a generational conflict in the US. The end result sought is a divide and conquer to cut social programs while keeping all the goodies for the 1% types. I'm going to urge us all not to play that game.

It's not like the "boomers" had any more control over the crash than the mills have over finding a job or paying off their student loans. They told us that NAFTA and globalization would float all our boats. What really happened was that the international capitalists were free to ship our manufacturing over to the places where they pay $10 a month rather than $10 an hour and don't have all them pesky building standards for their factories (think Pakistan). So bye-bye American manufacturing pie, and we become a "service" economy like this

But wait, has Wall Street got a deal for us to maintain a middle class life style. See, they bought a bunch of pols from both parties so that they don't actually represent us anymore and got all nicely deregulated (think Glass-Steagall). They have also defanged the SEC and anybody that would try to stop them or can even understand their deliberately convoluted derivatives. Oh, and they have nicely corporatized the media so we get fluff instead of news (Is Kim really prego, OMG). So, they de-couple the mortgage loan makers from the mortgage loan risk takers and then look around for marks to sell their crap to, and then bet against their own clients. Now the hedge boys are going around and buying up the foreclosures to turn them into rentals. Their house always wins.

As long as the boomers can use their homes like ATMs, like a frog in slowly boiling water, the pitchforks are quiet. They get the media to talk smack on them welfare cheats and monger up the fear of "yellow cake" and voila, social programs including tuition, etc. are cut and the savings goes to Halliburton and crew in no bid contracts in places that you can't even find without a Google. Trillions of dollars, but damn those folk who want social security or a reasonably priced edumacation, amirite?

But wait, there's more. It's 2007-8 and the party's over. Our best-politicians-money-can-buy decide to help the under water homeowners banksters with another couple Trillion of our dollars, some of which is recycled back to them as Citizens United campaign contributions. Ahhh, the circle of crony-life. We now have the highest concentration of wealth in the US since the 1920s. America is richer with all the paper money the Fed is printing every month, but the regular folk are poorer. You really think that is because of the folk? They could have bailed us, but no, no, we've made poor life choices. BTW around 16% of computer programming college degrees are unemployed. We make poor choices, but they deserve their ever expanding wealth? Come on, talk to the boomers, focus on the real issues a small bite at a time, and we can have a long-overdue conversation.

TL;DR It's not about age, we need to all pull together to beat the forces of evil.

I definitely agree that whistleblowers get stuffed away, snuffed, discredited and so on. Probably more now than ever. And I agree with everything you say about the financial industry and how other aspects of society are wrapped up in it.

I am quite aware that generational squabbles are a distraction, but the boomers as a whole were naive to think globalization as envisioned by large governments and corporations wanting power like that would be a good thing. Plus, they were the ones in charge of those processes and the ones pushing the paper in all the offices and participating in those types of jobs. I am not blaming them because that is what their generation was supposed to do because I deeply believe in a teleological order to the world. Again, I am not blaming them and even if I was, at this point that sort of anger would be misplaced and a waste of time. But, a lot of their ideals did indirectly allow these sorts of corruptions and inequalities to develop. This is more a function of basic human ignorance than a generational thing because human ignorance is not bound by any rubric we might use to categorize ourselves. The reason I described the differences in our generations was to respond to the title of the post rather than to start an argument over whose fault it is. I hope this makes sense.

There is just as much ignorance and poor decision making going on now and in all the generations between. Most people are not directly responsible or ultimately intend to support such corruption, but by accepting and wanting the american dream or something like it, they tacitly accept all the bullshit that comes along with it. When we decide we want a mortgage for a big house, two new cars per family per every few years, big shopping malls, lots of toys etc we are nonverbally saying we also want a giant military to help subsidize the oil that such stuff requires. In a sense, those thieves do deserve what their greed earns them if the rest of the population is too lazy or unwilling to pull together to inform themselves and then change and redefine how life should be lived. Every individual is as powerful and important as the next UNLESS people are willing to waive their individual sovereignty which we see happen in a variety of ways all the time. At this point it will take a lot of force and anguish to reverse that sort of psychic momentum at work in our society, but it is a choice we have always had available.

tldr: I agree with you and I hope that is clear.

I completely agree. But in my experience it has been the youth who are willing to act.

I also went out against Vietnam in my day, so the issues haven't really changed much. Some of the Chicago 7 went to work for Wall Street which anecdotally shows that folk become more conservative with age in general. Don't give up on your old school friends and relatives; each person is on their own path, some further along than others. I've been having good success with some of my neighbors. As Karl noted, times of downward social mobility offer organizing opportunities.

Amazing I appreciate the post.

Holy cow man, break that up into paragraphs.

Our democracy and individual rights are heavily under fire.

Name three things that you personally had the right to do (and actually did) twenty years ago that you can't do now.

This is OUR world not theirs.

This world is for the older generations exactly as much as it is for the younger.

I no longer accept the slaughter of innocents in the middle east or anywhere.

I don't think anyone does. It's the non-innocents people are worried about.

I no longer believe in the invisible lines old men drew in the sand to divide us. Whether you are American, Russian, Brazilian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Iraqi etc.

You have a point, but keep in mind that national divisions are not a new thing. They've been around for thousands of years. And they're not just "invisible lines old men drew". They're so much more complicated than that, with hundreds of years of history and culture behind them. For the most part, they're not there "to divide us" they're there because we were already divided.

I believe that coorporations and governments must become fully transparent as to show us the true nature of their decisions and unearth their conflicts of interest.

