Don't bite the race war bait

24  2014-04-17 by [deleted]

Anger is a tool, and it takes a great amount of self-discipline to use it wisely. Weak minded people slip into prejudice and dichotomous thinking when confronted with feelings of unresolved anger and frustration.

I'm very concerned about how white America is internalizing everything that is going on. It is true that -- to a great extent -- Jews wield a great amount of influence in Congress, Wall Street, and the media. But that does not justify the hatred against Jews that, I am sad to say, too many Americans espouse.

It may only take another stock market crash and fiscal crisis for these feelings of anger against Jews to intensify and expand to include others. Remember that there are, and always will be, allies to be claimed everywhere, even among the elite Jews and the Anglo-Saxon Cabal that runs the Western world.

If the American people want their power back, they need to coalesce around their various identities, form communities and heal. The black panthers need re-emerge as the Marxist-Socialist self-help community that they were intended to be, as does the Chicano movement, the Native American movement, and so on. White Americans, as well, need to form a community not for the purposes of "white pride", but to untangle the mess that centuries of imperialism has made of their identities. The deep-seated cultural insecurity that plagues black Americans and people of color in general manifests itself in its own unique way among white Americans. This needs to be resolved among family and kin.

After some healing has occurred, Americans representing all colors and creeds must form a coalition aligned along common values of love, truth, and the fight against injustice. Then, the eventual transition from race and class based identity to a larger sense of collective, human identity can occur and we can finally achieve our destiny which is simply to be kind to each other, to love each other, and to live on this planet in peace and harmony.

As a side note, although such a movement must form around principles of love and peace, that does not necessarily mean it should eschew violence. The threat of violence should be held like a razor against the throats of those who seek to denigrate humanity.

That is the end game. In order to make sure that never happens, the elite will bait a race war when action against them becomes urgent (think high unemployment and inflation). They will play on your feelings of anger against ‘the Other’ and your feelings of hurt pride and insecurity over your own vulnerable position. If you are white, the ‘greedy Jews’ will become your enemy; as well as the ‘welfare-sucking blacks’ and Hispanic ‘illegal aliens’. If you're a person of color, they will draw from a deep well of historical animosity against your white brothers and sisters – and yes, they have committed many sins against you, so this trap will not be easy to escape. The reconciliation between white Americans and Americans of color will guarantee a brighter future for America. In the absence of such a reconciliation, the elite will successfully prevent the formation of any large populist alliance that represents America in its divesity. Recall that the original FBI COINTELPRO was designed to discredit the black panthers in the eyes of white America in order to prevent political alliances and stall the progress of the civil rights movement.

I don't believe the danger of a race war in America can be overstated. The ground is already fertile. Americans will underestimate the degree to which they have been cognitively infiltrated by the media and the triggers that have been set up inside of their very minds.

In the era of slavery in America, the predominant propaganda narrative that was used to control and pacify both the black and the white population was that the black man is more virile, animalistic and "instinctual" and dumber than the civilized, modest, educated white man. This served two purposes; first to convince black men (and women, a separate but important subject) that they are stupid animals, prone to fits of violence and sexual deviancy, therefore less than human. Second, to convince white men that worthy and empowering aspects of the masculine character, like physical strength, virility, and raw, unfiltered displays of emotions (or, God forbid, righteous anger against your oppressors), have no place in a civilized society. And so, both black and white men were essentialized and dehumanized in their own unique ways and pitted against each other – divided and controlled.

This social programming created triggers in the collective consciousness of white American men. So, when a newspaper printed a (often fabricated) story of a black man brutally raping a white woman, white men were in turn whipped into a violent frenzy because their own internalized (read: programmed) feelings of sexual and physical inferiority were provoked.

Today, we are subject to the 21st century version of this social programming model. The same messages are being disseminated in rap music ("black men are violent, inarticulate, and unintelligent"), the porn industry ("black men have large penises"), politics ("black men are uneducated and reliant on welfare") and popular culture ("black people are loud"). Conversely, white men are more intelligent, less virile, less violent, more restrained, and therefore a better “fit” for society. Black people may enter the fold of the white class, as well, but at the cost of their own subconscious rejection of their “blackness”.