Again, you have a point, but what about things like military tactics that rely on secrecy and surprise, or trade secrets that would ruin a business if they got out, allowing others to copy them with no effort on their part. (Note that I'm not defending all such secrecy, I'm just saying that sometimes it can be useful and beneficial.)

This creates my belief that it is them (anyone with a net-worth of over 30 million)who should surrender a third of their wealth to combat the problems of the earth ie: sustainable energy and transportation, starvation etc...If they do not like it they should have done something before the world reached where it is now.

Most of those people have nothing to do with "where the world is now". You make it sound like all the problems in the world are 100% the fault of rich people, and 0% caused by any poor person. That's ridiculous.

Edit: I recommend as many as possible screen shot this. So if something does happen to me for stating this we can all say this is where it started.

Oh come on, get over yourself. Nobody's going to get you because you posted a rant on the internet.

Edit 2: this has now been removed from the front page of reddit. I hope all of you will help in assisting me messaging admins and mods to restore it so all can see.

Right now this post has 86 points. That's not near enough to reach the front page of reddit itself. And it's still on the front page of /r/conspiracy. In fact, I found it at #2.

He won't respond to people who "insult" him anymore. i.e. those who disagree.

Vague idealism is a fashion accessory that remains constant in youth. Your parents absolutely "get it". They are just over it.

Over it as in defeated and borged.

Very interesting point. Never thought about it like that.

You dont get "over" something until you are defeated or it starts to benefit you.

Well spoken. We need to stop being afraid of each other and start working as one species!

Nice username. Just started watching the X-files.

Notice the down voting already slowing it down.


It's already there, it's how I got here.

Have you heard of the Wolf PAC? That might be what he's getting at

If you want to suggest somethinga please go ahead. I have no hate for you. I did suggest some sort of action. If you read that far. I am open to suggestions and I am trying my best and have to start somewhere.

My suggestion would be to get out of this circlejerk. You know what the problem is about this place? The automatic assumption of a conspiracy clouds views and makes a lot of the people here absolutely blind for evidence, because if the government says so it must be lie (which is just as bad an assumption as "if the government says it then it's true"). That's for starters. I like this place for certain kinds of information that get posted here before anywhere else.

But that being said, finding a place of belonging and identity-building here is an awful awful idea. The amount of positive reinforcement of positions (aka circlejerk) is unhealthy and the historical and current understanding of how the world is and how we got here is primitive and biased, so there's that for a recommendation. People that make this a group of belonging have the same issue that all closed groups have and an "Other" is too quickly drawn (the "Sheep").

That first. Second, you NEED to know the history of the fight against the system and that will open your eyes. You speak of "Doesn't matter if you're right wing or left wing" but it does matter. It is a philosophical position that is radically different and the left has 300 years of history of rational, brave and committed fight to the system. And your cultural biases make you "tag" all the "left" as this massive strawman that the United States cultured has made of it, related to the Soviet Union specifically (which has nothing to do with leftist ideals and philosophy) and clouds the vision.

There are fights currently going on, locally to you, in your real life, and you have direct access to them. So get out, understand them, and join them. Stop fucking around in /r/conspiracy permanently reinforcing your views.

Get out of Twitter, Facebook, stop playing that game, don't embrace the fucking hashtag and the reduction of content to one empty little meaningless piece of shit concept as "4humanity". Be complex. Be aware. Be active. Don't reduce. Absorb, and expand, explain.

Yes. The government lies to you. Accept it like a big boy.

Are you even trying to read what I wrote?


Try not to forget your parents love you and from their perspective it's like you came home believing Scientology was the truth. They don't want you to get hurt or get in over your head. Coming across as a whack job probably isn't going to persuade many people to listen to you. Educate yourself, don't get into a pattern of conformation bias and look for practical solutions. Most honest people know the world is a corrupt cesspool. Be careful. You can still be happy.

Absolutely thay was not my point. I was saying that clearly it falls onto our shoulders.

This made me unsubscribe from this sub after over a year of frequent visits. That is how much I don't want to be like you.

Tagged you as "unsubscribed from /r/conspiracy".

You unsubbed to deny the niave part of yourself that is like him. You hate it. You are embarrassed of it. Get over it.

Not the naive part, the part of me that thinks everyone is out to get me and that everything happens for a reason. But yeah pretty much, except kinda the opposite.

You felt compelled to tell people that dont know you that you don't relate to a message no one knew you read. Is that mature?

No but it's reddit.


The alternative is....? Having yourself re-inserted into the matrix, are you?

AWWW nooo... Don't do that. It is worse then this post.

It is worse than* this post.


There. That's pretentious.

Lol. Did you just search my comments for spelling mistakes, just so you could make this comment? I don't think pretentious is the write word this time.

right* word this time.

No, your mistakes are so prevalent that it was easy to find just reading along. I can go back and correct everything, if you like. I noticed you used "over" when you should have used "more than" earlier, too.

OK, what's your solution? I'm out of ideas. Well, i have some, all of them non-violent, like electronic voting, e-government, transparency, legalizing drugs, that sort of thing.

I need a problem before I can give you a solution. And it can't be as vague as inequality. That's not a cause, its reality.

You can't trust anything online. Remember 2008 and 2012 elections? How they just magically had the right amount of votes for the winner? I do not believe that elections came to one neighborhood in OH. I do not believe that every black person I ever met voted for Obama. Do you? The transparency thing and the drug thing I agree with though.

Remember it? I covered the 2008 election for a TV station in Germany. I was there, drinking from the firehose with everyone else. I agree completely. That graphic going around about how regulated VLTs are compared to voting machines makes the whole thing so laughable.

But we need to not gloss over stolen elections! That's an EPIC fail for the US.


Thank you. It is meant to be peaceful and just. I dont understand why many of the people here would hate on something that most everyone can agree on.

They are not normal comments for users of this sub... I enjoyed the read.

A lot more are on board then you think!

Good I am glad to hear it. Together we will bring peace and an end to corruption.

All of us get caught up sometimes. Don't let this shit ruin your day to day life though. Once you face the truth and start taking the steps you need to be prepared, you will not only feel better but you will feel empowered and in control.

These are the steps I have taken and continue to take to prepare myself and my family for the worst case scenario. I hope it never comes, but if it does, I know that me and my family will be much further ahead of the curve than the people that laughed at the idea that America could ever collapse:

  1. Make your family and loved ones aware of how you feel and why. Explain to them why you are stressed and why you are taking the steps you are.

  2. Limit your exposure to the dollar. The QE bubble has to pop sooner or later. Buy real estate, buy bitcoins, exchange dollars for other currencies and/or gold. Anything. Just don't be left hanging with all your money in dollars.

  3. BUY A RIFLE. Do not wait.

  4. Have food and water on hand. God forbid there is ever a shortage.

  5. Speak out. If ALL of us continue to SPEAK up about and call out the FUCKING FRAUDULENT pieces of shit that are destroying this country, there will be too many to round up just based on internet chatter. OBAMA IS A PSYCHOPATH MURDERER, there I said it.

  6. Accept death and pray to God. Don't be afraid to die standing up for what you believe in. They can take your life but not your soul. Whether you believe in God or Blind Chance, we all must come to terms with the fact that some things are simply out of our hands. Say a prayer to Jesus Christ or The Spaghetti Monster, tell your family and friends you love them and have fun and enjoy life while you have it.

Finally, remember that knowing the truth is half the battle. Remember that when a Whistleblower comes out and gives up their life to tell you something "crazy" or "tinfoil fedora conspiritarded" that they know that's how the public will react. They know that they will be called a pyscho and a "conspiritard" and BE KILLED but they still speak the truth. And for that, you have to hear them out and listen to their stories and take them seriously. Because if you don't, you won't be prepared for the moment their words come true.

The Whistleblowers:

Good luck and God speed brother. We are many and they are few. Remember that.

Well said. I took your comment and made this flyer.

for those who are awake

Pass that shit out!

You need to visit /r/conspiratard.

And see, what, exactly? An even worse circlejerk than we have here?

I was angry (still am) when I found out all the messed up crap going on but you cant just sit around and research/discuss conspiracies 24/7...its not good for your health. The edit you made already makes it seem like you're going a little crazy.

Just go hang out with some friends, have a beer, smoke a joint. Life is fucked, but it doesn't have to be all the time...and you sitting here telling your parents about conspiracies isn't doing anything for anyone.

It amazes me how many people who live in the parent's basement will post on the internet about "fighting and dying for freedom."

Most people making 50k a year would have flown the coup, surprising you couldn't make that simple connection.

He said he still couldn't afford to get his own place. So... either he blows his money or he is making up the 50K thing. Either way, he still lives at home.

Or he may rent...

Touche. However, if he can afford to rent from his parents I would have to assume he can rent elsewhere as well on $50k a year

Did I miss something? I didn't notice where he said he was renting from his parents.

people who live in the parent's basement

So this is how you view everyone on this subreddit?? You know where the unsubscribe button is.---->


Besides the hash tag thing I thought it was a good post. Your just full of your self. You do know this post was posted about in conspiratard and heavily brigaded.


You're just full of yourself.

That's better. However, I'm not the one who's claiming that I'm so important that the government or some other bogey man is out to get me.

Then why are they spying on you? Every call you make, every email you get. Political dissidents are always targets in countries that slide towards totalitarianism/authoritarianism.

They aren't spying on YOU specifically. Casting a wide net to take all the information is stupid, I agree. But they aren't sitting down at a computer and going "We need to do something about that kid sitting at Starbucks." Now, are there specific people that they ARE looking at? I'm sure there are. But just because you make up a fancy hashtag and claim you might be killed... not going to happen. Are there people out there that will kill to keep secrets? Sure. But you have nothing that they want, are interested in, and can justify for them to come out and cut the brake lines on your car for.

When america makes it's full transition to totalitarianism political dissidents will be in trouble... This is not theory, this is what happens historically..

Soviet Union From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

China from 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia From 1975 to 1977, one million

And on and on.....Why do you think they want all your info?. Why do they want access to those who supported Ron Paul's campaign?

They are making their list of political dissidents. They want to know who opposes their divine power.

For Pete's sake... nobody is going to start rounding up people in the US and exterminating them. Our political system and society wouldn't allow for it to even get CLOSE to happening. They aren't going to kill you if you supported Ron Paul. All you're doing is proving my point that the people who think that the government is out to get them are almost ALL just trying to make themselves feel more important to feel better about themselves. Simple as that.

I'm sure the Soviets and Chinese said the same thing. If you can't see this country moving towards totalitarianism then you are blind. The IRS is already working against political dissident organizations. America has already surpassed the Stasi spying ten fold. . It is like our government is using Orwell's 1984 as a play book.

What freedoms have you lost that you had last year? The year prior? 10 years ago? Please, show me the proof that the IRS or anyone else out there is out to get you.