The degree to which this cognitive infiltration has successfully occurred can be witnessed in casual observation. Tour a few parties at a predominantly white college campus and notice the change in demeanor, vernacular, and body language that occurs when two young white men get into a physical or verbal altercation -- they will start acting "black", using "black slang", they will posture and yell just like the "black gangsters" in rap music they subconsciously refer to when seeking social scripts for aggressive, assertive behavior.

It is even more striking and when looking at how young white women have co-opted and internalized features of "black sexuality". I would like to say, at this point, that I have spoken about this predominantly from the male perspective. Sorry – I’m providing narrow examples of social programming aimed at men in order to stay concise. What I am talking about is in fact intersectional, and involves the entire spectrum of human sexual and social identity.

For now, this social programming narrative serves the purpose of pacifying white men while preventing the integration of black men into middle class society. It is a neat separation. But once it becomes necessary to bait a race war in order to prevent a populist uprising, the instilled feelings of insecurity and inferiority that have been covertly slipped into the minds of black and white men alike, in their own unique ways, will be used as triggers to mobilize them against each other.


Great read. I agree mostly.

I don't think Americans have a general hate of Jews for their control, I think Americans are just angry in general, and the people we are led to believe making things rough on us are the ones we choose to go after.

While I find some jokes about Jews funny, I also work for people who are Jewish, from Israel by way of Romania. Very nice people, fair and tolerant. Even they crack a smile at the occasional joke. (Edit : You can make jokes about Jews and money all you want, even get mad about it... you are just mad that they are wise and aggressive businessmen who happen to be Jewish!)

Now the issue about a race war being easy to come by, I agree totally. Our social aspect of American culture has effectively divided up the citizens starting at a young age. Typically music (MTV's target audience is 12 year olds) is used to influence our youth. You can easily see how this one distiction can make someone gravitate to a certain social group. This social group x does not associate with this social group y because their ideals and tastes are different. The clothing each social group chooses to wear is different, thus creating a sub conscious feeling of separation.

This is also why to a degree some racism still exists. Contrast in social sub-culture paves the way. Some of us can cross into other sub cultures without issues and some of us, probably most of us can't.

I have faith in the American people. When it comes down to it and the playing field is level, and by level I mean we are all screwed, Black, White, Asian, American period, we will all do what's best for the greater good of ourselves as a nation of diverse people. I hope anyways.

Freedom of association. The whole star trek human race all working together living under a rainbow of love amd understanding sounds all well and good but never works out. Hell even before the globalists and Zionist bankers pitting us against each other we already were fighting each other. Over boundaries on a map, religions, ethnicities..etc.

Homogenous societies have a happier and more trusting people, and its just natural to want to be with your own kind. I don't think all black men are violent but they kill more White people every year than Whites have lynched Blacks since the founding of the country. Don't even get me started on all the other crime statistics and then you try to tell me the Jews are working to divide and conquer. They very well may be, but if you have two hikers and set two bears after them are you saying to work together with the bears to fight the guy who unleashed the bears?

If we can't even feel safe in some cities and neighborhoods then that problem is more important to you and your well being than fighting the globalists.

I reject what you say unequivocally. In fact, your mentality is precisely what I am warning against.

It's a subtle and dangerous narrative. Learn to recognize it and fight against it.

Oh really? Most of the things you said would be much easier to fight in homogeneous societies. Which is a reason why the bankers were curtailed throughout European history.

You say we must work together to fight the globalists which is a young and naive thing to say. Yes lets work with the immigrant gangs and crime ridden streets to fight the globalists. I'm sure after a few years and more murders and violence they will understand eh?

It's harder to stand together in a "diverse" society.

The implication being that, in order to make any progress in American society, we must make it more homogeneous; i.e., ethnic cleansing.