Our whole economic system has been corrupted, rigged, a ponzie scheme. This directly effects you and I. I feel it.

Constitutional rights have been reduced to a loose guideline from the Law of the Land it once was.

Two thirds of America has been reduced to a constitution free zone.

Our once great democratic republic is now an Oligarchy.

Every part of our country is now pay to play (bribery). And of course those who have rigged the economic system are the only ones who can afford to be represented.

The whole country is spied on in violation of the 4th.

I feel these things. I feel them at my business. I feel them when I go to the store. I feel them when I have to pay in hundreds for taxes at the end of the year while the biggest corporations pay zero.

If you want to know how bad the police state has gotten just look here, or try to video record a cop /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/

America is no more. It is very sad and some can see through the illusion hiding our country's systematic destruction.

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

And again, history shows what happens to political dissidents.

Lol jesus fuck. You didnt even read it.

Neither did you obviously.


You still didn't read it.

I feel the world has been led to the slaughter house by corporations. They deny any accountability, as they poison our water and air. They buy off our government, so they con continue to cut corners with safety and EPA standards. I am an American. I see the sickness that plagues this country everywhere. It's greed. It's corporations restructuring this great nation to benefit them, to make them rich. Can't say a single founding father would agree with that. Our elected representatives don't represent us. It does not matter who we elect, because everyone has a price tag, since money is speech. The interests of the general population are not represented. I feel disheartened knowing that there is no "proper channel" to change anything. I want to run away from it all, to a simple life. But there is no such thing anymore. There is no escaping this reality.


Dude, chill.


Nope. Sorry. Did not intend offending anyone. It was meant to remind everyone that the main goals are the same no matter who you are. That we should no longer argue against eachother.

This submission has been crossposted

Title Author Upvotes Downvotes
My parents are worried for me but I'll show them with a deep rant about the government and an official hashtag! Take that mom and dad! (x-post /r/conspiracy) /u/adude23 1 0
My parents are "worried" about me. Say that I am too worried about "conspiracies" and not enjoying life. On the contrary I believe our democracy and freedom is at stake. Two things worth fighting and dying for IMO. #4humanity /u/travalexander 157 66

Timestamp - 2014-04-17 14:30:10

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Who cares what they think? This is why I don't bring this stuff up with my family. I tried and they had their chance. There will come a day when they realize they were wrong. If they can't see that we're already in a downward spiral it will proabbly be too late for them but that's not your fault.

Up votes for all. What a wonderful read. I feel very similar. Stay cool everybody.

We are all here with you sir! Maybe try checking out "The Aquarian Conspiracy - Personal and Social transformation in the 1980s by Marilyn Ferguson". This book is seriously blowing my mind. It is about everything you just posted. We are coming in and coming strong!

I keep this in my back pocket for deflecting parents/skeptics. Too many people just don't ask questions any more.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -Aristotle

At some point you have to stop concerning yourself with the rest of the worlds problems and just enjoy the life in front of and around you--I'm sure this is what your parents meant.

So if something does happen to me for stating this we can all say this is where it started.

The fact you think the government would kill you for saying this demonstrates perfectly just how delusional you are.

My head hurts...

......#wellintentioned #wishfulthinking


I enjoy how this gets up voted one then downvoted 2. There is no intelligent caring person who would object to something that fights aginst violence and corruption. Something all of us believe should end.

Don't take it personally everyone gets down voted here. Just be happy you got out of the 0-2 black hole.

There are a lot more people who think like this than you think. People are waking up across the world to realise the things you have said, but also to realise that our daily lives are skewed by media propaganda, by the depressing "economic crises", and yet all of the above are in plain sight. Imagine what they aren't telling us.

That being said, you sound not at all hopeful that how you think is recognised by anyone else. Trust me. I felt like this too at the start of my awakening. What else matters other than the beauty of the earth and the love mankind has for one another? Why should we need to make sense of these things, such as tax and government, Wall Street, terrorism? These are all here to cloud our minds from what is real.

For starters I'd recommend reading up on Alan Watts - I'm reading the Wisdom of Insecurity right now and it's helped me a lot. People have been thinking these things for years, but it seems only now a lot of us are beginning to wake from the depressed and ignorant societal slumber we've been living in.

Good luck on your journey. There are a lot of us with you.

If your cause was putting an end to violence and corruption then you are right, NO ONE would down vote you (and this post would be unnecessary). This is not the case. You don't really cite any actual injustices, so you are essentially saying "I am standing up for everything good and reject all bad things." You have no cause and no adversity so you are manufacturing it. How fucking dare you complain about making 50,000 in your early twenties. How noble and oppressed you are. You have been working for what? maybe 5 years and you can't afford a house yet. Better destroy society and start from scratch because I don't want to live in a world where such atrocities can be allowed. Get off of reddit for a while and gain some personal perspective. BTW if the "oppressors" are actually taking out activists, you are in no danger what so ever. In fact you aren't even on the list.

I think there are spiteful redditors and / or bots that literally scroll down the page and downvote everyone posting in /conspiracy.

There is. Every post I make and been able to check in this sub for the past few weeks has hit -1 or 2 within 20 seconds of posting.

This doesn't happen to me. Have you considered that your problem might stem from the laughable nature of the content of your posts.

Hey man, you got it. I think a lot of us would agree with just about everything you said.

My buddies and me decided to make music about this shit before we lost our fucking minds. We're playing at the El Mocambo next Friday for any Torontonians out there.

Thanks for the positivity!

I'm in the same boat; I come from a military family and both of my parents worked for a federal prison. I can't get them to talk about or even try to watch a doc on 9/11. I love my parents and want to share with them what I believe to get their input; but their response is always "What are you going to do about it?" So they may believe to a certain extent but they are right. How does someone go up against the Rothschilds when so much of the population is disaffected or unintelligable?

Hang in there, I have my bachelor's degree in history and people still think I'm off my rocker. Most people who are on the "conspiritard hate-train" couldn't tell you what a primary source is, which should say everything you need to know about their analytical thinking ability or lack thereof.

No. Don't hashtag. no.

Times change. Roll with it. Stay alive. Stay positive.

Then do something. Get the fuck off of your computer obsessing about conspiracies that do in fact exist, and actually make a difference instead of just telling your parents about it. They like most people would respect that, and you would make a far greater difference in the world.

Join an activist group, donate your time. Do something.

Lead by example. Be the most caring, compassionate, vigilant, intelligent, and happy person you can be. Be successful and be loud.

Either you are a master, master troll and have written the best post Reddit has seen in years, or you're hilariously unaware of how ridiculous your call to arms is given the details about your life you've provided.

Also I am never coming back to this SubReddit again, because this post made me lose the guilty-pleasure feeling I normally get from looking at this shit......hopefully you're talking to yourself under a lot of different accounts here.

You're "that guy" to the umpteenth degree; good luck with this.

From what I can tell all you do is talk about things and post on reddit. As far as I can tell you haven't done a damn thing and you're parents are right. You should are wasting your time and should be out doing something. Literally anything is more productive than this.

This is priceless.

I'm not here to insult you, just want to give you some perspective.

if your parents and loved one's are worrying that you're obsessing about this stuff (and from your post, it sounds like you are,) then you need to let it go and take a step back. atrocities, coverups, lies from the government, etc. come and go with each generation. what you have to understand is that there's not much you can do about it. why spend so much time getting so upset over something you have no control over? it's unhealthy. just enjoy the fact that you're pretty well-off, and move on. there's much more positive and constructive things you could be spending your time focusing on. there are people above you with more power than you, and yes they abuse that power. however, your fundamental human rights are still there. be glad you live in a country that has these.

YOU by yourself are not going to make any difference. Come to terms with that, and move on. You bring up a lot of good points, but this reddit post and you getting pissy and bitching to your parents won't solve anything. I agree with you. If you want to do something about it, get elected into local office, start a protest, go to the streets, go viral.

Democracy and freedom aren't really at stake. I mean, you're right, the democratic system is a bit of a joke these days but you can only solve that by going to the polls, to the streets and volunteering to support politicians who give a fuck. As far as freedom goes, I don't see any rights being taken away. All in all, it sounds like you're exaggerating a problem that has existed for decades now and spending too much time worrying about it. Go watch American History X. Different social issues, but the message is the same, "Life is too short to be pissed off all the time."

also, it sounds like you're just bitching about highly editorialized articles that you've read online. get off the computer and go smell the fucking roses.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Message me here. I don't read PMs!

Let's get something straight, you and everybody else has no right to say what someone with 30 million does with it, he earned it fair and square and you didn't...too bad!

Who are you to say "Anyone who has 30 million can surely survive off of 20 million" , how would you like it if I said "Anyone who has $50,000 surely can survive off $20,000...if they live within their means and move the hell out of Vancouver!"

Your whining about making $50,000 a year well guess what some people make less than $20 or even 10k and they get by, they just choose to live in a different place.

I can assure you decent used houses can be bought in Saskatchewan for $80k in a small town as my mother bought one a few years ago, so whats you excuse? let me guess..."Vancouver is my hometown" ?

My mother has lived all across Canada in many cities and was born in Ottawa but when it came to buying a house they bought where they could AFFORD it! She was not entitled to live in Ottawa and my mother just retired and most of here life probably made less than 30k a year doing cleaning work and you want to know why? Because she spent her money raising three kids and giving them an education.

I work hard and work 2 jobs and even work weekends, I lived in Vancouver from 2000-2002 and when I seen that house mortgages were out of my reach what did I do? I moved to Alberta where things are more affordable but I didn't come whine on Reddit like I was fricken entitled to live in Vancouver...perhaps I should have came and complained and whine about not being able to afford to live in my real home town of Ottawa?

Some of your comments I do agree with but for you to think you have the right to say what a person does with their earnings is a laugh, they worked hard or they created thier own companies or they were educated and made that money the same way you could have so quit your damn whining and get to work and find a better job or move somewhere you can afford!

You said it yourself "I survive comfortably"...if so then what the hell are you whining about others wealth for? Your like the guy that whines to me about me being able to afford a few more toys yet he forgets I work two jobs usually 5 a.m till 7 p.m and I usually I'm working weekends while others are sitting back playing their fricking Xbox or whatever time wasting shit they do while I was raised to be a real man and work and quit whining about the other guys wage, dad always taught me if I worked hard I would be rewarded and I have been.

Oh my words are not an insult, hopefully it will wake you up to the fricken real world, I'm in my 40's and have worked hard and get sick of hearing over entitled whiners crying about others success...even you making 50k a year you should shut your piehole!

I lived on the streets virtually homeless for two years because I couldn't find the right job and many other stupid choices when I was young, have you ever been homeless or just always had this sort of entitlement complex?