I don't have any illusions about the kind of person you are. You're a fascist and a racist. But my post wasn't intended to persuade people like you to reclaim their humanity. You may do that on your own time.

What I am doing is telling those who are desperately clutching onto their last remaining scraps of humanity to hold on even tighter, because it will get harder. In the meantime, people like you represent the enemy.

The implication being that, in order to make any progress in American society, we must make it more homogeneous; i.e., ethnic cleansing.

I said nothing of ethnic cleansing. It's easier to fight a strawman though I guess...

You're a fascist and a racist

Oh wow really? Wanting to preserve all people's cultures and identities makes me a fascist?

If you are just going to make a strawman to fight against then don't bother.

Homogenous society = ethnically, tribally, religously- all the same.

Wanting to "live with their own kind" (what you said, something usually redneck racists say) = Homogenous society.

Homogenous society = Ethnically Cleansed of all but ONE

Iceland is homogenous. Tell me, who did they ethnically cleanse?

And Muhammed Ali was the most famous person to say "live with their own kind." Is he a redneck racist too?

He was influenced by Malcom X/Nation of Islam was he not?

Edit : That's the black equal to racist white.

Dont get this confused. Im not promoting you as a racist while ignoring the black element of racism. By your examples provided, it is easy to see what you are.

Also - this context of this video is extremely out of date. He says he doesnt see any black and white couples nursing mixed babies. Take a look around next time you leave the house. Interracial couples are everywhere now.

Muhammed Ali was influenced by Malcom X... all this stuff coming from his mouth is philosophy of racism.

You're fishing for something here. Im not sure what. If you are trying to compare black racism to your racism I do not see what you stand to gain. Its all racism.

You calling me a racist holds no water. It means nothing. It's a silly word people throw around when they have nothing left to say. You can call me a racist all day and it still won't mean anything.

It's not out of date. What Ali said is still meaningful to this day. There is something like 2-4% of interracial marriage today. Hardly "all over the place." And what about what Ali said in that video is intrinsically racist?

Maybe you should take a look at youself and wonder what made you so programmed to cry racism at anyone wanting to be with his own people and culture.

What type of people exactly do you consider your own kind?

If your answer is white people, what exactly is a white person to you?

What type of living conditions are ideal to you, in regards to living with your own kind?

I like the small town I live in currently. Most of the immigrants here were Germans originally. I consider people of Germanic European descent to be the closest thing to my people.

Iceland is homogenous. Tell me, who did they ethnically cleanse?

When you live somewhere like Iceland, where basically no one wants to live, cultural immigration is not even on their list of issues.

Why explicitly state when you can surreptitiously imply? Doing the latter makes it so much easier to worm out of taking responsibility for your racist convictions.

I never implied to ethnically cleanse anyone. You just want a boogeyman to argue with.

I have looked through his other posts on Reddit. This is not the first time he has been accused of being a racist. White Supremist was the word another Redditor used.

I support the right of freedom of association for all people, it's just when it comes to white people everything makes you a racistnaziwhowantstogassixmillionjews

Just what exactly is a "white person" anyways?

lol race don't real amirite?

Thank you for jumping in on this racist douchebag redditor.

The whole star trek human race all working together living under a rainbow of love amd understanding sounds all well and good but never works out.

LOL. It never works out because humans have severe social flaws that we have not figured out how to over come.

I believe those "severe social flaws" are a good thing. It's because we are a tribal people. I don't think we can learn to overcome those things and it would be a disaster if we did. If we all lived together and spoke Esperanto or some shit we would lose all of our diversity and cultures. Everything that makes humanity great.

When your tribal mindset drives violence and murder then that is not something that makes humanity great.

I don't oppose what you are saying necessarily. Im just saying that tribal mentality leading to violence and genocide is actually, racism.

Jesus Christ when did I say anything about genocide and racism? You think living with your own is equivalent to genocide? Where do you clowns come from?