Btw I'm in my 40's and suspect you must be pretty young to still not have a clue about how this thing called LIFE works, get used to it...its a long road ahead!

the unfortunate truth is that you have to look out for yourself, humanity is going down the toilet and it will become an authoritarian society in the next 50 to 100 years. societies have collapsed before, the best you can do is to provide for yourself and youe children.

humanity is going down the toilet

I disagree. Yes there are problems and yes we face a potentially turbulent century ahead. True, elements of our global civilization may be tanking, but I believe that humanity is on the cusp of a radical metamorphosis. A golden age lies in wait for us on the other size, and I'm not talking about no Rapture. Brother, there's so much good still in the world, and LIFE IS WORTH LIVING.

Not true my friend. There is always hope. We will fight so that our children live in a world free of tyranny and corruption. One where my children will still enjoy the beaches and forested trails that I enjoyed as a kid.

Well said. You're on the right path.

I agree im just way too cynical to believe its possible. :/

You're an optimist. It will get worse before better.

Remember the phrases, Safety in Numbers and Divide and Conquer. Unless you already have a well-stocked hidey-hole, out/up in the remote woods somewhere...
This is exactly how they want people to behave, it's far easier to pick 'em off one by one. You've recently seen how things go when large, albeit armed, numbers, come out and support the community. Quite effective.

Maybe you are right. Maybe I seriously endangered myself by doing this. Unfortunately that is the world we live in. If it ultimately ends with my perish or jailing then you all can use that as a rallying point. Some men end up more powerful in incarceration or death. I hope that will be true.

If you started holding rallies and became a figure head for a movement then I would say you could possibly be in danger. But just for trying to start that movement? I highly doubt it.

You pose no real threat to them at this point, so deciding to take action against you has a 'moderate risk - no reward' feel to it.

JESUS FUCK you are delusional.

My parents think I'm nuts too, but they're really old, and watch Fox News constantly. They don't even realize they're in a demographic that is no longer a priority to the people they think are trying to make things better.

I too Hope for the best, but I also know this shite has been left festering unchallenged for far too long. Honestly, I don't think it can get anything but ugly if/when it hits maximum density and pops.

Best thing people can do is to circle the wagons with their neighbors and or family, and work together when the time comes. But I think people should start working that topic into their conversations, with friends, family and neighbors, sooner than later.

Just remember, even if you don't particularly like your neighbors or family... funny how those thoughts will seem so trivial when faced with a common crisis/enemy etc.

The thing that has me worried most, is how all of these "things" that are happening now, are happening without much subterfuge anymore, almost blatantly obvious.

My guess is the time is short, and they don't care, because they think they've won. I hate that smug, obnoxious, winner type of attitude. Especially when they are rubbing it in my face before it has begun let alone after it's finished.

Here's to Hope, Love and Peace, may they win the day.

Be vigilant, observant, and ready to act.

Holy shit, is this guy for real?

Make your own way. The others will follow. The revolution is you.

Tell your parents you are worried about them. Tell them that their inaction and unwillingness to pay attention to what their government is doing could mean their grandchildren will grow up in a world where they are literally debt slaves who can be disappeared or suicided at any moment at the whim of a "leader".

Parents were raised at a time when the ink on the New Deal had just done drying on the paper. They actually believed in jokes like pensions and social security. 30 years from now it'll be Max Max if The Fed has its way.

The Fed is a symptom more than the main culprit. It is a link in the chain, not the motor driving all these policies. If you believe the Hidden Hand interview, it will be 12 years from now...2026 was the year given.

The Fed. A symptom. You mean, the thing to which we owe more money than is actually in circulation is a symptom of a larger problem???

You clearly underestimate the power of The Fed.

I used to think "The Fed" was the big problem, too, when I first started studying history and conspiracy. Now I understand it is just the symptom. I hope you will see why I say that as you discover more and more. I urge you to look up more about these events: Civil War, Presidential assassinationS soon after the Civil War, JP Morgan and the Titanic, and Prescott Bush financing the Nazis.

You will come to understand what I, and quite a few others, see as a systematic usurpation of the power of the people by a small cabal of rich and influential men. Things like The Fed, IRS, etc are just symptoms of their intent.

i feel for you, keep your views to yourself; this way you won't be hassled by family (or friends) please realize that many ppl have no interest in what is really happening in the world (their own included),

no one can make anyone see/understand beyond their boundaries; if you are able to continue your quest for truth, without endangering yourself, then do so, (and i mean that it's not always necessary to share any/all new info you find) ,

no need to broadcast to everyone that are opposed to you (or refuse the truth), there are many on your side already, 'we' are everywhere, maybe 'we' don't live close to you, but you are not alone, have you heard the saying "like attracts like" ? be patient, you will meet someone or other ppl that share your view,

i may not always agree (or believe) about various conspiracies; but i believe that every person has the right to their view.


edit: correction

I realize that. I do not force my views on other people. But we are in dire need of uniting to fight the real issues. I honestly have no fucking clue what to do though I know it starts with recognizing we are all humans. Whether your right wing or left wing, right now there are bigger issues. They need to be solved immediately. The only way to do that imo is a show of force, united as one. This wouldnshow the governments we are not fucking around.

Isn't conspiracyV2 a thing?

Labels are just shortcuts to emotions without invoking intellect. Embrace it as you would with a wounded child. Not with force but compassion and understanding, we were all once there.

I find your 4humanity thinking slightly narrow in scope. I believe it should be for Animals, or for living things....


"Lol, kidding, guys! Sheesh! Can't take a little joshing?"

You have some really good points here, but the way you convey them is not nearly as constructive as it could be. For one thing, if you take a stand, then stick by it. Your backpeddaling is ridiculous. For another, you don't speak for "all" youth. No one does or can speak for "all" of any group. And, it's deeply offensive to say that the world doesn't belong to any particular people who are still alive, no matter how old they are. Believe me, it won't be very long before little shits younger than you are saying the same thing to your face; you don't understand now, but you will soon enough, I promise.

Work on it. You've got a lot of great things to say, honestly. But you've got to sort it out so that it's clearer and, frankly, not as crazy-sounding. Keep at it, because some of this really does need to be said.

Despite this being a stupid herding post, anyone reading it should remember that time is on their site.

Nobody believed me when I was explaining Main Core and Echolon in 2002/2003. Nobody believed when I was explaining the conventional oil plateau and how that will ruin our water supplies. And fucking nobody cared about RFID until they put it into our passports. Now they listen. At least those who can think.

But your post? Ridiculous.

OP you need to stop worrying about conspiracies and start playing some starcraft 2

Calling yourself a theorist is incorrect. There is no basis for these claims.

Although I agree with many of the points you bring up, you seem like a mess. You make it hard for anyone to take you seriously and you seem quite naive.

I don't know what this has to do with any "conspiracy" it seems more like a sketchy emotional appeal akin to kony 2012 or whatever

I hope everyone gets help

Just try to remember to enjoy life every once and awhile. Having big ideals means nothing without seeing the good in life. Don't let what you believe become #wastedlife.

I think its good you are this aware on the subject at that age. Sometimes is better to sit back and reflect on all the information you have collected and come back when the mind is calm. I like to switch from Reddit to Podcasts to escape the negativity minded people on Reddit. They are out there to spoil any good information.

Also remember that there are many people before us that know the same information and are trying to make an effort on making change happen. Do ever let it get to you when people just dont understand and want to place a label on your thoughts and actions.

Those people are just bullies trying to distort your image!

As a fellow Canadian, I just wanted to give my two cents.

I agree that we have serious corruption and problems in Canada. That being said, sensationalizing them doesn't help.

For a party that ran on transparency, the CPC could of done a lot better job following though. I think a governing party has too much incentive to focus on maintaining power than creating effective policy. (See: "Fair" Elections Act) Staying a majority Government might be worth going back on a few promises if they can get away with it.

I like the spirit, but you can't say right/left doesn't matter then suggest a wage ceiling. That is a highly partisan position. I agree that we all can acknoledge the problems, but ( I think it's ) the solutions are what most of us disagree on.

As far as your parent's go. Assuming your 23, I don't see why it matters what they think. I mean you should love them and stuff, but at this age you should be able to disagree without it causing resentment. If you are discussing these issues, it might be a good idea to avoid "buzzwords" like NWO, Fascism, ect... because sometimes they turn off the listener.

Pointing out conflict of interest, lack of transparency and mismanagement is easy if you have decent evidence supporting it. In my experience it's better for frame discussions that way.

I'm not going to lead you "down the rabbit hole". I'm still learning more myself. I just wanted to share my perspective because I feel it might be useful to you. It's encouraging to see other Canadians focused on these issues.

Communication is key. How you express something, isn't always how it's interpreted. As per usual; actions speak louder than words. (Words still matter though.)

Keep fighting the good fight.

when someone says You conspiracy theorist..yada.. they really mean you believe in the politically incorrect conspiracy... Osama and his 19 fellow conspirators is the dominant conspiracy guiding our foreign wars since 2001. Yet no one calls that a conspiracy theory if they believe it...

How can one enjoy life when we live in a world of lies and inequality.

Why is it that the people who appear to be most concerned about r/conspiracy are those who don't actually post in r/conspiracy?

dont talk about it with parents, they still think its the 1970s and everyone just goes to college and becomes an executive ...

Come over to /r/UnitedWeStand, where we try to see past our petty differences, divisions, and starting working with each other to create a better future. We need to first build the foundation with which we can create change and form a resistance. Without that, nothing will be possible and TPTB will continue to take control of us.

Ignore what others are saying here. Don't let that put you down. Fight for what you believe is right.

Yes, go ahead and circle-jerk uselessly. Waste your time, that's what everyone wants to do. To "unite" with similar "thinking" (aka non-active) people so you can all ... do nothing.

Yeah let's get violent and get ourselves marked as terrorists, because that's obviously the smart plan i.e. to respond emotionally and not thoughtfully.


Fuck these comments. What the fuck?

Comment section looking awfully tardy in here!

loving the empty "unsubscribe" insults too. As if anyone gives a single fuck.

Good luck man, there are plenty of us.

You're intelligent enough to see the truth. Your parents however are not. Their world view is based on truth and justice, even though we have virtually none in this day and age.

in otherwords. ignore the real world.. watch american idol and enjoy material shit

Everytime I bring something up to my mom she keeps saying stuff like what does it matter? Why should we be thinking about it all the time?? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz get busy sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Here is the problem travis, my name is bobby nice to meet you. Now most the people in this sub are of a hive mind. They want to hear how right they are and be in a repiticous circle jerk. Personally I would rather us all not have any type of affiliation to politics or religion.

I am 35 myself served in the military and seen the worse parts of this planet. I have noticed something too. No matter what you belive or want or even think you me and half the world can't stop shit from happening. Some people just want to watch the world burn. They will do anything to accomplish this.