And by the way the most egalitarian societal structure led to the deaths of tens of millions in 20th century Russia. I don't oppose what you're saying necessarily but that egalitarian mentality leading to violence and genocide is actually a mental illness called communism.

Because tribal mentality drives separatism and racism... Russia doesn't like us in America because, we are from America.

If you can recognize "tribal" difference and not induce hatred or disstain then you have over come one of the social flaws about humans Im talking about.

Problem being is people who strictly want to live with their own kind are likely to dislike, hate, or murder the other tribe because they have no respect for the others.

People have lived in tribal/ethnic groups for all human history. We still do it today with Irish neighborhoods, Polish, Hispanic, Black..etc. It's only in the most multicultural cities that there is the most violence.

Iceland is very homogenous, by your logic that must make them a group of genocidal racist neo nazis ready to spring forward and wreak murderous havoc on the other tribes of people in the world right?

People have lived in tribal/ethnic groups for all human history. We still do it today with Irish neighborhoods, Polish, Hispanic, Black..etc. It's only in the most multicultural cities that there is the most violence.

In Ireland, the Christians and Catholics fight each other. And yes thank you for proving my point. Multicultural cities have more violence because tribal mentality pushes it.

You may be missing my point here. What I was trying to say is, tribal mentality drives difference, which can lead to hatred, disstain, racism, genocide.

We should be striving to be one tribe the human race as a whole, but the diverse "tribalism" inside the human psyche will never allow it.

So instead of living like we have naturally since humans first walked this planet, we need to overcome our flaws which make us human, we should be one human race, one tribe and one people?

That sounds like a dystopian future we are heading to right now were all the bonds of culture and ethnicity are washed away in favor of the new consumerist global omniculture. You want us to be more easily controlled?

Im not suggesting anything. Im citing observations.

It seems like you might bite the race war bait.

I think you are taking the globalist bait to throw away everything that makes us unique so we can all become easily controlled sheep with no identity or culture.

False. I am hoping we can do away with hatred and racism towards people not like us.

Good. hate and racism are bad. Looks like we are on the same page.

The enemy is found wherever it is sought to divide.

ITT: A whole lot of white guilt.

It is possible to take collective responsibility without drowning in guilt. In fact, it is absolutely necessary.

No dude, you've got white guilt coming out of your ears. Were your grandparents slave owners? No? Were your grandparents Nazis? No? It's not your fault... stop blaming yourself, and stop blaming the rest of us.

You need to take the time to read what I actually wrote and reply with something substantive.

No I don't. That would be a waste of time.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that the entire read. I'm not that racist, I make the occasional crack about Mexicans loving their rice and beans and how nasty interracial couples and "half-breed" babies are to my Hispanic girlfriend but I have never once had a problem with another race even after growing up a racist home. I don't feel bad about slavery, it was before my time and anyone I know. Did my family own slaves or were any nazis? Maybe but I doubt it and besides it doesn't matter because I wasn't apart of it and don't condone it. It's stupid white guilt that is keeping us humans divided. Also racism does go both ways. I've never went up to black person and called them a nigger or called a Jew a "kite" or whatever but I have been attacked by black and Hispanics (two seperate occasions) just for being white.

Good. hate and racism are bad. Looks like we are on the same page.

It is possible to take collective responsibility without drowning in guilt. In fact, it is absolutely necessary.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that the entire read. I'm not that racist, I make the occasional crack about Mexicans loving their rice and beans and how nasty interracial couples and "half-breed" babies are to my Hispanic girlfriend but I have never once had a problem with another race even after growing up a racist home. I don't feel bad about slavery, it was before my time and anyone I know. Did my family own slaves or were any nazis? Maybe but I doubt it and besides it doesn't matter because I wasn't apart of it and don't condone it. It's stupid white guilt that is keeping us humans divided. Also racism does go both ways. I've never went up to black person and called them a nigger or called a Jew a "kite" or whatever but I have been attacked by black and Hispanics (two seperate occasions) just for being white.