Everyone in the world came to the party to late. We don't stand a chance because it has too much momentum now. Best thing you can do is raise your kids to be free thinkers. Not conformist teach them how to interpet words in the instructions a teacher gives for an assignment and really fuck with them. Do the work but when they want a report about some famous person then don't highlight on the nice shit.

Really go for the throat you know. Also teach them never to accept anything at face value. Always question authority but do so respectfully. Teach them how to research things as well. Teach them to share knowledge and help others. Do not teach them to be a cynical son of a bitch like most the people in here that just want to downvote you and pick apart your whole wall of txt.

Teach them to be happy also. That is the best advise i can give.

Don't stop educating yourself, Don't stop waking people up. I went through a stage were my parents thought I was absolutely crazy and insane about all the issues from 911 to sandy hook, then the NSA revalation happened and now they tend to ask me what I think about current events even if they still think my views are against the grain...Our views may not be the most accepted but keep at it and waking others up!

Thank you sir! Your words really got me going man! I know that we can stand together, united as men, one man, under one god-man, in manhood forever and ever.

Just wanted to say never stop, OP!

My Mom thinks I'm depressed when I bring up things like our nation's imperial adventures or that the governments of the world can wiretap her phone. "Why would they want to. I think Obama is trying his best."

Just remember to always empathize, always be calm, cool and rational. And respectful.

You will never forget the knowledge you now know. This is part of your life now, so be kind to others who do yet not understand.

Be patient. Keep going.

I'm with you bro. Conspiracy theorist, no. Truth seeker and humanitarian, fuck yeah!

Democracy is the opposite of freedom. Break away from the chains of the state.

As a shill, it's nice to see so many of my brethren in the same place -- occupying the top comments, no less! Come - let the shillvasion begin!

Probably been said a lot here, but our parents are the REASON this country has fallen to a divided, corporately controlled, vote means nothing, anti-democracy, PR spin driveling, shit state.

Sorry mom and dad that we can't all focus on making more and more money and ignoring the world around us.

Your parents are weak minded wishful thinkers. Most of ours are which is why we're in this fucking mess.

ITT- Neckbeards who oppose hashtags.

UNSUBSCRIBE ALL YOU WANT. Fuck off and don't come back if you are someone not willing to Entertain fringe ideas. This is not a subreddit where you complain about posts. This is a subreddit where research and collaboration lead to truth and revelations.

Best of luck. I get a little down and feel alone in knowing that so much of what so many people believe to be true is bullshit, but there are plenty of us who can see through it. #4humanity. I am with you.

Why did you get downvotes for this.

Because its pretentious as fuck.

Who knows. Trying to be supportive is pretentious, apparently.

I can't wrap my mind around why so many people come into this subreddit just to shit on people. I mean, I don't necessarily care about, say, "Mad Men," but I don't go into posts about "Mad Men" to downvote everything and call people morons. I would have to be paid or be getting something in return to go in and actively piss all over things that I don't care about; otherwise, I'd just leave "Mad Men" alone and go about my day.

The people who do that in here are either a) lonelier and lamer than they accuse us of being, b) psychotic, or c) getting paid/have some ulterior motive.

Don't let it bring you down. If you're getting this much attention, obviously you're doing something right. The nameless, background-less trolls on here are just white noise.

Edit: Clarity

I like conspiracies. I even believe a couple, but this is not a conspiracy it is a denouncement of civilization with out any specific claims or even identifiable causes. And yes, saying that 99% of the world is too stupid to see what is so apparent to you is the definition of pretentious. You get bonus douche points for acting like the world desperately needs your help.

Got it. So Harriet Tubman was pretentious?

You're also misquoting me, which is a sign of a weak argument.

How was that my message. I said they should be forced into solving THE WORLDS PROBLEMS.

but it's not fair! Why do you hate fairness?

Why don't you solve the worlds problems instead of bitching about how other people should in a stupid rant on Reddit?

they should be forced

Aren't you then just lessening freedom and creating more tyranny?

I'm glad you thought this out. So you want to flip everything on its ear. Instead of getting rid of oppression all together, we should just shift it to the bastards that deserve it. Noble...

People with 30 million dollars have plenty of liberty. And might we add they have no problem in getting together to take ours away.

Maybe. It kind of seems that way. The thing is though a large majority of them do not want change. Why would they. Historically people at the top enjoy being there and will fight tooth and nail to stay there.

That's not a plan that's an idea. It's like saying "I think we should get the Chinese to fix the environment because they broke it". I respond by saying "great that is a good idea now how are you going to get them to do it, once they agree how will they go about doing it and then once that is done how will we maintain and regulate our clean environment". And you respond with " I am not here to be insulted and have no interest arguing with you unless you have another solution. Don't just shoot down my ideas." Putting aside the Nazi-esque "the ends justify the means mentality" you have adopted How will you get the rich to do it, How will They do it, and once its done whats to stop you from taking on their roles as tyrants? You are clearly not bound by a strict moral code if you think the ends justify the means.

I realize that. I do not force my views on other people. But we are in dire need of uniting to fight the real issues. I honestly have no fucking clue what to do though I know it starts with recognizing we are all humans. Whether your right wing or left wing, right now there are bigger issues. They need to be solved immediately. The only way to do that imo is a show of force, united as one. This wouldnshow the governments we are not fucking around.

I like conspiracies. I even believe a couple, but this is not a conspiracy it is a denouncement of civilization with out any specific claims or even identifiable causes. And yes, saying that 99% of the world is too stupid to see what is so apparent to you is the definition of pretentious. You get bonus douche points for acting like the world desperately needs your help.

Or he may rent...